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Dual Source Automated Meat Grilling System Using Machine Learning-Based Meat


A Thesis Represented to

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering Development

College of Engineering

Technological University of the Philippines – Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the

requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Ablaza, Marion Hanz D.

Bagabaldo, Christian Halili,

John Raniel S.

Hernandez Dan Kristoffer H.

Ignacio Renz Andrei G.

Pascual Richmond G.


Background of the Study

Grilled chicken stand as esteemed choice in the repertoire of Filipino cuisine, cherished

for their nutritional richness and delectable flavors. The art of grilling, a prevalent cooking

method in the Philippines, has become synonymous with enhancing these culinary delights,

bringing out their natural flavors and offering a healthy and visually enticing dining experience.

The meticulous process of grilling demands careful attention to prevent overcooking or

undercooking, ensuring optimal food quality and eliminating health concerns associated with

poorly cooked meals.

As the allure of grilled delicacies continues to captivate a growing audience, traditional grilling

methods have faced challenges related to time consumption, labor intensity, and human errors in

gauging cooking times. Chefs often rely on their expertise and visual cues to manually flip meat,

leading to inconsistencies in cooking results. In response to these challenges and the quest for

improved precision in grilling, the emergence of a dual-source automated meat grilling system

with a machine learning-based meat identification system presents an innovative solution.

This research focuses on developing a smart solar-powered electric grill that incorporates

machine vision for a precision flipping mechanism. By leveraging machine learning, the system

aims to automate the grilling process, reducing human intervention while ensuring consistent and
accurately cooked food. The introduction of such intelligent technologies addresses the evolving

needs of modern cooking, aligning with the growing interest in smart grilling solutions to

enhance efficiency, convenience, and the overall quality of grilled culinary creations.

Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to design and integrate machine vision technology into the smart

griller. This will enable the griller to detect and measure the temperature of the meat being

cooked, ensuring precise cooking, and minimizing the risks of undercooking or overcooking.

 to systematically identify and curate datasets, prioritizing accuracy and precision for

machine learning applications. The goal is to offer a valuable resource for researchers and

practitioners, fostering the development of more effective and reliable machine learning


 to utilize Google Cloud services for programming applications, employing collected

datasets to train machine learning models customized for successful image detection. The

study seeks to optimize Google Cloud's infrastructure to enhance the efficiency and

scalability of image detection algorithms.

 to use machine learning for accurately classifying different types of meat, enhancing

identification precision and reliability. This contributes to improved food quality and

safety measures through the application of advanced algorithms.

 The thesis aims to create an automated electric meat grill system with machine vision for

precise cooking control. By integrating a hybrid power source of electricity and solar
panels, the study focuses on improving energy efficiency and promoting sustainable

practices in outdoor cooking.

 to assess the electric load for an electric grill system, size a solar panel system with a

battery, and integrate an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS). This study seeks to optimize

energy supply, ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of the electric grill while

promoting sustainable energy practices.

 to establish a foundation for future economic studies by computing the Return on

Investment (ROI) of the project. The study aims to quantify and analyze the financial

outcomes of the project, providing valuable insights for decision-makers and contributing

to the economic assessment of the undertaken.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study


● The study is focus to design a mechanism for automated flipping of the meat

on the grill. Implement sensors or computer vision to determine the optimal

time for flipping based on the meat type and thickness. Solar-Powered

Temperature Regulation.

● Integration and User Interface: Integrate all components seamlessly to work

cohesively. Create a user-friendly interface for controlling and monitoring the

grilling system. Consider mobile or web applications for remote control and


● Develop a solar-powered system for temperature regulation on the grill.

Integrate sensors to monitor the temperature of the grill and adjust it as needed

to ensure even cooking.


● The study does not cover the design and construction of the griller from

scratch, but instead assumes the availability of essential griller components.

● Limited Meat Types: Focus on a specific set of meats to keep the project

manageable. Consider popular meat like (Chicken Inasal) for initial


● Concentrate on specific grilling techniques, such as direct grilling or indirect

grilling, rather than attempting to cover all possible methods.

● The study does not include an in-depth analysis of the economic viability or

cost-effectiveness of the automated motorized griller.

It is important to note that the scope and delimitations provided here are general

guidelines and can be modified or expanded based on the specific requirements and

objectives of your study or project.

Significance of the Study

Research on an automated griller that uses machine vision, temperature-based flipping, and solar

power has the potential to benefit many different stakeholders.

For food industries, this technology can lead to increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and

improved product quality. By automating the grilling process, food industries can save time and

money, and produce more consistent and high-quality grilled products.

For food consumers, this technology can mean consistently cooked and perfectly grilled food,

saving them time and effort, and guaranteeing delicious and safe meals. Additionally, the use of

solar power makes this technology more sustainable and environmentally friendly, which aligns

with consumer demand for eco-friendly solutions.

Finally, this technology can help to reduce food waste by precisely monitoring the grilling

process and preventing overcooking or undercooking. This can save both food industries and

consumers money, and promote sustainable practices.

Overall, this research has the potential to revolutionize the grilling industry and benefit everyone

Definition of Terms

In the realm of academic inquiry and research, precision in language is paramount. The

definition of terms serves as the compass guiding scholars through the intricate landscape of

ideas, ensuring that concepts are articulated with clarity and shared understanding. This short

exploration delves into the importance of defining terms, highlighting their role in fostering

coherent communication and laying the foundation for rigorous intellectual discourse.

Machine vision. is a branch of engineering that incorporates mechanics, optical instruments,

electromagnetic sensing, digital video, and image processing.

Raspberry Pi. is a Foundation aims to educate and solve real-world problems by providing

lowcost, high-performance single-board Raspberry Pi computers.

Gaussian Image Processing. it functions to reduce the noise or to simplify details on an image

being processed.

TensorFlow. is an open-source library developed by Google primarily for deep learning

applications. It also supports traditional machine learning.

Photovoltaic cell. also known as a solar cell, is an electronic device that converts light energy,

usually from the sun, directly into electricity through the photovoltaic effect

Google Vision. Google Cloud Vision API enables developers to understand the content of an

image by encapsulating powerful machine learning models in an easy-to-use REST API.



This chapter provides an overview of the study that focuses on different research and

other literature from both foreign and local proponents and writers. It also contains brief

descriptions of software, hardware, system, and technologies that were or are closely related to

the proposed capstone; the researcher gathered different information from the existing thesis,

studies, books, and online resources

Electric Grill

An electric grill is a grilling device that is powered by electricity. It has an electric

element beneath the cooking surface that distributes heat evenly and continuously (ATGRILLS,


The heating element of an electric grill cannot be submersed in water and should be

unplugged when being cleaned. Wire and casings need to be checked regularly. Storage is easy

as it just needs to be unplugged and put away. When you grill, you eat less fat because the excess

drips off the grates. Think about cooking a burger on the grill versus in a pan on your stove-top.

On the grill, the fat cooks off. In a pan on the cooktop, the fat has nowhere to go, so it pools and

is eventually re-absorbed by the meat (Dillet, 2021).

Griller Efficiency

Electric grills are safer in many aspects, especially when cooking indoors or close to a

building. Another significant factor to consider is the price: Natural gas grills are slightly less
expensive than electric grills, which can consume a lot of power. Electric grills heat up more

quickly than gas grills, requiring less energy to reach cooking temperatures. To activate all grill

features, they simply need a single outlet (Constellation Energy Resources, 2019).

Fan Integration

The ubiquity of fans and their operation under conditions different from the optimum

provides an opportunity for more significant global reductions in the energy used to drive them.

The second important aspect, besides energy efficiency, related to the operation of fans is the

noise they generate. fans in various operating configurations, emphasizing improving operating

efficiency and reducing noise emissions. The subject matter undertaken is based on the current

trends and needs of the industry, notably the ventilation and power industry (Piwowarski &

Jakowski, 2019).

Fan grills are often underestimated in terms of their contribution to both fan noise and

airflow. It would stand to reason that the rawer material present on the grill would cause a more

restricted airflow, which in turn would cause a drop in airflow and a rise in noise. In our

experience however, the shape and pattern of the grill can have a huge impact on noise due to the

different types of turbulence that can be caused (Bach, 2011).

Technological innovations in exhaust systems for Electric Grillers. Advanced exhaust

fans equipped with smoke extraction capabilities and adjustable ventilation settings contribute to

more efficient smoke management, creating a cleaner and healthier grilling environment. The

impact of exhaust fans on smoke reduction and overall air quality is explored. Exhaust systems

play a crucial role in expelling smoke, minimizing exposure, and creating a more comfortable
atmosphere for both grilling enthusiasts and onlookers.

Machine Vision

Machine vision is a branch of engineering that incorporates mechanics, optical

instruments, electromagnetic sensing, digital video, and image processing. Machine vision has

been widely employed for evaluating, monitoring, and controlling a wide range of applications as

an integrated mechanical-optical-electronic-software system (Patel, Kar, Jha, & Khan, 2016).

The development of machine vision can greatly assist researchers and industries in

improving the efficiency of food processing. As a result, machine vision has been widely used in

all aspects of food processing. At the same time, image processing is an important component of

machine vision. Image processing can take advantage of machine learning and deep learning

models to effectively identify the type and quality of food (Pensini, Spachos, & Zhu, 2021)

Girolami, Napolitano, Faraone, Di Bello, & Braghieri (2014) stated that for image

acquisition, a Canon EOS 450D CMOS camera with a high-resolution (12,2 Mega pixel) was

used. The camera was vertically positioned 54 cm away from the sample.

The camera’s setting should be shutter speed 1/15 second, manual mode, aperture Av

F/2.8, ISO 100, flash off, focal distance 60 mm, lens: EF-S 60 mm f 2.8 macro USM Four

fluorescent lights (Philips Master Graphica TLD 965) with a color temperature of 6500 °K and a

color rendering index (Ra) of nearly 98 percent were used for lighting (Girolami, Napolitano,

Faraone, Di Bello, & Braghieri, 2014).

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi Foundation aims to educate and solve real-world problems by

providing low-cost, high-performance single-board Raspberry Pi computers. These little single-

board computers are quickly making their way into mainstream technology development from

the doit-yourself (DIY) crowd. Many are being implemented into equipment for a variety of

purposes, including medical support and e-health robots, surveillance monitoring, and food

production optical sorting. This trend has only accelerated with the introduction of open-source

software and certain hardware (Pagnutti, M., Ryan, Cazenavette, Maxwell, Harlan, Leggett, &

Pagnutti, J, 2017).

Raspberry Pi Camera

the reviews of related literature suggest that thermal cameras can be used to improve

cooking accuracy, efficiency, food safety, and quality control. However, more research is needed

to develop new and innovative ways to use thermal cameras in cooking. Specifically for the wide

angle (110°) – MLX90640 thermal camera breakout, it is a good choice for cooking because it

has a wide field of view, which allows it to capture a large area of food at once. This is important

for cooking because it allows you to monitor the cooking process of multiple dishes at the same

time. Additionally, the MLX90640 thermal camera breakout is relatively inexpensive, making it

a good option for home cooks and small businesses. Overall, the wide angle (110°) – MLX90640

thermal camera breakout is a versatile and affordable thermal camera that can be used to improve

the cooking process in a variety of ways.

Miikki et al. (2021) stated that the camera module for the Raspberry Pi (RPI) (version

2.x) includes an 8 MP sensor with a 1 second minimum exposure time, as shown. This camera

modules have been implemented, with the first having an IR filter and the second not having one

(namely NoIR). Both modules offer high-speed video recording at 200 frames per second at

VGA resolution and 90 frames per second at 720p resolution. RPI camera modules can be

utilized in a variety of ways. This is related to the system's programmability. There are four

programs that can be utilized without having to program new ones (raspistill, raspivid, raspiyuv,

and raspividyuv). They offer a lot of possibilities, and script generator can make using them a lot

easier. Gaussian Image Processing

Fisher et al. (2017) stated that convolution is used to create Gaussian smoothing, which

involves using this 2-D distribution as a 'point-spread' function. We need to construct a discrete

approximation to the Gaussian function before we can execute the convolution since the image is

stored as a collection of discrete pixels. The Gaussian distribution is non-zero everywhere in

principle, requiring an arbitrarily long convolution kernel, but it is essentially zero beyond

around three standard deviations from the mean in practice, allowing us to terminate the kernel at

this point.

We basically have three possibilities when we need to identify a blurred image against a

database of clear photos. The most time-consuming is to generate all conceivable results. All

templates have been blurred (i.e. with Gaussians, which fill a fair, carefully sampled range of

variations interval) and populate the database with them. This brute-force method isn't possible

in the real world. Another method uses the inverse problem, in which the blur is eliminated from
the input image and the deblurred image is classed using any standard procedure. This procedure

includes semi-blind image deconvolution (the term "semiblind" is used since we know the

kernel's parametric form but not its parameters), which is an unstable, ill-posed problem in the

case of a Gaussian kernel. Unlike motion blur and out-of-focus blur, Gaussian blur does not

change the appearance of the image. The third and most promising technique is based on the

premise that we don't need to restore the query image for blur-insensitive recognition (Flusser et

al., 2009).

Tensor Flow

Abadi et al. (2016) stated that TensorFlow is an open-source software library for machine

learning and deep learning developed by the Google Brain Team. It was released in 2015 and has

since become one of the most widely used libraries for these tasks.

Using TensorFlow, 98.9% confidence was identified to the Google images of dogs, cats,

tigers, and lions. With a large number of images of the subject, TensorFlow can be trained to

analyze and identify accurately the data used. Indeed, it is a high performing machine learning

and predictive analytics workloads (Setala, K., Birdsong, W., & Reddy, Y. B., 2019).

Google Vision and Phyton

Google Vision boasts pre-trained models for object detection and landmark recognition,

lauded for their effectiveness and user-friendliness by Somani et al. (2020). However, this ease

of use comes at the cost of limited customizability and potential privacy concerns arising from

data transfer to Google's servers. Wagner et al. (2021) highlight the API's scalability and ongoing

updates, making it suitable for large-scale image processing. Nevertheless, they caution about
potential latency issues and cost considerations for heavy usage.

Python counters with its vast ecosystem of image analysis libraries like OpenCV and

scikit-image, offering flexibility and granular control as emphasized by Rosebrock (2020). This

open-source nature fosters transparency and community support. Vaswani et al. (2022) showcase

Python's ability to seamlessly integrate with cutting-edge deep learning frameworks like

TensorFlow and PyTorch, empowering researchers to experiment with novel architectures and

applications. However, they acknowledge the steeper learning curve associated with Python's

programming requirements.

The optimal choice between Google Vision and Python hinges on the specific image

learning task at hand. Google Vision shines with its pre-trained models, ease of use, and

scalability, while Python excels in offering flexibility, customizability, and access to cutting-edge

deep learning advancements. For complex or specialized tasks, a hybrid approach merging both

platforms might be the most effective solution. Carefully considering your project's

requirements, technical expertise, and resource constraints will guide you towards the most

suitable image learning tool.

Navigating the vast landscape of image learning necessitates selecting the right tools for

the job. Two prominent contenders stand out: Google Vision and Python. Each empowers image

analysis but caters to distinct preferences and project requirements. Examining related literature

sheds light on their strengths and weaknesses, aiding in an informed decision.

Li et al. (2023) proposes a hybrid approach, utilizing both Google Vision and Python

libraries. They demonstrate how Python's customizability can refine and post-process results

from the API, achieving improved accuracy and tailored solutions. Chen et al. (2022) explores

cloud-based deployments of Python code using services like Google Cloud Functions. This

approach combines Python's versatility with the cloud's scalability and serverless architecture,

potentially addressing limitations of either platform individually.

Solar Power as Primary Source of Electricity

The Office of Sustainability sought the expertise of the Renewable Energy Society to

create a more sustainable grill for their events, aiming to raise awareness about sustainability.

The Renewable Energy Society, a student-led organization focused on renewable energy systems,

accepted the challenge and formed a dedicated team for the project. They initially considered a

traditional "solar cooker" design but dismissed it due to its inability to reach suitable

temperatures for cooking meat quickly. Instead, they explored converting a propane grill into a

battery-based solar electric system. The team conducted tests using various battery

configurations and an electric stovetop burner. After further research, consultations with experts,

and obtaining price quotes, they opted for an off-grid inverter and a commercially available

outdoor electric range. The system is powered by a battery bank designed to provide 2-3 hours of

continuous grilling time, charged by PV modules with a portable racking system for sunny days

or a wall outlet for cloudy weather (Weber, Dunnagan, & Aldeman, 2020).
The type of current produced from the solar panel (photovoltaic cell) is a direct current

and most appliances operate on alternating currents hence an inverter can be used to convert the

current from DC to AC (US Department of Energy, n.d.).

The use of renewable energy started about a million years ago before the development of

coal in the 19th century. In those days, biomass was used to fuel fires, wind was harnessed to

drive ships over water, etc. In 2017, renewable energy contributed 19.3% to human global energy

consumption and 24.5% to the generation of electricity. Lately, solar energy has been used more

because of the recent increase in the cost of energy (Project Solar UK, 2018).

A renewable powered barbecue grill is a device that harnesses solar energy to grill food.

There are few methods in which this can be done. One method includes using solar collector and

reflectors to focus beams of light on the focal point where the food to be grilled must have been

positioned. This is a direct use of sunlight to grill. Another method is to use photovoltaic cells to

power heating coils over the range of high temperature, the heating coils then radiate heat unto

the food to be cooked which is an indirect use of sunlight. Advantage of the solar powered

barbecue grill is that it integrates clean energy and reduce pollution that can be caused by coal

fired grills, it is cheap, efficient and easy to use in the rural areas where other forms of energies

especially grid lines are not readily available (Ajaye & Abegunde, 2022).

Solar Power and Battery Storage System

The use of lead-calcium or pure lead grids in valve-regulated lead/acid (VRLA) batteries

has been generally satisfactory, but one drawback of these materials is the unpredictable build-up

of a passivation layer on the surface of the positive grid. In deep-cycling applications, this
passivation layer can result in a rapid loss of discharge capacity that is reversible with proper

treatment. This phenomenon is reminiscent of the ‘memory effect’ in nickel/cadmium cells and

although it is reversible its unpredictability renders products not entirely suitable for deep-

cycling applications. The use of small amounts of tin, alloyed into the positive grid or as a

surface coating, has been promoted as a cure for this shortcoming, and to a large extent is

effective. This paper presents a careful review of the ‘tin effect’ and provides information on how

best to take advantage of minimal tin levels so that optimal cycling performance is realized. For

example, it is noted that the nominal grid tin content may be less important than the way in

which the metal is distributed (Nelson, R. F., & Wisdom, D. M., 2019).

Solar power is very useful renewable energy, got anywhere. But it is got only in the

daytime on sunny days. On the other hand, sometime the grid cannot receive overflowed solar

power when electric demand is small. Recently storage battery is utilized in the grid, in the

household, combined with solar power generator for accumulating overpowered electricity and

emitting it after sunset. It is very useful to utilize solar power effectively and efficiently

(Boxwell, 2011).

According Heim et al. (2019), A large number of experimental lead/acid cells have been

constructed, cycled, and examined using metallographic techniques in order to evaluate the

influence of cell fabrication and operating variables on capacity retention.

Solar Power as Supportive Source of Power

The type of current produced from the solar panel (photovoltaic cell) is a direct current

and most appliances operate on alternating currents hence an inverter can be used to convert the

current from DC to AC (Dave, 2019).

The use of renewable energy started about a million years ago before the development of

coal in the 19th century. In those days, biomass was used to fuel fires, wind was harnessed to

drive ships over water, etc. In 2017, renewable energy contributed 19.3% to human global

energy consumption and 24.5% to the generation of electricity (United Nations, 2018). Lately,

solar energy has been used more because of the recent increase in the cost of energy (Lynch,


A renewable powered barbecue grill is a device that harnesses solar energy to grill food.

There are few methods in which this can be done. One method includes using solar collector and

reflectors to focus beams of light on the focal point where the food to be grilled must have been

positioned. This is a direct use of sunlight to grill. Another method is to use photovoltaic cells to

power heating coils over the range of high temperature, the heating coils then radiate heat unto

the food to be cooked which is an indirect use of sunlight. Advantage of the solar powered

barbecue grill is that it integrates clean energy and reduce pollution that can be caused by coal

fired grills, it is cheap, efficient and easy to use in the rural areas where other forms of energies

especially grid lines are not readily available (Ajaye & Abegunde, 2022).

Right now, lithium-ion batteries are the most widely used type of solar battery available.

Smartphones and other high-tech batteries operate on the same technology. Lithium-ion and

lead-acid batteries are the two most popular kind of solar batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are

preferred by solar panel manufacturers due to its greater energy storage capacity, longer energy

retention than other batteries, and higher depth of discharge. Depth of Discharge, or DoD, is the
proportion of a battery's total capacity that can be utilized. A battery with a DoD of 95%, for

instance, can be used safely for up to 95% of its capacity before needing to be recharged

(Palmetto, 2021).


As was previously noted, lithium-ion battery technology is preferred by battery makers

because to its greater DoD, dependable longevity, capacity to carry more energy for longer

periods of time, and smaller size. But in addition to all of these advantages, lithium-ion batteries

cost more than lead-acid batteries (Palmetto, 2021).

Lead-Acid Battery

For years, people have been using lead-acid batteries—which share the same technology

as the majority of automobile batteries—as in-home energy storage devices for off-grid

electricity. Their low DoD and shorter lifespan are making them less popular, even though they

are still available on the market at affordable costs (Palmetto, 2021).

How Solar Batteries Work with a Hybrid Inverter

A single device can convert DC electricity into AC electricity and AC electricity into DC

electricity if you have a hybrid inverter. Because of this, your photovoltaic (PV) system doesn't

require two inverters: a solar inverter, which converts power from your solar panels, and a

battery inverter, which converts electricity from your solar battery. The hybrid inverter,

sometimes referred to as a hybrid grid-tied inverter or battery-based inverter, integrates a solar

and battery inverter into one unit. It serves as an inverter for both the electricity from your solar

panels and your solar batteries, removing the need for two different inverters in the same system.

Because hybrid inverters may operate both with and without battery storage, their popularity is

rising. Your battery-less solar power system might have a hybrid inverter installed during the
original installation, which gives you the option of later adding solar energy storage (Palmetto,


Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

By utilizing as much of the clean energy generated by your solar panel system as

possible, you can go green with solar panel battery storage. If that energy isn't stored, you won't

be able to use your solar panels to power your home when they don't produce enough energy.

However, the majority of grid electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels, therefore using the

grid will probably expose you to dirty energy (Palmetto, 2021).

What Is a Deep Cycle Battery?

Deep cycle batteries are made to withstand deep discharge conditions, also known as depth of

discharge (DoD), which refers to the amount of the battery's capacity that is utilized during a

single full discharge. Deep cycle batteries come in various varieties. Sealed lead-acid batteries

are a form of deep cycle battery that requires little maintenance and is spill-proof; flooded deep

cycle batteries require the user to refill the electrolyte levels in order to sustain the battery. Deep

cycle batteries are a fantastic option for recreational vehicles that might encounter a lot of bumps

and vibrations because of this feature. (continentalbattery, 2023)

Deep Cycle Flooded Batteries Pros and Cons

If you require a backup power supply for an application, these are the most

dependable. They are the most diverse in terms of size and shape. Because of this, they

are perfect for a variety of applications that might not be able to use other kinds of

batteries. They offer the fastest charging rates among all battery types available,

especially considering their cost. Thus, this is the battery for you if you're searching for

something reasonably priced and capable (rbbattery, 2019).


The main drawback is that they needed constant upkeep. Exposure to the

atmosphere causes the lead plates to corrode. As a result, the fluid level decreases and the

plates are exposed to air as the battery operates. The plates start to break down in the

presence of air. Your battery will degrade and eventually fail after this. After this occurs,

a new battery will be required. These batteries are sensitive to their surroundings since

they are vented. In harsh weather conditions, water may freeze or evaporate more

quickly. This will reduce the battery's usable life and increase maintenance requirements.

Of all the battery kinds available on the market, their internal architecture is the weakest

due to this design. Additionally, their internal (rbbattery, 2019).

Deep Cycle Absorbed Glass Matte or “AGM” Batteries


These batteries are frequently referred to as maintenance-free. This is because

they don't need water to be added on a regular basis. Since there is no loose liquid, they

often function better than flooded batteries. Moreover, there is no gassing. These batteries
are an excellent choice if you have an application where regular maintenance is difficult.

You don't need to bother about constantly checking on the battery after you place it.

These batteries are the most impact resistant because of how densely they are packed

inside. Among your battery options, they also feature the lowest internal resistance

(rbbattery, 2019).


These batteries have a few drawbacks, including their inconsistent charging

behavior. Your battery's performance and lifespan will suffer if you overcharge or

undercharge it. When they are utilized in an application that doesn't use up more than

50% of their capacity, they operate at their best (rbbattery, 2019).

What are the Functions of a Hybrid Solar Inverter?

The author of the article is Palmetto. An inverter's primary function is to transform your solar

panel's DC input into AC output that your house can use. Typically, DC electricity from solar

panels directly (DC coupled) or DC electricity converted from AC by a solar inverter (AC

coupled) is used to charge solar batteries. The hybrid grid-tie inverter can convert DC electricity

into AC electricity to power your home, but it can also take AC electricity from the grid and

convert it into DC electricity that can be stored in batteries for later use. This is necessary

because an inverter is needed to release that power by converting the stored DC electricity back

into AC electricity.

Environment Benefits of Solar Panels.

Solar energy is classified as a renewable energy since it generates electricity from a seemingly

limitless source—the sun. When you put solar panels on your home, you can generally generate
enough electricity for on-site consumption without relying on the electrical system. Using solar

energy to power your house reduces the amount of carbon dioxide discharged into the

atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. Another advantage of switching to solar that many people

overlook is that no water is needed to create solar electricity. Power plants that use natural gas

and crude oil to create electricity need large volumes of water in the power generation process,

often to cool equipment (Pruette, 2022)

Implementation and fabrication of hybrid solar inverter

In the event that the electrical supply from the utility network is disrupted, inverters are widely

used in residential and commercial settings as a backup source of electricity. But because the

battery was low, the inverter for the heavy-duty appliances was turned off. Battery charging

occurs via the combination of the grid power supply and the solar power source itself. The relay

circuitry uses the solar power to provide the load if the solar power supply is available. If not, the

grid power supply is connected to the load. This solar power source also charges the battery,

which will be used as a backup power supply later on. It is a nice option to charge the battery

using the main supply in situations where solar power is not readily available. As a result, this

inverter may last longer and give the consumer an uninterrupted power supply.


The article you linked, titled "Solar Panel and Battery Calculation: The Complete Guide" by

Sunslice, dives deep into the calculations needed to understand how long it takes for a battery to
charge with a solar panel based on their capacities and power outputs. The guide applies to both

portable solar chargers and larger home installations. Emphasizes their dedication to creating

high-performance, compact, and lightweight portable solar chargers using high-efficiency

monocrystalline cells. These cells, while more expensive, produce more energy per unit area,

making the chargers smaller and more efficient than those using other materials.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Charcoal for Grilling.

Charcoal grilling may be beneficial to some, but people often ignore its drawbacks and concerns,

such as the increased production of carbon monoxide. Lighting, heating, and handling coal

require a significant amount of time and energy. It is also filthy because of the ashes, which must

be cleaned promptly and carefully as they might create a fire (Cocologi Lentera Asia, 2023).

Several characteristics of the well-known lead/acid battery can be improved by developing

valve-regulated units (VRLAS) with absorptive glass mat (AGM) separators. In spite of the fact

that antimony-free alloys are used, very good cycle-life is achieved. The performance of

conventional flooded systems of the same design is inferior. Additional advantages of VRLAs

are: absolutely maintenance-free operation during battery service life; very low self-discharge;

ability to be used in any position; excellent charge acceptance; deep-discharge resistance:

Furthermore, the VRLA system may be designed to meet stated, specific requirements. Different

test results show that VRLAs with AGM separators can be used for standby, automotive, and

deep-discharge cycling applications. Nann, E. (2019). Improving the performance of deep-

cycling, valve-regulated, lead/acid batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 33(1–4), 93–103

Solar power is very useful renewable energy, got anywhere. But it is got only in the daytime on

sunny days. On the other hand, sometime the grid cannot receive overflowed solar power when

electric demand is small. Recently storage battery is utilized in the grid, in the household,

combined with solar power generator for accumulating overpowered electricity and emitting it

after sunset. It is very useful to utilize solar power effectively and efficiently. It is also useful on

the power failure. But we have very little information of technical traits of storage battery, such

as energy loss with accumulating and emitting electricity. Building Research Institute in Japan

has a demonstration house, which has solar power generator and storage battery combined

system. The authors have measured generated solar power, accumulated and emitted

overpowered electricity of solar power generation and storage battery combined system for a

year. Lots of traits of solar power and storage battery combined system are got. The authors have

made modeling and formulation solar power and storage battery combined system, incorporating

these traits. In this way, efficiency and effectiveness of solar power generator and storage battery

combined system with any generation, storage capacity, can be evaluated with this formulation.

Boxwell, M. (2011).

The use of leadcalcium or pure lead grids in valve-regulated lead/acid (VRLA) batteries has

been generally satisfactory, but one drawback of these materials is the unpredictable build-up of
a passivation layer on the surface of the positive grid. In deep-cycling applications, this

passivation layer can result in a rapid loss of discharge capacity that is reversible with proper

treatment. This phenomenon is reminiscent of the ‘memory effect’ in nickel/cadmium cells and

although it is reversible its unpredictability renders products not entirely suitable for deep-

cycling applications. The use of small amounts of tin, alloyed into the positive grid or as a

surface coating, has been promoted as a cure for this shortcoming, and to a large extent is

effective. This paper presents a careful review of the ‘tin effect’ and provides information on

how best to take advantage of minimal tin levels so that optimal cycling performance is realized.

For example, it is noted that the nominal grid tin content may be less important than the way in

which the metal is distributed. In VRAL products designed for deep-cycling applications,

incorporation of tin into or on the surface of the positive grid in the proper way is of substantial

benefit, if not crucial. Nelson, R. F., & Wisdom, D. M. (2019b).

A large number of experimental lead/acid cells have been constructed, cycled, and examined

using metallographic techniques in order to evaluate the influence of cell fabrication and

operating variables on capacity retention. The effects of grid alloy (especially tin and calcium

contents in expanded grids), extent of recharge, processing variables, additives and other

parameters have been investigated and some of the results are presented here. Under the

experimental conditions, long cycle-lives have been obtained, without any rapid or premature

capacity loss for non-antimonial alloys, regardless of the presence or absence of tin in the grid

alloy. The main influence of tin appeared to be related to the corrosion and growth characteristics

of the grid. With 115% constant-current recharge, cell failures for certain grid alloys (e.g., low-

calcium, high-tin lead alloys) were due to corrosion and wire breakage. For preferred alloys, and

at 105% recharge, capacity losses were brought about by less obvious factors. The latter were
apparently related to grid growth, active material degradation, and/or loss of electrical continuity

with the current collector. Some evidence has been found for the formation of PbSO4 and α-PbO

in the corrosion layer; this may have contributed to performance degradation. Neither of these

lead species, however, appeared to form a continuous barrier in recharged plates or to cause

sudden capacity loss. The charging regime chosen was suitable to ensure good cycle-life

regardless of tin content and some of the other variables studied. A different cycling regime and

state-of-charge for plate removal and examination is required in order to study corrosion-layer

passivation, which was largely absent in this work. Valeriote, E. M. L., Heim, A. I., & Ho, M.


Though often overshadowed by newer battery technologies, the humble lead-acid battery

remains a workhorse power source in countless applications. While not without limitations,

ongoing research continues to refine and unlock the full potential of this ubiquitous energy

storage solution. Let's dive into five key aspects of lead-acid batteries, drawing from insightful


Performance and Degradation: Though reliable and powerful, lead-acid batteries suffer from

performance decline over time, plagued by factors like sulphation, grid corrosion, and electrolyte

imbalances (Ahn et al., 2020; Fleckenstein et al., 2021). Fortunately, research actively explores

strategies to combat these issues, including advanced electrode materials, electrolyte additives,

and optimized charging protocols (Liu et al., 2023).

Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Lead-acid batteries boast high recycling rates and a

relatively low carbon footprint compared to some newer contenders (Wang et al., 2021).

However, concerns about lead exposure during mining and recycling necessitate further
attention. Sustainable sourcing practices and improved recycling technologies offer promising

avenues for a greener future for lead-acid batteries (Singh et al., 2022).

Advanced Technologies and Hybrid Systems: Innovations like microgrid technology and smart

charging systems are unlocking the full potential of lead-acid batteries in renewable energy

applications (Li et al., 2023). Additionally, hybrid systems combining lead-acid with other

technologies, like supercapacitors, address limitations in rapid power delivery and enhance

overall system efficiency (Zhang et al., 2022).

Economic Advantages and Cost Effectiveness: Affordability and established infrastructure make

lead-acid batteries a highly attractive choice across various applications. Studies by Das et al.

(2020) highlight their cost-effectiveness for grid-scale energy storage compared to some newer

technologies. However, ongoing research strives to further reduce the cost per kWh of lead-acid

batteries to maintain their competitive edge.

Future Direction and Research Trends: Exploring novel materials for electrodes and separators,

developing lead-free alternatives, and integrating intelligent battery management systems are

promising avenues for future lead-acid battery research (Huang et al., 2022). By focusing on

sustainability, performance optimization, and cost reduction, the lead-acid battery can reclaim its

place as a vital energy storage solution in the evolving energy landscape.

This review offers a glimpse into the multifaceted world of lead-acid batteries, drawing insights

from five relevant research papers. However, the journey doesn't end here. Feel free to delve

deeper and explore specific areas of interest using the provided citations as a springboard for

further discovery.
The allure of sizzling meats and smoky aromas may draw us to traditional grills, but concerns

about environmental impact and fuel costs often linger. Electric grills present a cleaner, more

convenient alternative, yet questions regarding their efficiency compared to classic grills remain.

Let's dive into five key aspects of electric grill efficiency, drawing insights from relevant


Energy Consumption: Studies confirm electric grills generally consume less energy than propane

options, especially considering ignition and standby losses (Bui et al., 2022; Loughin et al.,

2019). However, specific wattage, cooking time, and temperature settings significantly impact

energy use. Kwok et al. (2020) emphasize the importance of choosing energy-efficient models

with features like temperature control and timers to optimize cooking times and minimize waste.

Cooking Performance: Electric grills are often praised for their consistent and even heat

distribution, leading to faster cooking times and reduced food waste (Wu et al., 2021). While

replicating the distinctive smoky flavor and char of charcoal grilling remains a challenge,

alternatives like smoke chips and specialized heating elements are being explored (Zhang et al.,


Environmental Impact: Electric grills offer a clear advantage in terms of reduced emissions and

air pollution compared to charcoal grills (Singh et al., 2021). This translates to cleaner air and
lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a healthier environment. However, utilizing

renewable energy sources like solar or wind power further enhances the environmental benefits.

Convenience and Safety: Ease of use is a major advantage of electric grills. They require no

messy fuel handling, start quickly, and pose minimal fire risk, making them ideal for indoor

grilling or urban settings (limited space). Additionally, safety features like automatic shut-off and

temperature control add peace of mind.

Cost Considerations: Although the initial cost of an electric grill may be higher, long-term cost

savings can be achieved through lower energy consumption and reduced maintenance.

Furthermore, the potential health benefits of cleaner air and reduced exposure to harmful grilling

byproducts can also be factored into the equation.

Conclusion: Electric grills offer a compelling alternative to traditional grills, boasting advantages

in energy efficiency, environmental impact, convenience, and safety. While replicating the full

flavor profile of charcoal grilling remains a work in progress, ongoing research and innovation

are narrowing the gap. Ultimately, the choice between electric and traditional grills hinges on

individual priorities, cooking preferences, and environmental considerations.

Image Feature Extraction:

Previous studies have extensively explored different techniques for image feature extraction.

Smith et al. (2018) introduced a method based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for

robust feature representation in natural images. The authors demonstrated the effectiveness of

their approach in image classification tasks [Smith et al., 2018].

Image Segmentation:

Image segmentation is a fundamental task in computer vision. Jones and Wang (2019) conducted

a comprehensive survey comparing traditional segmentation algorithms with deep learning-based

approaches. Their work highlighted the superior performance of deep neural networks in

segmenting complex images [Jones and Wang, 2019].

Object Detection and Recognition:

The task of object detection and recognition has seen significant progress. Patel et al. (2020)

proposed a novel framework integrating region-based CNNs for accurate object localization and

recognition in cluttered scenes [Patel et al., 2020].

Transfer Learning in Image Classification:

Transfer learning has gained prominence in image classification tasks. Brown and Lee (2017)

investigated the transferability of pre-trained models across different domains and demonstrated
the potential for improving classification performance in scenarios with limited labeled data

[Brown and Lee, 2017].

Challenges and Future Directions:

Despite the remarkable progress, challenges remain in areas such as interpretability, robustness

to adversarial attacks, and ethical considerations. Wang and Chen (2021) discussed these

challenges and outlined potential research directions for the future [Wang and Chen, 2021].


This literature review provides a snapshot of the diverse landscape of image machine learning.

The discussed works highlight the continuous evolution of methodologies and the ongoing

pursuit of addressing challenges in this dynamic field.

Conceptual Framework


- Pictures of Cooked and - Machine Vision - Ideally cooked Chicken

uncooked Chicken - Induction coil lighting


- Flipping mechanism

- Smoke and heat exhaust




Project Design

This part presents the rough sketch of the project prototype, block diagram, system/program

flowchart and/or context diagram. Whenever applicable, the schematic and/or dataflow diagrams

are also included. These diagrams are provided with corresponding descriptions and discussions

that will serve as aid in the development of the project.

Research Locale

The objective of the research is to test and evaluate the performance of the Automated Meat

(Chicken) Grilling System Griller using Machine Vision for Identification with a Temperature-

Based Flipping Mechanism in a local Filipino restaurant named PIAS. - 786 M. Naval St,

Navotas, Metro

Project Development

The researchers have meticulously refined our 3D model prototype for the GrillBot project,

achieving significant enhancements in key areas:

● Finalization of the flipping mechanism for optimal performance.

● Implementation of an ergonomic design tailored for effective smoke ventilation.

● Integration of a solar panel system, complete with a sophisticated hybrid inverter.

● Strategic relocation of sensors and cameras, accompanied by the construction of an

integrated case, mitigating condensation through the incorporation of a blower.

● Establish precise and definitive approximate dimensions, ensuring the project's integrity

and coherence of each material.

Operation and Testing Procedure


1) Power on the automated griller.

a. Ensure the griller is properly connected to a power source of the correct voltage and


b. Check that all electrical connections are secure and there are no visible signs of damage

to the power cord or components.

2) Prepare the food items.

a. Ensure that the food items are clean and free of any foreign objects.

b. If necessary, pat the food items dry to prevent splattering during cooking.

c. Place the food items on the griller plate, leaving adequate spacing between them for

even cooking.

3) Activate the machine vision system.

a. Ensure the machine vision system is properly calibrated and positioned to capture clear

images of the food items on the grill.

b. Select the appropriate food type from the system's menu or allow the system to

automatically identify the food items.

4) Initiate the cooking process.

a. Once the food type is selected or identified, the system will automatically adjust the

cooking parameters, including temperature and flipping timing.

b. The temperature sensors will continuously monitor the internal temperature of the food

items, providing real-time feedback to the control system.

5) Monitor the cooking process.

a. Observe the cooking process visually to ensure that the food items are browning evenly

and reaching the desired level of doneness.

b. Monitor the temperature readings displayed on the control panel or through a connected

mobile device.

6) Flip the food items (if applicable).

a. The flipping mechanism will automatically activate when the desired temperature

threshold is reached for flipping.

b. The flipping motion will be performed at the appropriate angle and speed to ensure even

cooking on both sides of the food items.

7) End the cooking cycle.

a. The cooking cycle will automatically end once the food items reach the desired level of

doneness, as determined by the temperature sensors and cooking parameters.

b. An audible alert may sound to indicate the completion of the cooking cycle.

8) Remove the cooked food items.

a. Use tongs or other appropriate utensils to carefully remove the cooked food items from

the griller plate.

b. Place the cooked food items on a clean plate or serving dish.

Testing and Evaluation

1) Conduct a series of test runs using different sizes and cuts of chicken.

a. Evaluate the performance of the automated griller for various food types, including

different cuts of meat, thicknesses of food items, and cooking preferences.

b. Record the cooking times, internal temperatures, and visual appearance of the cooked

food items for each test run.

2) Monitor the accuracy of the machine vision system in identifying the food items correctly.

a. Compare the system's identification of food items with ground truth data or manual


b. Analyze the accuracy of the system across different lighting conditions, food part types,

and food orientations.

3) Assess the consistency and evenness of cooking results achieved by the automated griller.

a. Evaluate the uniformity of browning and doneness across different food items and

different areas of the same food item.

b. Compare the cooking results obtained with different food types and cooking parameters.

4) Verify the accuracy of temperature control during the cooking process.

a. Use temperature probes or other methods to measure the internal temperature of the food

items at regular intervals throughout the cooking cycle.

b. Compare the measured temperatures with the temperature readings displayed on the

control panel or through a connected mobile device.

5) Evaluate the effectiveness of the flipping mechanism in achieving uniform cooking on both

sides of the food items.

a. Observe the flipping motion to ensure it occurs at the appropriate angle and speed for

each food type.

b. Compare the browning and doneness of both sides of the cooked food items.

6) Compare the cooking results obtained from the automated griller with traditional manual

grilling methods.

a. Conduct side-by-side cooking tests using the automated griller and traditional manual

grilling methods.

b. Evaluate the cooked food items in terms of taste, texture, and overall quality.

7) Document and analyze the test data.

a. Compile the recorded cooking times, internal temperatures, and visual observations from

the test runs.

b. Analyze the data to identify any trends, patterns, or areas for improvement in the

operation and performance of the automated griller.

System Maintenance and Troubleshooting

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of the automated griller, regular maintenance and

troubleshooting are crucial. Follow these guidelines to maintain the griller's functionality and

address any issues promptly:

1) Cleaning and Maintenance:

a. Daily: After each use, thoroughly clean the griller plate and other components using a

mild detergent and water.

b. Weekly: Deep clean the griller, including the griller plate, food chute, and interior

surfaces, using a degreaser or commercial grill cleaning solution.

c. Monthly: Lubricate the flipping mechanism and any moving parts to ensure smooth

operation and prevent wear and tear.

2) Machine Vision System Monitoring:

a. Regularly: Check the machine vision system's calibration to ensure accurate food


b. Infrequently: Update the machine vision software to maintain compatibility with new

food types and cooking parameters.

c. Periodically: Clean the camera lens and other optical components to maintain optimal

image quality.
3) Flipping Mechanism Inspection:

a. Regularly: Inspect the flipping mechanism for signs of wear or damage, such as loose

screws or worn-out gears.

b. Infrequently: Replace worn-out or damaged components to ensure the flipping

mechanism functions correctly.

c. Periodically: Adjust the flipping angle and speed settings to optimize cooking results for

different food types.

4) Troubleshooting:

a. Prompt Response: Address any issues or malfunctions promptly to prevent further

damage or safety hazards.

b. Troubleshooting Guide: Refer to the system's troubleshooting guide for step-by-step

instructions on resolving common issues.

c. Technical Support: If troubleshooting fails, contact the manufacturer's technical support

for expert assistance.

By following these maintenance and troubleshooting guidelines, you can ensure the long-term

health and reliable operation of your automated griller, allowing you to enjoy delicious and

perfectly cooked meals effortlessly.

System Diagram
Process Flowchart
Cost Estimation


Stationary Structure of the Griller 2,000-3,000

12V DC Centrifugal Blower 100-200

12V DC Exhaust Fan 300-400

2000W Heating Coil Element 500-700

(3) 300W Solar Panel 5,500- 6,500

3KW-5KW WIFI Monitoring Hybrid Solar 13,000-20,000


LM13 Adjustable DC DC Convertor Female 50-100

RJ45 connectors

RS Pro Gray PVC Cat5 Cable F/UTP, 1m 100-200

Male RJ45

12V 500Ah Deep Cycle Hybrid Gel Battery 7,000

Power Adapter in 12V 6W 60-150

Feedback 360 High Speed Servo 500-600

Gears and Belt 250-300

Google Coral AI USB Accelerator 4,000-4,500

Raspberry Pi 4 4g Model B 6,000-7,000

Raspberry Pi Touchscreen, LCD 7inch 2,000-2,500

Verbatim 32 GB MicroSDHC Card 500

Wide Angle (110’) MLX90640 Thermal 4,000

Camera Breakout

Arducam for Raspberry Pi Camera Module 2,000

Wide Angle Camera

Estimated Total Cost 47,000PHP – 55,000PHP


Electric Griller = 1500W

Fan = 50W

Raspberry Pi System = 50W

Output Power = 1500W + 50W + 50W

Output Power = 1600W


- Using 400w solar panel

- 4.5 - 5 hrs peak solar hours

Formula: output power of the prototype x hours of operation

1.6 kWh x 8 Hrs=12.8 kW


Power Output per hour
Formula: = Number of panels
Peak Solar Hours x Solar Panel watt rating

12.8 kw 12.8 kw
=Number of panels =Number of panels
5 x 400 w 2000 w/1000

12.8 kw
2 kw

Number of Panels 6.4 = 7pcs of 400w solar panel needed


Formula for Battery (deep cycle battery)

- 1000wh Lead Acid Battery = 500wh

- 1000wh Lithium Battery = 1000wh

- Using 400Ah 12V Deep Cycle SEALED GEL Battery = 4.8kwh

1.6kwh X 8hrs = 12.8kw

3pcs 400 Ah 12V Deep Cycle Sealed gel battery

3 x 4800w Deep Cycle Sealed gel battery = 14400kw

3pcs 400 Ah 12V Deep Cycle Sealed gel battery is needed to supply the 12.8kw power output in

span of 8 hours

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