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Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental



A Research Proposal
Presented To Villaflores College
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in SPEC 7

Alexa Marie C. Rocillo
Tyrone Vallega
Christian Jay Aniñon Rodrigez
Jane Melanie Bustamante Omaguing
Jeannette C. Quila
Rowel Sapepe Panangganan Jr.

Submitted by:
Spec 7 Teacher
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental




Is social media accountable for the mental health challenges faced by teenagers, or

should it be celebrated as one of the most significant innovations of the 21st century? If

you haven't yet acquainted yourself with this emerging generation, let us provide an

introduction. Adolescents have grown up in a world immersed in technology, the internet,

and social media, often leading to stereotypes of them as technology-dependent,

antisocial, or fervent advocates for social justice. However, they defy such narrow

categorizations. This new generation is best described as diverse, inclusive, open-minded,

innovative, accepting, opinionated, fun, smart, creative, and determined.

In contrast to prior generations, they exhibit resilience against the impact of

differences in race, sexual orientation, or religion. This resilience has sparked a sense of

fear among older generations who feel challenged by the new generation's questioning of

established beliefs and their unwavering commitment to expressing individual

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

viewpoints. It's time to welcome and acknowledge the new generation, as they stand

poised to make a meaningful impact.

Because teens grew up and will continue to grow up in a society that is dominated

by social media and quick access information, they are an open-minded, diverse and

inclusive generation. They are a generation that has been and continues to be constantly

exposed to different beliefs, opinions and lifestyles. With a curiosity and eagerness to

learn more, they have all the information they need at their fingertips and in one tap, can

access it within seconds. When an event happens on the other side of the world, this

generation has been able to watch it unfold in real-time, not just from news outlets, but

from the social media feeds of people experiencing it first-hand. To add, based on Corey

Seemiller and Meghan Grace’s research, Teens have diverse social circles that care

passionately about issues related to racial and gender equality and more. This has led to a

generation that embraces diversity and inclusion along with increased empathy for the

lived experiences of those different than them.

According to a 2018 survey by the Pew Research Center, nearly 45% of 13- to 17-

year-olds are almost always online, and a whopping 97% use social media platforms like

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. A 2019 study involving over 6,500 12- to

15-year-olds in the U.S. revealed that those spending more than three hours a day on

social media might face an increased risk of mental health issues. Various studies have
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

also noted connections between extensive social media use and symptoms of depression

or anxiety. A 2016 investigation with over 450 teens found that more significant social

media engagement, nighttime usage, and emotional investment (like feeling upset when

unable to log on) were associated with poorer sleep quality and elevated levels of anxiety

and depression. It's crucial to recognize that, despite the positive impact of social media

on aspects like self-confidence and friendships, there are substantial negative effects that

researchers need to consider when working with this generation.

Despite the detailed examination of these findings, there has been a lack of sufficient

attention not only on teenagers but also on upcoming generations. Researchers should

broaden their focus to understand how social media impacts society as a whole and future

generations. In particular, attention is needed for Filipino teens, considering the influence

of technology access, social media content, and social class on the varying effects in

different cultures and traditions.

There is a crucial need for more information on how the recent and ongoing global

pandemic, COVID-19, is affecting the mental health of Filipino teens. The sudden shift to

online learning, imposed without warning, has been disorienting for teenagers. The

assumption that they have the financial means to access online education, maintain

grades, and stay mentally and physically healthy has added stress. The combination of

online learning, increased social media screen time, and the challenges of adolescence
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

can lead to loneliness, a lack of motivation for education, physical health issues, financial

difficulties, and additional challenges for students with disabilities such as ADHD.

Unlike countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, where therapy

and professional help are more accessible, the Philippines faces issues of limited

professional help and insufficient education on mental health, exacerbating the problems.

Social media is a dual-edged tool, presenting both positive and negative aspects. Its

pervasive nature in personal, social, and work aspects of life is undeniable, and its

influence will only continue to grow. To navigate this landscape effectively,

understanding the advantages and drawbacks is crucial, aiming to maximize benefits and

minimize negative impacts on individuals and society. While social media can be a

valuable resource if used wisely, it can also pose risks equivalent to any health condition

if misused. Teenagers, in particular, have integrated social media into their daily lives to

a significant extent. From waking up to notifications to carrying mobile phones to bed,

the addictive nature of social media is evident. Recognizing the inherent risks and

benefits is essential for users of all ages, with particular emphasis on parents

understanding where their teenagers are heading.

The potential for addiction, especially among teens, underscores the importance of this

research study. It seeks to delve into the mental, physical, and emotional risks and

benefits associated with social media use among teenagers. By identifying the factors
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

influencing teen addiction, the study aims to contribute insights that can inform strategies

for a healthier and more mindful use of social media.

Statement of the Problem

In today's society, the use of social media has become a necessary daily activity

specially for teenagers. Social media is typically used as a tool for social interaction and

access to news and information, and decision making.

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. Does social media affect positively or negatively, to the mental health of Grade 12

students of Villaflores College?

2. Does social media influence the behavior of Grade 12 students of Villaflores College?

3. Does social media affect positively or negatively, to the mood of Grade 12 students

of Villaflores College?
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Significance of the Study

This part of the study reveals the importance of the research regarding the risks

and benefits of teen's social media activity.

• School Administrators – This study will help the school identify the benefits and

avoid the risks of social media activity of the students and use social media for the

betterment of their education.

• Teachers – This study will help the teachers understand the risks and benefits of

social media among students.

• Parents - This study will help the parents understand the risks and benefits of

using social media in order to help guide their children away from the risks of social


• Students - This study will help the students understand about the risks and benefits

of social media activity and to maximize the use of social media for their betterment.

• Future Researchers - This study will help the future researchers as a basis to

improve their understanding on what are needed to improve the study of identifying the

risks and benefits of teens' social media activity.

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research specifically investigates how grade 12 students at Villaflores College

engage with social media, aiming to uncover both the positive and negative aspects of

their online activities. The study focuses on potential benefits, such as improved

communication and networking, as well as risks like privacy issues and cyberbullying. It

is important to note that the participants involved will be exclusively grade 12 students

from Villaflores College, providing insights relevant to this specific group.

However, it's crucial to recognize that the findings may not be broadly applicable

beyond this college community. Additionally, the study's relevance could be affected by

the rapidly changing landscape of social media trends. Despite these limitations, the

research aims to offer valuable insights into the social media behavior of grade 12

students, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the dynamics within this

specific community.
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Theoretical Framework

Sartre's theory on existentialism states that people have the absolute power to choose

how they will react as a whole. Teens have the freedom to react negatively or positively

to anything presented in social media. Teens react on social media by their own point of

views. On the flip side, a teen social network can inspire teenagers to develop healthy

habits. Thus, seeing peers eating nutritious food, doing something creative, or getting

outside in nature can encourage other teens to do the same. Social networks can create

peer motivation, inspiring young people to try something new, follow their dreams, and

speak up about things that matter to them. Teens can also find positive role models

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Conceptual Framework

It shows the Input, Process, and Output System approach used by the researchers in

order to show the conceptual framework of the research study. The output included in the

framework consist of the statement of the problem of the study which are the main points

of the research study and are used as a guide in formulating the questions for the

questionnaire to be given to the subjects or respondents of the research study in order to

formulate the risks and benefits of the social media activity of teens’ specifically the

grade 12 students of Villaflores College.

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Definition of Terms

To form a better understanding of the concepts and ideas in the study, the following

terms are defined:

hitherto - until now or until the point in time under discussion.

IM (instant message) - it is a message sent via the internet that appears on the recipient's

screen as soon as it is transmitted.

indulge - allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

SIT (socially interactive technology) - an assortment of interactive and collaborative

applications, such as blogs and wikis, where users can consume, create, and recreate

information resulting in new contents and structure.

Social Justice Warrior (SJW) - a contemptuous term for a person who advocates a

progressive orthodoxy, often on the internet, especially involving the treatment of ethnic,

racial, gender, or gender-identity minorities. ubiquitous - it means existing or being

everywhere, especially at the same time.

Prodigious - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.

Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental



Local and Foreign Literature

Socially Interactive Technologies (SITs), such as instant and text messaging, are

reshaping the social networks of today's youth by providing fast, affordable, and online

communication. These technologies facilitate the formation and evolution of new youth

social networks, picking up where traditional phones left off. Email and text messaging

enable rapid, asynchronous communication within peer networks, while instant

messaging allows synchronous communication among multiple friends simultaneously

(Bryant, Sanders-Jackson, and Smallwood, 2006).

Social networking sites further contribute to this transformation by facilitating

communication across various activities, including email, messaging, website creation,

diaries, photo albums, and music or video sharing (Livingstone, 2008). Users now have

unprecedented control over media, not just as recipients but also as creators.
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

The impact of social media on adolescents is a double-edged sword. Positive usage

includes seeking entertainment, humor, content creation, and social connection, while

negative aspects involve sharing risky behaviors, cyberbullying, and making self-

denigrating comparisons with others (Ana Radovic et al., 2017). Thematic analysis

reveals that adolescents perceive social media as a threat to mental well-being, citing

concerns about mood and anxiety disorders, cyberbullying, and addiction-like behaviors

(Michelle O'Reilly et al., 2018).

Social media has exploded as a platform for online discourse, enabling content

creation, sharing, bookmarking, and networking at an unprecedented rate (Jha and

Bhardwaj, 2012). It has become a powerful force shaping public discourse across diverse

topics, from environment and politics to technology and the entertainment industry (Asur

and Huberman, 2010). The widespread adoption of social media is driven by its

ubiquitous access, convenience, functionality, and flexibility (Brown, 2010; Schroeder,

Minocha, and Schneider, 2010).

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Related Studies

"Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the U.S."

(Primack et al., 2017): This study delves into the potential impact of social media on

perceived social isolation, shedding light on the emotional well-being of young adults.

Understanding the psychological aspects of social media use can offer insights into its

effects on Grade 12 students.

"The Influence of Social Media on Adolescents' Body Image" (Fardouly et al., 2015):

Examining the relationship between social media and body image, this study explores

how online platforms contribute to body dissatisfaction among adolescents. Given the

prevalence of social comparisons on these platforms, this research can provide context

for negative aspects of social media activity.

"Social Media Use and Mental Health among Young Adults" (Primack et al., 2017):

Focused on the mental health implications of social media use, this study investigates the

potential connection between increased screen time and mental health issues. Exploring

this dimension is crucial for understanding the perceived threats to mental well-being

identified in the research on Grade 12 students.

"Cyberbullying Victimization and Mental Health in Adolescents and the Moderating

Role of Family Dinners" (Liang et al., 2018): This study explores the link between

cyberbullying victimization and mental health in adolescents, emphasizing the potential

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

negative consequences of online interactions. Examining the experiences of adolescents

can inform the investigation into risky behaviors associated with social media use among

Grade 12 students.

"Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media Use on Well-Being" (Kross et al.,

2013): Investigating the nuanced effects of social media on well-being, this study

provides insights into both positive and negative aspects. Understanding the multifaceted

nature of social media's impact can help contextualize the identified positive and negative

uses among Grade 12 students.

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental



This part of the research shows the methodology harnessed by the researchers in this

study which presents the subtopics that are: (1) research design (2) respondents (3)

instrument of the study (4) environment and (5) data gathering

Research Design

The researchers conduct questionnaires after explaining the topic to the respondents.

All the gathered answers of the questionnaires from the respondents will be observed and



The respondents of the study focus on the grade 12 students of Villaflores College.

The researchers randomly choose 40 respondents from the grade 12 students.

Instrument of the Study

The researchers use a random sampling method to gather the information of the grade

12 students of Villaflores College regarding the topic. The researchers gather data
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

regarding the risks and benefits of social media activity of the respondents through a

questionnaire. The questionnaire includes questions that are significant in determining the

risks and benefits of social media activity of the respondents.

Research Environment

The research will be conducted at Villaflores College, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental.

The researchers have observed the predicament that the Grade 12 Students of Villaflores

College are facing.

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Data Gathering

The researchers conduct questionnaires after explaining the topic to the respondents.

All the gathered answers of the questionnaires from the respondents will be observed and

Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental


Name: Alexa Marie C. Rocillo

Address: Proper Azagra, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Mobile phone number: 09613380579
Email address:


Date of Birth: September 14, 2003

Place of Birth: Dumaguete City
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: INC
Father’s name: Robine A. Rocillo
Mother’s name: Ma. Aileen C. Rocillo
Civil Status: Single


Elementary School: Azagra Elementary School

Junior High School: Tanjay City Science High School
Senior High School: Tanjay City Science High School
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Name: Tyrone Dave V. Vallega

Address: Igbalanac, Malalangsi, Pamplona City, Negros
Mobile phone number: 09156291604
Email address:


Date of Birth: July 6, 2004

Place of Birth: Bais City, Negros Oriental
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s name: Roger Vallega
Mother’s name: Marisel Vallega
Civil Status: Single

Elementary School: Plaza Central School
Junior High School: Diaz College
Senior High School: La Consolacion College
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Name: Jeannette C. Quila

Address: Bonbon, Azagra, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Mobile phone number: 09319133301
Email address:


Date of Birth: September 25, 2004

Place of Birth: Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s name: Osias G. Quila
Mother’s name: Gina C. Quila
Civil Status: Single


Elementary School: Azagra Elementary School

Junior High School: Tanjay City Science High School
Senior High School: Tanjay City Science High School
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Name: Christian Jay A. Rodriguez

Address: Talaptap Novallas, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Mobile phone number: 09161423416
Email address:


Date of Birth: December 24, 2003

Place of Birth: Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s name: Alberto A. Rodriguez
Mother’s name: Joy A. Rodriguez
Civil Status: Single


Elementary School: Novallas Elementary School

Junior High School: Ruffino Aguilar Memorial High School
Senior High School: Diaz College
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Name: Rowel S. Panangganan Jr.

Address: Obogon Purok 3, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Mobile phone number: 09948358230
Email address:


Date of Birth: May 16, 2002

Place of Birth: Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Baptist
Father’s name: Rowel B. Panangganan Sr.
Mother’s name: Dorcas S. Panangganan
Civil Status: Single


Elementary School: Villaflores College

Junior High School: Pamplona National High School
Senior High School: Pagatban High School
Legaspi Street, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Name: Jane Melanie Omaguing

Address: San Miguel, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
Mobile phone number: 09494551446
Email address:


Date of Birth: August 19, 2003

Place of Birth: Jantianon Amlan, Negros Oriental
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s name: Filizardo T. Omaguing
Mother’s name: Imelda B. Omaguing
Civil Status: Single


Elementary School: Jantianon Elementary School

Junior High School: Jantianon National High School
Senior High School: Jantianon National High School – Senior High

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