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Atse zerayakob primary School 2016 EC Mathematics

Test 2 for Grade 7 Night


|. Write True If The statement is correct And write False If the statement is incorrect

________1.Division is the inverse operations of multiplication.

________2.The sum of two negative Integer is positive.

________3. -3× (-4)×(-12)= -144

II, Choose the Best Answer for The Given Alternatives.

_______4. -34........-304.which symbols are correct from the blank?

A) < B)> C)= D All

_______5.1080÷8=.......A)135 B)27 C)12 D)48 A symbol or a letter that represent unknown number or value.

A)terms B) numerical coeficient C)variable D)Algabraic Expresion

III. Fill in the blank space for the correct Value

7. -22-12=.........

8. 147-343=.......

9. 44-55+(-15)=......

10. -9+(9)=......

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