What Is The Helpline Number For Women-Unit4

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What Is The Helpline Number For Women's Safety In India?

1090 is The National Helpline Number For Women's Safety in India.

This helpline number in India provides 24/7 assistance to women in need of help and support.
The helpline is aimed at providing women with a safe and secure platform to report incidents of
harassment, violence, or abuse. The 1090 helpline is operated by the government and staffed by
trained professionals who are equipped to handle a range of emergency situations.

*It is free to call from anywhere in India and is available in multiple languages to ensure that
women from all regions and backgrounds can access the services provided.*

Most Important Helpline Numbers For Women In India

 1090: This is a 24/7 women's helpline number that provides support to women in need of
help and assistance.
 181: This is the national toll-free number for women in distress. It provides support to
women who are victims of violence, abuse, or harassment.
 112: This is the emergency number that can be used to seek immediate help in any kind
of emergency situation, including those faced by women.
 100: This is the general police helpline number that can be used to report incidents of
violence, abuse, or harassment against women.
 1098: This is the national helpline number for children in India. It provides support to
children who are victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

The NGOs are working in various regions of the nation under the leadership of an exceptional
and committed group of individuals. Some organizations have made women's empowerment one
of their top priorities. These top NGOs support victims of many types of crime and empower
women socially and economically.

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