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International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET) 2022

Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning

1st Syed Krar Haider Bukhari 2nd Labiba Fahad
Department of Computer Science (MS CS) Department of Computer Science (Associate Professor)
FAST National University of Computer and Emerging FAST National University of Computer and Emerging
Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract—Lung diseases refer to many disorders affecting the Deep learning is the major trend in medical science in terms
lungs, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer, and many of disease detection. It helps doctors make more accurate di-
other breathing problems. Due to COPD (chronic obstructive agnoses of their patient’s health and suggest better treatments.
pulmonary disease), 3 million people die from this disease each
year and it is the third main leading cause of human death Deep learning uses artificial neural networks (ANN), recurrent
worldwide. Early disease detection is important to take timely neural networks (RNN), and reinforcement learning models.
preventive measures. These diseases can be identified through But convolutional neural networks (CNN) have made a big
CT and chest X-ray images of the lungs. The accurate detection difference in computer vision and image analysis.
2022 17th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET) | 978-1-6654-5992-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICET56601.2022.10004651

of lung diseases is challenging due to high similarities between Lung disease detection is quite a challenging and demanding
different lung diseases and variations in a single disease. The
proposed work is focused on learning the less inter-class and high problem in medical, computer vision, and artificial intelli-
intra-class variations in different lung diseases. In the proposed gence. The intra-class variation in diseases that are difficult
approach, pre-processing, data augmentation and deep learning to categorize. These variations range in severity from minor
is used for classification of four categories including normal, to major. When visual changes are slight, such as when recog-
lung cancer, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. The representation nizing different diseases, the classification problem becomes
of minority classes is improved by using data augmentation
technique DCGAN. A comprehensive evaluation of the proposed more complicated. Inter-class differences are extremely minor
approach using a publicly available dataset demonstrates a better among these classes. As a result, identifying generic features
performance of the proposed approach compared to the existing for classification becomes more challenging.
approaches. Fig. 1 shows the images of these three diseases, which are
Index Terms—Pneumonia, Lung Cancer, Tuberculosis, Chest quite similar to each other, thus compromising the accuracy.
X-ray, DCGAN, Deep learning
Some classes have fewer images compared to others. If we
see the images of these three lung diseases through the naked
I. I NTRODUCTION eye, it is visually difficult to detect the disease because they
have less inter-class variation within two different classes and
Lung diseases like pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer they have high intra-class variation within the class, which
severely damage the lungs and cause breathing problems. Lung makes the detection and classification purposes more difficult
cancer begins in the lungs, and it is an abnormal growth and challengeable.
of cells in the tissues of the lungs. Lung cancer mostly
occurs in heavy smokers. The main cause of lung cancer
is smoking tobacco [1]. Pneumonia is a chronic disease that
may be present in one or both lungs. The air sacs filled with
fluid in the lungs cause cough, fever, and breathing issues.
The main causes of pneumonia are viral, fungal, or bacterial
infections [2]. Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria which is
called mycobacterium tuberculosis. A person can be affected
by pulmonary TB by sneezing and coughing droplets in the
air of an infected person. It can affect different parts of the
human body, like the brain and kidneys [3].
Due to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),
three million people die each year worldwide [1]. Lung disease
detection at an earlier stage is very important to save the
Fig. 1. CT and X-ray images of lung diseases
patient from death. It can be detected through the images of
CT scans, X-rays, and MRI. Many diseases are now diagnosed To overcome this problem, we proposed an approach in this
using artificial intelligence, which has demonstrated its effi- research. The proposed work improved lung disease recogni-
ciency and great performance in automatic image classification tion accuracy by addressing both less inter- and high intraclass
problems through different deep learning approaches. variation. Moreover, improving the representation of minority
classes in the data set by using DCGAN.

978-1-6654-5992-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE


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II. R ELATED W ORK to develop a CAD-based tuberculosis diagnostic system. They
performed image masking techniques and segmentation tech-
Chest X-ray and CT (computerized tomography) images are niques. Evaluation metrics were precision, accuracy, recall,
easy for patients to get and low-cost, so they are used in and f1 Score. In [19], the authors performed experiments on
most countries to recognize lung diseases. The authors of [4] lung disease detection by using a data set of osteosarcomas.
used four different convolutional neural network models for Techniques like CAD, CAD x, and CNN were used. They
lung detection: ResNet-50, DenseNet-201, Inception-V3, and have performed image pre-processing steps for the feature pre-
VGG19. The performance evaluation metrics consisted of the processing. The performance evaluation metrics consisted of
f1 score, precision, recall, and confusion matrix. However, the the f1 score, precision, and recall.
approach is evaluated on a limited dataset. In [5], authors In [20], the authors worked on pneumonia detection
have used deep learning models for diagnosing COVID-19, by using COVID-19, pneumonia, and severity classification
pneumonia, and lung cancer. They used CT and x-ray images. datasets. They use transfer learning techniques; they use
The CNN models were VGG19-CNN, ResNet152V2, and CNN and ANN networks for detection. They performed data
ResNet152V2 for the detection. The authors of [6] used augmentation for pre-processing. In [21], authors have used
convolutional neural network models to classify lung diseases, operable lung cancer with chest radiographer data set for
but they only had a small volume of the dataset. Resnet, detection They use the deep learning techniques CAD, CXRs,
VGG16, ResNet-50, and Inception-V3, which are pre-trained DCNN, DLM, and DLML. For the feature pre-processing, the
networks, performed classification tasks by using the transfer proposed image resize, crop, and enhancement techniques are
learning approach. They compared the performance of the used. The performance evaluation metrics consisted of the F1
Shenzhen and Montgomery lung datasets. score, precision, recall, and confusion matrix.
In [7], the authors used CNN and ANN networks for
the detection. Their performance evaluation was based on III. M ETHODOLOGY
the following parameters: precision, accuracy, recall, and f1 In Existing approaches, either focus on pneumonia, lung
score. In [8], authors have used CT images and improved cancer, and TB individually. The existing work either fo-
deep learning methods for the detection of lung cancer. They cuses on less inter-class or high intra-class variations [1]–
used image segmentation, and their evaluation parameters [3]. However, very few studies addressed them together, so
were precision, accuracy, recall, and f1 score. In [9], authors we addressed both of these and achieved a high f1 score.
have used four different convolutional neural network models; We have used three distinct settings to find the best possible
Vgg16, Alexnet, DenseNet-201, and Google net for pneumo- solution for our problem. First, we used the image pre-
nia detection which were present in both lungs these images processing techniques on the dataset to improve the features
of the chest X-rays were used in content-based image retrieval of images for efficient utilization. Second, we use the GAN
techniques. In [10], the author has used the CNN model (generated adversarial network) to balance the dataset, and
for pneumonia disease detection. The chest x-ray images finally, we passes images into (CNN) convolution neural
were used for detection. VGG19-CNN, ResNet152V2, and networks for feature extraction. These four CNNs (DenseNet-
ResNet152V2 for the classification. The automatic detection 201, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and MobileNet-V2) are used
of the disease of TB bacilli from the microscopic sputum and with hyper-parameters to progress the classification. After
smear images by using the methods of deep learning [11]. classification, we have diagnosed lung disease inferentially in
In [12], authors have used deep CNN for the detection of which class this disease lies.
pneumonia-infection disease. They compare the performance
and finally, they concluded that VGG-19 performed better than
Inception V3. In [13], authors experimented with pneumonia
diseases detection by using the CNN a deep learning model;
VGG19-CNN, ResNet152V2, and ResNet152V2.
In [14], authors have used CNN as a deep learning model.
They used some chest x-ray images for classification. VGG19-
CNN, ResNet152V2, and ResNet152V2 were used for the de-
tection. The authors of [15] demonstrated deep learning tech-
niques using x-viral data sets. They proposed a CAD model for
the classification of diseases. For the evaluation metrics, they
use the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity. In [16] Fig. 2. Block diagram of proposed method
and in [17], the authors performed experiments on lung disease
detection by using a microscopy image database (ZNSM-iDB)
dataset. For the feature pre-processing, a CNN approach was A. Dataset
followed from scratch. In [18], the authors have used the The dataset contains a large collection of CT and X-ray
Montgomery County (MC) pixels 3, Shenzhen 4, and CXR8 images of normal, lung cancer, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.
data sets for TB detection. They used deep learning techniques Moreover, it contains imbalanced data. The data was gathered


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from different sources [1], [3], [5]. The Pneumonia contains FC-1000 layer’s input.
5,863 chest x-ray images [5]. Lung cancer contains 10,000 DenseNet-201 DenseNet-201 is a convolutional neural net-
chest CT images [1]. TB contains over 1000 chest X-ray work which contains 201 deep layers with dense block. It
images [3]. The normal images contained 7,533 and the total utilizes dense connections between layers which are connected
images were 24,416. Pneumonia and TB were the minority with each other. Each layer receive information from all
classes.The problem of biasness occurred in data due to preceding layers and move forward to next layer.
imbalance dataset, the model become more biased towards MobileNet-V2 MobileNet-V2 is an image classification and
majority classes which produces the poor results. To overcome mobile vision CNN architecture model. There are various
this problem data augmentation is used to balance the data to models, but what distinguishes it’s a 53 layers convolutional
achieve better accuracy. neural network.
GoogleNet GoogLeNet is a deep CNN that has 22 lay-
B. Dataset pre-processing
ers. Most people refer to this as ”GoogLeNet” (Inception-
To increase the detection accuracy the image pre-processing V1).GoogleNet has nine of these inception modules that fit
steps were applied, like image enhancement, image transfor- together in a straight line. It consists of 22 layers (27, including
mation, random crops, resize, rescale, image flips, and rotation. the pooling layers). The FC layers were switched out at the end
Data augmentation was performed on the dataset to balance of the architecture for a globally averaged pooling approach.
the data for minority classes. DCGAN (deep convolutional This method finds the average of each of the system’s feature
generative adversarial network) was used for this purpose. The maps.
1000 new instances were created for minority classes.
In the implementation, we used Python with libraries like
GANs are generated adversarial networks that are used to
Pandas, NumPy, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, SKLearn, etc.
teach a deep learning model to produce synthetic data using the
These are all standard libraries used in deep learning to
same training data distribution. DCGAN contains two different
perform a wide range of classifications for images.
models a discriminator and a generator. The generator generate
the synthetic images that are similar to training images which
are used to train the model. The discriminator discriminate A. Evaluation Methodology
the images either fake or real images. In a DCGAN, both the
For evaluation purposes, we split the dataset into three
generator and the discriminator are layers that combine con-
parts: training, testing, and validation as shown in fig 3. For
volutional and convolutional-transpose operations. The result
making fair comparisons with existing approaches, we used
will be an RGB image with a size of 3 x 64 x 64.
the same split ratio of 70:30 in the dataset. We have used 70%
for training, 20% for testing, and 10% for the validation set,
as shown in a pie chart. We have used the 5 cross-validation
for this purpose. This evaluation methodology is used to
find differences learned by using our approach and deep
learning model to compute good results. We also validate
our approaches by comparing them with existing approaches
using the same datasets.

B. Evaluation Parameters
The performance of the model was evaluated with the use
of the following metrics: accuracy, precision, recall, and f1
score.The formulas are given below

• Accuracy: It shows the overall performance of the

Fig. 3. DCGAN Algorithm [3]
model. It works well when all classes have the same
D. CNN Architecture for Lung Disease Classification Accuracy = TP + TN / TP +TN + FP + FN
We used four deep neural networks with distinct architec- • Precision: The ratio of the number of samples accurately
tures and kernel sizes. recognized as positive to the total number of samples
ResNet-50 is a convolutional network with 50 layers. There identified as positive (either correctly or incorrectly). It
are five phases in all, each with a convolution and identity measures whether the predictions are accurate.
block. We propose extracting features from the output of Precision = TP / TP + FP
ResNet-50’s last convolutional block. The Conv5 block pro- • Recall: The number of positive samples that were cor-
duces a 7* 7 *2048 dimensional array, which is used as the rectly labelled as positive to the total number of positive


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samples.The more positive samples that are found, the C. Implementation of DCGAN
higher the recall.
Recall = TP / TP + FP In the implementation of DCGAN, each learning rate for
• F1-Score: The mean of precision and recall is the f1 optimizer was 0.005, the number of workers for data loader
score. To put it another way, the F1 score shows how was 2, the batch size of 64 training images was 300, and the
well the accuracy and recall work together. number of epchos was 300. The synthetic images produced
F1 Score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall) using dcgan are much more similar to the real images, as
shown in Fig. 4.
The 1000 new instances were created to balance the
V. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS dataset. After balancing the dataset, we implemented the
pre-processing steps like image enhancement and transforms.
In this section, we have discussed the details of the These processed images are passed to the CNN models for
experimental setup that was used in baseline models. We feature extraction and classification.
have conducted the initial experiment and implemented the
four CNN models: ResNet-50, DenseNet-201, GoogleNet, and
MobileNet-V2. First, we retrieved results from the dataset
without image pre-processing, then we applied image pre-
processing steps to the dataset and extracted the following
findings. By using the loss function sparse categorical cross-
entropy with SGD optimizer. We trained the dataset on 50
epochs and adjusted the parameters.

A. Results with Image Pre-Processing and without Image Pre-

Processing Technique
Table 1 shows the results for both. The results are obtained
without image pre-processing and are the baseline results.
These results are obtained by passing the dataset to proposed Fig. 4. Results of DCGAN
deep learning models. For image pre-processing techniques,
the first method consisted of randomly cropping a 224*224
pixel image. Second, flipped the image horizontally, which
allowed information regarding reflection invariance to be D. Generator and Discriminator loss
captured. Then finally, we used image enhancement. The
The loss of generator and discriminator is reduced at every
CNN models were Resnet-50, DenseNet-201, GoogleNet, and
iteration. It becomes stable after 4,000 iterations. No more
improvement in the loss is observed as shown in Fig. 5.


CNN Models Without Image With Image

Pre-Processing Pre-Processing
(Accuracy) (Accuracy)
GoogleNet 84% 88%
ResNet-50 87% 91%
DenseNet-201 89% 93%
MobileNet-V2 83% 87%

B. Proposed Approach
In our proposed approach, we have used image pre- Fig. 5. Generator and discriminator loss
processing and DCGAN (deep convolutional generated ad-
versarial networks) for improvement in results to get higher The number of workers for the data loader was 2. The batch
accuracy and make fair comparisons with existing approaches. size was 64. All images will be resized to this 64. The number
After fine-tuning hyper-parameters to the ideal level, our of channels for colour images is 3 during the training phase.
proposed approach, DenseNet-201, demonstrates a significant The size of the z latent vector was 100. The size of the feature
improvement in outcomes. maps was 64 in the generator and discriminator.


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E. DenseNet-201 TABLE II
In this approach, we have implemented the CNN architec-
CNN Models Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Recall F1
ture of denesenet-201, which contains 201 layers of dense Score
blocks. For training the images, the Adam optimizer was used GoogleNet 91% 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.91
with a batch size of 64, a learning rate of 0.002, and for the ResNet-50 94% 0.95 0.96 0.94 0.94
loss function, cross-entropy loss was used. The image size was DenseNet-201 96% 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.96
MobileNet-V2 93% 0.94 0.90 0.92 0.93
64*64. With 0.98 precision, 0.95 sensitivity, 0.94 recall, and
0.96 F1-score, we achieved 96% accuracy.
In Figure 6, we can see the training and testing loss are
decreasing in each epoch. VI. C OMPARISON WITH D IFFERENT M ODELS
In this section, comparisons were presented. Fig. 7, shows
the comparisons of four different deep learning models like
ResNet-50,DenseNet-201,MobileNet-V2 and GoogleNet. The
blue colour shows the f1 score of pneumonia, the orange
colour shows the f1 score of lung cancer, and the grey colour
shows the F1 score of tuberculosis. We compared the f1
score of each disease individually. Pneumonia gives 96% and
95% f1-score using DenseneNet-201 and ResNet-50. The
overall DenseNet-201 performs well by achieving 96.6% at
pneumonia. Lung cancer’s highest f1 score is 90%, and TB’s
highest f1 score is 91%. These results were obtained after
data augmentation, image pre-processing, and using DCGAN.

Fig. 6. DenseNet-201 train and test loss

In Figure 7, we can see the training and testing accuracy is

improving in each epoch.

Fig. 8. Individual disease comparison on the basis of F1 score


Table 3 shows the comparisons of the existing approach
with our approach. Existing approaches, either focus on
pneumonia, lung cancer, and TB individually. The existing
work focuses on fewer inter-class or high intra-class
Fig. 7. DenseNet-201 train and test accuracy variations [1]–[3]. However, very few studies addressed them
together, so we addressed both of these and achieved a high f1
score. It shows the comparison based on the f1 score of each
F. Result Using DCGAN disease like pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer using
DenseNet-201. The highest f1-score achieved by pneumonia
In our final approach DenseNet-201 demonstrate a signif- diseases is 0.96.
icant improvement in outcomes. We achieved 96% percent


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