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Janette K. Hernández González

Mrs. Catherine Williams
What Gender violence and inequality means?
Gender violence refers to any form of harm or injustice inflicted
on individuals based on their gender, often targeting women and
girls disproportionately. It includes physical, sexual, psychological,
and economic violence, as well as discrimination and harmful
cultural practices. Gender inequality, on the other hand, refers to
unequal treatment, opportunities, and rights that individuals fase
based on their gender. This can manifest in various aspects of life,
including education, employment, healthcare, and representation
in decision-making processes. Gender violence and inequality are
interconnected issues that stem from deeply ingrained societal
norms, attitudes, and power structures.
Example: Femicides in Puerto Rico
• In 2023, 87% of intimate femicides were with firearms (61% in
2021 and 77% in 2022).
• In 2023, 53% of intimate femicides occurred among women aged
25 to 44 (In 2021, 61% and in 2022, 54% were among women aged
45 to 64).
• Thirteen (13) is the total number of femicides between 2021 and
2023 where the aggressor committed suicide after killing the
• Of these, thirteen (13) were in the context of intimate femicide
and one (1) was in the context of family femicide. From January to
September 2023, five (5) were in the intimate context.
• As of September 2023, a total of nineteen (19) cases of femicide
have been registered.
• In 2023, 55 violent deaths of women were recorded (In 2021, 67
violent deaths of women and one (1) death of a trans person were
recorded, and in 2022 there were 84 violent deaths of women).
• In 2023, 52% of women's violent deaths were due to homicide, and
42% to suicide.
• In 2023, 50% of homicides of women occurred in women between
the ages of 25 and 44.
Gender Violence in PR
• According to the report, this year ended with a total of 52 direct and
indirect femicides, of which 11 are considered intimate, 1 case of
transfemicide and 26 cases remain under investigation or without
information. Of the 26 cases under investigation, 11 do not have a motive
or the perpetrator.
• Over 30 women have been murdered in Puerto Rico so far this year,
according to updated police statistics.
• Femicide often occurs in the home.
• They are also categorized within hate crimes, given that they occur in a
context in which the feminine has been stigmatized for years.
For me, it's terrible to know that gender-based violence exists, to
know that many men are taking the lives of many women,
sometimes for no real reason. It is bad to think that among people
there is always one with bad intentions and wants to do whatever
he wants with that person. It's a global crisis that I would like to
see stopped. I would like to solve this problem by campaigning
against gender-based violence. That anyone, especially women, talk
about their problems, not take the risk anymore and communicate
it to the people who can help them. This is how we prevent more
killings and losses. :( ...
Thanks for your time!

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