101 Disease

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Related Disorders

Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition is diagnosed when the prominent
symptoms of anxiety are judged to result directly from a physiologic condition.
The persons my have Panic attacks, generalized anxiety, or obsessions or
Medical conditions causing this disorder

 Endocrine dysfunction
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease I’m in
 Congestive heart failure
 And Neurologic conditions.

Substance-induced anxiety disorder

Anxiety directly cause by drug abuse, medication, or exposure to a toxin.
 Prominent anxiety
 Panic attacks
 Phobias
 Obsessions
 Compulsions
Separations anxiety disorder
Excessive anxiety concerning separations from home or from persons, parents, or
caregivers to whom the client is attached.

 Occurs when it is no longer developmentally appropriate

 Before 18 years of age

Adjustment disorder
Emotional response to a stressful event, such as one involving financial issues,
medical illness, or a relationship problem, that results clinically significant symptoms
such as marked distress or impaired functioning.

Diagnosed when a person’s mood cycles between extremes of mania and
Is a distinct period during the which mood is abnormally and persistently elevated,
expansive, or irritable.
- Last about 1 week (unless person is hospitalized and treated sooner.), but it may
be longer for some individuals.
At least three

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