Shape: Corpes

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corpes. I don't know.

just have to see how I Possible answers

L: Look Phil,l'm afraid I've gotto run- butif you ndse: pdke your nose into; look down your nose;
need some sympathy,you know where to find pay through the nose; put someone's nose
me. ot,it of joint; uoder someone's nOSe

hand: have your hands full; by hand; be a good

2 Students replace the underlined phrases with idiorns frorn hand at doing something; be an old hand at
give someone a big hand;
the box. Do not check answers at this stage, but allow
g€'tÓut dfhána; haveá
students to cornpare with a partner if they wish.
matter well in hand; at first hand; at hand; at
3 Play the recording again for students to check their second hand; change hands; get/keep your
answers. hqnd in;give somebody afree hand; be hand
ihgloveWith$ot1lébody; hánd inhand;to
I:i1 22 have a hand in something; on hand; on the
one hand / on the other hand; play into
(L = Laura; P = Phil)
sorpebody's hands; to hand; turn your hand
H~Y.PhíJ,/Jow - hand and 1'oot
P: Oh hi, Laura - not too bad thanks. How are eye: in the eyes 01';keep an eye on; keep an eye out
you? for; keep your eyes open; see eye to eye;
L: Oh, up to mv evesinwork a? usual. lm Qn my uDcler/befdre your very eyes;up to your E;1yes
way to mythirdmeetlhg today. HOw's open'-€yed
lovelygirlfriend of yours? StudentB
P: Oh, we split up three weeksago. 5he's on leg: on your last legs; pullsomeone's leg; stretch
holiday with her newQQyfrieM.
L: Oh no - trust mé to pat mvTbot init. lmrea/ly tongue: hold your tongue; with your tongue in your
sorry. cheek
P: No, its okay. I need to !Jetit of( mv chest. head: take/get something into your head; put our
Who's heads together; above/over your head; bring
P: lts her boss. You wouldn't khow him. He's not something to a head; come to a head; go to
fmm this neck of the woods. somebody's head; have your head in the
L: What kind of work does hedo? clouds; head over heels; keep your head; not
head or tail 01'something;
I ddn't kadIN rea/ly. haJtehisfingérs
off yourhead
in a lot of Dies.He owns severalcompanies
foot: set foot in; find your feet; get/have cold feet;
anyway,including the one Mandy was working
for. have one foot in the grave; on foot; put a 1'oot
Wt9h9fp~t yoqrbesffootfórward; putyour
L: OhPhíl,lddn'fknoWwhattosay.
feet up; put YOLJf 1'oot down; put your foot in
P: Yeah- it's hard. I mean, we were supposed to it; be run off your feet
be going on holiday together in a couple of
L: 50, what are you goinfrto do? 6 Pairwork. Students work together on their conversations
P: I don't know - I haven't made up mv mind vet. using the expressions they found in 5. Go round giving
I might go anyway,or I might not feellike it help where necessary. Ask several pairs to act out their
conversations for the class.
have to plav it bv ear.
L: Look Phil, lm afraid lve got to run - but if you Shape your body! (p 38)
needa sho!Jlderto crvon. yqu know where to
Reading & listening
P: Thanks, Laura - 1'/1be fine. 1 Pairwork. Students take turns asking and answering the
questions. They then report back to the class.
4 Pairwork. Students read the list and take turns to tell each 2 Give students plenty of tirne to read the article and find
other about sorneone they know who fits the descriptions. the answers. Allow thern to cornpare answers in pairs
5 Pairwork. Students decide on their roles and look up before checking with the class.

expressions using their respective body parts. Ask several

pairs to report back to the class on the expressions they
have found. b) System S diet
c) No-carbohydrate diet

42 u NIT m Body

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