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| MODULE - 1 Bandpass Signal to Equivalent Low Pass Signal and Line Codes Bandpass Signal to Equivalent Lowpass : Hilbert Transform, Pre-envelopes, Complex envelopes, Canonical representation of ‘Bandpass signals, Complex low pass representation of Bandpass systems, Complex representation of band pass signals and asters ‘Line codes : Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar (AMI) and Manchester coce and their power spectral densities Overview of HDB3, BSZS, ‘B6ZS. jontents 1.1 Hilbert Transform: ct aiRiMemmed a weuunG.. «asic eases -deesetibe eeeecuuinre sees 1.2. Pre Envelopes:cc se mwre Mame Mantes c = .casn% +++ slounnweesmne eee genio aneme 1.3 Complex Envelopes of Band-Pass Signals.......+s0seeereesseeeecuteeeauecaressseeee Canonical Representation of Bandpass Signals... ...++--+sssreceeeeeeeerennceeseerces Complex Lowpass Representation of Bandpass Systems . Complex Representation of Bandpass Signals and Systems we Baseband Shaping for Data Transmission... Line Codes . Power Spectra of Discrete PAM Signals (b)Phaso Fig. 1.4.2 Applications of Hilbert Transform Hilbert transform as mentioned to any signal that is fourier Accordingly, it may be applied signals as well as power signals. espn gta ie Sle Le CE xi) =} f6(F fe) EE] From equation (1.1.3) we have, K(f = =i sence) XC, ‘Therefore, Ke) = ~isent (5 [5(F-K +8 +t} san(f) (olf) 8(E+ fe] = 7 lise) 866) ‘This is nothing but the Fourier transform of sine function sin (2n ft). Therefore, the Hilbert transform of the cosine function cos(27 fet) is sin(2m fe t)- x 112 Define Hilbert tranaform. Obtain Hilbert transform of the following © os 2 ain ef Digital Coonmunication since the magnitude of - j sgn(f) is equal to 1 for all £ we can say that x(t) and ‘(t) have the same amplitude spectrum, Property 2: If S(t) is the Hitbert transform of x(0) then the Hilbert transform &(t)is ~ (1) We now that the Hilbert transformation equivalent to passing x(t) through a linear two port device with.a transfer function equal to - j sgn(f). A twice Hilbert transform is therefore equivalent to passing x(t) through cascade of a linear two port devices. The overall transfer function of a cascaded linear two port devices is given by is isgn(p ~ -1 forall f Since the output of above expression is - 1 we.can say that Hilbert transform of &(t) is ~ g(t) Property 3 : A signal x(t) and its Hilbert transform &(¢) are orthogonal Let us see following equations. Jxmsma - [ x) X-H at (14) From equations (1.1.3) and (1.1.4) we have Press = jf se yx at =j J sen() xc x*( af .. 15) =j J smart a1. where X*(f)=X(-f) for real valued signal. The integrand in the right hand side of equation (1.1.6) is an odd function of f because it is product of the odd function sgn(f) and the even function |X(f)*. Hence, the integral is zero and we get, iy x(t)£(t) = 0 » 117) «Signal to Equivalent Lowy Pas Signal and Lige €, 7) shows that an energy signal xq) The equation (1-1. and its Hilbert transform %(t) are orthogonal over the entire interval (—»~). Similarly, it is possible tg, x(t) and its Hilber, show that a power signal transform 8(¢J are orthogonal over one period. Ex. 11.3 For the rectangular pulse shown in Fig. 113, evaluate its Hilbert transform. = 2 2 Fig. 1.43 Sol. : The Hilbert transform of rectangular pulse of amplitude '1' and duration T is given by : ute bene® aS Hf] Ky) 10 3a) =e 72 7 Fig. 1.14 Rectangular pulse and its Hilbert transform University Question 1, What are the merits and demerits of digital [2] Pre Envelopes ‘The Pre envelop of the signal x(t 4 t) is defined as complex-valued function can be given as ig communication ? X= x(H)+)8(0) Tr TECHWICAL PUBLICATIONS". An up nt 1s ere x(t) is 2 real-valued signal, $1) is the Hithest | ransorm of x) The equation (1.21) aso shoves that ) isthe real part of the pre-envelope x, (1) and the et transform of the signal ie the imaginary pag of the preenvelope. The pre-envelope of a signal ig ly useful in handling band pass signals and Fourier transform of pre-envelope can be given X4(0 = XCO+iE i sen] x) the del in equation (1.2.2), we can write (La giver: 2X(f), £50 X= 4X@, f=0 += (1.23) 0 f<0 here X(0) is the value of X(Q) at frequency, £ = 9, is shows that the pre-envelope of a signal has no “frequency content for all negative frequencies. This is ted in Fig. 12-1, The Fig. 121 (a) shows the lar amplitude spectrum of a low pass signal Fig. 1.2.1 (b) shows the amplitude spectrum of envelope. s (@) Amplitude spectrum of low pass signal g(t) (b) Amplitude spectrum of pre-envelope g+(t) Fig. 4.24 We can determine pre-envelope of a s nal x first computing its Hilbert transform and then Se "equation (12.1), Cotes Bandpas Signal to Equivalent Low Pass Signa and Line x(t) af (pear oo (128) 0 So far we have seen the pre-envelope x, (t) for positive frequencies. It is possible to define the pre-envelope for negative frequencies as x(t) = x4) 8C) (425) From equations (1.2.3) and (1.2.5) we ean say that the two pre-envelopes x, (t) and x_(t) are simply the complex conjugates of each other, It is indicated by x. (t) = x} (t) ow (1.2.6) The Fourier transform of this pre-envelope can be given as Xf) = Xj Eisen(s)] XH) Using the definition of the signum function sgnif) given in equation (1.1.2), we can write 0, f>0 x, f=0 2x, f<0 where X(0) is the value of X(6) at frequency, f = 0. This shows that the-pre-envelope of a signal has no frequency content for all positive frequencies. Thus, the pre-envelopes x_(t) and: x_(t) constitute a complementary pair of complex-valued signals. It is also important to note that the sum of x, (t) and x_(t) is exactly twice the original signal x(t), XO = [43 |complex Envelopes of Band-Pass Signals + When a Fourier transform X(f) of a signal x(t) és non-negligible only in a band of frequencies of total extent 2W and it is centered about some frequency — _ © fe, the signal is known as band pass signal. The frequency {, is the carrier frequency. Most of the Digital Communication where x’(t) is a complex envelope of the signal. The Fig. 1.3.1 shows the amplitude spectrum of band-pass signal x(t), amplitude spectrum of pre-envelope x. (t) and amplitude spectrum of complex envelope »(t) } i Pein) Fig. 4.3.1 (a) Amplitude spectrum of band pass signal g(t) (b) Amplitude spectrum of pre-onvelope gt(t) {c) Amplitude spectrum of complex envelope g(t) '* As shown in the Fig. 1.3.1 (b), the frequency band of the spectrum of x, (t) is limited to the frequency, ‘band f.-W << f,+W. Therefore, applying the frequency shifting property of the Fourier transform " to equation (1.3.1), we find that the spectrum of the complex envelope x(t) is limited to the band W < f < W. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.3.1 (c). This ives an important result that the complex envelope __ X(t) of a band pass signal x(t) is a low pass signal. University Questions 1. Explain the quadrature sampling of band pass signal with related block diagram, spectra and equations. 2. State sampling theorem. Write the equations for the spectrum of finite energy x(t) sampled at 1/2 W see and x(f, if W is the highest frequency “content of x(t), Sketch x(f) and sampled signal as(f) TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS”: Anup tnt rode Band pass Signal to Equivalent Low Pass Signal and Line 3. Explain sampling theorem of low pass signals derive the interpolation formula. ca 5. Explain the principle of quadrature sampling. of band pass signals. VIU : Jan.-17, Canonical Representation of Bandpass Signals From equation (1.2.1) in section 1.2 we know th the signal x(t) is the ‘real part of the pre-envelope x, (t) Therefore, the original band-pass signal x( can be expressed in terms of complex envelope x’(t) as REALTY co x(t) = Re[x’(t)e?™] wo (Ad) Since x‘(t) is a complex-valued quantity it can be expressed as ¥() = ut KQO where x(t) and xo (t) are both real-valued low pa functions. Since their low pass. properties. are from the complex envelope x(t) we can use equations (1.4.2) and (1.2.3) to express the original band-pass signal x(t) in the canonical form as x(t) = xp(t) cos(2mf, t)xq (t) sin(2mf, t) (143) where x; (t) is a in-phase component and xq (1) is quadrature component of the signal. This is shown i Fig. 1.4.5 (a). The Fig. 14.2 (b) shows the phasor representation of the complex exponential e/?*'c!, From the definition of signal given in equation (14.2), the compley illustrated in Fig. 141 () The Fig. 1.4.1 (c) also shows that the x; xg plane rotated with an. angular yelocity equal to 2m! radians per second, Thus, the phasor representing t complex envelope x @ moves in the xj xq plane i rs =: Ee 17 [Barvtpas Signa o Equivalent Low Pas Signal and Line Codes eae , Rotation at en \ | | es o Real ae | (b) Phasor reprosontation of | complex exponential | Ce ‘of complex envelope ‘by complex exponential i liiieiedne 141.) ‘at the same time the plane itself rotates about the in. The original band pass signal. is the projection this time varying phasor on a real axis. signals x, (t) and xg (8) are the low band limited to —W < f derived from the bandpass signal x(t) thod shown in Fig. 142 (3). The two low-pass filters shown in Fig. 142 (a) are identical and have thripae Signa to Bquvalent Low Pas Signal and Line Ca Digital Communication \ xt) Fig. 12 Derivation of x and xq component af & bandpass |S Matural envelope : Represented by a(t). It is 2 rea Polar Representation | BEE now we tare cect the mprention of | bepiee Sets! 7 value does not depend o ‘complex envelope in cartesian form. We can express | the carrier frequency fe. Let us summarize these envelopes. ‘complex envelope in, polar form as x(t) = a(t) ef) where a(t) and 9) are both real-valued low-pass functions, Based on this polar representation, the “original band pass signal x(t) is defined as x(t) = a(t) cos[2mf, tro(t)] «We denote a(t) as the natural envelope or simply the envelope of the band-pass signal x(t) and 9(°) as the phase of the signal. Equation (1-44) represents a hybrid form of amplitude modulation and angle modulation; in fact it includes amplitude nodulation, frequency modulation and phase 1, The preenvelope g. (t) for positive frequencies is defined as x.) = x() +788) where x'(t) is the Hilbert transform. The Fourier transform of this pre-envelope using signum function is given as 2x(f), F>0 x= 4x@, f= ow (144) Symmetrically, the pre-envelope for negative | frequencies is defined as ‘modulation as special cases. «We have seen three different envelopes to describe x (0) = xOTO band-pass signal x(!). and its Fourier transform is given as “sPre-envelope : Represented by x, (t} It is a pape ixe ‘complex: band-pass signal whose value depends on X= {x@, f=0 2X(f), f<0 the carrier frequency f. + Complex envelope : Represented by x(t). Itisa complex low-pass signal whose value does not | TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS". Aa up thst fr knoatodbe comaaiation ‘the complex envelope x(t) represents a c shifled version of the pre-envelope sea (1) Tis given as X(t) = xe (HCE where f is the carrier frequency of the band-pass signal XC) g, The envelope a!) represents the magnitude of a complex envelope x’(t) and the magnitude of preenvelope x, (1) Itis given as a) = XO] =x] kis possible to relate envelope a(t) and the in-phase x, (t) and quadrature xo (t) components ‘of x(t) as follows : a) = pF OPZO xo() x oq) = tant ( Conversely, we have x(t) = a(t) cos [oct)] xq (t) = a(t sin 9(t)] ‘These relations show that each of the quadrature ‘components of a bandpass signal contains both amplitude and phase information. “Eu Determine pre-enoeope, complex envelope and riatural envelope for the signal x)= Area (3) 8 rk!) Sol. : Let us find the Fourier transform of a given signal We know that, cos(2nf, t) = 5 asim ig i qtrlnt Lay one Sis 0 nee xq = AE (sine [F(E-fe)}+ sine trees fe) We assume that f, T>>1, With this assumption We ean consider that signal x(t) i¢ a narrow band signal and we can approximate result as AL sine (RCC-fe)], 8 o, f-0 AF inet (t+ f)) x@ = f<0 Hence, nee |e sec EO By taking inverse Fourier transform of G, (f) we get pre-envelope as x (5A rea(p)ePne ‘Therefore, complex envelope is given as x(a rat(t) since g, (t)=x (8) ePM ‘The natural envelope a(t) =|x'(#)| at) A ==(4) (sl ge! te ese Bandpass Systems| «Here we will develop the complex lowpass representation of the linear time invariant bandpass systems. This makes the analysis of bandpass systems simple. ‘Let the signal s(@) be applied to linear time invariant system with impulse response h(f). This bandpass impulse response h(t) can be represented in terms of two quadrature low pass components: iy (1) and ig () 2, : h() =hy(oos@x fe hal t)sin@m fet) Digital Comanunication ‘+ Hence h(t) can be represented in terms of h (f) as, 1D) = Reh (tel 2* fet) (153) s Let h(t) be the complex conjugate of f'(f} Then above equation can be written in terms of ji (t) as, A(t) = Refh’* (the /2* "| (15.4) + Adding equation (1.53) and equation (1.5.4), Zhi) = WEEN CV/RE! 5s) Here note that the imaginary parts are canceled out due to addition. * Taking the Fourier transform of above equation, 2H) = HGF f+ f= fe) 0.56) *For real valued signals H'(f) = H(-f) above equation can be written as, H(f-f) = 2H) Thus the complex lowpass frequency response H'(f) of linear time invariant system is obtained by faking bandpass frequency response. H(f) for positive frequencies, shifting it to origin and scaling ‘its amplitude by two. *Complex. lowpass frequency response canbe for f>0 (sz) expressed in the inphase and quadrature ‘components as, Hf) = HEA) H(A) sul.58) Here Hi(f) = HA'(N +H EA) ad (f= BONNIE «The complex impulse response f(t) of the bandpass system is obtained by taking inverse Fourier + transform of H'(/) W@) = [Newland ie, (15.9) University Questions 1. With neat sketches explain flat top sampling. 2. What is- aperture effect ? Explain how it. cars be peenstek wo ERECT Bandpass Signal to Fquivalent Love Pats Signal and Line Cog 3, Derive the time domain and frequency domaiy expressions for natural samples. Drato the spectrum of sampled signal. TOE 4, Explain how practical sampling is different from | ideal sampling. Derive an expression for the flat | top sampled signal TEI 4.6 | Complex Representation of Bandpass. Signals and Systems + Analysis of the complex bandpass signals and systems can be made further simple by combined use of complex lowpass equivalent representations of modulated signal x(t) and impulse response hi (0), +The output y(t) of the bandpass system to input x(f) is related to its impulse response h(t) by a convolution integral, ley (16.1) V0 = Jantar * Above equation can be written in terms of pre-envelopes an follows:: YC = fReth, (0) Rex, (¢-2)de] ‘ $f jones a e “4 Pi eeltate x (E-geltn fells) a| a safer jroxe-nel (16.2) complex envelope of input signal x’) and’ comp! impulse response of linear time invariant sy: w'(0, . omiinlcaton 1-11 _ Ranta Siglo quire Low Pat Signa and Line Coe Complex envelope of output signal HU Texpessed in terms of in phase rectangular pulse and it ean take variable duty cycle ‘components as, And quadrattite | It can be represented as, YO = yr +] yg (t) Pu) = 1 fort=0 291 (4) = hy (D*xy (= hg (49 0) | =0 fort=4D,420 (1.82) x(t) is the baseband signal and continuous in time. To recover the original digital signal, we have to SFeutpat | sample x(t) at some fied intervals and check the signal in these intervals. This checking is the detection of the transmitted symbols. From ‘equation (1.8.1) we see that when p(t) is zero, x(t) is zero, Therefore it is preferable to. sample x(+) when P(t) is zero. That is at this time [P(¢)=0] no digital information is present/transmitted in the baseband signal. Therefore x(f) can be sampled periodically at fonD where n=0.41,42, .. etc. p(t) is the rectangular pulse and can be written as, Bug () = ha(Oeay (4H, xg + Ths inphase and quadrature componente are obtained. Baseband Shaping for Data T; ra Sa nsmission TA ae The digital data can be transmitted directly without modulation of any carrier. This is also called ‘baseband signal transmission, ‘The digital data can be represented by various types of electric waveforms. For example binary‘ can be represented with positive voltage of amplitude ‘A Similarly binary 0 can be represented by voltage 4. Thus the encoded waveform becomes of amplitude 24, ‘sSuch electrical representations of digital data are called digital data formats or digital PAM signals ox line codes. ri) ~rei5) (183) Since the pulse to pulse interval is 'D,, the width of ‘the pulse < should be less than or equal to D. ie.

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