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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code SECTION IX INTERPRETATIONS Volume 50 ‘The Interpretations to the Code will be issued twice a year July and December) up to the publication of the 2004 Edition of the Code. The Interpretations for each individual Section are published separately and are part of the update service to that Section; Interpretations of Section IM, Divisions 1 and 2, are part of the update service to Section Il, Subsection NCA. Interpretations Volumes 42 through 47 were included with the update service to the 1998 Edition of the Code; Volume 48 is the first Interpretations volume to be included with the update service to the 2001 Edition, Section Vol. 8 ‘Vol 49 Vol, 50 Vol. 5 Vol 52 Vou 53 i 7101 12/01 7102 ka 7101 12/01 7102 a 7101 12/01 102 ke 12/01 ty 1/01 a 12701 : v 12/01 rio. ut 12/01 vines 7103 12101 7102 via 12/01 7102 vs 70% 22/01 bw 7101 12/01 102 x 12001 x 710% 22/01 7102 Copyright © 2002 ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Al Righs Reserved INTERPRETATIONS VOLUME 50 — SECTION IX Replies to Technical Inquiries July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 FOREWORD General Information ‘This publication includes all written interpretations issued between the indicated dates by the ASME Staff on behalf of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in response to inquiries concerning interpretations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, A contents is also included which lists subjects specific 10 the interpretations covered in the individual volume. ‘These interpretations are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In some instances, a review of the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised interpretation is presented bearing the original Interpretation Number with the suffix R and the original file number with an asterisk. Following these revised interpretations, new interpretations and revisions to them issued during the indicated dates are assigned Interpretation Numbers in chronological order. Interpretations applying to more than one Code Section appear with the interpretations for each affected Section. ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. As stated in the Statement of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary deviee, or activity. An interpretation applies either to the Edition and Addenda in effect on the date of issuance of the interpretation of the Edition and Addenda slated in the interpretation. Subsequent revisions to the Code ‘may supersede the interpretation For detailed instructions on preparation of technical inquiries to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, refer to Appendix A. Subject and Numerical Indexes Subject and numerical indexes have been prepared to assist the user in locating interpretations by subject matter or by location in the Code. They cover interpretations issued from Volume 12 up to and including the present volume, and will be updated with each volume. 3 2 SECTION IX (Code Case 1021 and 2145.1 QW-1581, Acceptance Cetera fr Tene Seaph QW-20221), QW-202.4b), and QW-A074 (QW-202.6(), Dismie Bake Meta Thickness (QW-2002. Employer's Responsibility (QW-#071, Postneld Heat reste (QW-S00, The Use of SWPSs Imerrctation TKOLI6 IKOLIE 1xOLIT KOH Ikons 10120 rors Fil No, eorase Cals Booi-att BoOL-5at BoOI-3 BOOI-332 Seton IX — Inerpettions Vo. 50 TX-OF14, IE-OLI5, BC-01-16 Interpretation: IX-01-14 Subject: (QW-500, The Use of SWPSS Date Issued: September 25, 2001 Fite: BC01.332 Question: May a manufacturer or contactor adopt and vse SWPSS in accordance with the rules of Amticle V for work on Code items built to an edition or addenda prior to the 1998 edition with the 2000 Addenda, provided the construction code does not prohibit the use of SWPSs? Reply: Yes. Interpretation: IX-01-15, Subject: QW-300.2, Employer's Responsibility Date Issued: September 15, 2001 File BCOI-641 Background: Section IX requires that the manufacturer, contractor, assembler, or installer “be responsible for conducting tests to qualify the performance of welders which his organization employs jin construction of weldments built in accordance with the Code.” It also requires that the manufacturer, contractor, assembler, or installer provide supervision and contyol over welders while they are welding test coupons for performance qualification, Question (1): An employee of a contractor provides supervision and control over a welder during. welding of a test coupon, but that welder is not an employee of the contractor at the time of the test Is it required that the welder be an employee of that contractor at the time of qualification testing? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Must the welder be the employee of any manufacturer or contractor at the time of ‘qualification testing? Reply (2): No. Interpretation: 1X-01-16 Subject Corde Case 2142-1 and 2143-1 Date Issued: December 18, 2001 Fite BOOI-338 Background: The submerged arc welding process is being used to deposit corrosion-resistant weld overlay for Section III, Subsection NB fabrication using a Ni-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal and flux “3 X-O1-16, IX-01-17 Section IX — Interpretations Vol. $0 434 ‘combination, The stip filler metal does not meet the chemical requirements of Code Case 2142-1 (bare electrode and rod), but both the filler metal and weld deposit meet the chemical composition limits of Code Case 2143-1 (covered clectrodes) Question (1); Must the Ni-Cr-Fe alloy stip filler metal used for the SAW process meet the chemical composition requirements of Code Case 2142-1 to be classified as F-43 for procedure and performance qualifications? Reply (I): Yes. Question (2): May NicCr-Fe alloy filler metal that is not designated as F-43 per Code Case 2142-1 be used for welding if the welding procedure is qualified separately per QW-404.37? Reply (2): Yes. Question (3): Ifthe Ni-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal meets the chemical composition requirements of Code Case 2143-1 and was produced to the requirements of SFA-S.14, except for the chemical analysis, may the filler metal be classified as F-43 for procedure and performance qualification? Reply (3): No. ‘Question (4): If the Ni-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal is not classified in an SFA specification, and is not covered in Code Case 2142-1 or 2143-1, is it permissible to identify the filler metal and flux fon the WPS, PQR, and WPQ by the manufacturer's brand names? Reply (4): Yes. Interpretation: IX-01-17 Subject: QW-202.206), QW-202.3(b), and QW-A074 Date Issued: December 18, 2001 File BcO1-615 Background: A groove weld procedure qualification test coupon 1.5 in, thick was welded with the SMAW process using multiple passes of % in, max, thickness. The test coupon was given a subsequent post weld heat treatment exceeding the upper transformation temperature prior to the completion of mechanical testing. Question: May this PQR be used to support the weld of panial penetration groove welds per QW.202.2(b) or weld repair and buildup welds per QW-202.3(b) on base material thickness exceeding 1.68 in? Reply: No. Per QW-407.4, a procedure qualification test coupon receiving a post weld heat treatment in which the upper transformation is exceeded, the maximum qualified thickness for production Welds is 1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon. Section IX — Interpretations Vol. 50 IX-O1-18, IX-01-19, IX-01-20 Interpretation: IX.01-18 Subject (QWw-153.1, Acceptance Criteria for Tensile Strength Dated Issued: December 18, 2001 Fite BCOL-772 Question: Does the minimum specified tensile strength in QWIQB-422 supercede the SA/SB material tensile strength for procedure qualification? Reply: Yes. Interpretation: IX-01-19 Subject (QW-202.4(b), Disimilar Base Metal Thickness Date Issued: December 18, 2001 File BCOL-811 Question: Does QW-202.4(0) permit the maximum weld deposit thickness limit to be extended beyond the limit specified in QW-451.1? Reply: No; QW-202.4 applies only to the base metal thickness limits, Interpretation: IX-01-20 Suijoct QW-407.1, Postweld Heat Treatment Date Issued: December 18, 2001 File: BCOL-813 Question (1); May a procedure qualification record subject to variable QW-407.1(a) that included. only a PWHT below the lower transformation temperature be used 1 support a WPS with PWHT above the upper transformation temperature and a subsequent PWHT below the Tower transformation temperature? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Does Section IX address the values to be used as transformation temperature? Reply (2): No. 435 NUMERICAL INDEX Page Page Location Interpretation fileNo, No. Location Interpretation fileNo, No. Appendix C rxe95 —conzss «327 | Pat qw Code Caco 2141 1k 9282 scosssa 317 | Qwet00.1 Wx03.17 Code Case 2142-1 KOIIG——BCOTS3B wxa0.03 Code Case 213-1 OIG = BCOTBB 33 | Qw.1003 1x83-99 QUT, 1971 Eaton 183.02 Bcai701 6 192.86 Qt, 971 eB pcar796 28 | Qwat03 1x.92.09, Eaton, Winter 1973 panto Addenda 12-81 211851, 1971 Edition, 169-40 ncez79¢ 27 | qwat03.1 92-16 Winter 1973 Addenda Qw.t032 9255 Section PC 189.97 scvo.a7s 250. | Quetss beor-10 w-27 peoari 273 | Qwaiso a3.110 x92.61 scoza22 304 | Quast 203.38 92.98 Bcss.734 326 xs2.19 Ike99Bc93.762, 327 wx92:37 Bews-769 was 89.25, 89-83 89.90 Part QB 192-79 n86.73 acasaz2 159 | Quest.) wxa-n19 eat woe ——acaness are | QWH512 as-120BC83-474 ge wrozas —gcaaess «aie | QW5120) WK83.55 8083-301 Qeaats ons.76 ca. ae | Qwest 92.29 ix9e.01 corsa 383 x26 gaan ixao.74 scons ae | QWASI 1x 89-08 Quai 185.76 Bce208 48 1%.95-06 94-542 95-2004 reat0s ——8C91-09 253 oi-t®—BeOT-772 62013 ixa62i Bene058 126 | QW-SI.11d 195.09 94.570 (95-2081 yc06.02 Beas292 113, | Qw-160 Doas-156 — RcRA697 Qo-402.1 wx9n-74 Boars sts pesto caH-264 ieo2-3s wes3752 325, ne95.15 195.094 ge-4022 ase Bcaesag ar | QWeIB2 Deets BCB3.279 54023 rere) Besza71 33 naes7 c86-297 Qp-8061 meee aceasta = 78 | W168 byee3-6oca2.749 28-1063 weenie BcBeI83 78 he-120,Bca3.a74 Qo-4002 ast Bc85.820 116 neaea2 aca6331 ra6-22 Bcas.531 126 ixaee! 8c86.515 8-815 wazas Bc3527 317 kant 8C91-263 84515 (Note (HH He9BOT Bca7308 38 mes640 C8629, Qe4521 [Nowe (87S BBD ix922sBC8I-280 Qe-461 wa6-02 pcas.292 113 ixez2s —8c9r.280 28.62.10), gas BOH9I72 218 183-52 cas-o01 Qs-462.10), nenaag 0972218 nema BCBSa8 Qe-462.16) 89-81 soms37 27 nm1s7 ——8cBs-700 Qa iea376 casas 44 peani7s ——BCRAS57 8-56. ixao3s—Bca6208 40, | Qu9122 186-62 86-517 e482 reanas Boa 249 | QWui9 2 2bKTY —IKBs-I73 CBSO Qos waves peaa7ar 249 | Qweig aba) K88.173——BCRS.O1F ‘Cumulative Index — Interpretations Vols. 12-50 a Page Page Location Interpretation FileNo. NO. Location Incerpretation file No. No. 1 QW (Contd) 1x9529 8095302 360 ow.i9 01-03 Bco0s19 420 ik9sa0 BCISt, 376 orto BCOL073 428 95.222 qwatsss wagte CASAS 125 wx99.02 8c97:309 385 Qw.i9s pee2-13 sca1278 267 | Qwa2ot boro scoos33 19 Qw200 Dao acer ar | Qwazoit 98.18 Bcon.5 cos, pao.17 acess73 193 | Qw.z0? wn? Beasts 268 pease peares0 283 | Qwiz022 Wap.t03—BO8S237 6s qwa00t pa3-03, 082.0567 eas.74 aces 165 89-03, BCBET66A 182 eat 891-263 266 mxe30—poager 279 | Qwaez6) 95.05, Bcas235 334 peer Bc90239 396 reor-i7 scores 434 Qw-200.4b) meses peaos7t 244 | Qwiz02216 05-07 Bco0785 as 1x95.01 Beoatod 333 veas.to0 —— BC90653 252 eassa BCI 35 Iweap-t0nR—Bc90663+ 261 wxas.t1 —Bcasoot = 70 | Quezon as.93 acessst 56 qw.2002 ix85.05 wcaross 7 ems geBeo7 71 ixa3.72 sce269 3 Wa3-160 —BCBAZI9. 100 ixee70 | BCATOND 157 a6 56 acB6429 146 ixsea7 BCH7-A908 175, 99.12 scasaor 187 1x9278 Bcens61 318, i954 896-060 368 ix99-08 scorer 338 | Qw202.3) wor? Beosis 34 Wx01-05 scones 420 | Qwaz024 bwaii23 — BcBeo92 80 qw200.26) estes BCH5.023. 108 106-36, cH6-280 139 nn Bear sia 258 n96-03 scaes37 12 92.25, Bcoas 272 36-89 BcB8.089 176 qw.200.210) peepa71 BCBS 105 IKs2-tt 8c91-263 266 Qw.2002 Keaeos —8c85.328 115 nx95-12 c95.077 345, Qw.2003, pops gce3.279 77 | 96-20R —Besa.539" 426 99.37 aces.358 212 worig Boost 35 presse = acaozer 226 | Qw.205 wk95.13 weatoss 345 qw.200 reasao cesses “s0 | Qw.z04 199.67 ac90335 726 pa-83 eces3es «= 53. || Qwai pare acazas8 13 a606 = Bca5328 115 wgp-t0s Beas 254 xaos acess 6 | wats iks6.71 Bca7090 157 96-23 eces.553 127 Wx92.06 C9054 264 196.33 Bcs6.262 138 92.60 C9242 303 moony? cassie 34 noose C9605 368 ixgs10—wcaeeo2 3a | Qweztat WKes4s—OHRB70 32 qw.200.4a) iXa6-01 sceso% © 13, | Qwands wxs977 C9082 236 neana seszo11 291 ieorse C2305 295 wxers7 cater 37 | Qwats 09.29 BC89178 204 ‘Qw-200.4a12 rk99-83 Bce9365 215 wx92.03 c90523 262 Qw.200.4b) ix9275BCI3.49 51 Wx9534 ——BC96.060 368 Qwa201 ixs3.03 scazoss 7 | qwaiss txa9.32 ca9.287 205 weat2—acazses ar | Qwezr6zi@ meas BCBser 20 nees2s B16 16 x07 BCH 236 weasa9 acne == 26. | Qwaia 09.31 8009-178 204 ieases —Bca0RD aT wx9220BC913% 770 heacist ——acoas20 §—96 | Qweaso a9-it 086399 186, 186-49 acaot67 148 enp05 = wcOoe7T 288 39-73 scooa9 ae | Qwasi2 mero C8358 50 rmzo7 scai-136 268 | Qwasia nest BC92.168 291 m6 ceaa77 305 | Qwass nosy Be92354 296 rae? Bcas301 308 | Qwasa pom? weBz713 17 mroeo —Bces.saa 316 | Qw.255 195.16 BC95.005 346 92.81 scsz30s ste | QW.286 96.26 Bca6-059 129 ies2.92 scones 325, nnns7——wcazas4 296 195.25, acas.232 359 | Qw.200 weapon Bcooes 248 195.26 8C95303 350 was ——BCO2T6R, 29 C9548? 360 00-601, © ‘Cumulative Index — Interpretations Vols. 12-50 Page Page Location Interpretation FlleNo, No. Location Interpretation FileNo. No. Part QW (Cont ikas-s7 eces.079 37 QWw.281.20) wcw0s30 27 xa3-91 Bcex528 56 qw281 te) Bcne-a58 152 rato 8083639 Qw.281 21 reas.t29— Bceazst ae cers 174 Qw.28151a) ixa0.ts Bcws.365 215 Ix9529—BC96I31 375 qw.282 mas east «at | Qwsoas peas28 Bcas226 8 papss—BCaa367 © 220, reonos C0053 20, Qw.202.4t pxaese ——pcvo2so 222, | Qwesos, 99.108 BC91-1S7 256 qw-282 6m) aos 808227910 | Qw06 Bcs3399 53 qwa8s w99.22 Bcs9004 195 ieps.t07——BC8S50. 67 qwaass Boos 377 xn6.23 cas.ss3 127 Qw:300 aca499 15 192.26 acors70 273 cee 128, 2-59 892.205 303 wope.360 217 92-68, Bcs2.0114 306 pos3.785 24 | Qwasto 19231 pcorsi2 280 1492.95 acoso 326 | Qwasios 96.35 Beas266 139 pas-20—easoz 382, | Qusto2 39-89 Bcoo769 246 9536 caeaie 369 | Questos pasa 83.803 28 196.11 acoen3 395 | Qwasi0sie ieas7o—Bc83270 42 wseta cae? 397 Wwas101—Bca3529 qws001 ea6-05 acesaoe «14 | wait weani21 — BcaeIse 80 bx8624 cacao) 128. | NewQwaasty —Wkas32—BCAMI66 85 86.25 BCRGOIS 128 ega-t62 C463 100 19535 8096287388 k8627BCB6O6T 129 qw.3002, ixe33—Bcasa70 8s | QT) weas.tor C3529 ixs-tsr —Bcas20 96 | QW 12i) B34 BCBEI9G 8 ix86-66 wca6305 154 | Qwasz0 ixao-2a Bceeoor 128 weeo10—ac88398 186 | Qazi tess.t3 CRG 12 owas scosis 272 | Qwazi26) WKa679 CEO 167 bere aces302 367 | qwazt. nara Beasts 313 roa = acoreso a7 | wane 05-58 83-086 37 rors scores: 433 pees aceeass 7 wso0s e239 wcaztzt 283 bean? weaeis3 78 n95ta —— BCO5O40 345 beaze = Bcaet49 ot ixg5t9acosazt 352 Ixg3128—Bca4226 8 quot neat0s—Bca3237 65 IKantsa —wcaaeos 97 soso BC7O88 156 wxgstes ——8C85430 108 ixg9.79Bc9osst 237 eas.t67 —BCa5031 108 ixezi7BCaT315 2608 Wx89.170 CAST 105 ix9223 Bco0sss 271 ikseo7—BCBS560 115 Qwao1a nal 153 BCBG 97 Ixge19—8C85587 129 Qw3012 neas-at ncn2395 19 Wxa650 | BCRGaD 144 DaB.49—BCBKSSE 95 208-38 Bce9.359 213 wos pasa ace2.598 19 09-54 Bc09.367 220 mates C85.022, 102 bao. wco0254 224 neaers beas.so7 118 pyos2-12 Beorz6 266 x86-90 CARON 176 9222 beoias 271 ixgo.20 | BCHII77, 204 omn-68 Bcozi64 305 qw.3022 rras2s C6255 138 pease C9632 375 wea79—pca7-igo 167 | Qwesz2) Wxa-150 CBHI? 96 qwa023 wsees —— Bova297 225 bxa-159 C8490 98 Qw.3024 i971 C905 312 weenie C5023 103 Wx95.17 95.033 351 wx86-52 CREO 145 qwans 109.98 scor-003 251 ixs6a1 peer 173 wxonts Bc91.293 267 ixaea2 weer2s2 173 wa03.1 1183.98 nessa 8 pc89-a7 Bca9.100 203, weastss — BCeR oI 09-38 aceo.359 715, wae-7a Bca7-t34 165 99-54 fica9.367 220 Qwaosz 92-45 nce.238 292, | wz.) pa5.19 scosz21 352 Qw3013 bea2-46 e92265 282 | Qwaszaz esn-a7 Bc92265 292 Qwsor was pea 14 «| Qwaaz22) Deor-i2 Bcor201 430 Cumulative Index — Interpretations Vols. 12-50 Location Interpretation FileNo, No. Location Interpretation File No. Part QW (Cont) w92-70R —BCO0470 425 Qw.ss0 06.51 Bca6390 145 ne95.21 Bcasst8 353 wx9530 —caea7s, 361 | Qin ira4a— BeBRAI7 95 wast weas.55 Bca.osy 36 hxa9.07 acee.t71 ra as.77 acas2s3 39 Ineap-n6 = cao734 245 weas1as cease 89 99.96 C9072 250 weso-02 8C89.090 181 ieeso | ca2217 293 wx9232 Bears 200 ixa2-e7 Bests 323 ws kat peassez 117, | Qwaanse ncas.97 Bcesass 62 Ixsea6 ——BCBG219 143 Ikea? nceeaz# BS awe no7esR Boreas 39 | Quam ixenis2 — BOBLON 96 weaztis —acetose = 77, | Qwaus.10 ix9528 —Bc95002 360 6-68 Bc87-039 156 ix953 acaeont 367 82.01 Bconso1 285, iko1.01 acoosis 419 89-51 seso.u3s §— 219 | Qwaaos.t1 iea3-tt 8ce2300 11 moras en.032— 428 193.35 pca399 25 Qws60 Dea6-68§—BCB7.039 156 ixerse = 9C83.078 36 Qwasi2 95.31 Bose-ts1 361 Wee75—BCAT136 165 poops Besar 397 ixa75 cose 235 Qw.s64 9258 8092357 295 wesoed C065 244 Qw.3a0 wx9971 c.0n9 233, C0768 246 nxeo.02 scones, 248 | Qw.aos.t2 ix9.61 sc90252 223 890.691 Qw.403.16 Wx89.20 C578 194 wat tx8627 BCR6OsI 129 ixa0.82 Bcwss1 243 wx8e58 C8657 152 Wx09.91 conse 247 ixsecs = wearass «135 | Qwesgs.t6 183-106 BCB3-630 67 ixs671 cH7.090 157 wants? 8CBI99 BF wx9272—BC93992 5312 wxaeat BCB6-330 ai nooers wate? 397 | QWaaoe kas.a7 scaz.770 26 xm2-02 Bco0si8 262 196.03, 885-293 116 92.08 00-530 263 186-65, BCB7-OIA 155, 96-32 Bca6222 138 106-76 Bca7-137 165 kap-to1—Besi-085 252 hcap.t05 cart 254 nas.02 ces.303 52 x96-19| c99.409 409 noto2a = pcsi7a 203 | Quang was.10 ca2299 10 ra9.s3 Bc0015 210 ha.87 senso 54 masse casaon 146 | Qw.soas W817 BC85088 107 nxa9.28 BCT 203 reantao — BcBe250° 137 os654 C6146 36-57 ea6-263, 131 isso ca2098 woes = BCAA 174 ixaso ace = nensa C8972 2IT ixas71 scas210 43 wxo9ss Bcaaa71 220 xs9.a2 acert6s 215 ixo9ss —cvo2g9 22 1%06-80 wcar25s 167 | Qwaaoss asas wears 31 198.05, cas009 380, romsa—Bcaz-614 37 1x98-06 © B8C98.009 380 waar sears! 39 raz BCR Poa BCH 53 noas.tte —BeseOse 77 asec 6 neanas c82-385 530 eas-re9 ——BCBS.089 105 neae-ta fcasa0s 187 19537 Ross 168 ieos24 costes 359 | Qwaaoat2 192.21 Bc01397 270 w.8035, we83-92 acess30 56 | Qwasodt3 eas-06 ece228 8 wanras | 8CBeg97 8? wana Bca2790 32 Wegets casas. 123 x97 scasass IX8675 CATS 65 ixs-100—BCBS563 68 ese.75 —aca7t39 166 | Qwiaoata ixe.09 C3402 353 ixa923 cea 196 ixe6s cess) 227 rxa926 cats 197 | Qwiaoas asa? wc89.370 217 wxan7s cages 235 | Qweaoa22 03-22 Bcers16 15 Wx9978 —— 8C90515. 236 aa. Bc90.680 247 1.92.70 scszas0 at | qwansas mango 890535237 @ Cumulative Index — Interpretations Vols. 12-50

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