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Doc No:ES.

RE 09


Date :10-12-2019

Current Status
S.NO Internal/ external Concern Issues Department Remarks
Positive / Negative

1 Cultural Not applicable

2 Social Not applicable
3 Political Not applicable
1.Plastic Ban is initiated
4 Legal Restriction about plastics Stores Negative 2.The progress is monitored through
platric ban audit
5 Financial
Introduction of new
6 Technological R&D, Production Positive
7 Economic Economic slow down Sales & Marketing Negative

Rain Water is pumped out & cannot be

8 Natural surroundings Excessive Rain Production Negative
harvested due to salt water intrusion

Market competition
9 whether international, national, Introduction of new brands Sales & Marketing Negative
External regional or local
10 Introduction of new competitors Introduction new brands Sales & Marketing Negative
11 Contractors, subcontractors Fulfilling of EHS requirements All departments Positive

12 Suppliers Fulfilling of EHS requirements Production Positive

13 Partners and providers Not applicable
14 New technologies Not applicable
15 New laws New EHS legal requirements HR Positive
16 Emergence of new occupations Not applicable
New knowledge on products and their
17 Not applicable
effect on health and safety;
18 Key drivers and trends Not applicable
Relationship with external interested
19 Communication HR & Procurement Positive
Governance, organizational structure, Chaging
20 HR Positive
roles and accountabilities organization/Circumstances
Developing and improving
21 Policies, objectives and the strategies HR Positive
Training for enhancing
22 Capabilities All departments Positive
Information systems, information flows Updating and maintaining the
23 All departments Positive
and decision-making processes information
Introduction of new products, materials,
24 Internal services, tools, software, premises and Upgrading skills All departments Positive
25 Relationship with workers Employee issues HR Negative
26 Culture in the organization Safety working culture All departments Positive
Standards, guidelines and models adopted
27 Continual updation All departments Positive
by the organization
form and extent of contractual Compliance to terms and
28 HR Posotive
relationships agreements
29 Working time arrangements; Excessive working hours HR Negative
30 Working conditions Unsafe conditions All departments Negative

Internal and Environmental conditions related to Maintaining the parameters Monitoring & Measurement analysis
31 Maintenance Positive
External climate, air quality, water quality, land use within the TNPCBlimit register is maintained

Internal and Maintaining the parameters Monitoring & Measurement analysis

Existing contamination Maintenance Positive
External within the TNPCB limit register is maintained

Internal and Maintaining the parameters Monitoring & Measurement analysis

Depletion of Natural resource Maintenance Positive
External within the limit register is maintained

Internal and Maintaining the parameters Monitoring & Measurement analysis

Biodiversity Admin Positive
External within the limit register is maintained
Doc No :ES.RE 09
Rev No & Date : 02 & 10-12-2019

Internal/ Interested party Needs & Expectations Why Remarks
1 Legal and regulatory authorities External To follow the legal requirements Need
2 Internal/ external Internal Fulfilling of all business requirements
Following of all environmental guidelines
while supplying materials.
3 Suppliers External
Guide and provide emergency procedures to
react in case of emergency
4 Contractors and Subcontractor External Safe working environment Need
5 Workers’ representatives Internal Safe working environment Need
6 Workers’ organizations (trade unions) and Internal Safe working environment Need
employers’ organizations
Expectation &
8 External Profitable business & operation
shareholder Need
9 Clients External safe and environmental friendly products Need
10 Visitors External Safe conditions Need
Local community and neighbours of the
11 External Risk /Accident/Disaster free operation Need
organization and the organization
12 General public External Risk free oprations Need
13 Customers External Risk free production and compliance Expectation
14 Medical and other community services External Support during medical emergencies Need
15 Media External Smooth relation and updates Need
16 Academia External Continual improvement
17 Business associations External Fulfilling of legal and business requirements Need
18 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) External Fulfillment of EHS legal requirments
19 External Provision of safety and health working
Occupational health and safety organizations
environment. Need
Occupational safety and health-care Continually improving safety of the place.
20 External

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