Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and The Boundaries of A Science of Behavior

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Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and the Boundaries

of a Science of Behavior1
Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho
Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil

As Kantor emphasized, the significant

aspect of our science is found not in
method, but in our conceptualizations
of behavior (Marr, 1984)

In the history of behaviorist psychology, one controversial issue has been the independence of a
behavioral science, and in particular its relation to biological sciences. In this article, the boundaries of a
science of behavior are discussed in the light of B. F. Skinner’s and J. R. Kantor’s works, including some
propositions concerning subjective or private experience. Important similarities in the two approaches are
pointed out, especially with regard to their commitment to a relational (non-reductionist) view of behavioral
phenomena. The possibility of behavior analysis treating privacy in a more consistent manner is also
proposed, using Kantor’s conclusions on this issue. Lastly, it is suggested that Kantor’s work, carried out
in the 1920s, predates important positions that tend to affirm the independence of a behavioral science,
and that taking such positions into consideration could be relevant to understanding the criticisms directed
at experimental analysis of behavior almost 50 years later.
Descriptors: Radical behaviorism, interbehaviorism, physiology of behavior.

Behaviorist tradition in dealing with system; the group of philosophical/conceptual,

psychological problems embodies a variety empirical and applied work which constitutes
of ideas and research programs which are the field of a science of behavior; respectively,
sometimes closely interrelated in various aspects radical behaviorism, the experimental analysis of
or, ocasionnaly, conflicting. This paper consists behavior, and applied behavior analysis).
of an effort to move forward in defining the Skinnerian behaviorism and interbehaviorism
boundaries of behavior analysis, a system based share fundamental view points about the features
in the works by B. F. Skinner, while identifying of a behavioral science (cf. Moore, 1987; Morris,
some similarities and conflicts between Skinner’s 1984), but they differ with respect to some
version of behaviorism and J. R. Kantor’s philosophical, conceptual and methodological
interbehaviorism. (The expression “behavior issues (cf. Hayes, 1994; Kantor, 1970; Morris,
analysis” is used here to refer to the Skinnerian 1984). According to Morris, the two approaches
1 “represent well-reasoned and forceful arguments
The writing of this paper was supported by grants (#520062/
98-1and #477298/2001-0) from the Conselho Nacional de De- for a natural science of behavior – a naturalism
senvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, Brazil (a Brazilian that stands in contrast to alternative systems of
governmental agency for the advancement of science and tech-
nology). Parts of the paper were presented at the XXXII Annual psychology” (p. 197). But, according to Kantor
Meeting of the Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia [Brazilian Society (1970), research (experimental, with infra-human
of Psychology], October 2002. The author would like to thank the
reviewers for their comments and suggestions on a previous version organisms, in controlled situations) developed by
of the paper.Correspondence may be sent to: Rua Aristides Lobo, experimental behavior analysts is too restricted
884, Apt. 100. Reduto. 66.053-020, Belém, Pará, Brazil. E-mail: to meet the requirements of a natural science of
16 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

behavior. In some measure, these two observations a metatheoretical treatment of independence and
reflect what has been taken as a marked complementarity between the science of behavior
difference between the two behaviorist systems: and physiology. The motivation for this analysis
interbehaviorism evolved strongly in the direction arises largely from an interest in the topic of
of a comprehensive philosophical and conceptual private events, which requires a clear demarcation
approach to psychological phenomena; behavior of the boundaries of behavioral phenomena. For
analysis (though encompassing philosophical, this reason, the privacy theme will be emphasized
conceptual, and applied work) is most frequently in the following sections.
recognized as an empirical behavioral science,
developing methods and carrying out controlled Skinner and the Boundaries of a Science of
investigations on basic behavioral processes. Behavior
Marr (1984) illustrates this point by arguing that
“Kantor developed his views primarily through Skinner, throughout his work, elaborated a
both broad and deep historical and philosophical behavior-analytic view of the independence and
scholarship” (p.189), while “Skinner...was first and complementarity between a science of behavior
foremost a laboratory worker” (p. 189). Morris and (neuro)physiology (e.g., Skinner, 1938, 1953/
(1984) recommended integration between the two 1965, 1990), which has been critically examined
behaviorist emphases and suggested that Kantor’s in behavior-analytic literature (e.g., Baer, 1996;
interbehaviorism could fill a void that resulted in Bullock, 1996; Donahoe, 1996; Donahoe &
erroneous interpretations by the media and other Palmer, 1994; Moore, 1997; Morris, 1988; Poling
sectors of society and thereby compromised the & Byrne, 1996; Reese, 1996a, 1996b). The present
acceptance of behavior analysis. Morris adds: section summarizes two aspects of Skinner’s
“Interbehavioral psychology is quite explicit and propositions: on the one hand, a relational (non
sophisticated about metatheoretical assumptions. reductionist) definition of behavior as a subject
These need to be integrated with the empirical matter is central to establishing the boundaries of
and conceptual strengths of radical behaviorism a science of behavior. On the other hand, Skinner’s
to improve the acceptability of a natural science formulation allows a consistent interpretation
of behavior” (p. 202). In accepting that Kantor’s of private events concerning references to
interbehaviorism offers relevant metatheoretical physiological components (conditions) of those
references to a behavioral science, we are not phenomena, as long as “private” is not identified
ignoring Skinner’s important philosophical with “internal”. (Some other aspects of Skinner’s
and conceptual works that ground behavior approach to the boundaries of behavior analysis
analysis, but simply agreeing with Morris’s call and physiology will be mentioned in the next
for an integration of the contributions of the section, in contrast to Kantor’s positions).
two behaviorist systems. In the 1930s, when Skinner began to elaborate
One similarity in the two systems is insistence his explanatory system, he suggested that spurious
on an independent behavioral science, one that is reference to the central nervous system in
clearly distinguished from physiology, and psychology functioned “to divert attention away
biology. The present paper deals with this theme from behavior as a subject matter” (Skinner, 1938,
with the objectives of (a) outlining Skinner’s views p. 4). His view was that a science of behavior
on the boundaries between behavior analysis and should avoid references to the nervous system,
(neuro)physiology; (b) identifying Kantor’s views as well as to mental fictions, and take behavior
on the same topic and delineating their similarity as a subject matter in itself. Skinner understood
to the Skinnerian approach; (c) summarizing behavior as “that part of the functioning of
the views of several authors who show that an organism which is engaged in acting upon
behavior analysis has gained from contributions or having commerce with the outside world”
(e.g., Moore, 1984) or influences (e.g., Morris, (Skinner, 1938, p.6). Fuller (1973) has stated that
Higgins & Bickel, 1982) of Kantor’s work and this Skinnerian definition “sounds somewhat in-
(d) arguing that Kantor’s approach contributes to terbehavioral, since commerce implies a two-way
Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and the Boundaries of a Science of Behavior 17

interaction (↔)” (p. 319). Approaching behavior of the organism, considered separately from
as a relationship of the organism as a whole with the whole, do not participate in psychologi-
the outside world is in the origin of Skinner’s cal events. Rather, they participate in the
system. The reflex was firstly defined as “an events isolated by other sciences, namely
observed correlation of two events, a stimulus and biology or physiology. In other words, the
a response” (Skinner, 1931/1961, p. 337, italics spleen and the liver and the stomach and
added). Skinner (1931/1961) also noted that “in the lungs do not engage in psychological acts
the description of behavior we are interested in – and neither does the brain. It is not the
the relationships within a regressive series of events eyes that see, the ears that hear, the legs
extending from the behavior itself to those energy that walk, the brain that thinks – it is rather
changes at the periphery which we designate as the whole organism who engages in these
stimuli” (p. 338, italics added). Such a view of acts (p.151).
behavior avoids reductionist intepretations, as In later texts, Skinner reiterates the definition
some comments on the topic in behavior-ana- of behavior presented in 1931, and introduces
lytic literature illustrate. Roche and Barnes (1997) new ideas about the (neuro)physiological basis of
argue that behavioral phenomena. For instance, in 1953 he
Although organismic activity may be affirms that “there is still a measure of circularity
reduced to its physiological components, in much physiological explanation, even in the
this activity should not be mistaken for the wrintings of specialists” (Skinner, 1953/1965, p.
subject matter of behavior analysis. Activi- 28), and adds that “the causes to be sought in the
ties of organisms become interesting to nervous system are ... of limited usefulness in the
the behavior analyst only when they have prediction and control of specific behavior” (pp.
been conceptualized as historical acts in con- 28-29). A more consistent reference to physiology
text ... Thus, the subject matter of behavior appears in Skinner’s (1990) presentation of the
analysis is action, rather than movement (p. principle of selection by consequences, within
606, italics added). which a psychological science of behavior is
In a presentation of contextualism as the encompassed. According to Skinner (1990),
world view of behavior analysis, Morris (1988) “physiology studies the product of which the
also refers Skinner’s relational definition and sciences of variation and selection study the
argues that production” (p. 1208). Finally, in commenting on
behavior is a dynamic, synergistic, and a chapter of his 1938 book, Skinner (1988/1989a)
active interrelation, not a thing, in which a affirms that it was “a declaration of independence
response is but one component. The unit from physiology” (p. 129). Based on Skinner’s
of behavior includes not only responses, writings, such independence may be formulated
but more importantly the functions of in the analysis of private events.
those responses, along with their inter- The Skinnerian interpretation of privacy is
related stimulus functions in current and supported in the idea that biological variables
historical context (p. 300). are conditions for, but do not define behavioral
Even when one considers only the response phenomena. Biological variables are conditions
component of a behavior, in a behavior-analytic in the sense that they are required for behavioral
view it will be the response of the organism as a phenomena; they are not included in the defintion
whole. “It is the organism as a whole that behaves” of behavior (cf. Roche & Barnes, 1997). Of course
(Skinner, 1975, p.44); it is the “behavior of the we may maintain the idea of a “private universe”
organism as a whole” (Skinner, 1990, p. 1206) (cf. Skinner, 1953/1965), which suggests that
that is the product of processes of variation physiological events may take part in behavioral
and selection. This is in accordance with Hayes’s relations. However, when one considers the
(1994) discussion of psychological acts, which is processes through which physiological events
based in Kantor’s works: acquire behavioral functions, one recognizes that
from a psychological perspective, parts those events in turn depend on events outside
18 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

the skin for their acquisition (cf. Skinner, 1945, references to the problem, Skinner presents
1953/1965, 1963/1969, 1974/1993). Thus the behavior analysis as a discipline independent of
ultimate explanation will always point to an and complementary to physiology. Specifically
extra-organism variable. in the case of private stimulation, we may
The identification of private with internal leads continue to view behavior as a relationship (cf.
to a set of problems in Skinner’s work (cf. Hayes, Skinner, 1938), in which physiological events may
1994; Ribes, 1982; Tourinho, 1997). On one hand, participate with stimulus functions (based on an
because some events described by Skinner (1945, association with public events), but do not define
1963/1969, 1968, 1974/1993,) as private (e.g., that particular relationship.
covert responses) are events of the organism
as a whole (and as such they are not internal or Kantor and the Boundaries of a Science of
external to the organism). On the other, because Behavior
the proposition of private events as internal
events may result in a type of reductionism Consistent with his argument that psychology
(for instance, when an “ache” is interpreted as a is the natural science of behavior, Kantor claims
physiological change, instead of being interpreted on various occasions that psychology’s references
as a response to physiological conditions which to physiological knowledge, and especially to the
acquired stimulus functions). These problems, possibility of physiological reductionism, move
however, can be avoided considering that the psychology away from the study of organism-
nature of privacy is summed up in the fact that environment interactions. Beginning in 1922,
certain events may affect an individual in the form Kantor (e.g., 1922, 1923, 1947) has pointed out
of interoceptive or proprioceptive stimulation, that psychology used the nervous system as a
whereas those events may affect others (when “descriptive fact”, or as an “explanatory instru-
they do) merely in the form of exteroceptive ment”. In either case this led to problems. On
stimulation. According to Skinner (1953/1965), the one hand, it reproduced mistaken concep-
“a private event may be distinguished by its limited tions about the nervous system2; on the other, it
accessibility but not, so far as we know, by any established a barrier to psychology’s development
special structure or nature” (p. 257). A toothche as a science.
is a private event not because of its localization, Using physiology in certain descriptions of
but due to the fact that “the individual’s response reflexes ignored not only other systems (muscu-
to an inflamed tooth ... is unlike the response lar, glandular, etc.) involved in responding but
which anyone else can make to that particular also events having the function of stimuli. From
tooth, since no one else can establish the same Kantor’s perspective, that use ignores that the
kind of contact with it” (Skinner, 1953/1965, p. event explained “in its essence is an interaction of
257). Additionally, Skinner’s (e.g., 1968) analysis a complete response with the specific stimulus”
of covert responses, as responses of the organism (Kantor, 1922, p. 39). Reference to the nervous
as a whole, does not require the reference to system as a form of explanation sustains theories
any particular organic system involved in their unsupported by behavioral observation and pro-
production. Covert responses are viewed simply motes mentalism, leading to such an “aberration
as responses emitted “on such a reduced scale in our vision of physiological facts as to prevent
that [they] cannot be observed by others - at least us from describing human behavior as it occurs
without instrumentation” (Skinner, 1953/1965, and interpreting it in factual terms” (Kantor, p.
p. 263). 41). In the following paragraphs, some central
Skinner’s remarks have been pointed as points of Kantor’s analysis are taken into account.
“somewhat inconsistent about the relation Similarities with Skinner’s views, and Kantor’s
between psychology and physiology” (Reese, 2
Given the penetration of physiology in psychological dis-
1996a, p. 65), but it has also been acknowleged cussions of the period, Kantor (1922) proposed in this article “to
that “his usual position was that reductionism investigate the neural conceptions prevalent in psychology with
the hope that we can thereby suggest what is factual and what is
is not useful” (Reese, p.65). In most of his fictitious in these conceptions” (p. 38).
Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and the Boundaries of a Science of Behavior 19

contibutions to an approach of the boundaries be more clearly recognized. In Kantor’s (1923)

of a science of behavior are highlighted. The words,
analysis may also contribute to an understanding not until we study the neural functions
of Kantor’s (1970) critical view of the experimen- as factors in the complex or unit of action
tal analysis of behavior. (response) in which they operate, will we
understand them and their importance.
The independence of a science of behavior Never can we understand neural mecha-
Like Skinner (1938), Kantor (1922) believed nisms by making them into surrogates
that “psychology should be emancipated from for, or aspects of, “psychic” or “mental”
physiology” (p. 42). In a debate in 1923, some occurrences or events (p. 689).
consequences of this position were made explicit. A similar statement was made by Skinner
First, psychological science should work with a (1977) in a critical discussion of cognitivism: “The
clear definition of its subject matter, which for respective sciences of behavior and physiology
Kantor (1923) consisted of “interactions of or- will move forward most rapidly if their domains
ganisms and stimuli objects” (p.688). A response are correctly defined and analyzed” (p.10). That
is always seen as the response of an organism as a is, the progress of both the science of behavior
whole, as a “total unitary biological happening”(p. and physiology requires the preliminary step of
689), a “unit of action” (p.686), where the group correctly defining the features of their subjetct
of systems that constitute the organism partici- matter, and the types of explanations that re-
pate. “The neural, muscular, glandular, affective, spect those features (preventing, for example,
perceptive or discriminative factors are all com- from reductionism). This is basic to achieving
ponent functions, each constituting a member of sound explanations of human behavior “by the
a large unified activity” (p. 686). From this point cooperative action of ethology, brain science and
of view, the nervous system appears simply as a behavior analysis” (Skinner, 1989b, p. 18).
component of a more complex event (response); Psychology’s independence from neighbor-
it is part of the response, but does not define it, ing sciences is announced by Kantor (1966) as a
much less should be interpreted as its cause. “metapostulate” or “basic assumption” of the sci-
To reject any reference to the nervous system ence of behavior. This independence also prom-
in the description or explanation of behavior re- ises the possibility of dialogue and cooperation
sults from the understanding that “it is not only with other sciences: “Such relative independence
not an adequate or a relevant cause but no cause in no [way] precludes the necessary and most use-
at all (Kantor, 1923, p. 686); to fall back on the ful cooperation of related sciences in the work
nervous system consists of a “violation of scien- of ascertaining the existence of certain kinds of
tific methodology (namely, to seek the cause of a events and their characteristics” (Kantor, 1966, p.
phenomenon in a part of itself)” (Kantor, 1922, 382). This idea reflects some of Kantor’s earliest
p. 43). In view of the fact that the neurophysi- comments on the topic: “any particular scientist
ological event is merely a component of a more interested in psychological organisms, in order to
inclusive event, the response (which in turn is understand most thoroughly and most broadly
merely part of a psychological phenomenon, the the common phenomena, must get the results of
interaction between organism and environment), his scientific colleagues, but this never means that
to refer to it as a possible cause or correlate of one type of fact is more fundamental or basic”
behavior is to ignore the nature and complexity (Kantor, 1923, p. 690).
of the behavioral phenomenon. However, what Similar to physiological appeals, mentalist
seems to minimize the importance of the nervous theories run counter to a scientific interpreta-
system, for Kantor represents the possibility of tion of behavior. Consequently, the affirmation
restoring its role in regulating organism-environ- of psychology’s independence as a science, whose
ment relationships. Once the nervous system is subject matter consists of organism-environment
properly considered as a condition for (but not interactions, also serves to reject mentalism (Kan-
cause of) behavioral relations, its importance will tor, 1966). According to Kantor (1966), mentalist
20 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

psychologists attribute “alien qualities and proper- ceptions, “probably the most confusing and futile
ties upon the behavior of persons” (p. 379); but procedure for ameliorating the deficiencies of the
“whenever we study psychological events our mentalistic tradition” (Kantor, 1978, p. 338). It
observations concern concrete activities of or- is in hopes of conferring a scientific character to
ganisms as they interbehave with stimulus objects, mentalism, postulating an empirical counterpart
which may be other organisms” (Kantor, 1966, to hypothetical processes, that the appeal to neu-
p. 379). The definition of psychology’s subject rophysiology breaks into 20th century psychol-
matter works, therefore, not to define conditions ogy. In 1923, Kantor (1923) affirmed that neural
of complementarity between mentalist and be- events “are considered causal and determining
haviorist perspectives, but to refute an incoherent only because they are regarded as mentalities” (p.
mentalist approach to behavior. 692). Prior to this, he had already affirmed that
In many aspects, Skinner’s (1938) criticism “the neural mechanisms are used to uphold some
of physiological explanations for behavior coin- sort of mentalism” (Kantor, 1922, p. 40).
cides with Kantor’s. As mentioned above, Skinner Contrary to the argument that there is always
(1938) approached behavior as “acting upon or a neurophysiological precedent for a response,
having commerce with the outside world” (p. 6); Kantor (1923) alleges that the demand to specify
Kantor (1923) was interested in the interaction that “precedent” would only make sense in the
of the organism as a whole with the environ- light of the supposition that the physiology of
ment, “one total unitary biological happening” one psychological phenomenon is an event exter-
(p. 689). Skinner critized the “circularity in much nal to the phenomenon itself; this is pertinent only
physiological explanation” (1953/1965, p. 28) for mentalist psychologies, it is only for them that
and argued that “a conceptual nervous system “the need exist to commit the methodological er-
cannot ... be used to explain the behavior from ror of reducing psychological data to some other
which it is inferred (1974/1993, p.235); Kantor kind” (p. 690). Once again, Kantor is rejecting
(1922, 1923, 1978) considered that appeals to both physiological reductionism and mentalism,
the nervous system functioned, like mentalist which are inter-related (physiological reduction-
ideas, to deprive psychological analysis of its ism works to justify mentalism, and mentalism
very subject matter. In Skinner’s (1990) view, provides a room for physiological reductionism
psychology is interested in the behavior of the in a psychological science), and are obstacles to
“body-cum-brain”, and “the more we know the development of a science of behavior. Faced
about the body-cum-brain as a biochemical with mind-body dualism, Kantor (1966) rejected
machine, the less interesting it becomes in its the two “substances” and arrived at one more
bearing on behavior” (p. 1208); Kantor (1922, “metapostulate” in which the science of behavior
1923, 1947) emphasized the relational character resides: non-reductionism.
of the psychological phenomenon (organism- In Kantor’s (e.g., 1978, 1979) view, the sur-
environment interactions) and, consequently, vival of reductionist perspectives in psycho-
the inconsistencies of explanations that refer to logical discourse, even with the development of
physiological events as causes or correlates of (inter)behavioral investigation, means that the
behavior. Further, Skinner’s (1938) discussion mentalist systems in place at the beginning of
of physiology is later refered to as “a declaration the 20th century are maintained in the cognitiv-
of independence” (Skinner, 1988/1989a p. 129); ism of the latter half of the that century. They
for Kantor (1966), a principle of independence illustrate the same problem pointed out in the
of psychology is basic to the constitution of the 1920s, even when the brain is substituted for the
science of behavior and regulates its relationships mind as “the faculties of the soul [are] made into
with other fields of knowledge. centers of the brain” (Kantor, 1978, p. 338). Ac-
cording to Kantor, for cognitivists, “psychology
Physiological reductionism supporting mentalism can be scientific by equating pure phantasms of
Physiological reductionism is viewed by the soul with functions of a tangible organ. Of
Kantor as an attempt to justify mentalist con- course the entire identification is purely verbal
Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and the Boundaries of a Science of Behavior 21

and involves spurious interpretations of an im- Physiology and (in) sufficiency of the reflex concept
portant organ” (p. 338). As the result of errors of When behavioral psychology was still en-
this type, cognitivism becomes “the antithesis of gaged in investigations based on the principles
science” (Kantor, 1979, p. 158), contributing to of reflexes, Kantor (1922) identified a tendency
“reducing all the complex behavior of the cogni- to consider complex human behavior as the sum
tive type into mystical and specious brain action of reflex relations. Kantor considered that ten-
and consciousness” (Kantor, 1979, p. 158)3. dency as a product of the reductionist culture
In the works by Kantor considered in this that persisted in psychological thought. This topic
paper, explanations presented as psychological, merits separate consideration to emphasize that
but that promote a physiological reductionism, Kantor, in the behaviorist tradition, foresaw the
are viewed in the final analysis as attempts to need for behavioral principles beyond those
restore the principles of a mentalist tradition in pertinent to the investigation and explanation
psychology. Therefore, an interbehavioral solu- of reflex behavior.
tion to these efforts consists not of eliminating The passage in which Kantor (1922) deals with
the reference to the mental component from the problem begins with a proposal to emanci-
these positions—admitting only the body com- pate psychology from physiology. Next, Kantor
ponent—but completely rejecting the preoccupa- attributes to the “neural theory” an erroneous
tion with body events, focusing the relationships interpretation of behavior by psychologists
which define the subject matter of psychology. themselves: “even when psychologists consider
The relationshiops of the 20th century cog- that they are studying responses to stimuli the
nitivism and physiological reductionism are also neural prejudice influences them to consider all
identified by Skinner (1977, 1985, 1989b): “cogni- psychological behavior as merely the integration
tive psychologists have ... turned to brain science of reflexes” (p. 42). Kantor raises two objec-
and computer science for confirmation of their tions to the notion of reflex integration. First,
theories” (Skinner, 1989b, p. 18), but “no account “reflex acts belong to the permanent behavior
of what is happening inside the human body, no equipment of the individual and are not capable
matter how complete, will explain the origins of of integration” (p. 42). In other words, reflexes
human behavior” (Skinner, 1989b, p. 18). The constitute a phylogenetic product with respect
“metaphor of storage” according to which con- to which it is not possible to produce original
tingencies of reinforcement are “stored as repre- combinations (but only condition new stimuli
sentations and rules” (Skinner, 1985, p. 294) is an capable of eliciting them). Second, “to think of
instance of spurious interpretation of the brain, all of our behavior as reflexes or combinations of
which should not be viewed as an “encyclopaedia, reflexes means to overlook the great variety and
library or museum” (Skinner, 1985, p. 300). Even complexity of our actual behavior” (p. 42). The
if the brain were proved to store information, insufficiency of the concept of reflex is especially
that would not suffice as psychological explana- evident when considering relationships in which
tion. Behavior analysis turns to contingencies of cultural variables participate, such as “complex
reinforcement to explain behavioral change and social, esthetic, and moral adaptations to our hu-
leaves it to brain science the investigation of what man surroundings” (p. 42).
is going inside the organism. Cognitive science, Because the reflex relationship is not enough
however, “cannot leave [what is happening inside] to account for complex human phenomena, to
to neurology because processing information is adopt it as an explanation implies an appeal to
part of the story they want to tell” (Skinner, 1985, unobserved fictional properties that suggest fun-
p. 295). damental processes occurring in other domains.
In other words, “it is inevitable when we make
reflexes the basis of every reaction that we intro-
The extent to which Kantor’s (1978, 1979) characterization of duce surreptitiously and ad hoc qualities and condi-
cognitivism is appropriate to all contemporary versions of cognitive tions which really are not there” (Kantor, 1922,
psychology may be disputable, but an analysis of the issue is beyond
the scope of this article. p. 42). It was only in 1937, fifteen years later, that
22 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

Skinner (1937) recognized the insufficiency of the Consequently, one fails to investigate behavioral
reflex in explaining the behavioral relations he processes or relationships that do not conform
was investigating (cf. Coleman, 1984). Skinner was to conditioning procedures and one reduces the
not partisan to neural or mentalist explanations range of the behavioral phenomena investigated.
for behavior (the arguments in his 1938 book are Regardless of the fact that the investigation con-
consistent with Kantor’s criticisms of those doc- ducted by behavior analysts is relevant and merits
trines). But Skinner’s use of the “drive” concept recognition, conditioning should not be viewed
in the elaboration of his explanatory system can as “anything more than one way of working with
be taken as a consequence of the type of problem a certain kind of behavior performed by certain
pointed out by Kantor (invention of fictions). kinds of organisms. We may not regard condition-
Kantor criticized this Skinnerian concept (cf. ing or any other single kind as the necessary and
Verplanck, 1995), calling it a “spook”. As Morris sufficient way to deal with all behavior” (Kantor,
et al. (1982) pointed out, Skinner “credited Kan- p. 102). Also, in discussing the need to expand
tor with convincing him of the dangers inherent the scope of behavior analysis, Kantor implicates
in the concept of drive” (p. 160). reflex research with the discipline’s limitations.
In light of Kantor’s view on the scope of a To him, “TEAB [The Experimental Analysis of
psychology strictly based on the study of reflex, Behavior] ... should be fully alert against build-
one has a clearer understanding of the criticism ing up conditioning tactics into strategies, and
he makes of experimental analysis of behavior in particular strategies into psychological principles,
a 1970 conference (Kantor, 1970) given to Divi- and in this way creating a general bias for a re-
sion 25 (Experimental Analysis of Behavior) of flex-generated interpretation of all psychological
the American Psychological Association, which events” (Kantor, pp. 104-105). In discussing the
would result in a wider schism between Skinner- term “behavior”, Kantor suggested alternative
ians and Kantorians (cf. Verplanck, 1995). On that sets of investigation to correct the fact that “on
occasion, Kantor addressed what he saw as merits the whole, TEAB is much more inclined toward
and limitations of the experimental analysis of the analysis of responses than behavioral fields,
behavior. Among the limitations, he mentioned a circumstance influenced by the partial reflex-
the narrowness of the research program derived conditioning origin of the movement” (Kantor,
from reflex investigation. Kantor did not inter- p. 105).
pret the approach to behavior, with conceptual Behavior analysts evidently do not agree with
instruments derived from reflex research, as being Kantor’s (1970) diagnosis of the experimental
influenced by neural theories, but pointed out that analysis of behavior. In favor of their emphasis
one may have a correlate result when physiological on experimental research based on the principles
explanations are avoided and the investigation is of conditioning, behavior analysts respect the fact
limited to conditioning: “when human behavior that the structuring of a community of research-
is considered it is either fitted into a reflex frame- ers around well defined research programs was a
work or inadequately treated” (p. 108). That is, the positive thing for their survival and expansion, in
variability and complexity of human behavior is contrast to the decline in the number of behavior
not adequately considered. researchers who present themselves as Kantorians
In that examination of experimental analysis (although the survival and influence of Kantor’s
of behavior, Kantor (1970) discusses the concepts thinking can be evaluated through other means
of “experimentation”, “analysis” and “behavior” – cf. Morris et al., 1982). Also, Kantor’s analysis
as used in behavior-analytic literature. Regarding can foster a productive reflection on the scope
experimentation, he points out that it is regulated and the limits of a science of behavior, but his ap-
by reflex and operant paradigms. Limiting experi- praisal of the experimental analysis of behavior
mentation to conditioning processes leads to two ignored that sound philosophical, conceptual, and
problems in behavior analysis: “(1) the simplifica- applied works are also encompassed in behavior
tion of all behavior, and (2) the inclination toward analysis (cf. Hawkins & Anderson, 2002; Moore
specialized patterns of research” (Kantor, p. 102). & Cooper, 2003; Tourinho, 1999), extending the
Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and the Boundaries of a Science of Behavior 23

field of the discipline.

In 1922, when Kantor pointed out the limita- Psychological phenomena as historical organism-environment
tions of explanatory systems that restricted them- relationships and the interbehavioral approach to “subjective”
selves to reflex conditioning, the Skinnerian pro- phenomena
gram had not yet been started. Kantor had already Psychology has as its subject matter “the
noted that investigation of reflexes, if psychology interactions of organisms and stimuli objects”
were to be limited to it, would restrict the scope (Kantor, 1923, p. 688), but an appropriate de-
of psychological science, or bring it back again scription (which specifies functions of stimuli and
to mentalism. His later criticism of experimental responses) of these relationships takes historical
analysis of behavior (Kantor, 1970) is consistent aspects into account. Psychological processes
with that point of view. Regardless of the fact are adaptive in the face of stimuli-objects, but
that the advent of the operant concept (Skinner, “the stimulating situations are not the exclusive
1937) and the investigation derived therefrom conditions for the building up of particular reac-
made it possible to expand the scope of behavior tions. Another very important set of conditions
analysis, it was not this step that caused behavior is found in the previous psychological develop-
analysis to completely embrace the variability and ment of the organism” (Kantor, 1922, p. 47). For
complexity of human behavioral phenomena. For Kantor, therefore, ontogenesis limits the field of
example, Skinner (1945) proposed interpretation interactions with objects of the organism’s cur-
as a method to open new areas of investigation rent environment.
and broaden the scope of the field. In Skinner’s Behavioral relations are also limited by the
(1984a) view private events might be interpreted phylogenetic biological apparatus. Thus, Kan-
with the concepts of a science of behavior: “to tor (1973) also mentions a basic postulate of
extend the terms and principles found effective the interbehavioral system, according to which
[in laboratory analyses] to the interpretation of “psychological events are evolved from biological
behavior where laboratory conditions are impos- behavior” (Kantor, p. 458). Kantor’s approach
sible is feasible and useful” (p.578). However, to phylogenesis and ontogenesis of behavior
private events were not included among the is in accordance with Skinner’s causal mode of
investigative interests of behavior analysts at selection by consequences. According to Skinner
the time of Skinner’s (1945) first discussion of (1981/1984b) human behavior is a product of:
interpretation. “(i) the contingencies of survival responsible for
In another article in which he discussed the the natural selection of the species and (ii) the
relationships between interbehaviorism and ex- contingencies of reinforcement responsible for
perimental analysis of behavior, Kantor (1974) the repertoires acquired by its members, includ-
concluded that there are great differences be- ing (iii) the special contingencies maintained by
tween the two approaches, if the latter were to and evolved social environment” (p. 478). That is,
be considered sufficient as a psychological system. phylogenesis, ontogenesis and culture are “three
However, if experimental analysis of behavior levels of variation and selection” (Skinner, 1981/
were approached as “a unique specialized move- 1984b, p. 478) that explain human behavior. Up
ment within the general field of psychology, to this point, we find in Kantor ideas that ap-
one may well assign it an important place in the proximate those of Skinner (1981/1984b) with
naturalistic sciences of interbehavioral psychol- regards to phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels of
ogy” (p. 5). Again, one finds in Kantor’s criticism determination. What Skinner defines as cultural
no reference to the distinction between the ex- level is also found in the Kantorian analysis when
perimental analysis of behavior (whose scope and he deals with the theme of privacy.
limits are to be established) and the field of be- When we start to examine private events, we
havior analysis (which encompasses conceptual, are still dealing with historical relationships. In the
philosophical, empirical and applied work - cf. case of “affective behaviors”, according to Kan-
Hawkins & Anderson, 2002; Moore & Cooper, tor (1966), it is possible to distinguish between
2003; Tourinho, 1999). idiosyncratic relations, with respect to which “the
24 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

stimulus and response functions are coordinated havioral relationship as “subjective” or “private”;
in the individual’s exclusive contacts with things” no information in this domain will be valid as a
(p. 395); and cultural relations, “built up in con- description of behavior.
nection with other persons in specific groups According to Kantor (1966), since the unique-
with which the individual is identified in various ness of privacy results from the implicit character
ways” (p. 395). In any case, what defines an event of certain relationships, or from the subtle form
as being pertinent to the field of subjectivity or of certain responses, “we can point to the elimi-
privacy is its “uniqueness” (Observer, 1973, p. nation of traditional ideas of inner and private
84) or “specificity” (Observer, 1981, p. 228). processes which require expression in order to
Imagination serves as an example. Imagination be publicly known and approached” (Kantor,
can be considered a type of “implicit” behavior, 1966, pp. 403-404). The fact that two individuals
a relation that involves a response partially under may not establish the same contact with a given
the control of something that is absent, or “the stimulus is not viewed by Kantor as a feature of
interaction of a person with a stimulus object privacy. If we understand privacy as specificity,
which is not present” (Kantor, 1978, p. 340). this property can be pointed out in any relation-
Before Kantor, such a type of behavior received ship. According to Kantor (Observer, 1981) “in a
consistent treatement by Skinner (1953/1965), world where every event is ‘private’, that is unique,
in a discussion about seeing in the absence of there is no problem of privacy” (p. 230). Kan-
things seen. Skinner’s and Kantor’s analysis of tor speaks of “specificity” to reply to Skinner,
the problem are compatible, though conceptu- or rather, to question the characterization that
ally diverse. Skinner makes of a private stimulation as unique
The observability of stimuli and responses for the individual. Kantor replies to this affirming
constitutes, for Kantor, a relevant aspect of that every relationship is unique.
behavioral relations in the field of privacy. This An interesting attitude is assumed by
aspect can be dealt with by referring to stimuli a behaviorist not completely emancipated
and responses as “apparent” or “non-apparent” from a dualistic background and who uses
(cf. Hayes, 1994). The partially non-apparent the term “private” in its popular connota-
character of a response results from the fact tion when he asserts that the individual’s
of its being “subtle”, since it is emitted with response to an inflamed tooth, for example,
reduced participation of the motor apparatus. is unlike the response which anyone else
For example, “many affective responses and can make to that particular tooth (Skin-
acts like dreaming, planning, and remembering ner, 1953, p. 257). What the behaviorist
involve reaction systems that are subtle in their overlooks is that the same statement can
operation” (Kantor & Smith, 1975, p. 55). Im- be made of any stimulus object (Observer,
portantly, Kantor maintains that it is always the 1981, p. 230).
organism as a whole that behaves; “the activity Skinner’s statement concerning the different
of the organism is a single unitary act” (Kantor type of contact involved in private stimulation
& Smith, 1975, pp. 51). Insofar as the activity of may be interpreted as compatible with the
the organism as a whole exists, a response will recognition of the idiosyncratic character
never be entirely unobservable; its observability of every behavioral relation. Even though
will be partly a result of the observer’s familiar- all behavioral relations are idiosyncratic from
ity with the observed organism. “When implicit the standpoint of stimulus control, the type of
interactions are subtle, they are very difficult to contact that can be established with “private
observe ... Only when we know a man thoroughly, stimuli” is unique. With respect to what occurs
are acquainted with his interbehavioral history in the individual’s body, only the individual can
and behavior equipment, can we know the nature be affected by interoceptive or proprioceptive
of his implicit action” (Kantor & Smith, 1975, p. stimulations. These are not specially acessible
200). No specification of anatomical-physiologi- to the individual, for they depend on relations
cal components is required for describing a be- with exteroceptive stiumuli to acquire behavioral
Behaviorism, Interbehaviorism and the Boundaries of a Science of Behavior 25

functions, but the different type of contact should when we incorporate in our explanations
not be neglected. Skinner was perspicacious in references to the (neuro)physiology of the
realizing the importance this would acquire in behavioral phenomena (cf. Donahoe & Palmer,
modern western culture, especially with the 1994; Morris, 1988; Hayes, 1994; Reese, 1996a,
practices that promote self-observation and 1996b).
self-control. Kantor, in turn, argues consistently The behavior analysis mentioned above is not
against the idea that privacy establishes some covered by the restrictive description that Kantor
kind of problem for psychology. With regard to (1970, 1974) provided of the experimental analysis
privacy, one can speak of a variation in complexity of behavior. It is a cultural system (Glenn, 1993,
of what needs to be explained, but not simply of 2001) or a field of knowledge that articulates
a problem of inaccessibility. conceptual, empirical and applied contents and
that can avail itself of Kantor’s formulations
Conclusion about psychology as a science of behavior.
According to Glenn (2001), “if behavior
Limited to the objectives enumerated in the analysis is to have a future, it must function as
beginning paragraphs, the present paper discusses a cohesive whole in the culture at large and be
only a few aspects of Skinner’s and Kantor’s recognized as a discipline in its own right” (p.
projects for a psychological science, their critical 128). The functioning of behavior analysis as
view of the discipline’s historical development postulated by Glenn (2001) perhaps depends
and their solutions for establishing that science’s as much on dialogue with other disciplines
boundaries. In the works examined, Kantor’s as well as other versions of behaviorism; for
criticisms regarding the adoption of physiological example, Kantor’s interbehaviorism. One
references to explain behavior can be pointed cannot say that this interpretation of behavior
out throughout his work as developments of analysis is widely promoted, or that it prevails in
the restriction he presented in 1922 on the use behavior-analytic literature. That may pertain to
of the nervous system as a “descriptive fact” a problem in behavior analytic production similar
(when only one component of the response to that pointed out by Machado, Lourenço, and
elementis considered) and as an “explanatory Silva (2000) in a discussion of psychological
instrument” (when the appeal to physiology systems: “a pattern of unhealthy growth due
serves the mentalist cause); such restrictions are to a disproportionate emphasis on factual
extensively reviewed and discussed in Kantor’s investigations at the expense of theoretical and
(1947) book on physiological psychology. Kantor conceptual investigations, particularly the latter”
(1947) concluded that there is an “authentic” (p. 2). Morris et al. (1982) affirmed the need for
physiological psychology only when the organism integrating the contributions of Skinnerian and
as a whole is the object of the analysis. Kantorian behaviorisms and we agree this would
Contemporary developments in neurosciences be an excellent way to alter that pattern.
have provoked a greater interest in integration In dealing with the problem of privacy,
between behavior analysis and (neuro)physiology, Kantor’s rejection of the internal-external
but a consensual formulation of complementarity dichotomy and the emphasis on interactions
in the two sciences is lacking (cf. Baer, 1996; avoid problems that are not entirely solved in
Bullock, 1996; Donahoe, 1996; Donahoe & the Skinnerian approach. Specifically, by not
Palmer, 1994; Moore, 1997; Poling & Byrne, working with the “inside world” category, Kantor
1996; Reese, 1996a, 1996b). A productive can continue to approach interactions pertinent to
discussion on the matter might consider to what the theme of subjectivity without identifying its
extent “integrating” solutions solve the problems subject matter with that of physiology, a position
pointed out by Kantor (1922) and Skinner (1938). that Skinner’s relational view also recommends,
In other words, to what extent do we continue but which is difficult to reconcile with the concept
with a non-reductionist description of psychological of “inside world” and with the reference to the
phenomena, from a non-mentalist perspective, skin as a boundary. In addition, Kantor’s approach
26 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

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