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Name: Zahajah

Highschool: THS
Extracurricular Activities & Hobbies: THS Varsity cheerleading, reading, sleeping, and spending
quality time with friends and family.
Educational Lessons/Topics: Introducing mixed fractions

My plans for after graduation is to go to a 4-year Historically Black College or University, I’m still
considering which college but I like Winston-Salem State University to major in childhood
education and minor in psychology.

Some possible career paths that I’m passionate about is becoming a Child Psychologist, an
Elementary school teacher, and even a Highschool teacher.

I have learned from Virginia teachers for Tomorrow to keep my mind open and to think from “the
other side of the desk”. When I first started the program I was set on NEVER becoming a teacher
but after my first internship my mind quickly changed and I realized that it’s something that I
love and It’s an award seeing students learn. It took me a long time to learn how to think from
“the other side of the desk” but once I got put into a classroom setting I quickly learned how to
do it.

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