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1. Magnet 2. Sieving 3. By hand 4.


Iron/steel +plastic
Big solids and small solids
Liquids and solids
Big objects

Kidney is a filter (filters blood from waste)

Nose is a filter(filters air from dust)
 Light moves in straight lines.
 It doesn’t bend.
 When light is blocked, we get shadow.
Transparent → Let all the light through
Translucent → Let some the light through
Opaque → Let no light through
We use magnets to make sound ()in speakers and earphones)

Laptop – T.V. – mobile phones – Radio

We use magnets to move things

Toy car – washing machine- fridge door


Solids Liquids gases

Keep shape Change shape (takes the shape Change shape
of the container)
Can’t be poured Can be poured Invisible and odourless

Easy to hold Not easy to hold Can’t hold it

Sand and salt are piled up not Moves around and fill spaces
poured. The air is made up of different
gases such as oxygen
Wood or brick Lemon- water –milk Oxygen – exhaust fumes
Viscosity :is how quickly (runny) or slowly(thick) a liquid flows
Living things (people / plants / animals)

Move – grow – reproduce – breathe – eat – drink





Why are cars and robots non-living although they move?

Because they don’t breathe, grow or reproduce.

Why don’t living things move?

1. To get food and water

2. To hide from danger
3. To escape from bad weather

How do living things move?

Why do living things need nutrition?

To move , grow and reproduce.

Why do living things reproduce ?

In order not to disappear


Habitats are places where living things live.

Roots :fix the plant to the earth

Move water and food to the plant

Stem : supports/carries leaves and flowers

transports/moves food and water to leaves

Leaves: make food for the plant/turn sunlight ,water and air into food.
Birds Fish Mammals Reptiles (live in water
and on earth)
What kind of body hair or smooth
feathers scales scales
covering do they fur skin
take in oxygen?
lungs gills lungs lungs Gills lungs,
Do they lay eggs or eggs eggs live young eggs eggs
have live young?
Walk – run Crawl (short Crawl /
movement Fly(wings) Swim(fins)
(feet/legs) legs) jump(legs)
Examples Sharks crocodileig
parrot, dog, frog,
What are some Jellyfish, uana,
animals in this group? penguin zebra newt
salmon snake
parts are :
Internal : heart-lungs-stomach –braibn-liver
External : nose -ears
Body parts are :
Internal : heart-lungs-stomach –braibn-liver
External : nose -ears

The heart the heart pumps the blood to the lungs to take the oxygen
Blood takes the oxygen back to the heart
The herart sensd oxygen to all parts of the body.
The friction means slow movement.

When the surface is smooth, the friction is low like the slide and racing cars with smooth tires.

When the surface is rough, the friction is high like the treads of the tires of the tractors.

1. Plants and animals die and fall in mud or sand.

2. They leave imprint in mud or sand
3. Over time,layers of mud or sand cover the animals or plants.They decompose
4. Over million of years,the mud and the sand turn into rocks
5. Paleontologists find the fossils and the imprints in the rock.


1. Palnts and tiny animals died and were buried under the sand.
2. Pressure turned them into pertroleum oil.
3. We drill deep to pump the oil.

Resources :

Gold & silver is used to make jewellery

Copper is used to make wires

Iron is used to make knives and nails


Positives Negatives – minuses

It makes jobs It destroys landand habitats
We use metals to make everyday things it makes people ill.
It gives us coal (for energy) It is noisy

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