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Department Of Psychology,

Christ University- Delhi NCR

Masters in Counselling Psychology

2nd Semester

Prof. Somya Narang

11th March 2024

I am Ms Aishee Basu pursuing post graduation in Counseling Psychology from Christ

University ( Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Campus. I am going to take two sessions

for my Continuous Internal Assessment ( CIA ) . I invite you to be my client for the same.

Terms and conditions for the interview

1. The participation is voluntary.

2. The mode of interview would be online and duration would be nearly 30 minutes and

the time will be decided mutually through WhatsApp or Email.

3. The session would be recorded and would send to assigned Professor for evaluation.

4. There will be only two sessions which will be week apart.

Rights of participant :

1. The participation is voluntary.

2. The participant may leave the conversion if their rights are being violated or if they

want to do so.

3. The video / audio would only be used for assessment purpose and would be presented

to the assigned professor. Other than that it would be confidential.

"I am Ms. Soumita Mukherjee and giving consent to conduct the sessions. "

Signature of the Client

Signature of the Trainee Counselor



T: 00:02 Hello, S. Rapport As it is the beginning of the first

building session rapport building is

necessary as it eases the client

C 00:04 Hello.

T 00:06 How are you?

C 00:08 I'm fine. How are you?

T 00:11 I'm doing good. Thank you for asking.

Uh, so how was your day?

C 00:20 My was pretty good.

T 00:22 Okay. Uh, so Shaa, welcome to this Informed Informed consent is taken and

session. Uh, for this session, I would like consent the client is told the necessary

to let you know that we will be having information and condition once

two sessions, this being the first. And, uh, again

yes, you can share whatever you want to

share your feelings, your thoughts, your

stresses, and, uh, this is being video

recorded and would be only shown to the

esteem faculty. And, uh, other than that,

no one would get the, uh, video or the

audio or the transcript because, uh, this is

being confidential. Uh, but, uh, if any

way the authority wants it and in any

legal cases, it would be given, but other

than that, it would remain confidential.

C 01:18 Okay.

T 01:21 Uh, so yeah. Can we start? Checkout The statement was asked to

understand whether the client is

ready or not and it landed


C 01:25 Okay.

T 01:27 So, uh, in this session, what, uh, what Open ended Focus on client

would you like to talk about? questions

C 01:35 So, since you said that this is a safe space

for me to speak about anything?

T: 01:40 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, Nonverbal To make the client communicate

encourager more

C 01:42 I would like to speak about my current

situation, which I'm facing. Okay. If you

don't mind.

T 01:50 No, no, it's okay. Just, okay. Please.

C 01:54 So, like, I am currently a student.

T 01:58 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

C 01:59 And very recently I moved out of my,

like, hometown. Okay. And I'm currently

living in a hostel

C 02:07 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

T: 02:08 So it's like the place where I have come is

completely new to me. It has a

completely different academic structure,

a lot of academic pressure than what I

used to have in my hometown.

T 02:22 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

C 02:24 They're like, I have lots of exams in one

semester, which I have to keep up with,

which I'm not habituated in.

T: 02:32 Ah. Non verbal encouragers were

given so that the client speaks

more and more about her life

C 02:33 So this is one thing. And what I'm facing

the most difficulty is right now keep

people after seeing me, they are like, oh,

you're an extrovert. Oh, you like

speaking. But I cannot explain to them,

Kim. No, I'm not an extrovert, I'm an

introvert. I like speaking, but it's like I

have to speak in this university. And also,

like, our exams are designed in such a

manner that they're encouraging us to

speak a lot.

T 03:04 Hmm.

C 03:05 So, which I'm not comfortable in, but I

have to speak since I have joined this

university at my will.

T: 03:13 Okay. Uh, and

C 03:14 Also what I feel is, um, it's like people

can share a lot of things at one go. Like

what? Feeling, how they're feeling, their

strengths and their weaknesses. I am

someone who doesn't like to share their

weak side because it makes me feel a,

like a whole lot of vulnerable.

T 03:38 Vulnerable. Okay. So Verbal To make the client communicate

encourager more

C 03:40 I, so I happened like that.

C 03:41 Sorry, would

T: 03:43 You go? No, it's okay. <inaudible>.

T 03:45 Okay. So, so what I heard, uh, heard was Paraphrasing Probing the client to speak more

about you feeling insecure and you have and close

just moved out of your hometown. Uh, ended

may I know, uh, where from, where are questions

you, like where you're from?

C 04:01 Okay. I'm from West Bengal Kolkata.

T 04:05 Okay. So you were in Kolkata and you Paraphrasing Probing the client to speak more

have, uh, been, uh, shifted here for your

studies. Okay. I also hear that people

don't really get you, they, they think that

C 04:21 No, it's not like they don't get me. They

get me. I share my feelings with them,

but it's like back when I was in my

hometown, I felt like a completely

different person. Mm-Hmm. Like, I felt

happy. I felt nice. It was like I had

everything under my control in that place.

Like my academics, my social life, like

whatever I had in my control. But after

coming here, it's like I feel everything is

very opposite. I don't have control over

anything which I am not liking. And also

adding up to that point key, I don't want

to show my weak sight for anyone

T 05:07 Okay. I hear that you are feeling that you Paraphrasing Probing the client to speak more

have lost the control of your life. And

now it's not in your control anymore. And

it's hapazard in nature,

C 05:20 Hapazard in, unless it's like things are

going their way, but I feel like it's like I

generally tend to have a proper schedule

of the day.

T 05:31 Hmm.

C 05:32 Like, if I am going to college, I would

like to prepare the things which are being

taught in the class beforehand. So I'm


T 05:41 Hmm.

C 05:42 I like to complete my exams or the

assignments which I'm given beforehand.

So after joining this university, I feel like

that is not happening.

T 05:57 Okay. So you want, you are a person who Paraphrasing Probing the client to speak more

would like to, uh, do things, uh,

beforehand, but in this college, because

of the, uh, time crunch, you are not able

to do it. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> is what

I'm getting. Am I correct?

C 06:14 Yes.

T 06:15 Okay. And I do hear that, uh, you are

facing issues as you have moved out from

your hometown. And

C 06:27 Uh, it shows in the sense everything

seems very new to me. Like the culture,

the people I'm staying with, uh, the place

I'm living in, it has got so much

restrictions and all which I didn't used to

have when I was staying at home. So

T 06:45 Yeah.

T 06:46 So restrictions in what sense? May I Questioning Intended to be an nonverbal

know? encourager but landed as a


C 06:51 Uh, see restrictions in the sense

C 06:55 Like

C 06:55 When I used to stay at home, the only

restriction which I had was I should

return to my house before the evening.

Like before maybe 6:00 PM Hmm. Uh,

one thing, which my hostel is ski. Like, I

used to leave pretty early when I was in

staying at home. Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative>. I didn't like my mother

provided me with my food and all, so I

didn't have to worry about that. Since I

shifted to my hostel, it's like what I am

having for my breakfast is up to me.

T 07:27 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> Non verbal Probing the client to speak more


C: 07:29 Like, the way I'm having the, when I'm

waking up, it's up to me. Also, like the

hostel has pretty strict rules in sense

before leaving the hostel, we have to

make our beds arrange everything very

neatly, which I didn't use to do at home.

T 07:45 Okay. So I hear that your hostel is a few Paraphrasing

rules that you didn't have to follow at

home and everything is pretty new here.

C 07:56 Yes. Also, like, to some extent, like, uh,

in my room I used to get a lot of privacy,

like I was adjusted to living alone. Hmm.

Like my parents both are working. So

from a very young age, I'm very pretty

much adjusted to living my life alone.

Okay. So this is one thing I have sharing

rooms. So it's a very small amount of you

time or me time.
T 08:32 Okay. So, uh, what is the one thing that Questioning

you, uh, really miss about your me time

that you, you used to get in your

hometown or your home?

C 08:47 Okay. The metime is more like I get to

know more about myself to sit around for

like one or two hours and think about

various things.

T 09:00 Hmm.

C 09:01 And also, which also helped me to

understand myself better as well as

connect to others. Also, I feel various

creative ideas, which I had came out

through that me time. So this is

something which I miss.

T 09:19 Okay. Uh, so I heard a lot about your me Paraphrasing Probing the client to speak more

time and, uh, adjusting to your new


C 09:30 Mm-Hmm.

T 09:31 <affirmative>. Okay.

T 09:33 So if I, you have to describe your, uh, me Questioning To gather more information of

time, which is very less <laugh> in your the client

hostel, what would it be?

C: 09:43 I'm sorry?

T 09:44 What would it be? What, what is your me Restating the Restating the same question to

time now? Do you even get a chance to question make client understand.

have a me time?

C 09:52 It's, it's like, it's very less, to be honest.

Uh, like it's not about my hostel. Like in

my college, I have a very busy, busy

schedule. Mm-Hmm. Like, I have classes

from morning eight 30 to 4:00 PM at

least. Hmm. So I come back pretty late.

I'm tired. I have to like, I fall asleep after

that. And then after waking up I have

tons of assignments to complete.

T: 10:22 Hmm.

C: 10:22 So it's like I'm Not getting that me time.

Or even if I getting that me time, I'm

always thinking about, oh, have to

complete that assignment or have to do

that work. Mm-Hmm. It's always like

that. So that is the major challenge.

T 10:40 So in your back of the mind, there is

always, uh, thoughts running about your

cis about your assignments. Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative> about the, uh, maybe we

could say the do list that is to be ticked on

or something like that.

C 10:56 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>

C 10:57 Also, like, I feel adjusting to this place Summarization To encourage the client to speak

requires me to speak to new people, uh, also to let know what I am

like talk about myself to them, let them understanding from the words of

open up that time is also very less since client

due to this academic stress. Also, the

culture is very new. Like I am generally

someone who enjoys language and

culture, both since I grew up alone again,

uh, like I used to spend a lot of time

understanding the culture around me, the

language around me.

T 11:32 Mm.

C 11:34 Due to this stress or due to this academic

stress that is also not getting reduced. So

yeah, that is also another thing which

goes on in my mind constantly nagging


T 11:48 Okay. So you want to tell me that culture Reflection of Two things are simultaneously

is a big part of yours? which you are meaning used as the client nodded for the
missing right now in Delhi? Yeah. Okay. ending with a first answer

Uh, I, uh, I would like to know how is question

your social relationship with your peers

right now?

C 12:15 Um, like peers in the sense, I have

friends, but it's like, again, I have

difficulty in adjusting to them right now.

Like, it's not like, like I'm a very happy

go lucky person. I was rather after

coming here, my friends tell Mickey, why

you becoming so isolated? Why you

having such grumpy and depressed mood

all the time? Which even I cannot

explain, like, I'm having that change right

now. So it's like my mood has like, it's

not my mood. My entire emotions has

shifted from being happy gu lucky to

somewhat depressed. And right now I

think I like being alone.

T 12:57 Hmm. Non verbal Probing the client to speak more


C 12:58 So that is one of the major complaints I

get from my friends.

T 13:02 Okay. Do you yourself also feel that you Reflection of To know about the feeling of

have, uh, become a very, uh, depressed feeling client

person as you have said, like

C 13:16 Depressed in the sense? I'm more

irritable. I'm more agitated than I was

before. So like if example, previously, if I

was given any kind of assignments in my

hometown, I would be like, <inaudible>,

I have got an, I have to complete it. I, I

just knew those after coming here. It's

like, oh my God, another thing has added

to my todo list. This is just another thing I

need to complete.

T 13:47 Uh, so you want to tell me that your Paraphrasing Probing the client to speak more

thought processes has been, uh, a bit

different after coming here. Earlier you

were more excited about doing things and

now you are feeling burdened about the

assignments. Okay.

C 14:08 Also, it's not the thought process. I feel

like I am sleeping more than I used to.

T 14:16 Okay.

C 14:17 So it's like very difficult for me to wake

up in the morning in the mornings. And

for these Sundays, I'm sleeping like the

entire day.

T 14:27 Okay.

C 14:29 I don't feel to do anything, but it's like I

have to do because I'm staying in a

hostel. So it's more like I have to do. So I

am doing this.

T 14:43 Okay. Uh, if I have to ask you what is the Questioning

one thing that, uh, you love to do, what

would it be in this present time?

C 15:01 I would love to learn a language.

T 15:07 To learn a language.

C 15:09 I, I would love to like learn shooting like


C 15:16 It had a dream since my class 12, but I

couldn't do it since it was my, uh hmm.

And after that, I shifted to this place. So I

would love to do that. And also, like, I

used to learn abacus, so it was like,

C 15:38 I was pretty good

T 15:39 In Abacus.

C 15:41 I would like to continue that, like, it's like

range of activities, which I would like to

do if I have my free time.

T 15:50 Okay. Uh, but, uh, I wanted to ask you Restating As the client did not get the

that one thing that is possible for you and question question in the first time it was

you enjoy a lot, repeated to get the answer to the

specific question.

C 16:01 Like possible for me right now.

T 16:03 Yeah. I mean, if you get, uh, maybe 30 Restating As the client did not get the

minutes, uh, off from your, uh, busy question question in the first time it was

schedule, what would it, what would you repeated to get the answer to the

do that would make you happy? Okay. specific question

C 16:19 I would probably, it's not a activity which

I would like to do, but I would just like to

go to a quiet place alone. And I would

just sit there reflecting about this past

year or my, like, entire life. And I'm

pretty sure I will find something new

through reflection. That is one thing I

would enjoy.

T 16:45 Okay. Uh, so while doing that, you write

it somewhere or it's just, uh, activity that

you just think

C 16:54 I'm sorry.

T 16:56 Uh, do you like journaling about it, or

you just think you just reflect back?

C 17:01 I, I just think

T 17:02 Okay. So you don't write?

C 17:04 No, I don't, I don't feel like writing,

because again, I feel my feelings are very

personal to me. And like Mm-Hmm. I

hold those dear to me, so, yeah.

T 17:20 Okay. So reflecting back on your life is, Restatement Used as a checkout

uh, very, uh, therapeutic to you? If I can

say that.

C: 17:33 Yeah. Because I had both happy and sad

moments in my life, which help me to

become into who I am today. Okay. I'm

grateful to people. I am like, I'm

constantly learning through my life. So

my present and past both contribute to

like, helping me grow.

T 17:57 Hmm. So reflecting back helps you to Paraphrasing To know about the feeling of

evaluate yourself and, also cherish those and open client

good and bad memories at the same time. ended question

Okay. So coming back to your busy

schedule, uh, how is a normal day for

you? Like, how the day start and end for


C 18:24 Okay. So currently, like, uh, we have

college from 08:30 in the morning, so I

have to wake up like by seven 30. Like

that is what I initially planned to wake up

by seven 30.

T 18:39 Hmm.

C 18:40 But it's like I am waking up at 08:10.

T 18:45 Okay.

C 18:46 I'm getting dressed up and I'm just

running for the college. And it's not like

I'm in a very fresh mood. It's like, okay, I

have to go to college because of my


T 18:58 Okay. So

C 19:00 I'm running to college, I am doing my

classes. And in our college attendance is

a very huge issue.

T 19:06 Mm-Hmm.

C 19:07 So it's like you cannot be absent for one

class, even if your health is not up to the

T 19:13 Mm-Hmm. Non verbal


C 19:14 So I'm enjoying with my friends. Like, I

have my friends who, uh, like stuck with

me. Like, no, it's not stuck with me. It's

like, who helped me to go through my

difficult times during my semester. So

they are here as well. Um, so I'm

enjoying, I'm coming back. It's always

like, okay, I have this assignment to have

that assignment to do. I'm like, I feel very

less productive right now by this time.

And then I'm again going to sleep.

T 19:49 Okay. Uh, so, uh, is your sleep, uh, are Questioning This question is asked on the

you sleeping well in the night or you are basis of MSE to gain general

having some issues in your sleep? information on the client’s


C 20:05 No, like, I'm not having, I'm not having

issues with my sleep, but it's like I'm

sleeping more than I should.

T 20:17 Okay. Okay. And, uh, is there any dietary Questioning This question is asked on the

issues that you're facing right now? Like basis of MSE to gain general

issues with appetite or anything of that information on the client’s

sort? health

C 20:29 I, I feel my appetite is kind of become

hapazard in nature. Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative> happens in the sense I'm

waking up in the morning at eight 10 and

my college is at eight 30 again. So like, I

get very less time to eat my b to have my


T 20:47 Hmmm

C 20:48 So I generally have a class of milk, and

then for the lunch I am having my food

again because my friends are there with

me to cheer me up to get me through

college life. And then at evening I'm like,

I'm eating, having biscuits or maybe a

chocolate pie or so. And in the night, it

depends, like, sometimes I skip my

dinner, sometimes I have it like, it's, it's

on my mood.

T 21:17 Okay. So I hear that you sometimes miss Restatement

your dinners and it entirely depends on

your mood. Mm-Hmm.

C 21:25 <affirmative>.
T 21:26 Okay. So you were saying that you miss, Questioning

uh, your mom giving you food?

C 21:34 Yeah.

T 21:35 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. So Questioning This question was asked for

show me, I would like to know, uh, that, knowing the priority of the

uh, what are the changes you want to client in terms of problems

have in your life right now? Like, which did not land correctly

C 21:54 Um, um, it's mostly like, I don't want Got the answer of the intended

changes as such, but my, if you ask me question in a vague way

what I want right now, mm-Hmm. It

would be to have take to have a personal

time for myself.

T 22:13 Okay.

C 22:14 So I've been keep, if I'm thinking about

who I am or like what, what else things

are going on in my life, I will be able to

resolve most of them. Also, I want to

like, I want to plan things ahead of time


T: 22:34 Hmm.

C: 22:37 And yeah, I, I, I want to reduce my

amount of sleep, which I'm having. Okay.

Currently I'm sleeping very much, so I

want to reduce the amount of sleep right


T 22:50 Okay. Coming back to your first point. Paraphrasing The reason of the question was

You were saying that you want some and open to encourage the client reflect

personal time for yourself. Yeah. Okay. ended back on her life

So, uh, what is stopping you to have the questioning

personal time?

C 23:08 Uh, it's, it's more like related to the

academic stress, which I'm pleasing

because it's always like, I have to

complete this assignment, assignment,

that assignment. I want to like stop

thinking about these assignments for a

bit. I want to stop thinking about my

classes, my attendance, and I want to

spend that meal time. Like, I wanna sit

quietly. This is what,

T 23:39 So you, uh, want to, uh, sit quietly Paraphrasing

C 23:43 Yeah.

T 23:45 And maybe reflect back?

C 23:48 Yes.

T 23:49 Okay. Uh, and secondly, what you said Questioning

was planning your day. the, did you

actively take any initiative to do so?

C 24:05 Um, I, I did. It's not like I didn't do or

didn't take any initiative.

T 24:12 Mm-Hmm.

C 24:12 <affirmative>, like, I will say this all

started during my first semester.

T 24:17 Mmmm<affirmative>.

C 24:18 So like, if I have to give you a bit of my

background story, um, so it's like I came

into this university, I joined pretty late.

So it was like, by the time I joined,

internals started, like internals were going


T: 24:36 Okay.

C 24:36 And it was like, it was a group work.

T 24:40 Hmm.

C 24:41 So it was like, I have to coordinate with

new people who have, I have never spoke

to before. The language is completely

new. Also, like I'm from arts background

and there were a lot of things like

genetics or genes, which I had to do for

this project.
T 25:00 Okay. So I felt like

C 25:02 During that time, my time was short. I

didn't know what happened during my

classes. I didn't know how to do my

assignments since I had not attended any

of the classes previously. So I started

feeling like I, maybe I am not a part of

this thing. Like maybe I'm not fit for this


T 25:24 Okay.

C 25:25 This is something which happened and

T 25:29 Yeah.

C 25:32 Like from this point, this started and

currently it caught a bit better since I

would say he, I accepted, I have to

complete my degree from here. Hmm.

Like, this is somewhere I choose to be in.

T 25:45 Hmm.

C 25:47 So it's like, yeah, I have to complete or I

have to get my degree from here. And

very honestly, this is a very wonderful

college, but it's like very much pressure.

Like they're putting us through a lot of

academic pressure.

T 26:03 Okay. Uh, so, uh, you were describing Paraphrasing Probe the client to speak more

that when you came to the college, it was ending with a and may be finding a protective

pretty late. You joined Lake and, uh, it question factor or factors

was middle of assignments and was

group work. Okay. So, uh, how did you

manage that? At that time?

C 26:26 It was like very opposite since most of

my friends who are from UG while

completing another section, and I was

alone in another section, so it was,

adjusting to them was very difficult. And

also the teammates, which I, I was

assigned to during my first, first semester

project, they had tried to contact me

during my, uh, UG exams. But like, it's

like I responded, but I was not able to

function, like not function, like respond

fully to them because I had my exams

going on, so I could also feel like they

were frustrated.

T 27:08 Okay.

C 27:09 So it was like, when I came to this place,

I already had this much of pressure on


T 27:16 Hmm. And

C: 27:17 Then they told me he, okay. Supposedly

project was, uh, we had to combine

genetics, herediity and genetics and

herediity. Mm-Hmm. So one person had

taken up genetics, another person had

taken up heredity, and my role was to

combine both genetics and heredity


T 27:38 Okay.

C 27:38 Okay. And I was from an arts

background, so I didn't have any idea

what was going on. So like, this is from,

well, it started later, like my first

semester was pretty rough since I didn't

know again what my assignments, like

what my, my professors demanded.

T 28:03 Hmm.

C 28:03 Like what kind of assignments my

professors wanted. So it was like, yeah, I

managed through somehow.

T 28:14 So

T 28:15 You also mentioned that now it's a little

bit better?

C 28:19 Yeah. Uh,

T 28:20 So, uh, from where it is coming, like Questioning

C 28:26 It's, it's going like, um, okay. So during Protective factor was identified

my first semester when I was having

difficulties to adjust again, I mentioned

like, I became isolated, I became

frustrated, but again, it was my friends

who helped me through it.

T 28:44 Okay.

C 28:46 Um, yeah, so also like, I feel like this

college somewhere I had decided to be a

part of it was never forced to me. Well, it

forced onto me. It was never forced on.

Like, I decided to join this college, I

decided to get this interview. So it's, it's

T 29:05 Like

C: 29:06 I have gone to this place willingly

knowing what I would get and like, it's

lot more than I had expected it to be.

T: 29:17 But yeah, it,

C 29:19 It, it doesn't become adjusted really. And

remember, like, I take time to adjust.

Like, I'm like, I amazing. I get adjusted

pretty soon, but it's like, it takes time for

me to warm up to people and adjust.

T 29:39 So yeah,

C: 29:41 It's helping. Okay.

T 29:43 Uh, S tell me the, correct me if I'm Empathetic I don’t think it served the

wrong, uh, I hear that you were saying confrontation purpose but the client

that you have chose to be here. Mm- understood the point and answer

Hmm. <affirmative>. And hence you are, accordingly and some resistance

uh, making up for, for it like you are was seen in admitting problem

staying because you have chose

C 30:03 Yeah.

T: 30:03 To be here.

C 30:04 Okay.

T 30:07 So, uh, do you really, uh, think that, uh,

okay, I have chose this college and hence

I have to be here?

C 30:23 Yeah. I mean, like, that is how things Rigidity is observed though not

work. encountered because the client

may feel discomfort and may be

defensive of the statements

T 30:27 Okay.

C: 30:31 Like, it's more like, um, if it had been

forced onto me, you have, you have to be

good. Uh, that, that having a completely

T 30:48 Okay.

C 30:50 So I like, it's let's not my parents. I don't She did not wanted to go that as

wanna continue this college. I cry after it was her decision to come to

coming to this college. I wanna, uh, this university

something which I decided on myself, so

I cannot leave <inaudible>.

T 31:19 Okay. So, uh, I hear that you are trying to Restatement It was to change topic because

adjust, uh, in this new situation. confrontation would be too early

in this session about the hopes

of her and her parents .

C 31:35 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

T 31:37 And you're facing some difficulties Paraphrasing I felt stuck so changed the topic.

adjusting in this situation. Uh, okay. You

also told me that you are sleeping a bit

more than usual than usual, uh, from how

many days you are, uh, thinking that

Okay. Are you are sleeping more than


C 32:13 The beginning of my, my first semester,

semester it was only semester.

T 32:35 Okay.

C 32:40 It, right, right now I, I'm sleeping less

than, than I previously in, uh, like other


T 32:53 Okay. Uh, so may I know, how many Questioning

hours are you sleeping in the day?

C 33:02 Um, I sleep by 11.

T 33:13 Okay.

C: 33:14 And I sleep worst. I go sleep at again,

again, and, and then I am up tomorrow at


T 33:32 Okay. Okay. So

C 33:37 My lunch.

T 33:43 Okay. Uh, so approximately in the

weekdays you are sleeping for nine


C 33:52 Yeah. Yeah. And in the weekends it's

over 30, it's 24 hours

T 33:53 Okay. So, uh, does your feeling is about Paraphrasing

the productivity because, uh, maybe you

are not productive enough and hence you

are feeling that you are, you are sleeping.

C 34:18 Sorry.

T 34:20 Do you feel that you are not productive

enough in the, uh, Sundays

C 34:35 Because I'm very tired calling me.

T 34:55 Mnmm<affirmative>

C 34:58 Sleep. I'm very tired. Tired right now.


T 35:02 Okay. Uh, so usually you don't go and

meet anyone on Sundays?

C 35:09 I like, I, yeah, I have, I have my social as


C 35:30 Okay.

T 35:35 Uh, so, uh, S in this session we have Summarization Intimating the client to close the

spoke about your, uh, social life, the, uh, ending with a session and checking out with

issues you are facing in, uh, the college checkout the client.

and, uh, that you are really missing your

hometown. And, uh, the culture is

something that you really loved about and

you are missing right now. And also, you,

me, time is getting hampered because you

have, uh, roommates to adjust a bit and

also you don't have time to enjoy time.

Okay. Do you want to add something?

C 36:06 No, that's pretty much it.

T 36:15 Okay. Uh, we will get back to you for Closure

our next session and next week. And the

time would be, uh, told online through

emails. Okay. Uh, thank you, You're

welcome. Like I, okay. Thank you. We

will get back to you in the next session.


C 36:18 Thank you



T 00:02 Hello. Rapport building The session was started

with rapport building to

ease the client

C 00:03 Hello.

T 00:05 Welcome to our second session. Rapport building

C 00:08 Thank you.

T 00:11 How are you doing today? Rapport building


C: 00:13 I'm pretty well. How are you today?

T 00:16 I'm also doing good. How was the

past week for you?

C 00:23 Uh, my past week has been pretty

fine, so yeah.

T 00:30 Okay. Was there any feeling about Reflection of Enquiring the client how

the session after you left the session? feeling was she feeling after the

session and any thoughts

about the session

C 00:37 Like the previous session? Yeah.

Yeah. Um, so after attending the

session, um, it helped me understand

a lot more about myself.

T: 00:48 Okay.
C: 00:48 Uh, I felt light.

T: 00:51 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> Non verbal To probe and give positive

encourager affirmation to the client

C 00:51 And it was like I could share my

problems openly with someone

without them judging me.

T 00:57 Mm. Non verbal To probe and give positive

encourager affirmation to the client

C 00:58 So these were my perceptions from

previous session.

T: 01:01 Okay. Uh, in the previous session we Summarization This was done to bring

were talking about, uh, the issues you back the contexts that came

were facing regarding to your, uh, up in the previous session .

sleep and, uh, issues you were facing

in your college. Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative>. You also mentioned

about the cultural differences that you

are facing over here, and also that

you are not getting enough personal

space because you are living in a

hostel with two other roommates.

C 01:30 Hmm<affirmative>.
T: 01:33 Okay. So, uh, in today's session, uh, Open ended As no conversation started

what do you want to talk about? questioning the open ended question

was asked

C 01:47 Uh, okay. So another thing I want to

talk about, like, I understand ki living

C: 01:52 Hostel is a part and parcel of

everyone's life.

T 01:56 Mm-Hmm. Nonverbal


C 01:57 Everyone who is new to this hostel

life needs time to adjust.

T 02:01 Okay. Verbal


C 02:03 And, uh, they'll always be having to

share their rooms because

C 02:07 That's also part of growing up. Mm-


C 02:11 I can understand that now. Uh, but

what I feel is like, previously, like,

uh, during the UG when I was in

home, like I used to live alone again.

Yeah. So,

C 02:25 Uh, I used to watch a lot of dramas,

like lot of series and all.

T 02:32 Mm.

C 02:33 Uh, like I used to like allegedly sleep

maybe, uh, sleep and put my phone

like this and watch dramas. But in

hostel, when I'm in hostel, I have to

act elegantly. Like, it's not like I can

sleep, just put my phone up, cross my

legs, and, uh, watch the series. I have

to be like, properly keeping my

phone in front of me sitting on a chair

or a, or on bed.

T 02:59 Hmm.

C 03:00 This is what I have been facing.

T: 03:04 So you want to say that, uh, in host Paraphrasing To probe the client to give

you have to, uh, be a bit manner and more information

you can't be yourself all the times

because you room is being shared and

people are coming and going. and

you are being observed constantly.

C 03:25 Uh, I, I definitely, like, previously I

didn't have to share my room as such.

And now that since I'm sharing, I

have to be respectful towards the

other spaces as well.

T: 03:36 Yeah.

C 03:37 Also, like my hostel has pretty strict

rules. I think I mentioned in the last

session or not. Uh, I couldn't, could

not remember properly. Uh, like I

cannot go to college living my bed

untidy. Okay. Like, it'll result in a


T 03:56 Okay.

C 03:57 Also, it's like I cannot like leave my

study table or study area in a opposite

manner. Like it always has to be in

tipped up shape.

T: 04:06 Okay.

C 04:07 So that is what is expected out of me

and this hostel right now. Okay. Also,

there is that constant pressure of

people who are coming and going

because this is a kinda shared living


T 04:18 Mm-Hmm.

C 04:20 And my bed, it is situated just beside

the door.

T 04:24 Mm-Hmm.
C 04:25 So everyone who pushes the door,

I'm the first person who is visible.

Okay. So it's always like I have that

pressure key. Uh, the first impression

of the room always depends on me.

T 04:36 Yeah. So,

C 04:37 Yeah.

T 04:39 So I, I feel that you feel pressured

about the appearance of your room,

the appearance of your bed, the

appearance of your study table. Mm-

Hmm. <affirmative>. And that you

are expected to keep it very tidy or

it'll be resulted. Uh, and, uh, too fine.

C 04:59 Yeah. I mean, uh, like, uh, in this

hostel what we have is, uh, the

dough. It is a small glass window

kind of thing.

T 05:07 Hmm.

C 05:07 So if like the mate or any authority

who is standing outside the room can

clearly see like how the situation

inside the room is. Okay. Like, is it

tidy or not? Are people getting

together or not?

T 05:22 Mm.

C 05:22 So the first bed is always mine, which

is visible. And then again, uh, the

hostel has pretty strict rules.

T: 05:30 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

C 05:31 So if you're not like, just ignore all of

it. So this is not exactly problem. I

feel I have to learn all of this. Okay.

But I also want that movie time to

myself where I can relax and enjoy.

T 05:52 So I can hear that. Uh, you also want

to, to learn from these experiences

that how to keep your, uh, own space

clean and tidy and all, but also facing

issues that you are not getting

enough, uh, freedom to keep it as it is

or maybe, uh, sleep as you want and,

uh, be as you want in general. Yeah.


C 06:22 Because back at home I was quite a

messy person. Like my mother used

to describe me as I can be as neat as I

want, but as untidy as I want. Like

I'm the one who unties my room and

also I'm the one who cleans my room.

T 06:39 Okay. So yeah. So you can be both.

C 06:44 Yeah, I can be both.

T 06:46 Okay. That's interesting, Humor was added to

engage the client

C 06:48 <laugh>. Thank you.

T 06:51 Okay. So, uh, about your hostel Open ended As there it can adjustment

room. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, how questioning issue it can stem from

are your roommates? roommates.

C 07:00 How are my roommates?

T 07:02 Yeah, how are they? What is your Restating the question

connection with your roommates?

C 07:07 Um, okay. So the first thing which I

recall coming into my room is, um, I

was the very first la uh, sorry, last to

arrive in the room. Mm-Hmm. So all

my roommates were settled before


T 07:21 Mm-Hmm.

C 07:21 And when I came, I found ki one of

my roommates, she was from South

India, she's Lum and the second

roommate, she's from Rajasthan.

T 07:33 Okay.

C 07:34 So we have a very like, diverse,

diverse language forms.

T 07:39 Hmm.

C 07:39 At first, uh, uh, like we took time to

understand each other's interests.

Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. But what I

can say is they're pretty cooperative.

They're understanding and they're


T 07:52 Okay. So to summarize all this, uh, so Paraphrasing and The intend was to

I feel that you have a very, uh, good reflection of understand weather I have

roommates. They are from very meaning understood the information

different cultures, different states, or not

different places. So you three of, uh,

all of you are respectful of each

other's choices. Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative>. And also share a great

bond with each other.

C 08:20 It's not always great bond. It's always

like, um, like when we want to

interact. Mm-Hmm. It's like a session

which goes on the entire night.

T 08:33 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, Non verbal To probe the client to give

encourager more information

C 08:35 Like, it's like we bring an entire

birthday cake. Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative>. We'll have a big

spoons and we'll finish that cake in

one go. Okay. While chatting and

when we have our exams, or like in

general, we will be respectful of each

other's pieces. Like if someone next

to me is studying, I'll just respect her

speech and she'll do all mine. I know


T 09:00 Okay. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So Restatement To understand weather I

you, three of us are, uh, co respectful understood it right or

of each other. wrong

C 09:09 Yeah.

T 09:10 Okay. That's great. Uh, so now I Questioning Moving on another

would like to ask you about your significant part of life

childhood experiences. How was

your childhood?

C 09:24 Um, uh, I don't know how to

summarize my childhood in one

word. Okay. Like, it's, it's, it has been

a plethora of experiences.
T 09:36 Hmm. Non verbal


C 09:38 Uh, like you want to know more

about my school life or like,

T 09:45 Yeah. My whole life. I would, I Restatement Restating my question so

would just, if I have to ask you one of that the client could get it

the best memories of your childhood,

what would it be? If this was my


C 09:58 Okay. So, um, it was like my family.

I was born in a, uh, joint family at the

beginning, but then circumstances

changed. It somehow turned to be a

nuclear family.

T 10:12 Okay.

C 10:14 Huh. So, uh, one thing which our

family strictly maintained is, uh, our

family doesn't hold any birthday

parties or any kind of celebrations as

such. So I had never celebrated by

birthdays. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>

ever. And, uh, when I asked my

parents ski, uh, I wanted to celebrate

my birthday, they were like, no, in

our family's birthdays are not


T 10:39 Okay.

C 10:40 So, uh, it wasn't, I went to other

people's birthday. I, uh, gave them

presents and I enjoyed, but I didn't

know how that feeling of birthday

goes on.

T 10:52 Okay.

C 10:53 So like, it was like I had, uh, like I

was sad.

T 10:59 What was at that time? Questioning I was curious to know

hence probed the client

C 11:01 Because, uh, like in my mother's,

there was no cake, no decorations.

Uh, I wasn't allowed to bring my

friends over.

T 11:09 What was your age at that time?

C 11:14 Uh, like it's not in age. Like it's since

my birth two, uh, I think my class


T 11:27 No, like, when did you ask your Restating my

parents of, uh, when you wanted to question

take permissions about taking your

friends along or wanting to celebrate

your birthday? What was that age?

When did you ask them for it?

C 11:41 I think it was in my 10 or 11 years


T 11:48 Okay. Yeah. You may continue

C 11:51 <laugh>. Okay. And, um, what

happened is, okay, uh, when I was in

11th grade, uh mm-Hmm.

T 12:02 <affirmative>,

C 12:03 Like I had very nice friends by then.

So one of my best friend, my, my

best friend, she is like six older than


C 12:14 Six days.

C 12:15 Yeah. <laugh>, she's six days older

than me. Okay. So she asked me, uh,

what are you doing for your birthday?

I was like, I'm doing nothing. I will

be just sitting in the house. Then she

asked me, what are your plans with

your parents? I told her, okay, no, it's

going to be regular. My parents will

be going out for their jobs. I will be

spending the time alone.

T 12:36 Okay. Verbal To probe the client to speak

encourager more

C 12:37 And I think what I had remember was

when I was in class and my mother

didn't even remember it was my

birthday. So I was like, pretty well

adjusted. Okay. Okay. They are not

going to remember it was my

birthday. So my friend, she was like,

okay, I have your address. Are you

call, are you inviting me or not? You

just tell me. I'm like, no, I cannot

invite because, uh, my home doesn't

allow celebrations.

T 13:05 Okay.

C 13:06 She had been like, okay, you want

invite, it's okay. I won force. And I

remember it was my birthday night.

She came to my house with a cake

and a dress. She bared in. She was

like, if you are not going to celebrate,

I'm going to celebrate your birthday.

T 13:26 Okay.
C 13:27 <laugh>, she made my parents, we,

uh, I had cut the key. I had worn the


T 13:35 Okay.

C 13:36 And, um, what I can remember is my

parents, they had to like do

something because my friend had

like, come with a birthday cake and a

dress, and they cannot just send it


T 13:50 Mm. Non verbal To probe the client to speak

encourager more

C 13:51 And since then, what I remember is

my parents accepted <inaudible>.

Okay. Her birthday is going to be


T 13:58 Okay.

C 13:59 It's not like they are celebrating loom

their heart. It's like they know it's her

birthday, her best friend will come.

And now the situation is like, even

my parents colleagues come to my,

come to our house in my birthday

without invitations.
T 14:16 Oh,

C 14:18 They're

C 14:18 Sending you

C 14:19 Presents and gifts.

T 14:21 Okay. Yeah. So I think this will be

your starting of enjoying birthdays

from that year. Yeah. Okay. So how

was your parents' reaction when she

came uninvited? <laugh>?

c 14:39 Um, like, um, in my school life I was

pretty introvert.

T 14:44 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

C 14:44 So it's like, I had friends, but it was, I Empathy was shown to the

was not that kind of girl who would client through nonverbal

like, make plans randomly go out and verbal gestures as a

with, uh, my friends. Uh, and also my form of encouragement

family is very con like, not very

conservative, but they're very

protective towards me. So it's like if,

even if I'm going out at that age, they

will be like, uh, we will take you to

that place. Yeah. Uh, like that. So I

never had plans or I never went out

that much. Mm. So they were kind of

surprised she had to really come,

someone had really come for her

birthday. Okay. And yeah. And they

were like, Hey, okay, okay. We have

to arrange something. I think that was

the beginning.

C 15:37 Okay. So till that age, you'd never

had a birthday celebration or

something of that sort in school?

<laugh>, like people give chocolates

and all, at least

T: 15:51 <laugh>? Uh, no.

Speaker 1: 15:53 Okay. Back to me. Okay. It was very

nice and new experience for me as

well. I've never heard something like

that. Uh, yes.

Speaker 2: 16:08 I like, I have very special friends.

Yeah. So, yeah.

Speaker 1: 16:12 Yeah. And of course I have to, uh,

thank to your friend, your best friend

about that because from that day you,

from that you at least you have, uh,

you know, being special on that day.

Speaker 2: 16:32 Yeah. Like, the situation at my house

is like, um, on my birthdays, like

from day before my birthday and my

parents are like, okay, it's her

birthday. People are going to come,

our colleagues are gonna come

<laugh>. It's like her new friends,

they're also going to come. I'm pretty

sure they're pretty sure like even if I

don't invite friends, they'll be there.

Speaker 1: 16:57 Okay.

Speaker 2: 16:59 Yeah. Now, like they ordered a cake,

they make sure to decorate the house,

so it's like a full on birthday party.

Speaker 1: 17:09 Nice. Okay.

Speaker 2: 17:16 So this was one of my memories of

my childhood, best memories of my


Speaker 1: 17:20 Okay. Okay. So seriously, very nice


Speaker 2: 17:25 <laugh>. Thank you <inaudible>

Speaker 1: 17:27 For your rest of your, for the rest of

your life. And

Speaker 2: 17:30 Yeah.

Speaker 1: 17:32 Okay. Uh, so how would you

describe your relationship with your

parents? I think you, you mentioned a

few things about your parents, they're

a bit conservative and they don't, uh,

C 17:50 They people working. Mm-Hmm. Client is sharing and hence

<affirmative>, like both of them. empathetic look was given

They, they're definitely working like, and nonverbal encouragers

uh, when I was at a very young age. were given to probe the

Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, what I client more.

remember is my parents, they used to

live home, uh, by nine o'clock in the

morning and they used to come back

at 6:00 PM Mm-Hmm.

<affirmative>. And between that

time, uh, like there was a maid who

used to take care of me. Okay. And,

um, like, uh, that was only a definite

person, like the maid, uh, the

caretaker, rather the person used to

change like, uh, a person's term got

over. Then another person came in to

take care of me, then followed by

another. So my childhood is

basically, I grew up with various

people except for my parents. Okay.

And uh, when my parents used to

come back home, uh, they used to ask

me, ki how was my day? Uh, like

how was my day? In the sense they

used to ask me ki uh, what all things

have been done in school. Yeah. That

was the very first question, which I,

which I got. So I was like, okay,

these, these are the things which have

been, uh, done in school. And then

they were like, how was your day?

And then I told them about maybe,

maybe a sad experience, maybe

maybe the teacher had punished me.

Um, my father was generally like,

okay, that is your fault, then you need

to correct that.

C 19:25 So yeah, it had been like this and my Client is sharing and hence

mother didn't use to intervene that empathetic look was given

much. Okay. And uh, another thing and nonverbal encouragers

which I can remember about the were given to probe the

religion, it's not a very happy, lucky client more

childhood, which I had. Uh, like

suppose for example, uh, a

knowledge about a particular thing.

Like, um, okay. So my father used to

ask me like general GK stuff. I was

like, okay, uh, I don't know what is

that? And the general reply, which I

used to get was, um, uh, like, okay,

you don't even know that. When will

you learn? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

And I couldn't see to them keep from

where would I learn if you don't teach

me? So this is something I never see.

I was like, okay, I need to learn.

That's harsh <laugh>. No, it's okay. I

grew up like that. Okay. So doctor's

most memories, but then I also have

nice memories about them. Like, like,

um, we went on various trips, like

both my parents, they love exploring.

Okay. So I went to various seats with

them. Like I met various people who

had taken care of me

T 21:03 For vacation. Yeah. Okay. So you Restatement To probe the client

went to nice family trips and all.

Yeah. Okay. That's nice.

T 21:14 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

C 21:16 So, uh, one thing that I would hold on

with your childhood experiences are

that, uh, they will like, what to say


C 21:31 Yeah. I know it's a lot to take in at I was very grateful to my

once. client as she gave me the

time to comprehend myself

T 21:35 Yeah. No, it's fine.

C 21:37 No, it's okay. Like I have my, like, I

have fair share of my positive

experiences as well because when I

went to those trips, I met so nice

people out there.

T 21:50 Yeah.

C 21:50 So it balances out everything.

T 21:54 So you love, uh, meeting new people Paraphrasing To probe the client further

C 21:59 As long as they're nice

T 22:01 Okay. With them. It's nice lIne.

C 22:07 Yeah. Like, uh, I can give you an Client is sharing and hence

example. Uh, there was one time I empathetic look was given

was pretty young and my parents had and nonverbal encouragers

taken me to <inaudible> pr and we were given to probe the

had been living in a home stay, I client more

think because I was pretty young to

remember, but I remember this one

lady, she had a daughter who was, no,

no. She had a son who was the same

age as me. Like we are both young.

And the day we were leaving the

hotel or the home stay, uh, it was her

child's birthday. So like my parents,

they couldn't arrange for a gift then

and there because we were leaving.

Yeah. So what my father did was he

gave a bit of money. Like, uh, he

gave, uh, like sum of money to the,

uh, to the person and asked Joki, uh,

you buy anything which your child

likes. And for some reason, uh, like

the moving out got delayed as over,

uh, staying in that hotel another night.

I remember that person coming up to

me. She handed me a set of clips, uh,

like, uh, it was from the money my

father had given to her. Okay. He buy

something for your child. It's his

birthday. Mm-Hmm.

C 23:39 I bought a toy for the boy and she had

given me a clip set, so it was like

pretty fair, like, you know, pretty fair.

Like, it was like very homely.

T 23:52 Okay. These are some of the Summarization As the conversation on this

memories from your vacation that component ended.

Yeah, it was really nice. Okay. Was

really nice to hear that <laugh>. Uh,

so, uh, what were your college

memories? Like the ji

C 24:14 Um, guess honest to honest of my

UG again, like I had a pretty strict


T 24:24 Hmm. Non verbal To probe the client


C 24:25 So my ut was from a government Client is sharing and hence

college. Hmm. So by the time I went empathetic look was given

into that college, it was like another and nonverbal encouragers

new environment for me. A separate were given to probe the

set of people who I needed to get client more

adjusted to. And um, it was like the

academic pressure, including my

uchi, was pretty less than what I had

had in school.

T 24:46 Mm-Hmm.

C 24:48 So I felt like I knew most of the

things, I knew what I had to do. It

was pretty nice. And I was like pretty

extrovert back then.

T 25:01 Okay.

C 25:05 That's, so my UG memories are filled

with like joyfulness happiness. And

by the time I was into uji, my parents,

they were, they, they were

conservative, but they had like, given

me a bit of freedom, enjoy my life.

T 25:24 So you were saying that your school Questioning To probe the client on this

was pretty strict? topic

C 25:27 Yeah, my school was pretty strict.

T 25:29 Okay. Um, I mean, why are you

saying that? Like what all rules did

you face in your school that you

found pretty strict?

C 25:41 Like, uh, first thing was like the Client is sharing and hence

uniforms I used to have, like, I empathetic look was given

remember Mm-Hmm. Uh, it was and nonverbal encouragers

during my class night. I had very long were given to probe the
hair. Like I had a pretty long hair was client more

like down to my waist or something.

And, uh, my period like, uh, ask who

had this policy key, if your hair is

below your shoulder level, you have

to plate it or braid it. And I remember

I didn't knew how to braid my hair

during that time and my mother used

to leave my leave house at nine for

her work.

T 26:20 Yeah.

C 26:21 And we had that assembly, that one

dreadful entire assembly, which

every school used to have <laugh>.

You have to stay in a line and do

your prayers. Yeah,

T 26:30 Yeah. <laugh>

C 26:32 And yeah, I remember like every

time at my dress checking, they uh,

used to ask me, why is your hair in a

hostel? Why is it not braided? And I

cannot tell them. He, my mother had

left the house at nine and my mother

used to be like, come to me if you, if

like, if I, if you want to braid your

hair, come to me before nine and if

you're coming after nine, I cannot

help you. You have to learn, braid it.

So I was like, I cannot learn braid my

own hair at first. So I was like, okay,

I, and this is not a proper excuse

which I can use at school.

T 27:06 Yeah.

C 27:07 So it was like regular, I had to hear

key, um, why do you need to, uh,

braid your hair? Why didn't you plate

your hair?

T 27:14 Okay.

C 27:15 So I was like, okay, let's cut it down.

So just remember I cut my hair to like

the year level and the next day when I

came to school, my class teacher, she

was checking for my hair. I just

turned around when she was shocked.

Worried to cut your hair.

T 27:40 Okay.

C 27:41 Yeah, because I need to like play

plate it. No, I don't know how to plate

it. So it's best he cut my hair.

T 27:49 Okay.

C 27:51 So the uniform code was pretty strict.

And also like the s part that, that's

also pretty strict. Like I remember

having, uh, at least six exams.

T 28:04 Hmm.

C 28:05 Uh, one year. So, okay. Yeah.

T 28:17 So, uh, coming back to present life. Focus on client The focus on client and

present situation

C 28:20 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

T 28:22 Uh, so the university you are in has

also pretty strict rules.

C 28:28 <laugh>. Yeah. It has pretty strict


T 28:32 So how, how are you finding these? Confrontation The question was asked to

Like, because your UG was quite understand how the client

lenient with you. was dealing with the rules

again after years.

C 28:41 Yeah, it feels like I had not studied

for three years. Now I'm making up

for it in my masters.

T 28:49 Okay.

C 28:53 And um, yeah, like the university is

pretty strict with even the attendance

policies, the marks, which we get the

dress code, we were, the behavior we

show. Like, I remember it was like

the college time was over. I was

sitting in the garden, like not on a

bench, but if someone, a pavement

kind of place. I was sitting there and

the guard, uh, the, the, the guard

there, he come, came and told me he

please don't sit down. You have

bench. And like, okay. So yeah, the

university keeps a very strong check

on the behaviors which these students


T 29:32 Yeah.

C 29:36 Yeah.

C 29:36 I understand. It's a lot to take in right


T 29:39 No, no, that's fine. That's absolutely Paraphrasing and I was blank for a moment

fine. So, uh, uh, I would like to ask questioning and I loved how my client

you about your, uh, like you are felt that and empathize with

staying with your roommates right me and shown positive

now. How do you manage to get your regard

personal time?

C 30:05 Uh, it's like, um, kind of changing

situation. It's like when maybe some

days my class gets over early.

T 30:14 Hmm.

C 30:15 And I rush back into the hostel

because I know like this time my

room will be empty. My roommates

only there. Yeah. So I can, I enjoy

my mealtime. I can just dance about

in my room. I can just watch series if

I want to. And uh, generally on

Sunday it's like my, uh, one of my

roommates, she goes out with her

friends and the other one, she has her

exams approaching. So it's like she

goes to the library for her studies. So

this is the time I can enjoy.

T 30:51 Okay. So how do you enjoy your Open Ended To probe the client

time? Question

C 30:55 It's mostly like, sometimes I

Spending in my room. I'm just

reflecting on my, sometimes it's like,

uh, watching a movie.

T 31:05 Okay.

C 31:07 Uh, I like listening to songs.

T 31:10 Okay. <affirmative>.

T 31:14 That's nice. So we heard about your, Summarization To start closing the session

uh, school memories about your

parents. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> the

relationship that you share with your

parents. Uh, some of them being

good and some of them being not so

good and mm-Hmm. <affirmative>

also about your ug life and school life

and also about how you are finding

rules and are in the university you are

currently in.

C 31:50 Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

C 31:51 Yeah, that's right.

T 31:55 Do you add something? checkout To understand weather the

client wanted to say

something or not

C 32:00 No. Okay.

T 32:03 That's just Getting it

C 32:05 Okay. Uh, thank you S for the second Closure Ending of session

session. And this is going to be our

last session.
T 32:14 Yeah.

T 32:15 How was the session for you? Reflection of To understand what the

Feelings client is thinking

C 32:19 Um, the session was like, I learned a

lot about myself right now. Now

again, I feel very,

C 32:28 Very

C 32:29 After speaking to you, like it of my


T 32:34 Thank you. Closure

C 32:37 So thank you for providing me with

that space That I can share and with


T 32:40 Thank you. Closure

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