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|SriChaitaiya School

Techno Curriculum
The right mentor for l|T (JEE). Medical, Olympiad & all other Competitive exams


Class: N (SET-A) SESSION -I Max.Marks: 20 M
Subject : Physies 202.J-24 Time: 45 Min.


1. Multiple Choice Questions : 2 x1=2M

1. An ammeter has 10 divisions between mark 0 and mark 2 on its scale. Which of the following
reading the ammeter cannot read.
a) 0.2 A b) 1.0A c) 1.8 A d) 1.9 A

Which of the following copper conductor has the least resistance.

a) thin. long and hot b) thick, short and cool
c) thick, long and hot d) thin, short and cool
II. Assertion and Reason Type Questions : 2x1=2M

3. Assertion (A) : Keeping potential differ:nee constant, if the resistance of wire is halved
then current will become double.
Reason (R) : According to ohm's law, R=

a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corret explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is n the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) 0s the false and (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Electric cell is the source of electrons.
Reason (R) The chemicals used in e!rie cell produce electric current.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the conect explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is no! the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.

III. Very Short Ans wer Type Questions 2 x 2 =4M

5 Atotal of 6x 10 electrons flow through a current carrying conductor when conneted through
an external power supply for 2) s. Find the value of current in the conductor. 2M
6. Find the ratio of resistances of two copper ods Xand Yof lengths 30em and 10 em respeetively
and having radii2 em and I cm respectively. 2M

SriChaitanya School
No.l School in India
X -Phase - ISession - 1(Set - A) CBSE - Physics
IV. Short Answer Type Questions (Internal (hoice). 1x 3=3M
7 Describe an experiment to study the factors on which the resistance of conducting vire depends.
State in brief the meaning of avariable res;tor. DraW a circuit diagram to illustrate its tuction
specially in the study of variation in current with potential difference across a resistor.
V. Long Answer lype Questions (Internal Choice).
lx5 =5M
8. a) The components of an electric circuit are 0.5 m long nichrome wire XY, an
ammeter, a
voltmeter, four cells of 1.5V each, rheostat and a plug key. Draw a diagraum of the circuit
to study the relation between potential difference acrOss the terminals X and Y of the
wire and current flowing through it. 31I
b State the law that relates potential difference across a conductor with the
flowing through it. 2M
a) A copper wire has diameter of 0.5 mm and resistivity of 1.6 x 10
ohm-m. What will be
the length of this wire to make its resistance of 10 ohm? How
much does its resistance
change if the diameter is doubled ? 3M
b) Define SI unitsof current and potential ditference 2M

VI. Source - Based /Case - Based/Passage - Based /
Integrated Questions : Ix4= 4M
9. Take anichrome wire, a torch bulb, a 10W bu!h and an
wires. Setup the circuit by connecting four
ammeter:, a pluge key and some connecting
cells of 1.5 V each in series with the ammeter
leaving a gap XY in the cireuit.
a) Draw the cireuit diagram for the above activity.
b) Are the ammeter readings different for different
components mentioned above connected in
the gap XY? Explain. 2M
Explain why the electrons experiences opposition while they are
materials. moving through the

SriChaitanya School
No.1 School in India
Sri Chaitanya School
Techno Curriculum No

The right mentor for lIT (JEE), Medical, Olympiad & all
other Competitive eXams
Class: N (SET- B) SESSION - I Max.Marks: 20 M
Subject : Physies 2023-2-4 Time:45 Min.

I. Multiple choise qucstions : 2x 1=2 M
1. A wire of resistance R is melted and recast to half of its
will be
length, the new resistance of the wire
4 b) c) R d) 2R
2. Copper is a preferred material for making connecting wire, because of its
a) low resistance b) low resistivity
c) either a or b d) neither a nor b
II. Assertion and Reason type questions : 2 x 1=2 M
3. Assertion (A) : Voltmeter is always connected in parallel combination.
Reason (R) : Voltmeter is used to find the potential difference
between two points in a
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the cotect
explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Thin and long aluminium wiie has greater resistance.
Reason (R) : Aluminium is a good conducior.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corect
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
explanation of (A).
correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.

III. Very Short Answer Type Questions
2 x2=4M
5. Define resistivity of a material. Give its SI unit.
6. The charge possessed by an electron is 1.6 x 10
will flow per second to coulomb. Find the number of electrons that
constitute a current of1ampere. 2M

Sri Chaitanya School

No.I School in India
X - Phase - ISession - 1(Set - B) CBSE - Physics

IV. Short Answer Type Questions (InternalChoice). Ix3=3M

7. V-Igraph for twoconducting wires AandB are as shown. If both wires are of the same length
andsame diameter, which of the two is nade of a material of high resistivity ? Give reasons to
justity your answer.

Write the relation between resistance and resistivity of the material of a conductor in the
shape of cylinder of length and area of cross-section 'A'. Hence derive the SI unit of
electrical resistivity.
Long Answer Type Questions (Internal Choice). 1x5 =5 M

8 a) State Ohm's law and write the condition in which this law is obeyed.
b) A V-Igraph fora nichrome wire is given below. What do you infer from this graph ?
Draw alabelled circuit to obtain such a graph. 3M

‘ 2.0

0 0.4
Current (A) ’
Define the following 2M
i) Iampere of current ii) 1volt of potential difference
Awire of length 7 and area of eross - section A was drawn into a wire of double its
length by melting it. If its original resistivity and resistance were p and R respectively,
what will be its new resistivity and resistance ? 3M


Source -Bascd / Case - Based /Passage - Based /Integrated Questions :

9. When a potential difference of 2volt is applied acroSs the ends of a wire of 5 m length, a
current of 1A flows through it,
Calculate :
The resistance per unit length of the wire
The resistance of 2 m length of the wire
it is doubled to itself. 2M
C) The resistance across the ends of the wire if
HOw the ammeter reading changes 1f the abOve wire is streatched to double of its length
2 No.1 School in India
SriChaitanya School
|SriChaitanya School
Techno Curriculum
The right mentor for |T (JEE). Medical, Olyrnpiad& all other Cornpettiveczarms


(hss: X (SET- C) SESSION I Max.Marks:20 M
Subject : Physies 2023-24 Tine: 45 Min.

Mulliple choice qIestions : 2|= 2 M
An ammneter should have
a) low resistance b) high resistance C) Zer0 resistance d) none of these
2 A cylindrical conductor of length and unifom arca (of cross scction Ahas resistance R.
Another Conductor of length 2/ and resistance R of same malerial has area of uross section
a) A/2 b) 3A/2 C) 2A d)3A
II. Assertion and Reason type qucstions : 2|=2 M
3. Assertion (A) : SI unit of charge is columb.
Reason (R) : lcolumb of charge contain 6.25 10'%electrons
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corrd explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R)arc true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
C) (A) is the true but (R) is false. d)(A) is the false and (R)is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Copper wire is used as condu ting wire
Reason (R) : Copper is a good conductor ol clectricity
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corret explunation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is not the 'orrect explanation of (A).
C) (A) is the true but (R) is false. d) (A) is the false and (R) is true.
III. Very Short Answer Iype Questions 2x 2 = 4M

5 Name and define the SI unit of resistance. 2M

A Copper wire of resistivity 1.6 z10*ohm mete has a crOSS -sectional area of 20 x 10 ' cm'.
Calculate the length of this wire required to make a 10 ohm coil. 2M

IV. Short Answer IypeQuestions (InternalChoice). Ix3=3M
7 A current of 150 mA flows through a circuit fr 2 min. Find the amount of charge that flows
through the circuit.
List the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Write the fornula showing
relation of resitance with these factors.

Sri ChaitanyaSchool No.1 School in India

X- Phase - I Session - I(Set - O CBSE - Physics

Long Answer Type Questions (Internal Choice). Ix5= 5 M
State Ohm's Lawv. 2M
Describe the activity with the help of a diagram to establish the relationship between
current () flowing in a conductor and potential difference (V) maintained across its
ends. 3M
i) Define the term 'volt'. IM
ii) State the relaton between wok. charge and potential difference for an electric circuit.
iii) Caleulate the potential difference between the two terminals of a battery, if 100 joules
of work is required to transter 20 coulombs of charge from one terminal of the battery to
the other. 2M


VI. Source - Based / Case- Based / Passage - Based / Integrated Questions : 1x 4= 4M

9 The elecirons in a metallic conductor move only if there is a difference of electric pressure
called the potential difference along the conductor. The chemical action within a cellgenerate
the potential difference across its terminals. When the cell is connected to a circuit element,
the potential difference sets the elecrons in motion and produces an electric current.
a Name adevice that helps to maintain the potential difference. IM

b) What is meant by a potential difference of 1 volt ? IM

c) Name the device which is used to measure potential difference hetween two points and
how it is connected in circuit. 2M

Should the resistance of voltmeter be high (or) low? Give reason.

SriChaitanva School 2 No.l School in India

Sri ChaitanyaSchool
Techno Curriculum
The right mentor for I|T (JEE). Medical, Olympiad 8& all other Competitive exams
Class:X (SET - D) SESSION -I Max.Marks: 20 M
Subject : Physics 2023-24 Time: 45 Min.

2x I= 2 M
1. Multiple choisequestions :
1 Voltmeter can be connected in.
a) series b) parallel
c) either series or in parallel d) neither series nor in parallel
2 SI unit of resistivity is |
a) ohm b) volt ) metre d) ohm metre
2x 1= 2 M
II. Assertion and Reason type questions :
3 Assertion (A) : The property of a conductor to oppose the flow of electrons is called
Reason (R) : Resistance is depends on nature of material.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the coret explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false. di (A) is the false and (R) is true.
4 Assertion (A): Awire of resistivity 'p is stretched to two times of its length. then the new
resistivity is p/2 |
Reason (R) : Resistivity of a material is does not depends on its dimensions.
) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is the true but (R) is false. d) (A)is the false and (R) is true.


III. Very Short Answer Type Questions 2x 2=4M

5. What is an ammeter ? How is it connected ina circuit ? 2M

6. Two wire of equal lengths, one of copper and the other of nichrome have the same resistance.
Which wire will be thicker and why? 2M

IV. Short Answer Type Questions (Internal Choice). Ix3=3M
7. Distinguish betw een the terms,electrical resistance and resistivity of a conductor.
Aluminium wire has radius 0.25 mm and length 75 m. If the resistanee of the wire is 109.
caleulate the resistivity of aluminium.
|Sri Chaitanya School No.1 School in India
X- Phase - ISession - 1(Set - D) CBSE - Physics
Long Answer Type Questions (InternalChoice). 1x5 = 5 M
a) State Ohm's Law. 2M
b) Deseribe the activity with the help of a diagram to establish the relationship between
current (I) flowing in a conductor and potential difference (V) maintained across its
ends. 3M
In an experiment of verification of Ohm's law, following observations are obtained.
Potential difference V (in volt) 0.5 1.0 .5 2.0 2.5

CurrentI(in ampere) 0.2 0.4 0.6 ).8 1.0

Draw a V-l graph and use this graph; to 2M

i) Find the potential difference V when the current I is 0.5 A IM
ii) Find the current Iwhen the potential difference V is 0.75 V, IM
iii) Find the resistance in circuit. IM


VI. Souree -Based /Case - Based / Passage -Based / Integrated Questions : 1x4=4M
9. The electrons in a metallic conductor nove only if there is a difference of electric pressure
called the potential difference along the conductor. The chemical action within a cell generate
the potential difference across its termirals. When the cell is connected to a circuit element.
the potential difference sets the eletrons in motion and produces an electric current.
a) Name a device that helps to maintain the potential difference. IM

b) What is meant by a potential diflerence of 1volt ? IM

Name the device which is used io measure potential difference between two points and
how it is connected in circuit. 2M
Should the resistance of voltmeter be high (or) low? Give reason.

SriChaitanya Schoo! 2 No.1 School in India

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