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Hannah Faye J.

Grade - 10 Mahogany

How do dns

Uses NUMBERS to Medium of Uses names to

communicate communication communicate

Converts: Name - IP DOMAIN NAME Converts:

Address SYSTEM Names - Numbers


SERVER (Top Leverl Domain Server) NAME SERVER

• A computer • Is simply an Internet • top of the root of • maintains • responsible for

program with a user Service Provider DNS hierarchy information for providing answers to
interface for • Is a server designed • has 13 sets of these domain names that DNS nameservers
displaying and to receive DNS servers throughout share a common about where specific
navigating between queries from web the world operated extension such as; websites can be
web pages. browsers. by 12 organizations .com, .org, and .net found.
• also have there own
unique IP Address
Step 1: Step 2: Step 4: Step 5:
When you type in a When the Resolver
domain name (ex. receives the query, it
Step 3: When the resolver When the Root Server
receives the query receives the query, it and your will search its own When the Root Server from the Resolver, it will respond with the
operating system cache memory for receives the query for will not know what IP Address for yahoo.
can’t find the IP “”. If not “”, it will the IP Address is for com. And finally it
Address in it’s own found, it will send the not know what the IP “” so the will tell the resolver
cache, It will send the query to the Root Address is, but it does TLD Server will direct the IP Address in
query to the Resolver. Server. know where to send the resolver to the which the Resolver
the resolver to help it final server which is would bring back to
find the IP Address. the Authoritative your computer
So the Root server Name Server. allowing it to retrieve
will direct the the
Resolver to the Top Webpage.
Level Domain Server
for the “.com”
Note: Once the Resolver receives the IP
Address, it will store it in its cache incase it
receive another query for

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