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If I have ever given one million dollars.

First, I would keep this secret from everyone, then I would

spend about a day making up a detailed plan about how will I spend this money.
I would split this money in half. One half on buying valuable assets houses for example. If I can
own houses in different cities, I can still collect rents from other people if I ever got into a
financial crisis. Then spend the rest of them buying some luxury things that I never had before,
like supercars or a mansion and any things that I m interested in models video games
computers… I am also looking forward to spending about 100 thousand on traveling around the
world which I always didn't got have the time to do. Countries in Europe are the places I always
want to go to. I would love to own a small house and spend the rest of my life when I get to 60
years old in the countryside in one of these countries like Switzerland. For another half, I will split
them in half again. One quarter for doing investment or buying valuable stocks and starting a
small business myself. Possibly open a small studio. Recriud a small team developing video
games. The rest of it will stay in the ofbank and the interest and profits of my studio received will
be given to my friend and parents and emergency

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