Practice Reading Test - Questions

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EAP Reading

Reading Text 1
Question 1 [1 Mark]

Choose the correct answer A – D.

1. The best title for the text is

A ‘Preserving a place for birds’.

B ‘Resisting climate change’.

C ‘Cutting down dead trees’.

D ‘Leaving it to nature’.

Questions 2 – 4 [3 Marks]

Reading Text 1 has 5 paragraphs A – E. Choose the main idea of each paragraph
A – C from the list below. Circle the appropriate letters (a-f) in the boxes on your
answer sheet.

NB There are more ideas than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them.

List of Main Ideas

a A misguided solution

b Human intervention

c Replanting lost trees

d A predator of trees

e A window to the past

f The life cycle of a beetle

g A self-supporting habitat

Example: Paragraph D Answer: g

2. Paragraph A

3. Paragraph B

4. Paragraph C

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EAP Reading

Questions 5 – 8 [4 Marks]

Choose the best answer from A – D according to the information given in the text.

5. Białowieza Forest is

A 35% situated in Poland.

B surrounded by woodland.

C a dynamic habitat.

D an economic enterprise.

6. Spruce bark beetles

A lay their eggs on the outside of a tree.

B do not have any natural predators.

C are a bigger threat to the forest than logging.

D are indirectly benefiting from climate change.

7. A leading authority on the forest believes that

A human intervention should be avoided.

B bark beetles are not a serious problem.

C it is not economic to salvage dead trees.

D replanting trees is the solution.

8. Removing dying trees will mean

A the potential loss of food for birds.

B other trees are able to prosper.

C the beauty of the forest is restored.

D a healthier forest habitat overall.

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EAP Reading

Questions 9 – 12 [4 Marks]

Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-H below so that it summarises
an idea in the text accurately. Circle the appropriate letter A-H in boxes 9-12 on
your answer sheet. You can use each ending only once.

NB There are more endings than you need, so you will not use all of them.

9. Spruce trees

10. Bark beetles

11. Birds

12. Other trees

A can utilise dead and dying trees.

B are being replanted.

C are able to adapt to global warming.

D are protected in Belarus.

E are more abundant than they used to be.

F are being attacked by a type of insect.

G are best controlled by logging.

H can be controlled with a natural predator.

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EAP Reading

Reading Text 2

Questions 13 – 16 [4 Marks]

Reading Text 2 has 5 paragraphs A – E. Choose the most suitable headings for
paragraphs B – E from the list of headings below. Circle the appropriate letters
(a – g) in the boxes on your answer sheet.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them.

List of headings

a The best ways to spend

b Testing a hypothesis

c The interplay between income and mood

d Introduction

e Recommendations for a brighter future

f The rich get happier

g Proving a point

Example: Paragraph A Answer: d

13. Paragraph B

14. Paragraph C

15. Paragraph D

16. Paragraph E

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EAP Reading

Questions 17 – 20 [4 Marks]

Choose the correct answer A – D according to the information given in the text.

17. According to the article, our sense of happiness can be affected by

A the psychology of money.

B more complex spending.

C the time, amount and type of spending.

D others spending money on us.

18. According to Norton,

A earning over $75,000 a year is not a comfortable income.

B the positive effects of money increase at the same rate as income.

C earnings over $75,000 have little positive impact on happiness.

D Americans are typically dissatisfied with their standard of living.

19. Behavioural research suggests that we should

A buy homes and cars with a lesser value.

B spend money on shared events.

C share our experiences to create memories.

D spend more money on ourselves.

20. The research findings show that spending on others

A varies from country to country.

B varies from student to student.

C increases happiness levels in line with the amount spent.

D increases happiness levels regardless of the amount spent.

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EAP Reading

Questions 21 – 23 [3 Marks]

Choose the correct answers A – F according to the information given in the text.
Choose 3 answers.

Which of the following statements are supported by the text?

A All the students were questioned about their levels of happiness.

B Students were given different amounts of money.

C Students were given the same amounts of money and the same instructions.

D Students could choose not to spend the money they were given.

E Students had to spend the money they were given by 5pm.

F Some students did not receive any instructions.

Question 24 [1 Mark]

Complete the sentence below. Your answer must come directly from the text.
Use as many words from the text as you need. All spelling must be correct.

The highlighted word those in paragraph E refers to ………………………………… .

Question 25 [1 Mark]

Complete the sentence below with a word from the text. Spelling must be correct.

The word ………………………………… in paragraph C means at first.

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EAP Reading

Reading Text 3

Questions 26 - 30 [5 Marks]

Choose the correct answer A – D according to the information given in the text.

26. Bean production has fallen

A by 50%.

B because of the global rise in temperatures.

C in the last 50 years.

D because new varieties are not developed.

27. Bean plants typically require

A a night temperature in excess of 18C for pollination to occur.

B a stable night temperature for pollination to occur.

C a night temperature of 23C for pollination to occur.

D a night temperature lower than 18C for pollination to occur.

28. The tepary bean has been an unpopular crop because

A it is expensive.

B it can only grow in America.

C it produces less food.

D it lacks taste.

29. Small-scale farmers lack access to seeds because

A the sale of seeds is not profitable for local producers.

B the number of seed markets is restricted.

C there are no local markets to sell the seeds.

D the seeds are only sold to large businesses.

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EAP Reading

30. Seeds sold in smaller packets

A are not attractive to farmers because they only cover a small area.

B are attractive to farmers because they produce better crops.

C allow the farmers to buy more seeds each year.

D allow the farmers to test the new seed variety.

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EAP Reading

Questions 31 – 35 [5 Marks]

Reading Text 3 has 6 paragraphs A – F. Choose the main function of paragraphs

B – F from the functions listed below. Circle the appropriate letters (a – j) in the
boxes on your answer sheet.

NB There are more functions than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them.

This paragraph

a considers the potential of the tepary bean variety.

b highlights the effect that temperature has on bean size.

c outlines the relationship between temperature and pollination.

d supports the decisions made by local seed producers.

e summarises the development of a new bean variety.

f analyses the lack of access to seeds.

g explains why the introduction of new crop varieties is a lengthy process.

h examines a solution to the problem of access.

i argues that the new variety cannot solve the predicted drop in production.

j criticises the producers for selling large quantities of seeds.

Example: Paragraph A Answer: e

31. Paragraph B

32. Paragraph C

33. Paragraph D

34. Paragraph E

35. Paragraph F

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EAP Reading

Questions 36 - 40 [5 Marks]

Complete this summary of the text using words from the boxes below.

You should use only ONE word for each space. Each word should be used ONCE ONLY.

There are more words than you need, so you will not use all of them.

All spelling must be correct.

A new climate-proof bean could offer hope to farmers in developing countries and prevent

the predicted drop in global bean production. Beans typically require

36) ……………………………… night temperatures in order to 37) ……………………………… . However,

the tepary bean can withstand higher temperatures and may provide a

38) ……………………………… solution as global temperatures rise. One of the key challenges is

to make new varieties of bean seeds available to small-scale farmers. A successful

39) ……………………………… has been to sell the seeds in much smaller quantities, allowing

local farmers to experiment with new seeds. Although the process of introducing new seeds

to the market is a lengthy one, it is hoped that the breakthrough can help in the fight to

feed the 40) ……………………………… of developing countries.

cool traditional initiative grow market

develop population high pollinate sustainable

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