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|Sri Chaitanya School Nel

Techno Curriculum
The igtht mentor for l|T (JEE), Medical, Olympiad & all other Competitive exams


SESSION -I| Mas.arks:20 NI
(havs: \ (SET-A)
2023-24 Time: 45 MMin.
Subjeet: Physies
I. Multiple ChoiceQuestions :
theIclnp ol voltncte V,
ln the cwuit shownbelow, voltmeter V,Iveds 80V,then


) SOV )20 V
a) lo0 V b)0 V
220 volts are onnectcdacross a batteIy as
Four identical bulbs cah rated I00 watt,
by the bulbs is
The total eleri power Onsumed


c) 75 W )
a) 400\W b) 300W
|I. ANsertionand Reason lype Questions :
kilowalt as unit ol power.
3. Assertion (A): In actual practice ve use powe.
: The unit watt is VerV Sall o
Reason (R)
correct explmation ot (A).
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A)and (R)are true and (R) is l0t the true.
) (A is the false and (R) is
C) (A) is the true but (R) is talse.
encased in a cautridge of porelan.
Assertion (A): The fuse wire is uNUallv
Reason (R) : Fuse wire has low meling pont.
eplation of (A).
a) Both (A)and (R) are true and (R) is the Corcet
b) Both (A) and (R)are true and (R) 0N 0t the
coret eplanaton ol (A).
)A) is the true but (R) is false. )A) is the talse and (R)iS
No.ISchool in India
Sri Chaitanya Sehool
Phac - ISesion -2(St-0 CESE -Physics

I. Sery Short Answer Type Questions 2x2=4M

A combination consists ot three resistors in series. Four similar set are conneted in rallel.
It the resistance ot each resistor is 2 ohm, tind the resistane of the combinativn.
Nume the SI unit of electrial energv. How iiis relatedto Wh.

Short Answer Type Questions (InternalChoice). Ix3= 31


Draw a schematic diagram of a cireuit consisting of a battern of ive cells ot I \ ewh. a 02

resistor, an 202 resistor and a 1I22resistor and a plug key. allconneted in serie. putting n an
ammeter to measure the curent through the resistors and oltmeter to measur the poential
ditference across the 122 resistor. What would be the readings in the ammeter and the volmeter.

Two identical resistors, each of resistance 202 are conneted i) in parallel ) n series, in
urm. to abattery of 10 \.Caleulate he ratio of power consumed in the combination of eNiNtN
in the two cases.
Long Ans wer Type Questions (Internal Choice). Ix5 =5 M

8 a) How many 17652 resistors (in parille) are ryuired to can 5A on a0inN

b) Studv the cireuit and find:

1) Total resistance in the arm CE

ii) CuiTent in the arm AB

) Potential ditference aeross 492 resistor


There are three resistors of l02.202 and 3092. joined in parallel in a cineuit. The rential
difference across the electrie cireuit is I0 \.

a) Draw a circuit dagram tor the ahove case.

Find the total rev0Ntunce ot the combination ot resitos,
C) Calculate the elevtric current drawn fom the sme sOUrre.
d) State and detine S! unit of power
SriChaitanya Sehouol \o.lSchool in ndia
Vsics 4X-Phase - I Sesion- 2(Set - A)
CBSE -Physics

1x4= 4M
VI. Souree - Based/Case - Bascd /Passage - Based /Integrated Questions:
). Consider the tollowing eleerical circuit diagram in which nine identical resistors of 32 cach
are connected as shown. If the reading of the ammeter A, is 1ampere, answer the following

32 32
32 32


a) What is the relationship between the readings of A, and A, ? Give reasons for your

b) What is the relationship between the readings'of A, and A, ?

c) Determine the reading of the voltmeter V,
Determine the effective resistance of circuit.

SriChaitanya School 3 No.l School in India

|Sri Chaitanya School
Techno Curriculu m
The right mentor for I|T (JEE). Medical, Olympiad &all other Competitive exams
Class: X(SET- B) SESSION -II Max.Marks: 20 M
Subject : Physies 2023-24 Time : 45 Min.

I. Multiple Choice Questions : 2 x1=2M
A heater coil is cut into two equal parts and only one part is now used in the heater. The heat
generated will now
a) doubled b) four times )one fourth d) halved
2. We are given n resistors, each of resistance R. The ratio of the
maximum to minimum resistance
that can be obtained by combining is
a) n' b) n c) 2n d) n'
II. Assertion and Reason Type Questions: 2 x 1= 2M
3. Assertion (A) : The effective resistance in series combination is greater than that of
Reason (R). : In series combination all the resistors gel same current.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
) (A) is the true but (R) is talse. d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Watt hour (Wh) is the energy consumed when 1watt of
pOwer is used for
Reason (R) : P=VI
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corect
explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the corret
explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false. d) (A) is the false and (R) is rue.

III. Very Short Ans wer Type Questions
2 x2= 4M
List twocharacteristics of the material used in electric heater devices. 2M
Two students perform the experiments on series and parallel
R, and R, and plotted the following V - I graphs. combinationsof two given resistors
Series Parallel

Paralle! Seres

Which of the graphs is (are) correctly labelled in

Justify your answer. terms of the words 'series' and parallel' ?
Sri Chaitanya School
No.1 School in India
X -Phase - IScssion - 2(Set - B) CBSE - Phys
IV. Short Answer TypeQuestions (InternalChoice). Ix 3=3M
7 An electrician puts a fuse of rating 5A in that part of domestic electrical circuit in which an
cletrial heater of rating 1.5 kW. 220Vis operating. What is likely to happen in this case and
why What change, if any, needs to be made ?

Two identical resistors, cach of resistance 152, are connected in (i) series, and (ii) parallel, in
turn to abattery of 6V. Calculate the ratio of the power consumed in the combination of
resistors in each case.

V. Long Ans wer Type Questions (Internal Choice). 1x5= 5 M

8. a) Draw a schematic diagram of acircuit consisting of a battery of five cells of 1 Veach, a 102
resistor, an 2092 resistor and a 12Qresistor and a plug key, all connected in series, putting in
an ammeter to measure the current through the resistors and avoltmeter to measure the
potential difference acrOss the 122 resistor. What would be the readings in the ammeter and
the voltmeter. 3M

b) Series arrangements are not used for domestic circuits. List any three reasons.2M
For the circuit shown in the diagram calculate : 5M
R, =60
a) The total effective resistance of the circuit R =302
b) The total current in the circuit
R. 20S2
c) The value of current through 602 resistor.

d) The value of curent through 302 resistor. I 10V


VI. Source - Based Case - Based / Passage - Based / Integrated Questions : Ix4 =4M

9 There are three resistors of 102,20N and 302, joined in parallel in a circuit. The potential
difference across the electric circuit is 10 V.

Draw a circuit diagram for the above case. IM

b) Find the total resistance of the combination of resistors. IM

C) Calculate the electric current drawn from the same source each resistor. 2M


State and define SI unit of power.

Sri ChaitanyaSchool 2 No.1 School in India

|Sri Chaitanya School
Techno Curriculu m
The right mentor for l|I (JEE), Medical, Olympiad &all other Competitive exams


SESSION - I| Max.Marks: 20 M
Subjct : Physies 2023-24 Time: 45 Min.


1. 2x l=2M
Multiple Choice Questions :
1. What is the power consumed by a 252 wire if it is put across a mains of 25) volt? |
a) 25 W b) 2.5 W c) 25 kW d) 2.5 kW
If the curent flowing through a fixed resistor is halved, the heat produced in it becomes.
a) half b) double
c) one fourth d) four times
2x1= 2M
II. Assertion and Reason Type Questions:
3 Assertion (A) : The effective resistance i parallel combination is less than that of individual
Reason (R) : In parallel combination | the resistors get same potential difference.
a) Both (A) and (R)are true and (R) is the corect explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is no. the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Heat energy produced by a resislor is depends on potential difference applied
aCrOss its ends.
Reason (R) : H=i Rt.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the coTect explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) 0s true.


III. Very Short Ans wer Type Questions 2x 2= 4M

5 An electric iron of resistance 2092 takes current of 5A. Calculate the heat developed in 30%.

Why are alloys coMmonly used in electrical heating devices such as electric toasters, electric
iron etc. 2M

|Sri Chaitanya School No.I School in India

\- Phase ISession - 2 (Set - () CBSE -Physics
x 3=3M
IV. Short AnINwer Type Questions (Internal Choicc).
Apiceofwreol tesistance Ris cut into twocuual parts. II these (wo parts are now cOnnected in
paallel. then state how thc resistance and the resistivity of the combination will change.

T'uo dentical resistors, each of resistance 200 are connected i) in parllel ii) n series, in
combination of resistors
un, (o a batterv of 10 V. Calculate the ratioof power consumed in the
In the (WO Clses.

Long Answer lype Questions (Internal Choice). Ix5= 5 M
Figure below.
Three resistOrs 8S2, 1292 and 60 are conneeted to a 12 V battery as shown in

Find 62
a) The current through the 892 resistor,
The potential diftference across the parallel combination of 6S2 and.1292 resistors, and
c) The current through the 62 resistor.
d) The current through the 1292 resistor.
a) Define electric power and state its SI unit. The commercial unit of electrical energy is
known as 'unit. Write the relation between this unit and joule.
b) In ahouNe. 2 bulbs of 50 W each are used for 6 hours daily and an electric geyser of
IkWis used for I hour daily. Calculate the total energy consumed in a month of 30 days
and its cOst at the rate of 8.00 per kWh.

VI. Source - Bused /Case - Based / Passage -Based / Integrated Questions : ix4=4M
9 There are three resistors of 102, 202 and 302, joined in parallel in acircuit. The potential
difference across the electric circuit is 10 V.
a) Draw acircuit diagram for the above case. IM

b) Find the total resistance of the combination of resistors. IM

C) Calculate the electrie current drawn fron the same source each resistor. 2M
State and define SI unit of power.

SriChaitanva School 2 No. 1 Seh0ol in India

|SriChaitanya School
Techno Curriculum
The right mentor for I|T (JEE). Medical, Olympiad &all other Competitive exams


Class:X (SET-D) SESSION - II Max.Marks: 20 M
Subjcct : Physics 2023-24 Time:45 Min.

2x I= 2M
Multiple Choice Questions :
Among the following, which is commereial unit of energy.
a) Joule b)Wh )kWh d) Watt
2 Among the following, which physical quantity is same among the resistors connected in parallel.
a) electric current b) potential difference
c) resistance d) all the above
2x 1=2M
II. Assertion and Reason Type Questions :
3 Assertion (A) : At home, all the appl.ances should connected in parallel combination.
Reason (R) : Even if one appliance fails to work, then the remaining will work as usual.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Nichrome is used as heating element.
Reason (R) : Heating element shoulJ have high resistivity and high melting point.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true und (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.

2 x 2= 4M
II. Very Short Answer Type Questions
5 Define IkWh. How is this unit of energy related to 1joule ?
6. An electric current of 5.0 A flows throuuh a 12Q resistor. What is the rate at which
energy is produced in the resistor ? 2M

No.l School in India

SriChaitanya School
X-Phase - ISession -2 (Set -D) CBSE - Physics

IV. Short Ans wer TypeQuestions (InternalChoice)l. Ix 3= 3M
7 What are the advantages ot connecting electrical devices in parallel with the hattery instead of
Connecling them in series ?
Ahousehold uses the following clectrc applances:
) Retrigerator of rating 400 Wfor two hours cach day.
1) Two electric fans of rating 80 W each for welve hours cach day.
) Six electric tubes of rating 18 W each for óhours each day.
Calculate the clecricity billof the household for the month of June if the cost per unit of
electric energy is ? 3.00
V. Long Answer Type Questions (Internal Choicc). Ix 5 =5 M
8. ) Define the term electric power and its SIunit 2M
R, =609
b) For the circuit shown in the diagram caleulate R= 309
i) The total effective resistance of the circuit
ii) The total current in the circuit
ii)The value of current through 209Q resistor. 3I

a) An eletric bulb is rated at 200 V: 100W. What is its resistance? 5M

Calculate the energy consumed by 3 such bulbs if hey glow continuously for 10 hours
for complete month of November.
c) Calculate the total cost if the rate is Rs. 6.50 per unit.


Source - Based /Case - Based / Passage - Based / Integrated Questions : Ix4=4M

9. Three resistors 82. 1292 and 692 are connected to a 12 V battery as shown in Figure



a) The current through the 892 resistor,
b) The potential difference across the parallel combination of 6S2 und 122 resistors, und
C) The current through the 6S2 resistOr.
The current through the 12S2 resistor

Sri Chailanya School

2 No.l School in India

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