6 July Defense

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Defense is the act of avoiding or Protecting from getting captured.

There are 3 types of defense.
1!) Defense by Moving
2) Defense by Supporting
3) Defense by Blocking

1) Defense by Moving
Defending a piece by moving from getting captured

Black pawn on a6 is trying to White Bishop moved to a4 &

capture White Bishop on b5 defended it.

247 Embassy Park, Mumbai

+91 7039123065
2) Defense by Supporting
Here White Black King is trying to White Bishop moved to d3 and
capture the White Knight. supported the Knight. Now King cannot
capture the Knight.

247 Embassy Park, Mumbai

+91 7039123065
3) Defense by blocking
Defending a piece by bringing some piece in between the attacking piece and
the piece that is getting attacked.

Here White Bishop on g5 is attacking Black Knight moved to f6 and blocked

the Black Queen & Black Queen cannot the White Bishop from attacking the
capture the Bishop as it has support Black Queen.
form the Knight on f3

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247 Embassy Park, Mumbai

+91 7039123065

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