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How would you organize a report reviewing five product lines based on the increasing
order of the amount of revenue they generate?

a. Sequentially
b. In order of importance
c. Chronologically
d. Spatially
2. What organizing principle would be suitable for presenting information step by step in
a report about a manufacturing process?

a. Sequentially
b. Categorically
c. Geography
d. In order of importance
3. When investigating a chain of events, what organizational method should be applied to
present the study according to the event that happens first?

A. In order of importance

b. Sequentially

c. Chronologically

d. Spatially
4. In a report studying a physical object like a building or machinery, how should the
information be organized?

A. Geography

b. In order of importance

c. Categorically

d. Sequentially

5. If the location is a crucial aspect of your study, what organizing principle should you
A. Chronologically

b. Spatially

c. Categorically

d. In order of importance

The introduction of a business proposal sets the stage for the rest of the document,
providing a brief overview of the company and the purpose of the proposal. It’s important
to grab the reader’s attention and clearly state the problem or opportunity the business
aims to address.

The objectives section of a business proposal outlines the specific, measurable goals the
company aims to achieve. It’s crucial to be clear and concise, detailing the desired
outcomes of the proposed initiatives.
In the resources section of the business proposal, I will want to highlight the necessary
tools, equipment, and personnel needed to execute the plan effectively. It’s important to
demonstrate that the company has access to the required resources to achieve the outlined
Method/implementation plan:

In the method/implementation plan section, I will lay out the specific steps and strategies
for achieving the objectives. This part is crucial for demonstrating a clear and actionable
plan for success.
The budget section should outline the financial details, including costs, funding sources, and
projected expenses for the proposed initiatives. It’s all about showing the financial feasibility of
the plan.

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