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: RAD/DGI01/2024-25/001 Date: 10 April 2024

Dear Parents,

Greetings from Radcliffe Group of Schools!

As the academic year had commenced for Grade X students already, it is crucial to focus on their studies, preparing
well for the first examination, EV 1, scheduled for April 22, 2024. To excel in the upcoming exams, students must
diligently follow the provided schedule and maintain a consistent study routine.

Day Date Subject Syllabus

Monday 22/04/2024 Science Physics: Chapter 10 - Light-Reflection and Refraction
Chemistry: Chapter 1 - Chemical Reactions and Equations
Biology: Chapter 6 - Life Processes (Till transportation of

Tuesday 23/04/2024 Marathi अपदठत गद्याशं, अपदठत पद्यांश - पाठ 1 सतं वाणी,
पाठ 3 शाल, व्याकरण - ललगं वचन, पत्र ल़ेखन, ननबधं, ल़ेखन
Wednesday 24/04/2024 English Reading Comprehension Descursive Passage Case
based/Factual Passage (First Flight) Literature Reader: L.1
A Letter to God L.2 Nelson Mandela Poem: P.1 Dust of
Snow P.2 Fire and Ice
(Footprints without Feet) Supplementary Reader: S.1 A
Triumph of Surgery
Grammar: 1. Modals 2. Determiners
Writing: Letter to the Editor Letter of Inquiry
Thursday 25/04/2024 Maths Real Numbers, Polynomials, A Pair of Linear Equations in
two Variables
Friday 26/04/2024 SST History L - 1 Nationalism in Europe
Geography L - 1 Resources and Development
Political Science L - 1 Power Sharing
Economics L - 1 Development
Monday 29/04/2024 IT Employability Skills: Unit 1 : Communication skills
Unit 2: Self-management Skills
Subject Specific Skills: Unit 1: Digital Documentation
Tuesday 30/04/2024 Hindi * पद्य भाग - L - 5 साखी, * गद्य भाग L - 6 बड़े भाई साहब,
*सचं यन भाग सपन ं क़े स़ेदिन, * व्याकरण भाग: 1.दपबधं एवंदभ़े
2. वाक्य रूपां तरण *रचनात्मक लेखन: 1. ववज्ञापन ल़े खन

 Students will have regular school.
 The exam will be conducted during the school hours.
 Examination pad and writing material must be carried by students.
 Attendance is mandatory and no retest will be given.
 Any kind of mal practice noticed, will be dealt strictly as per school policy.

Radcliffe School, Pune

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