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Subject Matter Lesson 3: Living in Jesus’ Love and Forgiveness Sin

Level: Grade 3


This lesson is ordered to lead the pupils to:
● Doctrine : realize that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
● Mortal : Strive to be good and kind in words, thought, and deeds.
● Worship : Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Sacred Scripture: Luke 19: 1-10
Church Teaching/s: CFC 820

Cartolina and Manila Paper for Visual Aids
Construction Paper


a. Determine which of the following shows good acts and bad acts. (see attached pictures)
b. Draw or enumerate examples of good deeds.

So from the last lesson we discussed, we discussed about loving and serving one another. With these
learnings, do you know anything or any act that shows serving or helping our fellow brothers and sisters?

Draw or list down anything that shows helping others, share and explain the illustration.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the activity all about?
2. What inspired you to make the drawing?

c. Make a letter to Jesus, asking for forgiveness, protection and more.


I. Sacred Scripture

“If I have stolen from anyone I will give back four times as much”Luke 19:9
Zacchaeus, a tax collector, was a short man who collected extra taxes which he would keep for

One day Jesus was passing through Jericho. Jesus was coming. He wanted to see Jesus, but he
was too short to see over the heads of all the people who had gathered. So Zacchaeus climbed a
tree so he could see Jesus very well.
When Jesus was passing the tree, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down, I want to
stay in your house today.”

Zacchaeus was very excited! But the Pharisees became upset and began to grumble.
They knew Zacchaeus was a sinner and therefore Jesus should not associate with him. But
Zacchaeus was so happy that Jesus had come to his house to share a meal with him.

Zacchaeus realized his sinfulness, and made a complete conversion. He said: “Jesus, I am going
to give half of what I have to the poor.
And if I have stolen from anyone I will give back four times as much!”
Jesus was so happy! He said, Today you have been forgiven, salvation has come to you. That is
why I have come, to seek and save what was lost.”

Guide Questions:
1. Who were the main characters in the story?
2. What made Zacchaeus change his wrongdoings?
3. What did Zacchaeus show that he was sorry for his sins?

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