Biskaabiiyaang Score Book

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Main Quests
Quester, you are now ready to battle the Linguicidals and restore the Seven Beings to the Circle.
There are four Quadrants to restore. Each of these has a Linguicidal Boss tearing away at the
fabric of Anishinaabemowin. You must journey deep into the wastelands to hunt down these
Linguicidals and destroy them.

Along the way, you will be confronted by hordes of linguicidals sucking the life out of
Anishinaabemowin. You will have to fend off these hordes as you make your way to the
Linguicidal Boss for each level. The Progress tracker is designed to keep tabs on your journey,
record any achievements you have earned and take note of any mini-bosses you encounter and
side quests you complete. The Ogimaa (leader) will give you badges for each act of bravery you
complete along your journey to restore the Seven Beings.

Main Quest Progress Tracker

Main Quests have four challenges, a dungeon quest, and then a final Boss Battle for each level.
After completing each Main Quest level, use your Progress tracker to keep track of how deep
into the wastelands you have journeyed.

Mini-Boss Challenges
Out in the wastelands you might encounter giant Linguicidals attacking whole swaths of land.
Stop them if you can. Your mini-boss challenge tracker will take note of any of these random

Side Quests
Having Trickster Rogues on your team guarantee that you will end up in side Quests. While no
Linguicidals will be fought, these side quests can help you gain a deeper understanding of
Anishinaabemowin and Anishinaabe philosophy to better hone your skills. Take note of these in
your Side Quest Progress Tracker.

Class Points and Levelling up

Every challenge, every side quest gives you the chance to earn experience points in different
classes. After each level, go through your challenges, sides Quests and Mini Boss encounters and
add up how many exp points you earned in each class. Keep note of these on the Class Points per
Level sheet. Once you reach a certain number of exp points in a class, you can level up: from
Fledgling, Apprentice, Studious, Erudite, to Adept. Levelling more than one class unlocks
unique combo abilities.
Good luck out there Quester, you got this!

Progress Tracker Main Quests

The Ogimaa will provide badges after each completed Quest
Add them here to track your progress

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4





Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4



Achievements Unlocked:

Mini Boss Challenges

The Ogimaa will provide badges after each completed Quest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 for dice 10 sided for 100% correct

8 sided for 80% correct
6 sided for 60% correct
Mini Boss Battle Tally 100 HP

Attack 0
Attack 0
Total Attack Points 0
Damage 0
Total Total 0

4 sided for below 60%


Progress Tracker Green Mage

The Ogimaa will provide badges after each completed Quest
Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun
Quest 1 Quest 2 Quest 3 Quest 4 Quest 5 Quest 6 Quest 7

Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun

Quest 8 Quest 9 Quest 10 Quest 11 Quest 12 Quest 13 Quest 14

Progress Tracker Side Quests

The Ogimaa will provide badges after each completed Quest
Side Quest 1 Side Quest 2 Side Quest 3 Side Quest 4

Side Quest 5 Side Quest 6 Side Quest 7 Side Quest 8


Side Quest 1 Side Quest 2 Side Quest 3 Side Quest 4

Side Quest 9 Side Quest 10 Side Quest 11 Side Quest 12


Class Points Per Level

Add the total points earned for each class after completing quests per level
Total Points per Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 TOTAL
Warrior-Scribe 240 150 200
(Pronunciation or Syllabics)

Arcanist of Translation 205 600 300


Engineer Tinkerer 85 245 200


Trickster Rogue (Philosophy 55 20 200

and side quests)

Green Mage 125 125 150


Class Ranks:
Place an X beside each Rank gained per Class. Put “Combo” if you have one.
Warrior Arcanist Tinkerer Rogue Mage
Fledgling 0-399 x x x x x

Apprentice 400-
599 points

Studious 600-
799 points

Erudite 800-999

Adept = 1000

Reach Adept in all Classes to Unlock the Ogimaa Title!


Combo Classes
Questers with a propensity for more than one Class can earn unique rewards and titles depending
on the combination. The Ogimaa will provide such exemplary Questers with fabulous rewards:

Reach Apprentice in two Classes:

Things are getting easier for you in the wastelands. Add 20 points to any class of your choice and
gain the ability to help a fellow quester once per boss battle.

Reach Studious in three Classes:

Your hard work has paid off. Add 50 points to any class and gain 4 protection barriers for the
next boss battle. These can be used on any quester who misses a hit on the boss allowing them to
try again.

Reach Erudite in four Classes:

You are a wasteland powerhouse. Gain immunity to all negative points in quest challenges and
start the boss battle with a 50% score increase on the first 4 hits.

Reach Adept in all Five Classes: Earn the title of Ogimaa and lead your own group!

Special Achievements
From dungeon determination to prowess on the battlefield, Questers have the chance to earn
Special Achievements on their journey. Add these to your Main Quest Progress Tracker once
• Wasteland Menace (Complete Level One )
• Linguicidal Tormentor (Complete Level Two)
• Bane of Linguicide (Complete Level Three)
• Biskaabiiyaang Hero (Defeat all four Linguicidal bosses)
• Unsinged Acanist (Reach Adept level Arcanist)
• Fearless Assaulter (Reach Adept level Warrior)
• Deadly Engineer (Reach Adept Level Tinkerer)
• True Genius (Reach Adept level Rogue)
• Green Thumb (Reach Adept level Green Mage)
• Dungeon Destroyer (Complete all four dungeons)
• Life Bringer (Complete all noun quests)
• Wasteland Slayer (Complete all Mini Boss Challenges)
• Wasteland Soothsayer (Complete all Side Quests)

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