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INDEX NUMBER: 6161040113






This is my original work and it has never been presented for academic certificate to any other institution.

NAME: Irene Atieno


Name:Md Margaret Salano

Sign ……………………….

Date ………………………
I hereby declare this project to my parents for helping financially through the whole period, without
forgetting my friends and all relatives and staff of The Sigalagala National Polytechnic May Almighty
God bless you.
This dissertation would have been very difficult without the cooperation and assistance for various
institutions and individuals, therefore I wish to express my sincere appreciation to various institutions and
individuals whose assistance has facilitated the successful completion of this work. I sincerely thank the
sigalagala national polytechnic the support without which this work could not have been successful. Very
special thanks to my supervisor, Madam Salano Margaret for the enthusiasm with which she provided
support, advice and construction critical comments, as well as the unconditional sacrifices she made
towards this work is highly appreciated. I wish to sincerely thank many other people who contributed in
many small but significant ways, whose names I may not have mentioned, God bless you. Special thanks
to the almighty God for giving me wisdom, endless favor and the ability to write this report successfully.
This study aimed to determine the effects of drug abuse among the youths in Rongai sub-
county, Nakuru County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives, To
determine the causes of drug abuse among the youths the youths in Rongai sub-county. It also
examines the challenges caused by drug abuse among the youths in Rongai.It also determines
the outcomes of drug abuse among the youths in Rongai sub-county. A standard questionnaire
was used to collect data from the respondents who were identified purposely sampling technique.
Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using frequency distribution percentage and
rank were utilized to determine the level of education which many youths abuse drugs. The
researcher of youth literature from other researchers, which shows that drug abuse among the
youths really affects them. The study used stratified random sampling methods to select youths
The study findings indicated that youths in secondary level are the most affected and they need
help, the most abused drug was bhang, cocaine and alcohol. Some respondents were reluctant to
give the actual information on hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine and mandrax due to legal
implications surrounding these substances. Based on social control theory it is important to
consider the social condition of persons with disabilities who choose to abuse drugs due to lack
of employmeny,lack of company ,lack of recognition in the society like other human beings and
due to being discrimination by others. Some of the youths in the study were people with
disabilities. Many youths get engaged due to idleness so they take drugs in order of boredom or
to pass time. Youths get outcome of drug abuse ugh as problems with memory, attention and
when it comes to decision making which make daily living difficult. The challenges of drug
abuse among the youths are difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite
harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug abuse that other activities and obligation.
It is hopped that the findings and recommendation of this study will aid the government, law
enforcement officers, parents, religious leaders and other stakeholders in making the right
decision pertaining to the fight against drug and substance abuse in the country.
Table of Contents
Name:Md Margaret Salano.........................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................9
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................9
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...................................................................................................13
1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................13
1.3.1General objective...............................................................................................................................13
1.3.2Specific objectives.............................................................................................................................13
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................13
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................14
1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY................................................................................................................14
1.7LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 2..............................................................................................................................................16
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................................................16
2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................16
2.1 Empirical review.................................................................................................................................16
2.2 THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK....................................................................................................19
2.2.1 Social learning theory.......................................................................................................................19
2.2.2 Social control theory.........................................................................................................................19
2.3 STUDY GAPS....................................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER 3..............................................................................................................................................22
RECEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................22
3.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................22
3.1 RESEARCH DESIGNS.......................................................................................................................22
3.2 TARGET POPULATION...................................................................................................................22
3.3 SAMPLE FRAME...............................................................................................................................23
3.3.1 Sample Size......................................................................................................................................23
3.3.2 Sample technique..............................................................................................................................23
3.4 RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS............................................................................................................23
Advantages of questionnaires....................................................................................................................23
Disadvantages of questionnaires................................................................................................................24
Advantages of observation........................................................................................................................24
Disadvantages of observation....................................................................................................................24
3.5 DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS...........................................................................................25
CHAPTER 4..............................................................................................................................................26
DATA FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................26
4.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................26
4.1 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................26
4.2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................27
4.2.1 Age distribution of respondents........................................................................................................27
4.2.2 Educational level of respondents......................................................................................................28
4.2.3 Sex distribution of respondents.........................................................................................................28
4.3 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................29
CHAPTER 5..............................................................................................................................................29
5.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................30
5.1 SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................30
5.2 RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................................30
5.3 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................31
APPENDIX 1............................................................................................................................................32
APPENDIX 2............................................................................................................................................33
APPENDIX 3............................................................................................................................................34
QUESTIONNAIRE FORM.......................................................................................................................34
SECTION A..............................................................................................................................................34
SECTION B..............................................................................................................................................35
Drug abuse involves compulsive and excessive intake of drugs over a period of time. Repeated use of
drugs results in developing addiction that has harmful repercussions it is a problem that directly impacts
the structure and functioning of the brain causing grave damage to it. drug abuse a term used for
obsessive and excessive use of drugs is a common problem these days. Regular use of drugs is self-
damaging. It leads to addiction and causes behavior changes. drug abuse particularly impacts the brain
and can also lead to other health issues such as Kidney failure and heart problem. This sturdy of drug
abuse on the youth empowerment in Rongai Sub- County, Nakuru County so that to find aid in the
development of more effective treatment for addictions.


Drug abuse has plagued the American continent since the 1800s, when morphine. heroin and cocaine
were hailed for their, amazing curative properties by the mid-20 th centuries, however illicit drug use was
all but eradicated in the US through Focused national and global suppression of the industry-
Drug abuse in the United States continues to be a major public health problem According to the National
Institute on drug abuse over 14 % of Americans have used Illicit drugs in their lifetime and more than
70,000 people died from a drug overdose in 2013.

Opioids including prescription painkillers and heroin are a major contributor to drug overdose deaths in
the US. In 2019. There were over. 50,000 opioid-related overdose deaths, accounting for nearly 70% of
all drug overdose death that year.

Other commonly abused substances in the United States include cocaine, methamphetamine, and
marijuana. The use of synthetic drugs, such as synthetic cannabinoids and designer drugs, is also a
growing concern.

Drug abuse can have numerous negative impacts on individuals. Families and communities including
physical and mental health problems increased violence and crime, lost productivity and strained

Efforts to address drug abuse in the US include prevention programs, increased access to substance abuse
treatments, and harm reduction strategies such as safe injection sites and naloxone distribution However,
many challengers remain the opioid epidemic and the evolving landscape of synthetic drug use.

Drug abuse among youth in the United States can have Significant negative impacts on their overall well-
being and limit their potential for empowerment.

Drug abuse in Germany has a relatively long history, dating back to the early 20th century. During the
Weimar Republic (1919-1933), drug use was not illegal and drugs such as Opium, cocaine and morphine
were readily available. However, after the use of the Nazi party in Germany in 1933. Drug use was
banned and harshly punished.

Drug use and drug addiction reemerged as a problem in Germany in the 1960s. Particularly among young
people. This was fueled part by the cost countercultural movement and experimentation with drugs such
as LED and marijuana. These drugs were associated with the anti- authoritarian and anti-establishment
sentiment of the time in the 1970’s, heroin became more widely available in Germany particularly in
cities such as Berlin and Hamburg. This led to a significant increase in drug addiction and related crime.
The German government responded by establishing methadone clinics and providing other forms of
treatment for drug addiction.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Germany faced a new wave of drug-related issues, including an increase in
amphetamine and ecstasy use. The County also served as a transit point the trafficking of cocaine from
South America to other parts of Europe.

The German government has implemental a number of policies aimed of trafficking drug addiction and
drug related issues, including providing drug education and prevention programs, increasing access to
treatment for those struggling with addiction and cracking down on drug trafficking. However, drug
addiction, and drug related issues continue to be a problem in Germany.

Drug abuse has been a significant problem in Mexico for many years. The Country, geographic location,
along with its porous borders and long coastlines, have made it a major transit point for drug trafficking
into the United States. Mexico is also a Significant producer of illegal drugs, including marijuana, heroin
and methamphetamine.

The history of drug abuse in Mexico can be traced back to the early 20th century when opium and
marijuana were widely used and readily available. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that drug trafficking
became a major issue in Mexico During this time, the Mexican government began cracking drug
trafficking organizations leading to increased violence and Corruption.

In the 1990s, drug trafficking organizations in Mexico began to consolidate their power and form
powerful cartels and the Gulf Cartel. These cartels quickly gained control of the drug trade in Mexico and
became involved in other criminal activities, such as kidnapping and extortion.

The 2000s saw a significant increase in drug-related violence in Mexico, with cartels fighting for control
of territory and smuggling routes. The Mexican government has responded with increased military and
police presence, but the violence has Continued to recent years, drug abuse in Mexico has also
been linked to the opioid epidemic in the United States, with Mexican drug trafficking organization
smuggling large quantities of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids into the united states, Overall drug
abuse and drug trafficking remain major issues in Mexico, with significant social economic and political
ramifications. The Mexican government and International organization continue to work to combat drug
trafficking and reduce drug abuse in the country.

Drug abuse in the United Kingston dates back to the 19th century when opium was widely available and
used in the early 1900s, cocaine use became more prevalent amongst the wealthy elite. However, it was
out until the 1960s that drug abuse began to increase significantly in the United Kingdom. This was due
to the rise of the counterculture movement and the availability of with and other psychedelics.

In the 1970s heroin and other opiates became popular amongst young people, particularly in urban areas.
This led to a significant rise in drug related deaths and crimes. The government response was to adopt a
harm reduction approach, with the establishment of needles exchanges and methadone maintenance

During the 1980s and 1990s, drug use continued to increase with the emergence of ecstasy and other club
drugs. The rave scene in the UK was associated with drug use, particularly ecstasy and number of high-
profile deaths led to increased media attention and government concern.

In the 2000s, there was a shift towards criminalizing drug use and increasing policing and law
enforcement. However, this approach has been criticized for it’s ineffectiveness and the harm caused to
vulnerable populations.

Today, drug abuse remains a significant issue in the UK with high rates of drug related deaths and a
growing concern over the use of synthetic drugs such as spice and fentanyl. The government has recently
announced plans to invest more in drugs treatment and harm reduction services.

Drug abuse to Kenya has been a growing problem since the 1990s. Historically, Kenya was mainly a
transit route for drugs going to other destinations but over time, drugs began to be used by people within
the county, leading to increased dong addiction and drug-related crime.

The early 1990s, in particular saw a significant increase in drug abuse in Kenya. At that time heroin was
the most frequently abused drug, with its use concentrated in the coastal city of Mombasa, which Served
as a popular port for drug smuggling and distribution. The demand of heroin was driven by a number of
factors including poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and cultural factors.

In the 2000s, the problem of drug abuse became more widespread, with the emergence of cocaine,
marijuana and other drugs. The use of cocaine is particularly prevalent among wealthy Kenyans and
foreigners. Drug trafficking continues to be a problem in Kenya with drug lords using elaborate
smuggling networks to bring drugs from other countries.
Kenya’s government attempted to address the problem of drug abuse. Through legislation and programs
aimed at reducing demand and supply. One of the key initiatives was the establishment of the National
Authority for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA). NACADA has been actively involved in
education and prevention campaigns, as well as rehabilitation efforts for there who are already addicted to

Despite these efforts, drug abuse remains a significant problem in Kenya. A lack of resources and
infrastructure, as well as Corruption has made it difficult for the government to effectively, combat the
problem. The big cost of drugs, combined with two income levels and high unemployment, also
contribute to the persistence of drug addiction.

In Ngata village that is in NaKuru County many youths are engaged in drug abuse especially during
school holidays peddlers take advantage of the idle youths to recruit them to supply drugs of a fee and in
the prices they are hooked. Many youths in this village get into drugs though negative peer pressure. The
most drug used is “mafia you nudge” which they are sniffing on handkerchiefs and keep on inhaling
throughout the day.


Specifically, the stocky sought to answer for pertinent questions. To start with how will stop the use of
drugs in Nakuru County among the youths, to establish conditions that will help to eradicate the drug
abuse in the County, what will motivate the youths? That will make them to stay away from the use of
drugs and avoid to be addicts of drugs. Many youths are involved in drug abuse because of lack of jobs
and other through negative peer pressure by their friends. In Nakuru County the youths have for form a
gang that they use the drugs and they involve themselves in stealing because they lack jokes to keep them


1.3.1General objective
To determine the effects of drug abuse on youth empowerment in Rongai sub county, Nakuru County.
1.3.2Specific objectives
To determine the causes of drug abuse on youth empowerment in Rongai sub county Nakuru County.

To determine the challenges of drug abuse on youth empowerment in Rongai sub county, Nakuru county.

To determine the outcome of drug abuse on youth empowerment Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County-


What are the causes of drug abuse on youth empowerment in Rongai sub county, Nakuru County?

What are the challenge of drug abuse or youth empowerment in Rongai sub County Nakuru County?

What are the outcome, of drug abuse on youth empowerment in Rongai subcounty, Nakuru county?


Developing effective prevention and Intervention strategies: By understanding the underlying causes of
drug abuse, researchers can develop effective prevention and Intervention strategies. This includes
identifying the risk factors for drug abuse and developing programs and policies to address them.

Improving public health: Drug abuse can have serious health Consequence, including addiction, overdose
and the spread of Infectious diseases. By studying drug abuse in the community researchers can identify
ways to reduce their health risks and improve public health.

Informing policy decisions: drug abuse has significant social and economic costs, including increased
healthcare costs productivity and increased rates of crime, and incarceration. By studying drug abuse in
the community, policymakers can make informed decisions about how best to allocate resources to
address the problem.


Rongai is a town in nature County, Kenya. It lies 38km west of Nakuru along the A104 Road and the
railway line between Nakuru and Uganda. It is about 10 Kilometers north of Elbergon, and 15 km east of
Molo. The town lies 1912 meters (6272ft) above sea level and has a population of 20878. The period of
the study in Rongai Sub County will take a period of one month due to the population in that area. The
cost required for the study can cost 50,000 Kanga shillings that is going cater for transportation,
accommodation, questionnaires that will help me for the research.


This are the challenges I encountered while conducting my study of drug abuse in Rongai:

Accessing the large population it will be difficult to identity and access the population of drug abuse in
the community, especially if they are a hidden or marginalized population.

Recruiting of participants, it will be difficult to convince them to participate in the study and to keep them
engaged in the study overtime. Even after getting the target population it was difficult.

Stigma and confidentiality concerns due to drug is often stigmatized the participants will be hesitant to
disclose their drug use to fear judgment or legal consequences, maintaining confidentiality and ensuring
the privacy of participant was a challenge.


2.0 Introduction.
A review literature of drug abuse is a serious public health problem affecting usually adolescents and
young adults. It affects both mater cad females and it is major source of Crimes in youth and health
related problems in many Communities.

The essential features of substance use disorder are a cluster of cognitive behavioral and physiological
symptoms indicating the individual continues to use the substance despite significant substance related

2.1 Empirical review.

Many unhealthy behaviors often begin during adolescence stage and represents major public health
challenges. Jai K Ahmed Arshad and Zulfiqar and other has conducted an overview of systematic reviews
to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to prevent substance abuse among adolescents. We report
findings from a total of 46 systematic reviews – focusing on interventions for smoking / tobacco use,
alcohol use, drug use and combined substances abuse. Our overview findings suggest that among
smoking tobacco interventions, school based prevention programs and family bared intensive
interventions typically addressing family functioning are effective reducing smoking. Mass media
campaigns are also effective given that these were of reasonable intensity over extensive periods of time
for drug abuse, school based intervention based on a combination of social influence approaches have
shown- protective effects against drugs and cannabis use. Among the Intervention targeting combined
substance abuse, school Based primary preventions, policy initiative, and incentives appears to be mixed
and need further research. Future research should focus on evaluating the effectiveness of specific
interventions components, with standardized interventions and outcome measures, Various delivery
platforms, including digital platform, and policy initiative, have the potential to improve substance abuse
outcomes among adolescents however these require further research.
World drug report 2021 released by the united Nations office on Drugs and crime (UNODC) reported that
around 275 million people used drugs worldwide within the previous year, while over 36 million people
suffered from drug use disorder.

Globally tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of premature death and most adult smokers initiate
smoking in adolescence. The prevalence of smoking in girls and boys varies, across countries 1 in every
10 girls aged 13-15 years and 1 in every 5 boys aged 13-15 years use tobacco, according to Keechi
Kenneth Okay, PHD, Ding abuse is a harmful practice and habit that has become a menace to the society.
It is the ingestion of drugs and other drug related substances in ways that are considered harmful to the
consumer, who has the intention of influencing mood thought patterns and actions. The activities of drug
traffickers and peddlers, which seem to have overwhelmed law enforcement, agencies and the
construction of local drug manufacturing laboratories within and around our communities have made their
dangerous drug readily available for our youths. There has been an increase in reported cases of mental
health challenges, premediated killings, homicides, kidnapping, Cult activities, mob actions and other
antisocial behaviors committed under the influence of several types of dangerous drugs that are currently
circulating our communities.

Besides constitutional prohibitions on drug trafficking and its use, youth bodies and vigilante groups have
recently adopted public flogging as corporal punishment, all in the bid to to discourage drug use and its
effects on the community. The positive result of this punishment strategy is still under debate. This paper
relied on various social media graphic presentations and outcry against heinous drug induced crimes in
our community, reports from mainstream media, discussion provoked by the menace of drug abuse in
many academics for as well as personal life experiences, to call for the urgent need to design effective
community intervention strategies to curb the growing trend. Beside exposing a fresh the effects of drug
abuse both on the victim and on the entire community, this paper raises alarm for an urgent need to halt
the influx of our young people into the drug world through organizing regular awareness creation
campaign against drug- abuse, in schools, churches and within the community.

Population in many parts of the world is relatively young. Available data shows that in 2016, more than 4
in every 10 people worldwide were younger than 25 years old. This translates to 42% of the world
population being younger than 25 years old. Europe had the lowest proportion of its population (27%)
under 25 while Africa had the highest proportion (60% t). (World Drug Report 2018). Drug use is much
higher among young people than older people. It follows then that young people consume more harmful
dong/substances than other categories of the population. Various studies in Africa indicates that more than
half of the population of young people under 25 years are regular drug users. Drug affect young people in
every part of the world in diverse ways.

Young people may use drug or may be involved to the cultivation and production of drugs, or be used as
couriers. There are many factors at the personal, micro (family schools and peers) and macro
(socioeconomic and physical environment) levels that combine to render Young people more vulnerable
to substance use. Most research suggests that as early 12 years and to about late 17 years is the critical list
period for the initiation of young- people into substance use and that 15-25 pick period (TED import
2014). The World Drug Report made it clear that both the range of drugs and drug markets are expanding
and diversifying years as the never before. That the international community need to step up its responses
to cope with the challenges (World Drug Report, 2015). It maintained that markets for cocaine and
methamphetamine are extending beyond their usual medical use of prescription drugs has reached
epidemic proportions in many parts of the world. The opioid crisis in North America is rightly getting
attention, however, as the World Drug shows, there is need to raise the alarm about addiction to tramadol
of which are Soaring in parts of Africa. Non-medical use of this opioid painkiller, which is not under
international control is also expanding in Asia. At the same time, more new psychoactive substances are
being synthesized and more are available than ever, with increasing report of associated harm and
facilities. These threats to health and well-being, as well as to security, safety and sustainable
development, demand an urgent response.

According to Azawad Mohammed, Rozmi Ismail and many others said that drug abuse is global problem
5.6 % of the global population aged 15-64 years used drugs at least.

Once during 2016. The usage of drugs among younger people. has been shown to be higher than that
among older People for most drugs. Drug abuse is also on the rise in many ASEAN (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations). Countries, especially among young males between 15 and 30 years. The
increased burden due to drug abuse adolescents and adults was shown by the Global Young Burden of
Disease (GBD) study in 2013. Younger people are most likely to die from substance use disorders and
cannabis is the drug of choice among such users. The critical age of Initiation of drug use begins during
the adolescent period and the maximum usage of drugs occurs among young people aged 18-25 years dd.
Abusing drugs impairs the successful transition to adulthood by impairing the development of critical
thinking and the learning of crucial cognitive skills. Some of the risk factors are the presence of early
mental and behavioral health problems, peer pressure, poorly equipped school, poverty, poor parental
supervision and relationships, a poor family structure, a lack of opportunities, isolation, gender and
accessibility to drugs. The protective factors include high self-esteem, religiosity, grit, peer factors, self-
control, parental monitoring academic competence, anti- drug use policies and strong neighborhood
attachment. The majority of previous systematic reviews done worldwide on drug usage focused on the
mental, psychological or social consequences of substances abuse, while some focused only on risk and
protective factors for the non-medical use of prescription drugs among youths. To the best of our
Knowledge, there is limited evidences from systematic reviews that explores the risk and protective
factors for drug abuse is scarce. However, people react to drugs differently because of various in
psychological and biological make up. Their differences in body make up moderate the level or extent to
which drug affect individuals for instance, cannabis may act as a simulant to some users as well as
depressant to others. Many users of cannabis have displayed over restlessness, elevated mood, alertness
increased appetite, speech energy productivity and performance while other may at the same time feel
cool, relaxed, happy, tired, speechless, forgetfulness, decreased appetite and more likely to hallucinate.
Yet some users have temporarily “ran mad (paranoid) rather than feel cool after using cannabis.


Learning theory suggest that a substance use disorder result from the learning we receive from the social
environment and our experiences.

2.2.1 Social learning theory

In the 1960s proponents of social learning rejected the notion that people with drug problems are bad,
mad, sick or susceptible to the power of the substance. The model holds that ding using behaviors is able
to be learned and reinforced by peers, parents, partners or the media. porous is able Drug use is seen as
neither good nor bad. The choice to use the drug is understood as a balance of the cost and benefits that
must be considered in terms of the individual and the environment.

Social learning interventions focus on alerting the clients relationship with their environment. A key
concept is self- efficiency which refers to a person’s beliefs about their ability to perform tasks and
achieve goals.

2.2.2 Social control theory.

It is Important to consider the social condition of persons with disabilities who choose to abuse drugs.
Hirsch is social control theory may illuminate the Sociology of addiction for persons with disabilities. The
purpose of this article is to examine the meaning of Hitches theoretical thesis for persons with disabilities
with particular attention to the concepts of attachment, commitment involvement and beliefs. The
rehabilitation literature is related with studies which suggests a high incidence of substance abuse among
persons with disabilities. For example, stud (1990) estimated that the rate of drug abuse among
rehabilitation clients may be as high as 40%. further evidence exist which suggest that persons with
disabilities are twice as likely the general population to abuse substances (News in Mental Health
Nursing, 1993). In response to the reports of prevalence, several authors have emphasized the need to
develop services to treat persons with disabilities, who abuse drugs. Despite the importance of estimating
prevalence and establishing treatment modalities, greater understanding of the psychological and
sociological factors which motivate in needed persons with disabilities to abuse substances in needed.


Making friends and establishing oneself at school can be difficult for adolescents. The teenage year often
come with many Insecurities, low self-esteem and fear of not being accepted. In order to fit in they will
start to use drugs and start buying.

Many abuse drug or alcohol to get high. They are looking for a thrill, an intensified feeling that they
cannot obtain through simple pleasures like food or exercise.

There is the desire to feel good and there a need to feel better. These are two very distinct entities when
evaluating teen drug use. They are battling something deeper than peer pressure.

The brain does not finish developing until the age of 25. The last part of the brain to develop is the one
that control rational decision making, self-control and judgment making them prone to trying risky and
daring activities.

The need to perform to impress and to make proud is a great pressure for adolescents and young adults.
Young people consistently want to prove they are the best to their peers and Parents.

Youths often experience a lack of purpose or talent They feel like they are not good enough to shine or are
lacking something to make them special. These feelings may drive them towards substance abuse.

Some teen, and young adults are stuck amongst the cycle. At such a young age, they are more vulnerable
to developing dependence and addiction.

The need for doing the same research in Rongai sub County is to evaluate the effects of drug and
substance abuse.
To identify effective preemptive methods of addressing. Substance use, and the dangers associated with
all ready levels of addiction. To provide comprehensive therapeutic intervention to Individuals looking for
substance abuse help as a great method of addressing an existing substance addiction.

Drug abuse is rising dramatically around the country and no one seems to know how to stem the tide.
Over the past ten years, the percentage of employees testing positive for drug use has reached an all time
high with heroin use and amphetamine use skyrocketing over this period.


Drug abuse can be treated but it is not easy. First of all, the basic treatments can help patients include:
stop taking drug and bring them back to then family and society. The patients to be educated about the
serious consequence of addiction, how to avoid a relapse and develop a supporting network. When
choosing a treatment program that to follow. Everyone should find the program that have goals suitable
for their recovery and setting their personal goals which is a key to help and recover successfully.



Research methodology is specific procedures or techniques used to identify select process and analyses
information about a topic.


According to Magenta and Mug end (1999), research designs refers to the procedures selected by a
researcher for studying a particular set of questions or hypothesis, this includes the researcher’s choice of
quantitative or qualitative methodology and how if at all causal relationships between variables or
phenomena or to be explored. This study therefore used a descriptive survey research design. According
to Magenta (2003), a descriptive survey is a means of gathering Information about the characteristics,
actions or opinions of a large group of people and thus surveys are capable of obtaining information from
large samples of the population.


The target population for this study includes all the youth who are tujijenge teens for teens. Tujijenge
Youth registered self-help group under the ministry of gender children & social services in the department
of social services. The group is located at range sub county in nature county. The youth therefore aims at
empowering the youths (boys and girls) who live in sustainable economic social and environmental
maturity. The teenagers will be 500 that will be registered to the youth group. The target population will
be 50, the age bracket of 17-28 years.

3.3.1 Sample Size

Out of the sample frame of 500 people a sample of 50 will be chosen based on the percentage method,
representing 20% of the population. This was done by considering respondents with full information in
Rongai Sub-County.

3.3.2 Sample technique

Stratified random sampling will be used since the population consist of teenagers who engage in drug
abuse. It helps ensure high internal validity and it gives ease and accuracy of represantation.


During the research, the following research instruments will be used questionnaires and observation.

This is an effective research method that involves the development of question and presenting them to
their respondent.

Advantages of questionnaires

• Cast Saving since it makes it to reach people and is more Cost efficient approach.

Data accuracy

• Flexibility for respondents over where and when to complete their questionnaire.

• Easy to develop since the policy evaluate no Policy and what exactly in the signalization.
Disadvantages of questionnaires

1.Questionnair fatigue.
2.accesibility issues.
3.Unanswered questions.
4.Differences understanding and interpretation.
5.Difficulty in conveying feelings and emotions.
6.It is time consuming.


A way to gather data by watching people, events, or noticing physical characteristics in their natural

Advantages of observation

1. It is and universally accepted practices.

2.It diffuses the situation of an unwillingness of respondent to administer a report.
3.Easy to administer.
4.It is appropriate for certain situations

Disadvantages of observation

1.Expensive since it requires plenty time.

2.Time consuming; think it is time consuming process there are chances that the observer and the
observed both losing their interest and deny continuing the process.
3. Not everything is observed since many respondents refuse to let researchers observe the activities and
due to their reason, not everything is observed.
Finding from the two research instruments (questionnaires and observation schedules) were analyzed
Using descriptive statistics frequencies and percentages were used to analyses the causes of consequences
and management strategies adopted to address drug abuse. The analysis overdone which allows the
researcher to organize data collected during the study in order to access and evaluate the findings and then
arrive at some information.


Findings are the information they get or the conclusion they come as a result of an Investigation or some
research. The chapter presents the findings of the study carried for drug abuse in Rongai Sub County in
Nakuru County through questionnaires with youths.


4.1.1 Causes of drug abuse among youth empowerment

Peer pressure is very high in learning institutions especially Secondary schools therefore making majority
of the students vulnerable to drug abuse.

Many young people are quite shy during their adolescent stage and therefore they tend to embrace drugs
so that they can have the courage to face some of the situations of life. Once they get courage from drugs,
they don’t stop there since drugs became their courage masterpiece.

Idleness, they say an evil mind is the devil’s workshop, well this is true because when young people are
idle they tend of to take drugs in order to get rid of boredom or to pass time.

Eagerness to taste drugs, this is the least cause of drug abuse. People get involved in drug abuse simply
because the want to taste and feel the reaction of a certain drug or substance.

4.1.2 Challenges of ding abuse among youth empowerment

Effects of drug abuse are diverse. They range from individual to societal effects such as poor health, poor
personal hygiene, homosexuality, high school dropout rate, high divers rate prostitution and increased
Difficulties in Controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority
given use than other activities and obligations, increased tolerance and sometimes a physical withdrawal
state. Family conflict that might include physical and mental abuse and neglect loss of employment and
income increased likelihood of emotional and mental disorders.

4.1.3. Outcomes of drug abuse among youth empowerment

A weakened immune system, increasing the risk of illness and infection.

Heart conditions ranging from abnormal heart rates to heart attacks and collapsed veins and blood vessel
infections from injected drugs.

Nausea and abdominal pain which can also lead to changes in appetite and weight loss.

Increased strain on the liver, which puts the person at risk of significant liver damage or liver failure.

Seizures, stroke, mental confusion and brain damage problems with memory, attention and decision
making, which make daily living more difficult.

Global effects of drugs on the body, such as breast development in men and increases in body
temperature, which can lead to other health problems.


Is a technique where mathematical and statistical modelling measurement and research so that to
understand behavior.

4.2.1 Age distribution of respondents.

The table below shows majority of the population that particularly in the study was between the age 26 to
30 years making 30%. This is the age that is mostly dominated by youths who are in transition rate to
either parents or new jobs. This was followed by 24% for ages that went for age 22 to 26 years, ages 18 to
22 years followed by 22% and finally ages 30 to 34 years had 4%.


14 to 18 years 10 20%
18 to 22 years 11 22%
22 to 26 years 12 24%
26 to 30 years 15 30%
30 to 34 years 2 4%
TOTAL 50 100%

4.2.2 Educational level of respondents.

Respondents with secondary education dominated 40%. They were followed by university education with
26%,college followed by 22% while primary education with 12% and its represented in the garaph.


primary 6 12%
secondary 20 40%
college 11 22%
university 13 26%
TOTAL 50 100%

4.2.3 Sex distribution of respondents

The table below shows the response was dominated by the male gender with a total of 30 male
respondents who made 60% while 20 of the respondents went for the female gender that represented 40%.


Female 20 40%
Male 30 60%
TOTAL 50 100%








primary secondary college university


Based on the findings of the study it indicates that age between 36 t0 30 years have been the victims of
drug abuse due to lack of unemployment to the youths. However, the government should be able to
support the youths by creating job opportunities that will support the youths and assist in service like
guiding and counselling youths about the dangers of drug abuse.

This chapter presents the summary of the study findings in relation to the objectives outlined in chapters.
It also presents the conclusion of the sturdy together with the recommendation of the researchers based on
the findings.

The aim of the study was to establish the effects of drugs and substances abuse on the youth in Rongai
from an analysis and review of the research data and additional data gathered through observing and
questionnair filled issues that follow become evident.

The objective that sought to find out the extent to which drugs and substance abuse influences economic
productivity among the youth in Rongai sub county. According to study carried out by NACADA
(2014c), teens who drink or use drugs in Kenya today offend are more sexually active and less likely to
use contraception when they have sex than teens who take fewer risks. nearly four in 10 high school’s
students report having experimented with marijuana at least once and they have used some type of illicit
drug. Approximately two thirds of youth’s colleges report having tried alcohol.

Based on the findings of the study that has come from the respondents in the field and the literature
review. The researcher recommends that the county government in charge of drugs control, the
NACADA, NGOs, CBOs, teachers, Politicians, and local leaders should come up with amicable strategies
that can enable the youth understand the effects and dangers associated with drugs and substances abuse.
Also rehabilitation centers and special schools/social education halls must be built to take care of the
youth who are already affected. Parents, community members and religious sectors should come up with
solutions to control the use of drugs with the youths.

The study recommeds further research undertaking regarding parental support during adolescence. In
addition, this study calls for research on substances abuse monitoring decisions that can be used in
schools and instinct to curb substances abuse behavior. More than one researcher could collect data in
order to ensure objectivity during data analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis can be used to
gather information about substances on the teenagers.
Since multiple and diverse observations could be used , the study could have enriched the understanding
of the substances abuse problem among teenagers. The volume of data produced would have been
immense and an extremely broad knowledge base was required to analyze it.

In conclusion to the effects of drug abuse and on the findings and the analysis of the data from the field,
academic performance of the youth, level of the economic performance of the youth are closely linked
and influenced by the use, abuse and taking of drugs in Rona sub county.

Interpreting the paradox of drug abuse victims having more intimate but less stable social networks is
difficult . The measure of intimacy included items that focused on expressing and instrumental support
that friends provide one another. The fact that users have higher values on this measure may indicate that
they need to lean on friends more for this type of help than do non users .

Drug abuse has serious social,political,economic,medical and legal ramification’s. Ignoring it is like
sitting on a time bomb as it mostly affects youths who are referred to as leaders of tomorrow in the
country. Drug abuse not only affects the individual but the whole family often resulting in domestic
violence and neglect. The law enforcement officers alone cannot fight drug and substance abuse alone. It
requires concerted efforts by parents , community and other stakeholders to impart virtues, interest and
goals of the society to youths .





PO BOX 622


10th AUGUST 2023



PO BOX 20100,


DEAR Sir/Madam


I am writing this letter seeking your permission so that I can perform a research in your area on the effects
of drug abuse on the youth. This will help me to come up with the causes and the effects of drug abuse
Rongai sub county.

Looking forwad to your response.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully.

Irene atieno.



Dear respondent the information given below will help in coming up with the causes and impact and
management practices of drug abuse.

Your information needed will help positively and note that the information you give will be treated

Please tick in the most appropriate box ()








3. what is your age bracket

14 to 18 years

18 to 22 years

22 to 26 years

26 to 30 years

30 to 34 years

4. what is your religion



No religious

5. what is your level of education





What do you understand by the drug abuse?
What are the reasons for drug abuse in your community?

What are the impacts of drug abuse in your community?

What are the challenges facing youths on drug abuse?

Do you support the idea that drug abuse has an influence on education performance in Rongai area?



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