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PAKISTAN MUSIC - mostly improvised and played by a small group of musicians at a time
- singing vocal style of Pakistan can be considered as one of the principal poetic forms in the Persian
- traditional expression of love, separation and loneliness

India known to be the largest country in South Asia, their music is as vast as its geographic location and as
large as its demographic population.

SAMAGANA - style of singing is an established part of contemporary tradition in India

MIDDLE EAST MUSIC - commonly used during communal worship in mosques and life passage events in


MELISMATIC - moves in several different notes in a single syllable of text
CARNATIC MUSIC (“temple music”) - music pieces are mainly set for the voice and with lyrics.
Zum Gali Gali of Israel - Arabian rhythmic pattern or cycle is analyzed by means of rhythmic units.
TALA - metric cycle with a specific number of beats that recur in the same pattern
RIG VETA - oldest known Vedic Sanskrit text
THEKA - is a system of drum-syllables in India to create elaborate patterns of rhythm.

BHANGRA - Dhol drum

VITAT - bowed stringed instruments
TAT – vina
TABLA - consists of two drums played while sitting on the floor
LUTE - musical instrument in Israel is similar to the Philippine bandurria and the laud that traces its origin to
the Middle East Oud and Indian sitar
SUSHIR - characterized by the use of air to excite the various resonators

LINE - A line in art is primarily a dot or series of dots, line is a two-dimensional shape unless the artist gives
it volume or mass
SHAPE - The shape is defined as having some sort of outline or boundary, whether the shape is two or
three dimensional. The shape can be geometric (known shape)
SPACE - Space is the area around the focal point of the art piece and might be positive or negative,
shallow or deep, open, or closed.

- it is the most sensuous form of art
- appealing to the senses and erotic – with images about sexuality.
- is classified into specific periods, each reflecting certain religious, political, and cultural developments
- It is used for decorative and religious purposes.

- Diwali is also called as “Festival of Lights” Fireworks light up the sky.
- Hindus believed that they cannot enter a house which is not lit up, so every household burns
special DIWALI clay lamps (DIYAS) to light the way for the goddess.

- makes use of designs and motifs based on nature. It also includes geometric patterns.
- They used Dry flour, Colored rice and Colored sand


- can be referred to ISLAMIC ART with various arts styles.
- rich in cultural heritage that is shown in its various regional art forms such as embroidery, ceramics,
- The STUPA is the most distinctive type of Buddhist architecture.
- The main features of STUPA large dome supported by corbelled stones.


- influenced by the art of China, Persia, and Greece
- Islam influenced Tajik’s carving that gradually changed to Arabian inscriptions using images of
people and animals.

S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bounded

CHESS - A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved
according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king
SCRABBLE - A word game in which two to four players score points by forming words from individual
lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15-by-15 grid.
Scrabble is played with exactly 100 tiles.
DOMINO - It is called "bones" because the earliest domino tiles were made from animal bones or ivory. In
addition to "bones", dominoes are also called "tiles", "stones", "men", “tickets”,or “spinners.”
CHECKMATE - Situation in chess in which one player's king is threatened with capture (in check) and there
is no way to meet that threat.
KING: it only moves one square in any direction - up, down, to the sides, and diagonally.
QUEEN: It moves in any one straight direction - forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally.
BISHOP: move as far as it wants, but only diagonally
ROOK: move to any square as far as it wants, but only forward, backward, and to the sides.
PAWN: Move forward, but capture diagonally. They can never move backwards.
KNIGHT: Moves by going two squares in one direction, and then one more move just like an “L” shape.

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE - It refers to the direct and indirect spread of pathogens from one person to
INFECTION - It is the successful colonization of a host by a microorganism.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - National Agency implements programs and policies on the prevention and
control of diseases
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - responsible for the formulation and implementation of programs in the
areas of formal and non-formal instruction
DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL BUREU - agency that works on the synchronization of all efforts
in disease prevention and control
EXPANDED PROGRAM ON IMMUNIZATION – it is program addresses tuberculosis problems in the
country by detecting and providing cure to all forms of TB cases
AH1N1 is caused by spirochete bacteria
P.D 996 it is presidential decree was established in 1976 and was named Expanded Program of
FUNGUS - It is a pathogen that causes athlete’s foot.
TUBERCULOSIS - is caused by air-borne transmission

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