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UNIT - 2
Read the following passages and answer the questions with the correct answer!
Text 1 (Questions No 1-5)
New Forum is opened!
@Giselle_Nakovic What is better, group travel or solo travel?
@Call_me_alexa First, what is the definition of group and solo travel that you want to
replied to know? Solo travel means you travel alone, and group travel means
@Giselle_Nakovic you travel with friends? Is it right?
@Giselle_Nakovic Yes, that’s what I mean
replied to
@Emilynotinparis Personally, I find group travel to be more enjoyable than travelling
replied to alone, but it always depends on your travel companion. If you enjoy
@Giselle_Nakovic spending time with them and they make a good travel companion, the
trip will be unforgettable. You get to spend time with them, go to new
places with them, and experience all the delights together. The nicest
thing is that you have someone around to share the experience with
or to chat about how you’re feeling.
@Not_spongebob I always travel with friends because it’s cheaper than going alone.
replied to You can split the price for hotel and transportation, as well as sharing
@Giselle_Nakovic food. Many activities become cheaper when booked by multiple
@Call_me_alexa Going solo requires you to run your own trips. It’s time-consuming,
replied to but you’ll understand more about your destinations when you get
@Giselle_Nakovic there. Your schedule is yours. Also, you don’t need to deal with
unnecessary drama with your travel buddies about itinerary and
travel cost.
@Hermioneginger Do you want to travel but don’t have friends? Don’t worry, we will
replied to be having an open trip to Bali Island on June 1st – 5th 2024, starting
@Giselle_Nakovic from Jakarta. Go grab fast because we have super limited slot. DM
me for further information.
@Luckysevenky Travelling with friends can offer an added level of safety compared
replied to to travelling alone. If you are travelling to a country or city that has a
@Giselle_Nakovic relatively hight crime rate, being with others can be a deterrent to
criminals who might target you otherwise. Even if you are going to a
relatively safe place, a friend can be relied on to watch your bag and
also remind you that cars drive on the other side of road. Travel
buddies also offer a level of support if something should go wrong
during your travels. It can be easy to become frustrated and upset
when problem arise, and friends can help you address the issue while
also providing moral support.
1. Who most likely goes on solo travel?
a. @luckysevenky
b. @call_me_alexa
c. @emilynotinparis
d. @hermioneginger
e. @not_spongebob
2. What is the tone of the thread regarding group and solo travel?
UNIT - 2
a. Biased
b. Objective
c. Concerned
d. Passionate
e. Informative
3. The word “address” in @luckysevenky’s post is closest in meaning to …
a. Aim
b. Get
c. Attack
d. Tackle
e. Deliver
4. When it comes to cost, what makes group travel preferable?
a. Travel buddies can help you by providing material supports
b. Holiday home can be expensive if you rent it by yourself
c. Group travels often involves the best activities or accommodations that are
also more affordable
d. Travel agencies usually give special discounts to group travel
e. Group travel is cheaper because you can share travel expenses with friends
5. Whose statement is irrelevant to @Giselle_Nakovic’s question?
a. @luckysevenky
b. @call_me_alexa
c. @emilynotinparis
d. @hermioneginger
e. @not_spongebob
Text 2 (Questions No 6-10)
A vegetarian diet is more healthful than a carnivorous diet. According to the American
Dietetic Association, a vegetarian diet can meet protein requirements, provide all the essential
amino-acids (the building blocks of protein), and improve health. It can also provide all the
necessary vitamins, fats, and minerals, and can improve one’s health.
According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, meat is not an essential part of a healthy diet.
Studies have linked heme iron found in red meat with an increased risk of colorectal,
stomach, and oesophageal cancers. Vegetarian sources of iron like leafy greens and beans
contain non-heme iron. Meat also has high renal acid levels which the body must neutralize
by leaching calcium from the bones, which is then passed into urine and lost. There are many
sources of healthy vegetarian calcium including tofu, dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and
collard greens, as well as fortified cereals.
A vegetarian diet reduces overuse of antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotics in CAFOs
(Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) causes antibiotic resistant bacteria to develop,
which may endanger human health. Thus, choose a vegetarian diet if you want to get healthy
and live longer.
UNIT - 2
Eating meat is part of healthful diet. Meat is the most convenient protein source available. In
one serving, meat provides all the essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein), as
well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and Vitamins B. Most plant foods don’t provide
adequate levels of all the essential amino acids in a single servings.
Saturated fats contain the fat-soluble vitamin A,D,E and K, and the cholesterol from saturated
animal fat is needed for the proper function of serotonin receptors in the brain. Low
cholesterol levels have been linked to depression. According to a study by researchers at the
Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, vegetarians “suffer significantly more often
from anxiety disorder and/or depression.” Saturated fats are also essential for building and
maintaining cell health, and help the body absorb calcium.
Meat is the best source of vitamin B12, a vitamin necessary to nervous and digestive system
health. Although it is also found in eggs and dairy, a peer-reviewed July 2003 study showed
two in three vegetarians were vitamin B12 deficient compared to one in 20 meat eaters.
Eating meat also provides a better source of iron than a vegetarian diet. The body absorbs
15% to 35% of the heme iron in meat, but only absorbs 2% to 20% of the non-heme iron
found in vegetarian sources like leafy greens and beans.
6. What is primarily discussed in Text 1?
a. Reasons why eating plant-based food is better than eating meat
b. The benefits of consuming more green vegetables than meat
c. The advantages of consuming vegetables
d. The advantages of eating meat for health
e. Research on the lifestyles of a vegetarian
7. According to the text, someone who is depressed might lack …
a. Vitamin B12
b. Minerals
c. Amino acids
d. Heme iron
e. Cholesterol
8. The underlined sentence in text 1 can be restated as …
a. Eating vegetables excessively might decrease antibiotic usage
b. Consumption of antibiotics might be increased by having a vegetarian diet
c. A vegetarian diet can help reduce drug consumption
d. Vegetarian diet is the best option to avoid the use of antibiotics
e. Following a vegetarian diet helps decrease the excessive use of antibiotics
9. What will most likely happen if someone only eats meat?
a. They will be overweight
b. They will experience health issues
c. Their brain capability will decrease
d. They will be fine as long as they avoid read meat
e. They will be addicted to eating meat and dairy products
10. Which of the following statements from the text shows the persuasive attitude
regarding the vegetarian and carnivorous diet?
a. A vegetarian diet is more healthful than a carnivorous diet
UNIT - 2
b. Meat is the best source of vitamin B12, a vitamin necessary to nervous and
digestive system health
c. Most plant foods don’t provide adequate levels of all the essential amino acids
in a single serving
d. Choose a vegetarian diet if you want to get healthy and live longer
e. It can also provide all the necessary vitamins, fats, and minerals, and can
improve one’s health.
Text 3 (Questions No 11-15)
People say that studying abroad looks excellent on your resume, and that’s undoubtedly true.
However, there is a bigger benefit that you can get from studying abroad other than what
people may think of you when they look at your resume or Instagram postings: self-discovery
and improvement.
Studying abroad opens up new horizons. When first moving to a new country, everything
may appear difficult or even scary, and you cannot run away from them. But it is precisely
because you have to face them that they become opportunities. For example, in the beginning
you may feel that learning the language of the new country is hard. However, because it is a
matter of survival, you have to do it. After a few weeks, you will start getting acquaintances
and then friends. A few more weeks, you will start attending events, social or academic, and
even get involved in them actively. By then, you will have begun to understand how people
from a different culture see life and thus deepened your appreciation of it. You will be able to
see more aspects of life that you have never seen before and that may become avenues that
take you to an even better life in the future. In the end, it will make you feel happy.
A recent report on the satisfaction levels of international students in Australia, the United
States, and Britain has found that a student’s social life plays a big role in their happiness
with their study experience. International students who made local friends were more
satisfied with their international education. They were also more willing to recommend their
university to others. The report, released by the International Graduate Insight Group,
surveyed 60,000 international students across 48 universities. It revealed that levels of
satisfaction varied across national groups. Researchers found that students from China – the
largest source of international students – are some of the least satisfied with their experience.
Most of the international students were generally happy with their overseas education
experience, but those who were not said they would not recommend their institutions to
According to the Graduate Insight Group study, the unhappiest students are those who
interact primarily with other students from their home country. In other words, not having
local friends seems to be a cause for sadness. Research into the well-being of international
students suggests that integration with local students makes for happier and healthier
individuals. International students who have local friends note that they experience less
culture shock, feel less homesick and are generally more well-adjusted than those who have
few or no local friends.
UNIT - 2
11. What is the relationship between text 1 and text 2?
a. Text 1 shows how studying in Australia, as mentioned in text 2, can help
students improve their friendship.
b. Both texts provide contradictory information regarding the advantages of
studying abroad
c. Both texts discuss the advantages of studying in Australia
d. Text 2 proves that it is possible to get social advantages when studying
overseas, as stated in text 1
e. Text 2 shows that the benefits of studying abroad described in text 1 will be
relatively easy to achieve
12. What might make students find it difficult when studying abroad?
a. Making local friends
b. Learning a new language
c. Moving to a new country
d. Overcoming homesickness
e. Getting used to the new culture
13. Research finding on Chinese students’ happiness shows that they …
a. Do not interact much with local students
b. Separate themselves from the other students
c. Have difficulties in interacting with local students
d. Dislike interacting with students from other countries
e. Believe they are better than students from other nations
14. Which of the following statements is a fact from the texts?
a. There is a bigger benefit that you can get from studying abroad
b. Studying abroad opens up new horizons
c. When first moving to a new country, everything may appear difficult or even
d. You will be able to see more aspects of life that you have never seen before
e. It revealed that levels of satisfaction varied across national groups
15. Who will benefit the most from reading text 1?
a. College students
b. High school students
c. International students
d. Foreign student candidates
e. International graduates
Text 4 (Questions No 16-20)
In the past, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD was often thought of as a man’s
disease, but things have changed in the past couple of decades. Since 2000, more women than
men have died from COPD in the United States. In 2017, chronic lower respiratory disease,
primarily COPD, was the third leading cause of death among US women. The age-adjusted
death rates for COPD have dropped among US men, but death rates have not changed for
women. More women than men are also living with COPD in the United States.
There are several reason why COPD might affect women differently than men. Women tend
to be diagnosed later than men, when the disease is more advanced and treatment is less
effective. Women also seem to be more vulnerable to the effects of tobacco and other harmful
UNIT - 2
substances, such as indoor air pollution. For example, tobacco smoke is the main cause of
COPD in the US, but women who smoke tend to get COPD at younger ages and with lower
levels of smoking than men who smoke. There also appear to be differences in how women
and men respond to different treatments.
In the US, tobacco smoke is a key factor in the development and progression of COPD.
Exposure to air pollutants in the home and workplace, genetic factors, and respiratory
infections also play a role. In the developing world, indoor air quality is thought to play a
larger role than it does in the US. People, especially women, should try to avoid inhaling
tobacco smoke, home, and workplace air pollutants, and respiratory infections to prevent
developing COPD. Early detection of COPD may change its course and progress.
16. Why does the author write the text?
a. To provide examples of the impact of COPD on women living in the USA
over time
b. To inform that changing rates of people with COPD in the US indicate that the
disease is unpredictable
c. To tell about the emergence of COPD in the US, the comparison of its effects
between the American men and women, and its real causes
d. To inform the readers that more women than men suffer from COPD in the
US, why this is happening, and what the causes of the disease are
e. To show that more and more American women are suffering from COPD and
how severe it affects them when compared to American men
17. Which of the following statements is an opinion?
a. Since 2000, more women than men died from COPD in the US
b. In 2017, chronic lower respiratory disease, primarily COPD, was the third
leading cause of death among US women
c. The age-adjusted death rates for COPD have dropped among US men
d. Exposure to air pollutants in the home and workplace, genetic factors, and
respiratory infections also play a role
e. People, especially women, should try to avoid inhaling tobacco smoke
18. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to …
a. Indoor air quality
b. The developing world
c. The quality of air
d. Indoor air quality that plays a large role
e. Indoor air quality in the developing world
19. The word “advanced” in the 8th line is closest in meaning to …
a. Impossible
b. Deadly
c. Incurable
d. Infectious
e. Worsened
20. According to the text, which of the following will most likely happen in the future?
a. Tobacco smoke and genetic factors will be the cause of COPD which is
difficult to avoid
b. Smoke from cigarettes will still continue to be a major cause of COPD
UNIT - 2
c. COPD will affect not only men and women, but also children
d. A large portion of the US population will suffer from COPD
e. COPD diagnosis will be further developed

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