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Subject : English
Class : preschool
Topic : Part Of Body
Time : 2 X 30 Minutes

Standard Competency
Understanding name part of body.

Basic Competence
Recognizing what part of body which are given by teacher.

- Having identify part of body
- Having abilty recognize part of body
- Having mention part of body

- The children are able to identify part of body
- The children are able to say names of part of body
- The children are able to mention of part of body

TPR (total physical response)

Teaching Learning Activities

Learning activities teacher children

Pre activity · Teacher greets the students: · Good morning

Hello good morning dear, how are
you? Fine , Nice, Good

· What did you eat this morning


· Have you taken breakfast?

· Did you drink milk this


· Good you are smart children.

· You must take a breakfast and . Listening
drink milk every morning to make
our body health.

· Today we are going to play


· Are you happy?

· Before that, lets see the video

and sing together.

Teacher show the video to the

children and teacher repeat the
song. And sing together with

· Ok, now everybody must stand

up and follow the video together.

While activity · Teacher point her body and ask · Children pay attention.
student to follow her
· Children follow the teacher
- This is my hair moved
- This is not my hair
- It is my hand
- It is not my hand......

Teacher point the body student and

the other student follow her.

- That is her hair

- That is not her hair
- That is her hand
- That is not her hand......

· Teacher point the body using

gramar present continous tense. . Children follow the teacher and
pronoun using present continous
- I am touching my ear now
- I am not touching my ear
- We are touching our head
- We are not touching our
head now

Teacher explain about the topic

“We can see with our ‘eyes’....

Post activity ·EXERCISE : · Children do the teacher asking

1. Teacher game play “John Say “

and ask the student to step forward.

“ok dear, please come here two

person and practice a “John Say”

- John says touch your hand

Put it down
- John says touch your ear
Put it down
- John says touch your

. Teacher give some reward to . Children take a reward

. All Children Sing and move the
. Teacher ask childrens to sing song body
Head and Shoulder together by point
. say good bye
to each body part.

“Ok, before we go to our home, let’s

say and sing together again.

- Lyrics: Head, Shoulders,

Knees and Toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes

‘ok that is all for today, don’t forget

to take a lunch and take nap. Good
bye children, have a nice day

Media :

· Video

· reward

Materials : Part Of Body

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