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Effects of time management in academic performance of sp-ict students at gen. luna national high

Background information:

Time management is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in academic

success. The ability to effectively allocate and utilize one's time can greatly

impact an individual's performance in various aspects of their academic journey.

In today's fast-paced and demanding educational environment, students face

numerous challenges, including managing their time efficiently to meet academic

obligations and personal commitments. This research aims to explore the effects

of time management on the academic performance of SP-ICT students at General

Luna National High School.


 Effective time management positively impacts the academic performance

of SP-ICT students at General Luna National High School.

 SP-ICT student who has effective time management has a better academic


 Usage of social media can affect the time management of a student.


 To assess the time management practices employed by SP-ICT students at

General Luna National High School.

 To examine the relationship between time management and academic

performance among SP-ICT students.

 To identify the challenges faced by SP-ICT students in effectively managing

their time.

Statement of the problem:

1. What are the time management practices employed by SP-ICT students at

General Luna National High School?

2. What is the relationship between time management and academic performance

among SP-ICT students?

3. What are the specific challenges faced by SP-ICT students in effectively

managing their time?

Significance of the study

1. Students:By understanding the relationship between effective time management

and academic success, students can prioritize their tasks, manage their time

more efficiently, and achieve better academic results.

2. Parents:Parents can gain insights into the challenges faced by their children in

managing their time effectively and use the study's recommendations to provide

guidance and support at home.

3. Educators and School Administrators: Educators and school administrators can

benefit from this study by gaining a deeper understanding of the time

management practices of SP-ICT students.

4. Future Research: Researchers in the field of education can build upon these

findings to explore time management strategies across different academic

programs and institutions.

Scope and Delimitation :

 The study's findings may not be generalizable to all SP-ICT students across

different schools or academic institutions, as the research is conducted within the

specific context of General Luna National High School.

 will primarily rely on school based-report measures, such as surveys and

interviews, to gather data on time management practices and academic


 While the study aims to explore the challenges faced by SP-ICT students in

managing their time effectively, it may not encompass all possible factors

influencing time management, such as individual differences or external factors

beyond the scope of the research.

 will provide recommendations and strategies to enhance time management skills

for SP-ICT students; however, the implementation and effectiveness of these

recommendations may vary depending on individual circumstances and external


Conceptual Framework:

Research Design

The researchers used a quantitative method, focusing on non-experimental

research, measuring variables using numerical terms without manipulation. The

researchers employed descriptive research, using purposive sampling to obtain a

representative sample, saving time and finances.

Participants of the Study

Students age 13 to 16 years old

Teacher from age 25 and above 5

Total 20

Research Instrument

The method includes the distribution of questionnaires. The questions aim to

know and determine the effectiveness of this study in the respondents.

The questionnaires were split into two parts. The first part consists of

respondents’ profile, such as their name, sex and age. The second part comprises

questions about the Time Management. The respondents are expected to choose

among four options, such as Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly

Disagree. The questionnaires were distributed through Google forms.

Data Gathering

Figure 1: To further understand the procedure, here is a simple graph to

show you the step by step procedure on how the researchers collect the data.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

1. Time Planning

Time Strongly Agree(4) Disagree(2) Strongly Weighted Verbal

Planning Agree Disagree(1) Mean Interpretation

1.I have 3 9 6 2 3.25 Moderately

trouble agree
how long
tasks will
take me.
2.I often find 3 12 4 1 3.6 Moderately
myself agree
rushing to
tasks at the
last minute.
3.I do things 7 12 0 1 4.2 Agree
in order of
4.I force 4 10 4 2 3.5 Moderately
myself to agree
make time for
5.I manage 3 16 1 0 4.05 Agree
my work well
even though
it is piled up.
6.I use a 4 7 5 4 3.1 Moderately
planner or agree
digital tool to
organize my

Table 1. Shows the weighted mean of the respondents on the Time Planning

2. Time Aptitude
Time Strongly Agree(4) Disagree(2) Strongly Weighted Verbal
aptitude agree (5) disagree mean interpretation
7. I often 0 9 10 1 2.85 Moderately
procrastinate agree
on important
8.I find 6 9 4 1 3.75 Agree
myself getting
distracted by
social media
and other
9. I take a 6 11 2 1 3.95 Agree
and failure.
10. I set 4 12 2 2 3.7 Moderately
specific goals agree
and deadlines
for myself to
motivated and
on track.
11. I find 4 7 8 1 3.25 Moderately
myself agree
wasting time
on activities
that aren’t
12. I feel like 4 8 6 2 3.3 Moderately
I’m agree
constantly in
a rush and
don’t have
enough time,
do you
this too.
13.I am 4 11 4 1 3.65 Moderately
satisfied with agree
the way I use
my time.
14. I avoid 4 9 5 2 3.4 Moderately
spending to agree
much time on

Table 2. Shows the weighted mean of the respondents on the Time Aptitude

3. Time Wasting

Time Strongly Agree(4 Disagree(2) Strongly Weighted Verbal

Wasting agree ) disagree(1) Mean interpretation
15.)I feel 8 10 1 1 4.5 Agree
when I
16.I tend 5 7 7 1 3.4 Moderately agree
to get
17.I find 7 9 4 0 3.95 Agree
other than
what I’m
18.I 8 9 2 1 4.05 Agree
check my
19.I 3 9 7 1 3.33 Moderately agree
for why I
can’t start
20. I often 2 11 5 2 3.33 Moderately agree
in small
instead of
Summary of Findings

 Time planning practices: Respondents' time planning practices have an

average weighted average of 3.1, indicating moderate or neutral

planning. Improvements include comprehensive and proactive planning.

 Time aptitude: Respondents' time aptitude is average, modest, or neutral,

with room for improvement to enhance overall time management skills.

 Time wasting: The respondents' average time wasting behavior is 3.33,

indicating moderate or neutral state. There is still potential for

improvement in unproductive activities and time utilization.


Overall, based on the given results, it can be concluded that the respondents' time

planning, time aptitude, and time wasting tendencies are in an average, modest, or

neutral state. These findings suggest that there is room for improvement in their

time management practices, aptitude, and minimizing time wasted on non-

essential activities. This information can guide interventions and strategies to

enhance time management skills and optimize the use of time for improved

academic performance among the respondents.


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