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Anchor 1: Good morning and a warm welcome to today’s morning assembly. I ______ and
my friend _______ are going to host today’s morning assembly on behalf of Ashoka House.

Anchor 2: Good and inspiring thoughts can spice up our day. Reading new thoughts in the
morning works like fuel which keeps us smiling and encouraging throughout the day. So to
inspire with thought her comes _____________

Anchor 1: Wow…. that’s really an appealing thought. Thank you ___________

Anchor 2: If you don’t read newspaper, you remain uninformed. So, here is _______ to
inform us about the current happenings.

Anchor 1: Thank you _________ for updating us.

Anchor 2: A poem is a very image of life, expressed in its eternal truth. So, for reciting
poem, I would welcome __________ to come on to stage.

Anchor 2: Hey, that’s really thought provoking and motivational poetry.

Anchor 1: _____________ Do you wish to know more about today’s topic?

Anchor 2: Yes, of course ___________, today’s topic is really inspirational for being an ideal

Anchor 1: So, here is _________ to share some facts about self-discipline.

Anchor 1: Thank you _________ for the facts you shared with us.
Anchor 2: The audience wants something that entertains them, and whether that
entertainment is in the form of a physical match or in the form of a skit…
Anchor 1: So, to teach us with the entertainment, here we present a skit in which _____
playing role of Reyansh, _____ of Vidisha, _________ as Arpita, _______ as Shaivi, Hirth as
Sarthak on the stage.

Anchor 1: Thank you friends for teaching us values with entertainment.

Anchor 2: A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others. So
to enlighten us, I invite Kajal Mam for a teacher’s talk.
Anchor 1: Thank you mam for inspiring us. We will definitely follow it.
Anchor 2: Birthdays are about celebrating the life of someone. So, to celebrate the birthday
of One of our friends, I call upon choir group on the stage.
Anchor 1: Freedom came to us as the gift of our ancestors…Let us respect and value this
precious present by singing a national anthem.
Thought: Self-discipline is something like muscles, the more you exercise, the stronger it gets.
Discipline is the key to God’s door,
Only if we are disciplined, our heart can be pure.
Of all achievements, discipline is the great end,
Sincerity and receptiveness in our words we should blend
Conquer all the bad habits that surround,
Then, try to push them, into the background.
Discipline truly furnishes the mind,
Discipline in our character we should bind.
In life, discipline plays the most important part.
Only if we are disciplined, God will dwell in our heart.
1. Self-disciplined people achieve long-term goals.
2. Self-discipline can improve your mental health.
3. Self-disciplined people have more self control
4. Self-disciplined people are more contented and happier
5. Self-disciplined do not carry guilt with them
6. Self-disciplined people have better self esteem

Narrator: Reyansh, Vidisha, Arpita and Shaivi are best friends. They are always together, be it for
studies, playing games or preparing projects. Vidisha and Shaivi dream of becoming computer
scientists, while Reyansh aspires to become a singer. Arpita loves to imagine to be a pilot with the
Indian Air force. One Sunday, the four friends gathered at Shaivi’s home to do that science project
on rainwater harvesting. Shaivi’s parents observed how they were distracted. Vidisha and Reyansh
were updating their Facebook page every 10 minutes. Arpita was surfing the net for information
checking Instagram pictures and also texting. Shaivi loves to text in multiple WhatsApp groups
while preparing for her test. She says, this helps her to read the selected topics instead of reading
the entire syllabus. When the results of half yearly exams were out, the four friends were shocked
to know that they had not performed well at all. They meet there senior Sarthak, who was well
regarded for his deep understanding of crucial concepts in all subjects.
Sarthak said, “I never use a phone while studying and that I am never anxious to reply or comment
on any update on social media. Even a single video, GIF clipping or any Instagram update can
distract us from the particular topic. When the mind is clutter free, it can devote 100% to the work
we are doing.”
Reyansh, Vidisha, Arpita and Shaivi thanked Sarthak for his advice and returned home determined
to achieve the ambition. Instead of multitasking, they decided to focus only on a single task. They
stuck to the study time table and once they have completed their academic work, they relax in
their own ways. Vidisha takes a walk. Arpita listens to old Hindi film songs. Reyansh loves to read
comics, while Shaivi plays badminton to ward off stress. Thus, by correcting their mistakes and
being disciplined in their studies, the four friends came out with flying colours in the final exams.
They realised the value of self-discipline to master any field of knowledge.

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