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The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship rsolieso Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq and Jarna Heinonen Small Business and Entrepreneurship ‘Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE publishes more than 1000 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. Our growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence. Los Angeles | London | New Dethi| Singapore | Washington DC | Melbourne Small Business and Entrepreneurship Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq and Jarna Heinonen @SAGE reference @SAGE a gles Landon toe Dab ‘Styne Wasirgon'0C Metoune ‘SAGE Publications Lid 4 Olvor's Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP ‘SAGE Publications Inc. ‘2455 Teller Road ‘Thousand Oaks, California 91320, ‘SAGE Publications India Put Lid B 117 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road Now Delhi 10 044 SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 3 Church Street #10-04 Samsung Hub Singapore 049483, Exitor: Delia Martinez-Alfonso Ecitorial Assistant: Colette Wison Production Editor: Fudrani Mukherjee ‘Copyeditor: Sunrise Setting Proofreader: Sunrise Seting Indaxor: Cathryn Pritchard Marketing Manager: Alison Borg Cover Design: Wendy Soot Printad in the UK [At SAGE we take sustainabilty seriously ‘Most of our produets are prinied in the UK Using FSC papers and boards. When we print overseas wo onsure sustainabla papers are used as measured by the PREPS grading system. We undertake an ‘annual audit to monitor our sustainability Chaptor 1 © Robort Blackburn, Ditk Do Cloreq and Jarna Heinonen 2018, Chapter 2 © Claite M. Leitch and Richard T, Harrison 2018 CChaptor 17 © Colin Mason 2018 ‘Chapter 18 © Mare Cowling and Catherine Matthews 2018 Chapter 18 @ Anders Hoffmann David J. Soroy 2018 Chaptor 3 © Hamid Vahidnia, Chapter 20 © John Kitching 2018 H.Shawna Chen, J. Robert Mitchell Chapter 21 © Erik Stam and Ben ‘and Ronald K. Mitchell 2018 Spigel 2018 Chapter 04 © Kristina Nystrom Chapter 22 © Zhongming Wang 2018 and Yanhai Zhao 2018 Chapter 05 Maura McAdam Chapter 23 © Nina Nummela ‘and Danny Soetanto 2018 2018 Chapter 08 © Stephen Drinkwater Chapter 24 © Wafa N. 2018 Almobairook, Ahmad Chapter 07 © Juaith van HeWvert Alshumaimeri and Tatiana S. ‘and Matias Nordqvist 2018 Manolova 2018 Chapter 08 © Helen Haugh, ‘Chapter 25 © Luke Pittaway, Fergus Lyon and Bob Doherty Louisa Huxtable-Thomas and 2018 Paul Hannon 2018 Chapter 09 @ Christian Lechner Chapter 25 © Thomas M. Cooney ‘and Abeer Pervaiz 2018 2018 Chaptor 10 © Fokko J. Eller and Michael M. Gialnik 2018, Chapter 11 © Ivan Zupie and Alessandro Giudici 2018 (Chapter 27 © Ulla Hyiti and Sirpa Koskinen 2018 (Chapter 28 © Aaron F. McKenny, Miles A. Zachary, Jeremy C. Short Chaptor 12© Samuol Adomako and David J. Koichon Jnr 2018 and Kevin F. Mole 2018 Chapter 29 © Anne Kovalainen Chapter 13.@ Michael H. Morris, 2018 Susana C. Santos, Christopher Chapter 30 © Cristina Pryor and Xaver Noumoyer 2018 Diaz-Garcia 2018 Chapter 14© Bjorn Wily Amo Chapter 31 © Bengt Johannisson ‘and Lars Kolvereid 2078 2018 Chapier 15 © Mark Freel 2018 Chapter 32 © Seppo Poutanen Chaptor 16 © Rosalind Jones, 2018 Sussia C. Morish, Jonathan Deacon and Morgan P. Miles pore. Apart from any fair dealing forthe purposes of research or private study, or criticism or rviow, as pormitted undar tho Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1989, this publication may be reproduced, stored or tansmitied in ary form, or by any means, only withthe prior Permission in writing ofthe publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with tho torms of licences issued by ‘the Gopyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction ‘outside those terms should be sant tothe publishers, Library of Congress Control Number: 2017838473, British Library Cataloguing in Publication data ‘A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-4739-2523-6 Contents List of Figures ix List of Tables xi Notes on the Editors and Contributors Acknowledgments xaviil 1 Introduction 1 Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq and Jarna Heinonen PARTI PEOPLE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL PROCESSES 13 2 Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Critical Review and Research Agenda 15 Claire M. Leitch and Richard T. Harrison 3 Entrepreneurial Action Research: Moving Beyond Fixed Conceptualizations 38 Hamid Vahidnia, H. Shawna Chen, J. Robert Mitchell and Ronald K. Mitchell 4 Pre- and Post-entrepreneurship Labor Mobility of Entrepreneurs and Employees in Entrepreneurial Firms 60 Kristina Nystrom 5 Networks and Entrepreneurship 74 Maura McAdam and Danny Soetanto: 6 Migrant Entrepreneurship o4 Stephen Drinkwater 7 Entrepreneurship from a Family Business Perspective 107 Judith van Helvert and Mattias Nordqvist 8 Social Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and Social Value Creation 125 Helen Haugh, Fergus Lyon and Bob Doherty PART Il ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION 143 9 Entrepreneurial Strategy: A Contingency Review and Outlook for Future Research 145 Christian Lechner and Abeer Pervaiz 10 Perspectives on New Venture Creation 166 Fokko J. Eller and Michael M. Gielnik 12 16 18, PART II ENTREPRE! 19 21 24 ‘THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP New Venture Growth: Current Findings and Future Challenges Ivan Zupic and Alessandro Gindici ‘Small Business Growth and Performance Samuel Adomako and Kevin F: Mole The Nature of Entrepreneurial Exit Michael H. Morris, Susana C. Santos, Christopher Pryor and Xaver Neumeyer Corporate Entrepreneurship Bjorn Willy Amo and Lars Kolvereid Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Mark Freel Entrepreneurial Marketing in Small Enterprises Rosalind Jones, Sussie C. Morrish, Jonathan Deacon and Morgan P. Miles Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures Colin Mason Intemal Financial Management in Smaller, Entrepreneurial Businesses Mare Cowling and Catherine Matthews JURIAL MILIEU Can Governments Promote Gazelles? Evidence from Denmark Anders Hoffmann and David J. Storey Exploring Fi John Kitching \-Level Effects of Regulation: Going Beyond Survey Approaches Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Erik Stam and Ben Spigel Entrepreneurial Social Responsibility Zhongming Wang and Yanhai Zhao Bringing ‘I’ into *B’ — What Could It Mean? Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of International Entrepreneurship Research Niina Nummela Challenges to Venture Growth in Emerging Economies Wafa N. Almobaireek, Ahmed Alshumaimeri and Tatiana S. Manolova Learning and Educational Programs for Entrepreneurs Luke Pittaway, Louisa Huxtable-Thomas and Paul Hannon 191 220 242 279 297 8 350 371 a 391 407 423 454 471 CONTENTS 26 The Use of Case Studies in Entrepreneurship Education Thomas M. Cooney 27 Enterprise Education Pedagogy and Redesigning Learning Outcomes: Case of a Public Reform School Ulla Hytti and Sirpa Koskinen PART IV RESEARCHING SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 28 In Search of Causality in Entrepreneurship Research: Quantitative Methods in Conporate Entrepreneurship Aaron F. McKenny, Miles A. Zachary, Jeremy C. Short and David J. Ketchen Jnr. 29 Qualitative Research in Entrepreneurship Anne Kovalainen 30 Gender and Entrepreneurship at the Crossroads: Where Do You Want to Go? Cristina Diaz-Gareta 31 Making Entrepreneurship Research Matter: The Challenging Journey to an Academic Identity Bengt Johannisson 32 Critical Perspectives in Entrepreneurship Research Seppo Poutanen Author Index Subject Index 491 505 521 578 504 O14 635 This page intentionally left blank 4.1 42 5.1 5.2 53 54 55 Tl 10.1 Ma 14.1 15.1 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 71 17.2 173 174 18.1 18.2 18.3 21.1 21.2 22.1 22.2 25.1 27.1 30.1 30.2 31.1 List of Figures Labor mobility of entrepreneurs pre- and post-entrepreneurial activity Labor mobility of employees pre- and post-employment in an entreprencurial firm An example of network mapping produced by the respondents An illustration of Mark’s networks An illustration of Kim's networks An illustration of John’s networks: An illustration of Toni’s networks Succession from an entrepreneurial process perspective (Nordqvist ct al., 2013) ‘The integrative model of new venture creation Map of the new venture growth literature An input, process, context and output model of corporate entrepreneurship ‘The evolution of the CAD industry ‘The SME entrepreneurial marketing orientation (EMO) conceptualized model (ones & Rowley, 2011) Network-based internationalization model (Vasilchenko & Morrish, 2011) Entrepreneurial marketing from a networking perspective Entrepreneurial marketing from an emerging market perspective Entrepreneurial marketing from an SEM perspective ‘The valley of death ‘Traditional funding escalator ‘The venture capital investment process (based on Fried & Hisrich, 1994) ‘The new funding escalator ~ the ‘bundling’ approach The importance of intemal funds in developing country SMEs’ financing Use of internal funds to finance the business in European SMEs SMEs with audited financial statements in developing countries Relationships between attributes within entrepreneurial ecosystems (Spigel, 2017) Key elements, outputs and outcomes of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (based on Stam, 2015) Dimensions of ESR Key components of ESR under change and cultural integration Early concepts in entrepreneurial learning Juxtaposing universalistic and idiosyncratic approaches to entrepreneurship education (Blenker et al., 2012) ‘Tendency of publication in women entrepreneurship Tendency of publication by research perspective 2002-15 Originality as a complementary quality criterion in (social) research triggering enactive research as an appropriate methodology 62 65 83 84 85 86 86 113 167 193 260 281 303 307 309 3H 322 327 338 354 355 363 415 416 433 434 474 508 568 570 This page intentionally left blank 21 2.2 23 31 5.2 53 61 6. 63 64 1d 91 Wal 12.1 12.2 16.1 16.2 16.3 71 17.2 19.1 19.2 19.3 194 19.5 19.6 21.1 21.2 22.1 24.1 24.2 List of Tables Entrepreneurial leadership: focus of research Entrepreneurial leadership: establishing the boundaries Featured studies: key characteristic: Examples of fixed conceptualizations in explaining entrepreneurs and their actions Networking articles published since 1985 with highest citation metrics; articles selected were published between 1985 and 2010 Female and male entrepreneurial networks Networks of entrepreneurs located at and outside incubators Background statistics on self-employment in the UK by migrant group, 2014-15 Self-employment rates for key demographic categories in the UK by migrant group, 2014-15 Self-employment rates by period of arrival in the UK by migrant group, 2014-15 Self-employment rates by area of residence within the UK by migrant group, 2014-15 A summary of ideological tensions (Koiranen, 2003) Entrepreneurship and strategic management Findings and suggestions for further research from previous reviews Summary of studies measuring business growth Storey’s (1994) variables influencing small business growth Research questions pertaining to networks in entrepreneurial marketing Research questions pertaining to the adoption of entrepreneurial marketing in an emerging market context Research questions pertaining to social entreprencurial marketing (SEM) and the process of entrepreneurship ‘Types of bootstrapping techniques ‘Types of crowdfunding Principal Agent: the delivery of business advice ‘Timetable of key events leading (o the creation of Growth Houses Goals for the regional Growth Houses, 2007-10 Number of employees in firms using the Growth Houses Sales change for Growth House clients and control group firms ‘Comparing Growth House clients and control group firms, 2008-9 to 2013-14 ‘Comparison of industrial district, cluster and innovation system literature Differences and similarities between entrepreneurial ecosystems and related concepts ‘Comparison of entrepreneurship responsibility characteristics Factor analysis for investigated firms OLS regression estimates on predictors of new venture growth (n = 1,126) 18, 19 23 45 76 87 88 98 101 102 103 mn 146 205 223 229 310 312 314 324 335 377 378 381 385 385 386 All 412 427 461 462 243 25.1 30.1 30.2 30.3 3h 31.2 ‘THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Interview data: respondent profiles and major themes Conceptual studies in entrepreneurial learning (2005-15) Key philosophies and components of programs for entrepreneurs Empirical studies of the corporate entrepreneurship-performance relationship Summary of methodological decisions in corporate entrepreneurship research Best practices for identifying causal relationships in entrepreneurship research Empirical challenges and possible solutions in empirical entrepreneurship research Epistemology, theoretical perspectives and positions within feminism Questions about women entrepreneurs and their ventures regarding two issues from the different research perspectives Publications about female entrepreneurship ‘The contemporary community of research in entrepreneurship and small business — influential journals The exodus of advanced entrepreneurship research to the promised land of management - the bibliometric picture 404 476 480 523 525 536 563 567 569 584 584 Notes on the Editors and Contributors THE EDITORS Robert Blackburn is Associate Dean for Research, Kingston University Business School, Director of the Small Business Research Centre and Editor-in-Chief of the International Small Business Journal. He has undertaken research for private and public sector organizations worldwide on entrepreneurship and small business, including the OECD, the European Commission and Parliament, the UK’s HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs, and banks and support agencies. Robert has held the Presidency of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, is a Trustee and Treasurer of the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies, a member of the research committee of the Chartered Association of Business Schools, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a member of the Executive of the Intemational Network of Business and Management Journals and is holder of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. Dirk De Clereq is Professor of Management in the Goodman School of Business at Brock University, Canada. He is also Research Professor in the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University, UK. His research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and organizational behaviour. He is Consulting Editor of /nternational Small Business Journal and has published articles in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, among others. Helnonen is Professor in Entrepreneurship and Director of the Entrepreneurship Unit ‘within Turku School of Economics, University of Turku. In the field of entreprencurship het research interests in particular include entrepreneurship education, corporate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour, entrepreneurship policies and family business. She has con- ducted research for the European Commission, the OECD and various national ministries and other such bodies and is well connected to entrepreneurship stakeholders nationally and inter- nationally. She is the book review editor at /n/ernational Small Business Journal and has recently published in Journal of Smal! Business Management, International Smait Business Journal, European Educational Journal and Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. She is also Visiting Professor at Kingston University in the UK and holds numer- ous positions of trust in the scientific community as well as in business and society THE CONTRIBUTORS Samuel Adomako is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Entrepreneurship Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. Samuel has a multidisciplinary academic background and holds degrees in Sociology, Management and Entrepreneurship. His research examines the nexus of entrepreneurship, xiv ‘THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP innovation and creativity within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and analyses the role of institutions in new venture creation or new business formation. Samuel received his PhD from University of Warwick. Wafa N. Almobaireek, PhD in Business, Nottingham University, UK, is Associate Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at King Saud University (KSU), the Dean of the Business School at Princess Nourah University (PNU) in Saudi Arabia, and a former Director of the Prince Salman Institute for Entrepreneurship (IPSE) at KSU. Research and teaching interests include marketing, small businesses and entrepreneurship. Dr Almobaireek is the author of ‘number of books in the area of small businesses and entrepreneurship. She is currently working ‘on a number of projects in the same areas for several organizations in Saudi Arabia. Ahmed Alshumaimeri, PhD in Marketing, Nottingham University, UK, is a practitioner and mentor for entrepreneurial innovation. He was one of the founders of Alsafat Capital, Almajd Satellite Channels and China Motors Company (CMC). Research and consulting interests include entrepreneurship, networking, business collaborations, business incubation and tech- nology. Previously, Dr Alshumaimeri was the Assistant General-Director of the Saudi Credit Bank and served as the Dean of the Prince Salman Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Dean of Development at King Saud University. Dr Alshumaimeri is a bilingual author and has pub- lished eight books and numerous articles in academic and practitioner journals. Bjorn Willy Amo, PhD, is Associate Professor in Innovation at Nord University Business ‘School. His research interests focus on corporate entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, entrepre- neurship education, social entreprencurship and other aspects of entrepreneurship. He uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods. He teaches entrepreneurship courses and research methods at both bachelor and master levels. Dr Amo is a member of the Norwegian Global Entreprencurship Monitor team. H. Shawna Chen, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Goodman School of Business at Brock University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate entrepreneurship courses, such as business planning and creativity. Her research interests focus on entrepreneurial cognition and action. Before pursuing her PhD at Texas Tech University, Shawna was a serial entrepreneur involved in multiple Internet start-ups in the Washington DC area and a consultant in corporate finance and strategy. ‘Thomas M. Cooney is Professor in Entrepreneurship at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Academic Director of the DIT Institute for Minority Entrepreneurship and Adjunct Professor al the University of Turku (Finland). He is a former President of the International Council for Small Business (2012-13) and of the European Council for Small Business (2009-11) and was Chair of the ICSB 2014 World Entrepreneurship Conference. He was a Member of the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation “Entrepreneurship Forum’ (2013-14) and has been a policy advisor to the Irish government, the European Commission, OECD and other international organizations. He was a founding Director of Startup Ireland and works in various capacities with a range of businesses and not-for-profit organizations. He has researched and Published widely on the topic of entrepreneurship and further details of his work can be found at Mare Cowling has a PhD in Business Economics from Warwick Business School and an MS in Economics from London University. Before his appointment at Brighton (as Profé NOTES ON THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS xv Entrepreneurship) he was Professor and Head of the Department of Management Studies at Exeter Business School. Prior to that, he held the posts of Chief Economist at the Institute for Employment Studies and The Work Foundation. He has also held positions at Warwick Business School, Birmingham Business School and London Business School. He is currently ranked in the top 11% of economists in the world by citations (H-index) according to Research Publications in Economics (REPEC, 6 November 2016) and in entrepreneurship he was ranked 23rd in the world during the period 1995-2006 according to ‘Rankings of the Top Entrepreneurship Researchers and Affiliations’. Mare has spent the last 24 years researching in four core areas: The Dynamics of Early Stage Survival and Growth; The Financing of SMEs and Entrepreneurial Businesses; Labour Market Dynamics and Evaluating Public Polic Jonathan Deacon is Professor of Marketing at the South Wales Business School where he is Academic Director of the “Exchange” at USW — an entrepreneurial Business Growth Hub and the Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship and Marketing (CREaM). Jonathan's career prior to academia was within business — especially high growth, new venture starts. Professor acknowledged ‘thought leader’ atthe interface between Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Management. He is Global Vice Chair of the board of trustees and fellow of the Chartered Tnstitute of Marketing, board member of the European Marketing Confederation and past editor of the international Journal for Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (JRME). Cristina Diaz-Gareia, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Campus Albacete), Spain. She is author of the book Influencia del género en los recursos y resultados de las pequefias empresas (Resources and. performance of SMEs: The influence of gender), her dissertation was awarded a better disserta- tion prize in 2006 by the Economic and Social Council (consultative body of the Spanish Government). She is author and co-author of articles and book chapters on this topic. Her research focuses on gender, with a special interest on women’s entrepreneurship and the effect of gender diversity in innovation, and ecoinnovation. She is co-editor of the Sth book of the Diana International Series by Edward Elgar titled ‘Women’s Entrepreneurship in Global and Local Contexts’. She is reviewer for many journals and part of the editorial review board of International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. Bob Doherty is Professor of Marketing at The York Management School, University of York and principal investigator on a four-year interdisciplinary research programme (£4.3m) on food resilience titled ‘IKnowFood’, funded by the Global Food Security Fund. In addition he holds a number of institutional-wide research positions including the research theme leader for sus- tainable food in the York Environmental Sustainability Research Institute (YESI). Bob special- ises in research on hybrid organizations, namely the marketing and management aspects of fair trade organizations and social enterprises. Recently his research interests have developed to look at how hybrids can contribute to resilience in food systems. Bob has published in Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Management Reviews, Business History and Journal of Social Policy. For the past eight years he has been editor of the Emerald Group Publishing's Social Enterprise Journal. Stephen Drinkwater is Professor of Economics at the Business School at the University of Roehampton, London. Stephen is also a research fellow at the IZA in Bonn, CoDE at the University of Manchester, CReAM at University College London and at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). Stephen's main research inter- ests lie in applied micro economics, particularly within the labour market. His research has xvi ‘THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP primarily focused on self-employment, labour market discrimination, international and inter- regional migration. He has received research funding from several external organizations including the European Commission, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the OECD and the Economic and Social Research Council. He has published papers in a range of international peer-reviewed journals including Economica, Economics Letters, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Regional Studies, Small Business Economics and Urban Studies. Fokko J. Eller is currently a PhD student and research assistant at the Institute of Management & Organization at the Leuphana University of Liineburg, Germany. He received his Master of Arts in Management and Entrepreneurship from the Leuphana University of Liineburg. Prior to his master programme he studied International Business at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany and at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China. His research focuses on sustainable entrepreneurship. He is particu- larly interested in how opportunities in sustainable entrepreneurship come to life and in the process of mission drift in hybrid organizations. Mark Freel is the R Bank of Canada Professor for the commercialization of innovation at the Telfer School of Management and Professor of innovation and entrepreneurship at Lancaster University Management School Michael M. Gielnik is currently Professor for HR Development at the Leuphana University of Lineburg, Germany. He studied psychology at the University of Giessen, Germany, and received his PhD from the Leuphana University of Lineburg. He was a Visiting Senior Fellow at the National University of Singapore Business School. His research interest is entrepreneur- ship from a psychological perspective. Specifically, his research focuses on entrepreneurial earning and training, the entrepreneurial process and aging of entrepreneurs. He has taken a special interest in entrepreneurship in developing countries. He has conducted several research ‘and practice projects on entrepreneurship in different countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Alessandro Giudici is Lecturer in Strategy at Cass Business School (City, University of London, UK). His research focuses on organizations that support start-ups and SME growth, including venture associations, incubators, government agencies and the like, predominantly from a capability and business model perspective. His research has been published in Business History, Long Range Planning and Strategic Organization and is currently under review in a number of peer-reviewed journals. Before entering academia, Alessandro worked as a market- ing executive for a large multinational enterprise in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. Paul Hannon is a graduate entrepreneur and has helped shape enterprise and entrepreneurship education, support and development in the UK and overseas during the past 35 years. He is a successful creator and innovator of local support initiatives for enterprise and entrepreneurship stimulation in the private and public sectors; he has won accolades for his innovative approaches to enterprise and entrepreneurship curricula design and delivery in higher educa- tion; and he is also an experienced entrepreneur with 10 years as the co-owner/director of a small growing firm in the food industry. In 2015 Paul was invited to be a member of Maserati 100, the top 100 individuals in the UK who actively support the next generation of future entrepreneurs. In 2016 he was appointed European Entrepreneurship Education Laureate by NOTES ON THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS xvi the Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University, Sweden. At Swansea University in Wales Paul is Head of Section in Research, Engagement and Innovation Services. He is Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership and is Director of Leading, Business Growth, a body that supports leadership development and growth in hundreds of ‘Welsh SMEs. The Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership offers research, learning and devel- opment opportunities to stimulate cultures and practices of entrepreneurial leadership for individuals and organizations in highly uncertain, unpredictable and complex environments. Up to the end of March 2013 Paul was Chief Executive at the UK's National Cemtre for Entrepreneurship in Education (formerly NCGE) that supports long-term cultural change in UK universities and colleges. Richard T. Harrison is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Co-Director of the Centre for Strategic Leadership at the University of Edinburgh Business School. He was previ- ously Dean of Queen’s University Management School and Director of the Leadership Institute. He was Dixons Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Edinburgh and has also held Chair-level appointments at the University of Aberdeen and University of Ulster. He has taught in China, Argentina, Australia, the US and Canada. His current research interests are linked by a unifying interest in the nature of the entrepreneurial process — in social and corporate as well as new venture contexts — as it is reflected in business development (particularly in the financing of innovation and growth) and in the implications of research and theorizing for practice and public policy. This includes the analysis of entrepre- neurial finance, entrepreneurial learning and leadership processes, studies of the role of entre- prencurship and innovation in emerging economies (notably China, Malaysia) and examination of the nature of peace entrepreneurship in conflict societies (Northern Ireland, Rwanda, Kosova). In recognition of the importance of his research on entrepreneurial finance he was the 2015 recipient of the UK ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Award for Outstanding Research Impact on Business. Helen Haugh is Senior Lecturer at Cambridge Judge Business School, Director of the Masters in Innovation, Strategy and Organizations, The Management of Technology and Innovation programme and Research Director for the Centre for Social Innovation. Helen's research inter- ests focus on social and community entrepreneurship, family business and corporate responsi- bility. Her research in the social economy has examined community-led regeneration in rural communities, cross-sector collaboration and innovations in governance. Her work has been published in the Academy of Management Education and Learning, Organization Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, Cambridge Journal of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. Anders Hoffmann is now Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Bnergy, Utilities and Climate in the government of Denmark. The work co-authored here is written in a per- sonal capacity and relates to a previous role as Deputy Director General at the Danish Business Authority. There he was responsible for developing and implementing most of the business development policies in Denmark at the national, regional and local level. These policies covered entrepreneurship, EU structural funds, design, creative industry, second chance, clusters, market development, circular economy, sharing economy, social enterprises, CSR, offset, EU Leader approach and standardization. He was also responsible for the Authorities International division and the Danish approach to the reduction of economic bur- dens for firms. Dr Hoffmann holds a PhD in Economics and was a Senior Economist with the ‘THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP OECD, supervising a team of economists and statisticians and coordinating activities related to micro-policy benchmarking. His academic output has been published in Journal of International Economics and Economic Modelling. Louisa Huxtable-Thomas is the Research Lead for the Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership at Swansea University, Wales. She has extensive experience in case study research and work- based learning, in facilitation of innovation and invention in supported companies, and in train- ing and supervision of PhD students. In this role she undertakes research for a successful management and leadership programme aimed at improving leadership skills for owner- ‘managers of small businesses. The role requires research into learning and teaching methods most suitable for this group of mature students, also into post-full-time education as well as analysis of the wider economic impacts that such learning has. In addition, Louisa has an aca- demic role as advisor for two doctoral students and provides qualitative methodologies advice to a further five students at the recommendation of their Directors of Studies. As well as hold- ing a doctorate in business and economics, Louisa holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Developing Higher Education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). In previous roles she qualified as a Chartered Environmentalist (CEny) and Member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MIEEM) and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (AIEMA). Louisa has been considered a trusted advisor to the Welsh Assembly Government and local authorities in Wales. Ulla Hytti is Research Director in the Entrepreneurship Unit at the University of Turku, Finland. She has taught entrepreneurship at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels at the university, and has been conducting research into entrepreneurship education. Ulla was a founding member of the Finnish Scientific Association for Entrepreneurship Education and a President of the Association in 2014-15. She has organized and chaired several entreprencur- ship and entrepreneurship education conferences nationally and internationally. Ulla is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Small Business Management and a Board Member in the European Council for Small Business (ECSB). Bengt Johannisson is Professor Emeritus of Entrepreneurship at Linnaeus University. From 1998-2007, he was the Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development and he himself has published widely on entrepreneurship, personal networking, family business as well as on local and regional development. His current research interests are process and prac- tice theories and enactive methodology as applied to different arenas for entrepreneurship. In ‘Sweden Bengt Johannisson has initiated several inter-university networks on research and post- graduate studies in entrepreneurship and for 15 years he was a co-director of the European Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Bengt Johannisson is the first Scandinavian Winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research (2008) and in 2015 he received the European Entrepreneurship Education Award. Rosalind Jones is Lecturer in Marketing and Program Director at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. Her career until 2005 was in the public sector, prior to completion of a PhD in entrepreneurial marketing in small software technology firms at Bangor University, Wales. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a ‘Chartered Marketer’ and Member of the Levitt Group of Senior Marketers for the Chartered Institute of Marketing She is Co-Chair of the Academy of Marketing, Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing Special Interest Group and on the Steering Committee of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Special Interest Group in Research at the Marketing and Entrepreneurship Interface. NOTES ON THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS xix David J. Ketchen, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, serves as Lowder Eminent Scholar and Professor of Management in the Harbert College of Business at Auburn University. His research interests include entrepreneurship and franchising, methodological issues in organiza- tional research, strategic supply chain management, and the determinants of superior organi tional performance. He has served as an Associate Editor for Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of Management. John Kitching is Professor in the Small Business Research Centre, Kingston University, UK. His research interests include the influence of regulation on smalll business activity and perfor- mance, and exploring the implications of critical realist philosophy of science for small bi ness and entrepreneurship studies. Lars Kolvereid, PAD, is Professor of Entrepreneurship. His research interests are entrepre- neurship in general, especially new business creation processes and new business performance. Dr Kolvereid has published a large number of articles and books and has supervised more than 25 doctoral students and is the leader of the Norwegian Global Entrepreneurship Monitor team. Sirpa Koskinen has a PhD in Education and works as a special education teacher. She has exten- sive experience from various forms of demanding. special education. Currently she works in a hospital school in Haimeentinna where her pupils are patients at a youth psychiatric ward. Previously Sirpa worked in a state reform school. She has also worked as a special education teacher in an upper secondary school with more than 500 pupils and in a Finnish school in Tallinn, Estonia. Anne Kovalainen is Professor of Entrepreneurship at the School of Economics at the University of Turku, Finlund. She has been visiting faculty fellow and visiting professor among others at Stanford University, London School of Economies, Technology University Sydney, and at Kingston University. Anne’s intellectual background is in economic sociology, gender studies and business studies. Stemming from her disciplinary background, her publication track record is multidisciplinary. She established an international multidisciplinary conference on WORK in 2013, which runs biannually (latest on Work and Labour in the Digital Future WORK2017). She is editorial board member in International Small Business Journal (ECSB) and in Research in the Sociology of Work (ASA), among others. Her current research interests deal with science and technology studies, research methodology, transformation of economies, knowledge formation and changing relationships between entrepreneurship, work and gender. She leads a large research consortium on work and platform economy, currently analyzing the complexities of gig economy, sharing economy and platforms, including their transformational effects on work and entrepreneurship, academic work, self-employment and entrepreneurship (SWIPE). Professor Kovalainen holds several positions of trust and serves regularly national and international science institutions. Christian Lechner is currently Full Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Free University of Bolzano, Italy. He is the Director of the PhD programme in Economics and Management on Organizational and Institutional Outliers. He was former Professor in Entrepreneurship and Strategy for 12 years at Toulouse Business School where he was involved in entrepreneurship activities, the launch of an incubator and the coaching of small firms. He holds a PhD in business administration from the University of Regensburg, Germany, an MBA from the University of Georgia and degrees in business administration from the Ludwig- Maximilians-University in Munich and intemational business studies from the Universita degli wx ‘THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy. His research interests are inter-firm and inter-personal networks, habitual entrepreneurship, organizational configurations of new firms and growth, the resource- based view and entrepreneurial strategy. Claire M. Leitch, DPhil, holds the Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership at Lancaster University Management School, where she is also Head of Department, Leadership and Management. Her research interests concentrate on the development, enhancement and growth of individuals and organizations in an entrepreneurial context with a particular focus on leadership, leadership development and learning. She is an internationally recognized scholar whose work has shaped theoretical debate and had significant industrial and policy impact. She has published in Journal of Small Business Management, Organization Research Methods, Academy of Management Learning and Education, British Journal of Management, Regional Studies and intrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Currently she is the Editor of International Small Business Journal. Fergus Lyon is Professor of Enterprise and Organization and Director of the Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research at Middlesex University. His research focuses on social enterprise, hybrid organizations, enterprise support, innovation, trust and sustainabi He is Deputy Director of the ESRC Centre for the Understanding of Si \inable Prosperity (CUSP) and is leading a research theme on enterprise, the social economy and investment. He has a background in international development and enterprise support and is actively involved in conservation and farming enterprises in the UK. He has conducted research on enterprise issues in the UK, Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan. He has published on social enterprise and alternative organizational forms in a range of journals including International Small Business Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, Organization Studies, World Development and Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. He published the Edward Elgar Handbook of Research Methods on Trust, now in its second edition. Tatiana S. Manolova, DBA, Boston University, is Professor of Management at Bentley University, USA. Research interests include strategic management (competitive strategies of new and small companies), international entrepreneurship and management in emerging economies. She is affiliated with Diana International, an international research project explor- ing the growth strategies of women entrepreneurs worldwide. During 2010-11, she w: Visiting Professor at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and conducted research on entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia in affiliation with the Prince Salman Institute for Entrepreneurship. Tatiana is the author of over 40 scholarly articles and book chapters. She serves on the editorial boards of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, International Small Business Journal and the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Board of Reviewers (2015-17). Colin Mason is Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. He has held visiting positions at universities in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina. His research and teaching are in the areas of entrepreneurship and regional development. His specific research interests are in entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ecosystems. He has written extensively on business angel investing and has been closely involved with government and private sector initiatives to promote business angel investment, both in the UK and elsewhere. He is the founder and co-editor of the journal Venture Capital: ‘An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (published by Taylor and Francis Ltd).

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