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Trypanosoma Found in Synanthropic Mammals from Urban Forests of Paraná,

Southern Brazil

Article in Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.) · June 2019
DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2018.2433

6 148

5 authors, including:

Ricardo Nascimento Drozino Flávio Haragushiku Otomura

Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná

Max Jean de Ornelas Toledo

Universidade Estadual de Maringá


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Volume XX, Number XX, 2019
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2018.2433

Trypanosoma Found in Synanthropic Mammals

from Urban Forests of Paraná, Southern Brazil

Ricardo Nascimento Drozino,1 Flávio Haragushiku Otomura,2 Janaina Gazarini,3

Mônica Lúcia Gomes,1 and Max Jean de Ornelas Toledo1
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Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasitic protozoan that infects a diversity of hosts constituting the cycle of enzootic
transmission in wild environments and causing disease in humans (Chagas disease) and domestic animals. Wild
mammals constitute natural reservoirs of this parasite, which is transmitted by hematophagous kissing bugs of
the family Reduviidae. T. cruzi is genetically subdivided into six discrete typing units (DTUs), T. cruzi (Tc)I to
TcVI. In Brazil, especially in the state of Paraná, TcI and TcII are widely distributed. However, TcII is less
frequently found in wild reservoirs and triatomine, and more frequently found in patients. The goal of this study
was to investigate the natural occurrence of T. cruzi in wild synanthropic mammals captured in urban forest
fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Paraná, southern Brazil. In this way, 12 opossums and 35 bats belonging to
five species were captured in urban forest parks of the city of Maringá, Paraná, an area considered endemic for
Chagas disease. PCR-kinetoplast DNA molecular diagnostic reveals Trypanosoma sp. infection in 12 (100%)
Didelphis albiventris and 10 (40%) Artibeus lituratus. In addition to demonstrating the presence of Trypano-
soma in the two groups of mammals studied, we obtained an isolate of the parasite genotyped as TcII by
amplification of the cytochrome oxidase II gene by PCR, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism
with AluI, and confirmed by PCR of rDNA 24Sa. This is the first record of the encounter in wild mammals of
Trypanosoma DNA (in A. lituratus) and T. cruzi DTU TcII (in D. albiventris) in the state of Paraná.

Keywords: Trypanosoma cruzi II, Didelphis albiventris, Artibeus lituratus, natural infection, Paraná endemic area

Introduction Atlantic Forest biome, TcII is the most frequently isolated

(95%) DTU in human patients with chronic infection (Gas-

T rypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida, Trypanosomati-

dae), the etiologic agent of Chagas disease or American
trypanosomiasis, is a parasitic protozoan capable of infecting
parim et al. 2018), as well as in the triatomine species Pan-
strongylus megistus and Triatoma sordida, but not in wild
mammals (Abolis et al. 2011). In this state, TcI has been
a diversity of hosts, constituting a wild enzootic transmission isolated, in these same species of triatomines, both in pure
cycle through vectors in humans and domestic animals. The and mixed infections with TcII, as well as the marsupial
species is subdivided into discrete typing units (DTUs), from Didelphis albiventris.
T. cruzi (Tc)I to TcVI, as well as Tcbat (Marcili et al. 2009, Mammals of the orders Chiroptera and Didelphimorphia
Zingales et al. 2009, 2012, Lima et al. 2015). Another re- are well-known reservoirs of T. cruzi and other trypanoso-
cently proposed classification system separates T. cruzi into matids. With ample population abundance, accentuated sy-
just three groups, from mtTcI to mtTcIII, based on mito- nanthropism, and high mobility, these animals play an
chondrial genes (Barnabé et al. 2016). All DTUs are found in important role in the distribution of diverse species of path-
a diverse array of mammalian hosts, representing seven dif- ogens (De Oliveira et al. 2010, Hamilton et al. 2012, Brook
ferent orders, and in triatomine insects (Reduviidae, Triato- and Dobson 2015, da Costa et al. 2015). These mammals’
minae) throughout all states and biomes in Brazil ( Jansen species demonstrate the highly complex ecological interac-
et al. 2015). However, in the state of Paraná, which is 97.8% tions found in the T. cruzi transmission cycle, being necessary

Department of Basic Health Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, Brazil.
Biological Sciences Sector, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Bandeirantes, Brazil.
College of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, Brazil.


the conduction of studies that evaluate its dynamics in the Wild mammal capture
context of the One Health concept, triad that encompasses The campaigns were held once a month in the following
humans, domestic animals, wildlife, and the changing eco- periods: from September 2014 to December 2015. Bats
systems in which they live (Thompson 2013, Pinazo and were captured with mist nets, conditioned in cloth sacs, and
Gascon 2015). identified at the species level. Opossums of the species
In this study, a preliminary investigation into the presence D. albiventris were captured using Tomahawk Live Traps
of Trypanosoma in free-range wild mammals was accom- baited with fruits and peanut butter. These methods were
plished in Atlantic Forest remnants situated in urban areas, an approved by the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da
environment not still explored in the state of Paraná. Biodiversidade—Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Brazil (no.
42881) and by the Ethics Committee in Animal Experi-
Materials and Methods mentation (CEUA) at Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Study area (UEM) (no. 023/2014).
Wild mammals were captured in two urban forests frag-
Blood collection and hemocultures
ments, in 2325¢39¢ of latitude south and 5155¢51† of lon-
gitude west, and in 2323¢27¢ of latitude south and 5156¢34† Opossums and bats were anesthetized with 4.0 mg/kg
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of longitude west. Both, remnants of the Atlantic Forest bi- chloridrate of xylazine and 20.0 mg/kg body weight chlori-
ome of the city of Maringá, located in the northeast of Paraná, drate of ketamine for blood collection. Approximately
southern Brazil, and an area considered endemic for Chagas 0.5 mL of whole blood obtained by cardiac puncture in the
disease (Fig. 1). bats and from the tail medium vein in the opossums was

FIG. 1. Map highlighting the two capture points located in the urban area of the Municipality of Maringá, state of Paraná,
Southern Brazil.

placed in Novy, McNeal, and Nicolle medium, and covered PCR of rDNA 24Sa
with an overlay of liver infusion tryptose (LIT) medium PCR amplification of rDNA 24Sa using D71 (5¢-AAGGT
containing 10% fetal bovine serum. Another 0.2 mL was GCGTCGACAGTGTGG-3¢) and D72 (5¢-TTTTCAGAATG
stored in microtubes containing 400 lL of 0.2 M ethylene- GCCGAACAGT-3¢) primers as previously described by
diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 6.0 M guanidine solu- Souto et al. (1996). Amplified fragments were resolved on
tion for the extraction and amplification of blood DNA 6% polyacrylamide gel, stained with silver, and analyzed
according to Miyamoto et al. (2006). according to Sá et al. (2016).
Molecular analysis for detection of Trypanosoma DNA Results
DNA was extracted by the phenol/chloroform method and Detection of the kDNA minicircle in Trypanosoma
precipitated with addition of ethanol and sodium acetate (Ma-
cedo et al. 1992). PCR amplification was performed with oli- PCR-kDNA revealed that all samples of captured
gonucleotides number 121 (5¢-AAATAATGTACGGG(T/G) D. albiventris (n = 12, 100%) exhibited a fragment of
GAGATGCATGA-3¢) and number 122 (5¢-GGTT CGATTG 330 bp kDNA minicircle from Trypanosoma. Of the 35
GGGTTGGTGTAATATA-3¢) according to the protocol of examined bat species, PCR-kDNA also detected this
Gomes et al. (1998) modified by Miyamoto et al. (2006). These same fragment in 10/25 (40%) Artibeus lituratus caught.
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sequences amplify a specific fragment of *330 base pairs (bp) In other species of captured bats, Sturnira lilium (n = 4),
of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) from Trypanosoma sp. The am- Carollia perspicillata (n = 3), Pygoderma bilabiatum
plification products were analyzed using 4.5% polyacrylamide (n = 2), and Platyrrhinus lineatus (n = 1), this fragment
gel electrophoresis, stained with silver, and digitally recorded. was not detected (Table 1). This high rate of positivity in
PCR was not observed in hemocultures, and in only 1/12
(8.3%) opossums was positive in this technique, allowing
Isolation and genotyping of T. cruzi to obtain a T. cruzi isolate (Table 1).
Parasites from a unique positive hemoculture, with low
manipulation to avoid clonal selection, were amplified in LIT Genotyping of DTU of T. cruzi isolate
medium until the exponential phase. This material was The isolate was genotyped by analysis of mitochondrial
centrifuged and washed with Krebs-Ringer-Tris/pH 7.2 so- COII gene polymorphisms. The PCR/RFLP-COII showed
lution buffer three times. The obtained mass was then re- two bands, the first at *80 bp referring to the species T. cruzi
suspended in 500 lL of lysis solution (0.5 M EDTA, 5 M and the second at 250 bp, which consistently classifies the
sodium chloride and 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate) supple- isolate as TcII (Fig. 2A).
mented with 10 mg/mL of proteinase K (Invitrogen) at 37C The result of PCR amplification of the rDNA 24Sa showed
overnight. DNA extraction was performed by the phe- a band of *125 bp compatible with the TcII and TcVI ge-
nol/chloroform method after Sá et al. (2016). notypes. Although this marker is not able to distinguish these
two genotypes, it was used to confirm the DTU of the isolate
PCR/restriction fragment length polymorphism (Zingales et al. 2009, 2012). The profiles generated by the
cytochrome oxidase II genetic analyzes of COII and rDNA 24Sa together, allowed
to classify the T. cruzi isolate obtained as TcII (Fig. 2B).
Differentiation of T. cruzi isolates (TcI to TcVI) was done
by amplification of the cytochrome oxidase II (COII) gene by
PCR, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) with AluI (de Freitas et al. 2006, Abolis et al. 2011). Studies of the dynamic population of T. cruzi in Paraná,
The primers used were the Tcmit-10 (5¢-CCATATATTG located in the Southern Region of Brazil, an endemic area for
TTGCATTATT-3¢) and Tcmit-21 (5¢-TTGTAATAGGAGT Chagas disease (Gasparim et al. 2018), reveal TcII to be the
CATGTTT-3¢) primers with Taq DNA polymerase (Plati- principal DTU isolated from chronic phase patients residents
num, Invitrogen) and the restriction enzyme AluI (New in this state (Zalloum et al. 2005, Abolis et al. 2011). In con-
England BioLabs) in NEB 4 buffer. The PCR amplicons were trast, a wild host of this DTU has yet to be registered in the
resolved on 6% polyacrylamide gel and products sizes ana- state. TcII was surprisingly found in this central urban forest
lyzed as described by Sá et al. (2016). (Atlantic Forest biome) of the city of Maringá in the northwest

Table 1. Wild Mammals Captured and Examined for the Presence of Trypanosoma cruzi
(By Detection of Kinetoplast DNA PCR and Hemoculture) in Two Atlantic Forest Urban Parks
of Maringá City, Paraná, Southern Brazil
Species No. of specimens Prevalence (%) Hemoculture (%)
Didelphis albiventris 12 100.0 8.3
Artibeus lituratus 25 40.0 0.0
Sturnira lilium 4 0.0 0.0
Carollia perspicillata 3 0.0 0.0
Pygoderma bilabiatum 2 0.0 0.0
Platyrrhinus lineatus 1 0.0 0.0
Total 47 46.8 2.1
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FIG. 2. Amplification and restriction fragment profiles of PCR/RFLP-COII in silver-stained 6% polyacrylamide gel used
for genotyping Trypanosoma cruzi isolate (MDID/BR/2015/DALB01) obtained from Didelphis albiventris (A). Schematic
figure to discriminating and typing T. cruzi DTUs based in PCR RFLP-COII (de Sá et al. 2013) and rDNA 24Sa (Souto et al.
1996), and adapted to Sá et al. (2016) (B). *TcV and TcVI discriminating to second step (rDNA 24Sa); **does not amplify
T. rangeli DNA. COII, cytochrome oxidase II; DTUs, discrete typing units; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymor-
phism; Tc, Trypanosoma rangeli.

of the state, in D. albiventris, a wild reservoir generally con- counter with TcII being a rarity. When encountered, TcII is
sidered uncommon for harboring this DTU. generally associated with mixed infections of TcI, TcV, or
All previous attempts to associate T. cruzi populations with TcVI (Abolis et al. 2011, Jansen et al. 2015, 2018). However,
specific mammalian host species have led to controversial the ability of Didelphis spp. to rapidly control TcII infections
results ( Jansen et al. 2015). Even without an association and reduce parasitemia to undetectable levels (Legey et al.
between DTUs and mammalian reservoirs, a majority of 2003, Jansen et al. 2015) is a likely variable affecting isola-
isolates from D. albiventris are genotyped as TcI, an en- tion efficiency of TcII from these animals.

D. albiventris is characterized as a highly synanthropic taining parasite isolates could be directly related to these
species, adaptable, opportunistic, and omnivorous, as well as mammals’ capacity to incubate pathogens (Brook and
potential disseminators of disease and one of the main res- Dobson 2015), or still to the presence of Trypanosoma spp.
ervoirs of T. cruzi and potentially other Trypanosoma spp. infection not grown in axenic medium (Dario et al. 2017,
(De Oliveira et al. 2010, Jansen et al. 2015, Dario et al. 2017), Jansen et al. 2018). In the same way, D. albiventris has
which justifies our single encounter of TcII. Jansen et al. already been found to be opportunistically predating on
(2015) reported the finding of TcII infecting wild animals in A. lituratus (Gazarini et al. 2008), which may be the tip of the
all Brazilian biomes, including the Caatinga in the Northeast iceberg for a semiopen cycle or spillover between niches in
Region of Brazil, where that species of marsupial has been urban and periurban areas. Whereas bats weakened by con-
found harboring TcII, in both pure and mixed infections with comitant infections, together with poor dietary supply, may
TcV and TcVI. However, its discovery was never recorded in be the source of infection for this didelphid. The encounter of
Paraná, a state that has 97.8% of its area inserted in the A. lituratus infected by Trypanosoma sp., a species that
Atlantic Forest biome (Muylaert et al. 2018). This is the first presents high population densities and high synanthropism,
registration of T. cruzi genotyped as TcII isolated from reinforces the importance of studies that focus on synan-
D. albiventris in the state of Paraná. thropic species in the wild cycle of T. cruzi. This register
The high positivity of PCR-kDNA for Trypanosoma spp. contrasts with the finding of a migratory bat (Tadarida bra-
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in D. albiventris and the nonencounter of triatomines in the siliensis) found infected with TcV in the southern United
area of study could be related to the complexity of parasitic States (Nichols et al. 2019). The authors report that even
cycles in the wild environment. Nouvellet et al. (2013) states with a low prevalence, T. brasiliensis may contribute to fu-
that the probability of transmission after contact with an in- ture enzootic expansion of T. cruzi, playing a unique role in
fected triatomine is 6.0 · 104, confirming that transmission is the epidemiology of T. cruzi through its annual migrations
still more difficult in free-range wild mammals were thick, (Nichols et al. 2019).
dense skin impedes contact with the metacyclic forms of the PCR-RFLP that targets the COII gene restricted by the
parasite ( Jansen et al. 2015). The same holds true for infected enzyme AluI is able to accurately separate the T. cruzi ge-
A. lituratus specimens, in addition to the large diversity of notypes into five groups: TcI, TcII, TcIII, TcIV, and
Trypanosoma spp. with which they are subject to becoming TcV/TcVI (de Sá et al. 2013, Sá et al. 2016). In its turn, the
infected (Dario et al. 2017, Jansen et al. 2018, Lourenço et al. TcV/TcVI pattern can be differentiated using a second ge-
2018). netic marker based on the 24Sa gene sequence of Trypano-
Although no triatomine was found in the study area, the soma ribosomal DNA (de Sá et al. 2013). These markers
TcII encounter with the high positivity of D. albiventris for together still allow identification of T. rangeli (a very com-
Trypanosoma sp. suggest an active wild cycle. Opossums and mon species and frequently isolated from the wild environ-
bats are reservoirs of T. cruzi that are frequently found in the ment), and the separation of its major genotypes: KP1+ and
peridomicile (Abolis et al. 2011, Jansen et al. 2015). There- KP1- (Sá et al. 2016). This pair of techniques, therefore,
fore, surveillance work is required that encompasses synan- allows to classify stocks of T. cruzi within the six genetic
thropic animals in urban and periurban forest areas to avoid lineages previously proposed with a high resolution, hence its
reintroduction or a spillover of T. cruzi to the domestic cycle use being of great value in population studies with obtaining
in controlled areas for Chagas disease (Pinazo and Gascon isolates. This pair of techniques used allowed the isolate
2015, Gasparim et al. 2018). The encounter of TcII in obtained from D. albiventris to be genotyped as DTU TcII
D. albiventris, the main isolate obtained in chronic patients in (Fig. 2).
Paraná, suggests that surveillance actions in these areas with In previous studies, T. cruzi isolates obtained from humans
a focus on synanthropic wild animals should be considered. living in Paraná, all in the chronic phase of infection, were
PCR-kDNA analysis of T. cruzi is used in many experi- genotyped as TcI, TcII, and TcIII, with TcII being the most
mental studies, both for proving the infection and for moni- prevalent DTU (Abolis et al. 2011). In contrast, TcII had
toring the cure of treated animals due to its high sensitivity previously been found in triatomines in genetically pure or
and specificity to T. cruzi (Teston et al. 2013, Margioto et al. mixed infections with TcI, whereas the isolates obtained from
2016, Zanusso Junior et al. 2018). This is why it has also been marsupial D. albiventris presented only TcI profiles (Zalloum
used in the laboratory diagnosis of American trypanosomi- et al. 2005, Abolis et al. 2011). These data allow the first
asis in chronic human patients (Ramı́rez et al. 2015). Despite record of TcII isolate from a wild D. albiventris from an
the high sensitivity, its use is limited to the genus Trypano- urban forest fragment of the state of Paraná.
soma, when applied to the parasite’s detection in wild ani-
mals. This is because wild animals are exposed to a wide
range of Trypanosoma spp., some of which have not yet been
cataloged or even recently discovered (Lopes et al. 2018), PCR-kDNA, despite detecting the presence of kDNA re-
requiring the use of several molecular markers to identify stricted to the Trypanosoma genus, is shown as an alternative
these species unequivocally. However, the use of more than for the evaluation of groups of animals that act as reser-
one molecular marker for blood samples obtained from wild voirs in areas with potential of transmission. Because it is a
animals becomes infeasible, since the variety of Trypanoso- low-cost technique and requires a small amount of blood,
ma spp. that can infect didelphids and chiroptera is immense PCR-kDNA has proved to be of great value in the monitoring
(Dos Santos et al. 2018, Jansen et al. 2018, Lourenço et al. of infection, allowing more efficient isolation strategies to be
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