Extraterrestial Life

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In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth.

Some people think

more money should be spent on researching other planet to live, such as Mars.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is undeniable that Earth cannot hold humans’ life eternally, potentially leading all species,
including humanity, to the brink of extinction. Although the idea of exploring other Earth-like
planets may seem attractive, the associated costs outweigh the benefits.

Extra-terrestrial explosions have always been exorbitantly expensive, both in terms of labor and
resources. Firstly, prioritizing space exploration would necessitate recruiting more scientists and
administrative staff, inevitably leading to higher salaries and wages. In fact, the salaries and
wages paid to astronomers and research teams are the highest among industries, which would
add to the current deficit. Secondly, space exploration projects typically consume substantial
natural resources from Earth, such as oil and metals. This means that there would be less
investment in other sectors which can hinder economic growth.

In addition, the likelihood of discovering habitable planets is exceedingly slim, and even if
successful, transporting humans there would remain virtually impossible. The vast distances
between stars and planets, coupled with the limitations of human lifespan, render interstellar
travel impractical. For instance, it would take millions of years for the fastest spacecraft to reach
the nearest star, long after humanity's extinction. Instead, solving current problems on Earth is a
more realistic approach such as addressing climate change, which directly impacts all species. If
global warming was solved urgently, all life on Earth would be saved without the need of
searching for outside life which seems to be both costly and risky.

In conclusion, the pursuit of finding other habitable planets requires significant resources with
minimal potential returns. By directing attention towards addressing existing challenges,
humanity can cultivate a more hospitable environment on Earth.

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