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Unit 27, Activity: Eco-questionnaire How earth-friendly are-you? When you travel to school or work, you are driven there by someone else who then “‘Wou choose your food because it is produced by people who take care of the returns home. © environment. ° B dive yourself. © _ B good for your health ° walk or ride a bicycle. O cheap and tasty. ° D use public transport. OD quick and convenient. ° ‘t home, you "You normally eat because Lb: always have the central heating or air A you are hungry. ° conditioning on in the whole house. OB you want to reward yourself. ° B only heat or cool the rooms you are using. © it’s a mealtime. 0° only use air conditioning on unusually hot days. QD you feel bored. ° D put on an extra pullover before you tum Up the heating. ° & choose leisure activities that requite alot of special equipment and hen you go shopping, you clothes! a ° usually buy things which are produced locally. OB you can do at or near your home. ° B often ask yourselfif you really need something before that do not require any effort ° you buy tt D to keep fit. ° buy the cheapest things and don't worry about how and where they were made. © @)for you, the people who really matter 1D buy what you like when you lke OR etter. ° fe main reason for having a job is es sal eihte bat nd s to save money for the future, Oita cat oaahy nen beings 3 B to do something useful in society. ° to make use of your education and training. © feel that the future of the earth Pee Scie OMA ee Se 6 B is the responsibility of us all. ° ae Getmost of your food from C isnot eae individual can help your own garden. ° to change. ° B a local producer. © Disnot something to worry about. ° C a supermarket ° D a fast food restaurant. ° Od ID vaZVOL PaIDEGEVE tardvalvs OAEDZEYVL 1aZ>Eabv9 OGIDERPVS APIPEEVH CGIDEREVE raeIETOVZ EAPO IAOVE axreuuonsonb 03 Sow. VISUAL MATERIALS 203 Exam folder 30 VISUAL MATERIALS 205 Grammar folder Unit 1 Present simple All verbs except tobe + Uyou/we/the ke chocolate. Heyshe/itkes chocolate = Vyou/werthey donot (don't) ke chocolate He/she/it does not (doesn’t) like chocolate. 2 Dol/you/we/they lke chocolate? Does he/sherit like chocolate? tobe + 1am (m nappy. Yourwe/they are (re) happy. He/sherits (3) happy. = 1am (m) not happy. You /we/they are not (aren't) happy. He/she/it isnot (isn't) happy. 2 amt happy? ‘Are you/weithey happy? Ishe/sherit happy? Frequency adverbs always usually often sometimes never + go before a one-woed verb always eat chocolate afer hunch. + g0 before the second word ofa two-word ver: You dont always eat chocolat afer lunch + go after the verb tbe He's always happy. We use the present simple with frequency adverbs Unit 2 like, enjoy, want, would like ‘+ We usea noun or-ing after like and enjoy: ikelenjoy tenis. ikefenjoy playing tennis 4+ Weuse a noun or fo after want and would like: want / would (4) like a rew racket {want / would (2) like to buy a new racket. have got ‘We do not use do for questions and negatives with have got. + Myou/we/they have (ve) got blue eyes. He/she/t has (3) got blue eyes. = Vyou /we/they have not (haven't) got bv eyes. He/she/it has not (hasn't) got blue eyes. 7 Have /you/we/they got bive eyes? Has he/she/it got blue eyes? 206\ GRAMMAR FOLDER to be +a + occupation Prmiyoutrefhe's etc. a studentteacher ete to be + adjective Timiourefhe' etc. tllshor/thin etc Unit 3 Present continuous + 1am im) working Yourwelthey are (re) working, Heisheitis (3) working = tam (im) not working You /werthey are not arent) working. He/she/itis not (st) working. 2 Amiworking? ‘are you/welthey working? Ishershert working? Spelling the -ing form ‘Verbs ending in one vowel + one consonant: dlouble the consonant and add ing (eg put —> puting) [exception deliver —> delivering) + Verbs ending in two oF more consonants or add ing (eg paint —> painting or tidy —> tidying) + Verbs ending ine drop e and add ing (cg. prepare —» preparing) ! Remember ski —> skiing State verbs are not usually used in continuous tenses. Examples of state verbs are: believe, hate, know, like love, prefer, think (believe), understand, want Unit 4. Prepositions of time + No preposition before today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday (morning, evening etc. this/nextlast (afternoon, week, month, year) ‘at 9.15, midnight, ete. the weekend, the end ot the day, the moment in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December the spring, the summer, the autumn, the winter 1848, 1963, 2010 etc. ‘on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Sunday August, 30" September, te Future plans ‘We use the present continuous: 'm meeting Sally on Wednesday. There arriving next week We're not using the car at she weekend, He's leaving tomorrow morning Unit 5 need +noun + yourwe/they needa drink Helsherit needs a drink. = yourwe/they don't need any food. Helshelit doesn't need any food. 2 Dotiyourwe/they needa ticket? Does he/she/it need a ticket? need + verb + Uyou/weithey need to go out. He/shelit needs to go out, = Uyou/we/they don't need to go out. He/she/it doesn't need to go out. ‘OR Wyoushe/she/it/we/they needn't go out. 2 DoU/you/we/they need to go out? Does he/she/it need to go out? Countable/uncountable nouns Use alan, one/two/three etc, alot of, afew, a couple of, several, (not) many + countable nouns (singular or plural) Use alot of, alittle, (not) much, a bottle/piece of tc. + uncountable nouns (singular only). Unit 6 Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed ing adjectives describe a thing/person which gives you a feeling This is an amusing film He was an interesting teacher. The lessons were interesting ed adjectives describe the person who has the feeling: A tired student needs a holiday The girls were interested in the story. Past simple Regular verbs +. Uhe/she/it/you/werthey wanted a bike. = Uheishe/it/yourwe/they dd not (didn't) want a bike. 2 Did i/he/sherit/you/werthey want bike? Spelling «Verbs ending in e (cg. arrive): add d (arrived) «Verbs ending in one consonant (© stop): double the consonant and add ed (eg, stopped) + Verbs ending in consonant + y (e.g, study): change y to fand add ed (e.g, studied) «Verbs ending in two or more consonants (e.g. help) or vowel + y (es stay) add ed (c.g, helped, stayed), Irregular verbs These verbs have different forms 8 buy —» bought, g0—» went, make —» made (See irregular verb list on page 216.) ‘+ Uhe/she/it/you/we/they bought a bike, = the/she/it/you/we/they did not (didn't) buy a bike 2 Did Vhe/shevit/yourwerthey buy a bike? tobe ‘+ she/sherit was there. You/we/they were there = _Uhe/she/it was not (wasn't) there. YYou/we/they were not (weren't) there, 2 Was he/sherit there? Were you/werthey there? Unit 7 Prepositions of place inside outside opposite near under in nextto infront of between by inthe comer of behind beside Prepositions of movement up down across off along around through over Comparative adjectives Regular adjectives # One-syllable adjective: add er (c.g kind —> kinder) ‘© One-syllable adjective ending in e add r (cg, nice —> nicer) ‘© One-syllable adjective ending in vowel + consonant double consonant and add er (e.g, hot — hotter) ‘© Adjective ending in consonant+y: ‘change y to sand add er (eg. funny —» funnier) ‘© Adjective with more than one syllable: more + adjective e-. polite» more polite, confident > ‘more confident) Irregular adjectives good —> better bad —> worse GRAMMAR FOLDER Unit 8 Present perfect hhasfhave + past participle + lyou/we/they have (ve) eaten the chocolate, Helshe/ithas (5) eaten the chocolate, = you /we/they have not (haven't) eaten the chocolate, He/sherit has not (hasnt) eaten the chocolate. 2 Have /you/we/they eaten the chocolate? Has he/she/it eaten the chocolate? Past participle Regular verbs past participle = past simple eg. Tike —> liked, liked play—> played, played Irregular verbs ‘Most have a different form for past participle and past simple: do—> did, done write—» wrote, written nnow —> knew; known But for some irregular verbs, past participle and past simple are the same: ‘make —» made, made buy —> bought, bought Just, already 0 before the pat participle We've just bought «box of chocolates. Tre already opened it. yet Goes atthe end of a negative sentence: We haven't eaten them al yet. Unit 9 Short answers Present simple Do Wyou/we/they/the students like chocolate? Yes, Lyou/welthey da, No, liyou/welthey don’t. Does he/shefit/the class like chocolate? Yes, he/she/it does, No, he/she/it doesn't. Present continuous Am L working hard? Yes, you are. ‘No, you aren't. Are you working hard? Yes, Lam. No, Fm not Ishe/shelit/he class working hard? Yes, he/she is. No, heishesi isn't ‘Are welthey/the students working hard? Yes, you/they are. No, you/they aren't Past simple Did I/youthe/sheitwe/they/the students/the class work hard? Yes, liyou/he/shefiuiwelthey did, No, lyou/he/sheit/we/they didn’t. 208\\ GRAMMAR FOLDER Present perfect Have I/you/we/they/the students eaten the chocolate? Yes, Vyou/he/shefuiwelthey have. No, I/you/he/shertiwe/they haven't Has he/sheitthe class eaten the chocolate? Yes, e/serit has. No, he/shefit hasn't Unit 10 Present perfect and past simple Present perfect NOT past simple + ast actionsfevents when the result is interesting nove, but the exact time ofthe event snot important; She'shas bought some chocolate. [She's got some nove. ‘They'vefhave eaten the chocolate. (‘There's no chocolate now.) ‘A period of time beginning in the past and continuing to now: Yu'vehave worked very hard. [You can take a beak now} + Questions asking How long? How long have you known Maria? + With for + Length of time to now: ve known her for wo months + With since + exact time before now: ve known her since April. © Questions with ever: Have you ever played basketball? Past simple NOT present perfect ‘© Actions/events ata particular time in the past She bought some chocolate last week. They ate the chocolate on Sunday. ‘+ Actions/events for a period beginning and ending inthe past You worked very hard last year We played bossaball in the summer (Is not summer now] * Questions asking When? When did you meet Maria? * With ago for actions/events which are finshed at some time before now: I met her two days ago. togo in the present perfect have/has gone They've gone out. (They're not at home.] ‘She's gone to Africa. (She went there and she’s there now. She hasn’t gone to Afric. (She's not there now] OR hhaverhas been ‘They've been out. (They went out and then came home. ‘She's been to Africa. [She went there and then returned here.) ‘She hasn't been 1 Africa [She didet go there] She's never been to Afric. [She has never visited Aftica.] Unit 1 Superlative adjectives Regular adjectives + One-sylabe adjective sad ext (eg, kind —» kindest) + One-silable adjective ending in e ad a (ence —» nicest) ‘© One-syllable adjective ending in vowel + consonant double consonant and add est (e.g. hot —> hottest) ‘© Adjective ending in consonant+y: change to i and add est (eg. funny —» funniest) ‘Adjective with more than one syllable the most + adjective (eg, polite—> the most polite, confident —» the most confident) Irregular adjectives good —» the best bad — the worst far —> the farthest/furthest, Present passive to be+ past participle “The pastve uses the same past participles asthe present perfect. (For past participle se Unit 8 and irregular ver lis on page 216) Active The students / They admire the actor / hi Passive The actor /He is admired by the students / them. + Lam (mm) admired. You/welthey are (re) admired He/sherit is (3) admired. = 1am ('m)not admired. You/we/they are not (aren't) admited, He/sherit i nt (isn't) admired. 2 Amiadmired? Are you/we/they admired? Ishe/sherit admired? Unit 12 Past continuous washvere + -ing + Uhe/sherit was swimming. ‘You/we/they were swimming. = Uhe/sherit was not (wasn't) swimming. ‘You /we/they were not (weren't) swimming 2 Was /he/she/it swimming? ‘Were/you/we/they swimming? Past continuous and past continuous ‘Two past activities at the same time (often with while) We were eating chocolate while the teacher was talking. Past continuous and past simple Past activity beginning before an event and continuing until or after it The event ic wally when + past simple We were eating chocolate when the teacher arrived. Unit 13, Modal verbs (possibility and probability) Certainty ('m sure it is true) —i/they must be Possibility (perhaps it's true) —i/they might be, it could be Impossibility (I'm sure it isnt true) ~ it/they ean’ be ‘These verbs have only one form. ‘That must be John’s brother. (He looks exactly like Job, s0 1 fel cetain.] ‘That might/could be John’s brother. (He looks abit like John, so I think its possible they are brothers. They can’t be John’s brothers. (They look completely different from John, so I don't believe it’s possible that they are his brothers Unit 14, used to + Ithe/she/it/you/we/they used to eat chocolate, = Uhe/she/it/you/we/they id not (did't) use to eat chocolate. 2. Did i/he/she/it/you/we/they use to eat chocolate? Used to shows something was true inthe past but is not teue used to watch westerns. [I don’t watch them now] Wie used to see horses in the field. (We don't see them now.| There didn’t use to be a sport centre in the city (There is now. Did there use to be les trafic? [I know there's a lot of trafic now, I want to know if it has increased.) Adjective order 1 opinion 2 size 3 description 4 colour an amazing long stripey green wool scarf 4 useful litle old red plastic bag 5 material too + adjective and not + adjective + enough too + adjective (+ for x) This shirt is too big for me. [T need a smaller one] ‘The oom is too warm. [We feel uncomfortably hot) not + adjective + enough (+ for x) ‘This atin’ big enough for me. [I nood a bigger on. | The room ist warm enough. [We feel uncomfortably col.) Unit 15 Modal verbs (permission and obligation) can Can never changes. + lyourhe/she/it/we/they can dance. = lyourhe/sherit/werthey can't. 2 Can /youshe/she/it/werthey dance? have to We use the tenses of have. Present + iyou/we/they have to dance. He/sherit has to dance, = you/we/they don't have to dance. He/shelit doesn't have to dance. 2 Do/you/we/they have to dance? Does heisherit have to dance? GRAMMAR FOLDER Past + lyourhe/she/it/we/they had to dance. = youlhe/she/t/we/they didn't have te dance. 2 Did i/you/he/she/it/we/they have te dance? Permission ‘can, can't + verb You can sit here. (This chair is fee, you are allowed to sit here You cant sit here. (This chai isnt free, you aren't allowed to sit. here, ] Obligation (don't) have to + verb You have to sit here. [You aren‘ allowed to sit in any other chair You don’ have to sit her. (You are allowed to choose your chair] Adverbs Regular adverbs © Most adjectives ade ye quiet —> quietly, strange —» strangely, Deautiful —» beautifully ‘* Adjectives ending in le: drop e and add y (eg, sensible—> sensibly) ‘© Adjectives ending in ye change y 10 i+ Iy (eg. lazy —» lazily) Irregular adverbs Some adverbs are the same a their adjectives fast, hard ae, early ‘She's a fast runner. She rns fast. hal an early phone call. He phoned me early Wallis the adverb from good. They'e good dancers They dance wel. Unit 16 going to future + Lam Cm) going to eat this chocolate. You/we/they are (re) going to eat this chocolate. He/she/itis (3) going to est this chocolate = 1am ('m) not going to eat this chocolate, You/we/they are not aren't) going to eat this chocolate. He/she/itis not (isn't) going to eat this chocolat. 2 Am| going to eat this chocolate? ‘Are you/we/they going to eat this chocolate? Ishe/she/it going to eat this chocolate? ing tis used ‘to talk about what we plan to do: We're going to watcha football match this evening {7m not going to play tennis next weekend. to describe a future event which we feel sure about: Jane has made some coffe. She's going to drink it You're carrying a heavy bag. You're going to drop i 210 GRAMMAR FOLDER Present tense following when, until, after in future time After I leave school I'm going to get a jobs He isn't going to get up until we phone hiv ‘Are you going to travel by bus when you visit Australia? The time five, ten, twenty-five, et. to one,two (@) quarter past twelve ete tts threesnine,siteen, ete. minutes midday. at half past midnight. smidday/midnight. ‘one, two... twelve, etc octock, Unit 17 will future + Uyourhe/sherit/we/they wil (I) be successful = Uyu/he/shesit/we/they wll nt (won't) be successful. 2 willliyou/he/sherit/we/they be successful? will and going to Both tak about the future, (See also Unit 16.) Willi used to say what we believe, but are not certain about the future: Tm going to join a tennis club because PM meet some good players there (believe they have some good players. Why are you going 10 watch that DVD? You won't enjoy it [I don't think it’ your kind of film.) They're going to arive late. Will they be hungry? [I-want to know your opinion. everyone, no one, someone, (not) anyone everybody, nobody, somebody, (not) anybody 4+ Someone/Somebody has opened the window dont know who] Everyone/Everybody has lft the house [allthe people] ~ There n't anyone/anybody with me Ther isn one/nabody with me None/Nebody came here wth me. not anyone, not anybody = no one, nobody {anyone/anybody is not the same as no one/nobody) Is there anyone/anybody in the house? All these words are followed by a singular verb Unit 18 Past perfect Past simple of have + past participle + Whe/she/it/you/we/they had eaten the chocolate. = Whe/she/it/you/we/they had not (hadn't) eaten the chocolat. 2 Had i-he/she/it/you/we/they eaten the chocolate? Past perfect and past simple with when / by the time Sfarbal ten a sania chen peat OS Fe OR When /By the time we came home, she had eaten the chocolate. {She ate it before we arrived.| Past simple and past simple with when Se ate the chocolate when we came home OR When we came home, she ate the chocolat. {She didnt eat it until we arrived home.) Unit 19 Verbs and expressions + to and -ing +to agree allow arrange begin’ continue* decide expect hope learn like need coffer plan promise vefuse seem stat” stop’ try"* want would like +-ing beaffaid of begin be fed up with be good at be interested in continuet don't mind enjoy like Took forward to love prefer start" opt, ty These verbs can be followed by to or -ing without changing. the meaning. ** These verbs can be followed by 0 or-ing witha change in ‘the meaning. He stopped eating chocolate. [He didn't eat chocolat after that time) “He stopped to eat chocolate, [He stopped working/walking ete ‘because he wanted to eat some chocolate “He tried joining a sports clu. [He joined a sports club to tind ‘out if it was useful] He tried to join a sports club, (He wanted to join a sports club Dut he couldn't] make and let "These verbs are followed by another verb without to or -ing ‘The teacher let the students go home early. [The teacher allowed the students to go home early.] ‘The teacher made the students go home early. [The teacher forced the students to go home eaty.) Unit 20 ‘Comparison of adverbs Regular adverbs adverbs ending ye ‘carefull, more careally, most carefully Alan worked more carefully than Judy “Hazel worked the most carefully Irregular adverbs adverbs which are the same as adjectives: st, fster, (he fastest hard harder, (he) hardest late, later, the) latest, early, cartier (the) earist Siete faa: Tun (the) fastest, They et up earlier than us He gts up (the) earliest. well, badly well, better, (the) best badly, worse, (the) worst David played better than Michael Jol played (the) best Donna played worse than Mandy. Jil played (the) worst. Comparative sentences ‘more... than fess. than not aso... as Alan worked more carefully than Jus. = Judy worked less carefully tha Alar. = Judy didn’t work as carefully as Alan. so and such 50+ adjecti 50+ adjective: The work ws s0 easy (that) we finished inten minutes. 50+ adverb: He worked so slowly (that) he didn’t finish until midnight such a + (adjective) noun (that) © sucha + countable noun: He drove at such a speed (that) J felt frightened «such + uncountable noun: He talked such nonsense (that) they laughed. such a+ adjective + countable noun: Ir was such an easy exercise (that) we finished inten minutes ‘© such + adjective + plural noun: They were such slow workers that) they dda’ finish until or adverb (that) midnight ‘© such-+ adjective + uncountable noun: Tr was such easy work (that) we finished in ten minutes, Connectives 0, because/as, but, although, either . or «the result ofan event or acto was hungry s0 1 ate the chocolat. «the reason for an event or action: ate the chocolate beeause/as Iwas hungry. ‘contrasting or comparing; The chocolate was expensive but it wasn't good. Although the chocolate was expensive, it wast good. giving two alternatives: ‘She can ether eat the chocolate or give it to her mother. GRAMMAR FOLDER Unit 21 have something done LVyou/he/sherilwelthey + tense of have + noun + past participle Tm having my hair coloured romorrow. He doesnt have his hair coloured. Did you have your har coloured? Reported speech Reported requests Ask someone (not) to do something Direct speech Reported speech Please shut the door He asked her to shut the door. lease don't open the door. He asked her not to. ‘open the door Reported commands ‘Tall someone (not) to do something Direct speech Reported speech ‘Shut the door! He tol her to shut the door Don't open the door! He told her not to open the door. Possessive pronouns and adjectives Name Pronouns ‘oun John subject 1 you he she we they ‘the boy John object me you him her us them ‘the boy Poses forms John's adjective my your hie her its our ther heboys John's pronoun mine yours his hers. ts ours. theis ‘the boy's John’s friend a friend of John's the boy's friend a friend of the boy's his friend a friend of his iy fiend 2 fiend of mine your fiend a Fiend of yours Unit 22 Reported speech Reported speech —» Direct speech ‘Past simple —> Present simple: She said she wanted coffee. = Twat coffe? He sai he didn’t want ta then > ‘don't want tea now + Past continuous —» Present continuous: She said she was making cof. > Tm making coffee! She said she wasnt making ta —> ‘Tm not making tea! 212 GRAMMAR FOLDER ‘© would + vert) —> sll future: He said he'd (would) have coffe. <> 1 have coffee” “He said he wouldn't have tea there. > ‘Twon't have tea here? ‘© Past perfect — Present perfect: She said she'd (had) alrcady made coffe. => ‘Tre already made coffee” ‘She said she hadn't made tea. —> ‘haven't made tea? ‘© Past perfect —» Past simple: ‘She said she'd (had) bought it the day before / the previous day. > ‘I bought it yesterday ‘She said she hade' bought tea that day. —> didn't buy t0a today: Unit 23 Relative clauses + Subject of relative clause: person/people 1 saw a student. He was in my cas. > [saw a student who/that was in my clas. ‘© Subject of relative clause: thing I saw a jacket. It was very expensive —> I saw a jacket which/that was very expensive. ‘© Object of relative clause: person/people I phoned the hairdresser. My friend recommended him. > Iphoned the hairdresser who/that my friend recommended. OR I phoned the hairdresser my friend recommended, ‘© Object of relative clause: thing made a cake. Everyone liked it. —» I made a cake which/that everyone liked, ORI made a cake everyone liked ‘© Relative clause: where (place) Tknow a club. The music is great there, —> Tknow a club where the music is great. ‘© Relative clause: whose (person/people) phoned the woman. You gave me her name. > Iphoned the woman whose name you gave me. Adjective + preposition + noun/pronoun/ -ing afraid of angry about something / with someone badigood at different from excited about fed up with full of interested in keen on kind of nervous of worried about tired of Unit 24 Past passive Past simple oft be + past participle (For past participle se Unit #and iregular verb list on page 216) ‘tive The students admired the actor / him The students admired the singers / them Passive The actor / He was admired bythe students. The singers / They were admired by the student + Vhe/sherit was admired. ‘You/we/they were admired. = Uhe/sherit was not (wasn't) admired, ‘You/we/they were not (weren't) admired, 2 Was i/he/she/it admired? Were you/we/they admired? Future passive willbe + past participle (For past participles see 216.) nd irregular verb list on page Active The students will admire the actor/him. The students will admire the singersthem, Passive The actor/He will be admired by the students The singers/they wil be admired by the students, + Uhe/sherit/you/werthey willbe admired, = Uhe/she/it/you/we/they will nt (won't) be admired. will ishe/she/it/you/we/they be admired? Unit 25 Reported questions Wh- questions {asked what the problem was. —> What is the problem? She asked which book I wanted > Which book do you want? He asked how much I had (A) paid fori. => How much did you pay for it? They asked her where she had hidden the chocolate —> Where have you hidden the chocolate? We asked her when she would explain. > When will you explain? Yes/no questions + if or whether asked them whether they liked chocolate —> Do you like chocolate? He asked me if Twas going to sing. —> Are you going to sing? She asked me if L would make coffe. <> Will you make cofee? 1 asked shem if they seen my mobil > Have you seen my mobile? too much, too many, not enough ‘© 00 much + uncountable noun: We've gor too much homework. ‘+ 100 many + plural countable noun: You ask too many questions ‘© not enough + plural countable/uncountable noun: ‘There aren't enough chocolates for everyone. Thaven't had enough time to learn shese rules. Verbs with two objects give + person + object > give + objet + 10 person The teacher gave the boy extra homework > The teacher gave extra homework to the boy. Annie sent me an ema —> Annie sent an email to me. Unit 26 First conditional Used for possible conditions Condition: iffuntess + present tense Result: future tense Either the condition or the result can be frst in the sentence, If the condition clause is first, there is a comma aftr it ‘There is no comma if the result clause is frst. Ifyou leave the party early, you'l miss the fireworks. You'll mis the fireworks if you leave early. You'll see the freworks if you stay until midnight = You'll miss the fireworks unless you stay till midnight Ifyou don’ stay till midnight, you'll miss the fireworks. if and when When means the speaker i certain that something will happen Tit be very nervous when I take the exam ['m certain that rm going to tak the exam.| ‘feneans the speaker is not certain that something will happen: Tbe very hapy if pass the exam, [Perhaps I'l pass the exam] {Ibe very sad if fall the exam. [Perhaps PN fil the exam.) Unit 27 Verb/preposition + reflexive pronouns myself, yourself, himself herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves ‘The subject ofthe verb/preposition isthe same as its abject: A boy of fiteen should ko how to lok after himself. Remember to give yourself pent of time to reach the airport They never care about other people ony about themselves each, every, all + noun ceachievery + singular countable noun each of +a plural countable noun all + plural countable/uncountable noun Every student had some chocolate Each student had some chocolate. Each of my friends had a diferent sweet. Al the students had some chocolate. Al the chocolate was eaten GRAMMAR FOLDER /213 every/all + morning/night/week/month etc. Every morning = more than one morning All morning = the whole of one morning He visits his grandmother every week, usually on Sundays. ve been ill all week and couldn't go to work We live in Poland but we spend the summer in Spain every year. The storm continued all night and no one could seep. Unit 28 Second conditional Used for nearly or completely impossible conditions (compare Unit 26), Condition: if unless + past tense Result: would verb Either the condition or the result can be first in the sentence If the condition clause is first, there is a comma after it. ‘There is no comma if the result clause is irs. Nearly impossible Ifyou left the party early, you'd miss the fireworks. (But I don't believe you will leave early] You'd miss the fireworks if you left early You'd see the fireworks if you stayed until midnight. You'd miss the fireworks unless you stayed till midnight Ifyou didn’t stay ill midright, you'd miss the fireworks. Completely imposssible: | If Twas a film sar, I would 'd) live in Los Angeles. [fm not a film star, so I don't live there.) T would (1) live in Los Angeles if was a film star = I wouldn't live hore if Twas a fil star wouldn't actin a film unless I liked the director | = If didn’ like the director, would (4) refuse to actin a film Unit 29 so + verb or neither/nor + verb — ia are Soam 1 So are we/they. So is hershe Nor/Neither am 1 Now/Neither are we/tey Nor/Neither is he/she So do t/we/they So does he/she NoriNeither do Usvelthey. Nor/Neither does he/she. So have I/werthey So has he/she I'm fficen We're not allowed to drive He often catches this bus. He doesn’t like cycling. We've bought return tickets. 214\\ GRAMMAR FOLDER ‘They haven't bought tickets yet. Nor/Neither have I/we/tey: NoriNeither has he/she. So did I/he/she/werthey. Nor/Neuher did Uhe/shel wethey. So will I/he/she/we/they. Teaught the train yesterday. ‘She didn’t come to school 1M phone her later. won't forge. Now!Neither will he/shel welts They've gong to ger of the bus. So am I So are wethey. Sos heise. TL imust hurry. So must Iheshewelthe: Wehhadn’t noticed the time, Nor/Neither had Ihe/she! weithey Polite questions Canyou tell me .? ‘Canyou remember..? Doyou know? Feito tnow ee Canyou ind out ae For reported questions see Unit 2. Unit 30 hardly Hardly means almost not. We don’t use not with hari hardly any (of) / anyone, anybody etc. + noun Thase hardly any homework. (almost none] Hardly anyone enjoys homework. [almost n0 one] Hardly any of my friends ae older than me. [almost none of them} hardly (ever) + verb We hardly ever have a fiee evening. [almost never] She hardly understood any of our jokes. [almost none] They hardly ate anything. {almost nothing) before and after + -ing The subject of the -ing verb must be the same as the subject of the other vers srote an email to my parents before going to bed. [before I went to bed] [not before they went to bed] ‘They'll certainly phone us after arriving home. [after they arrive] [not after we arrive] Before leaving the tain, check that you have all your luggage [before you leave] ‘After using these books, please return them to the correct shelf [after you use) Vowels Sound — Example cart cat like tell say there big steep here Pop phone four boy took fux! pool ual tour if third In) fun a again Key to phonetic symbols Consonants Sound — Example Ibi be id do ffi find ‘g good ‘hi have ij you ‘ky cat Vv like mu me nl no p put fl run tell well shoe elevision sing cheap thin KEY TO PHONETIC SYMBOLS Irregular verb list Verb be beat become begin bend bite bleed blow break bring build burn buy catch choose cost cut dig do draw dream drink drive fall feed feel fight find fly forget forgive freeze get give g0 grow hang have hear hide hit hold. hurt keep kneel know lay lead learn leave 216 Past simple beat became began bent bit bled blew broke brought built burvburned bought caught chose cost cut dug did drew