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Answer each number with TRUE or FALSE.

Designate A for True and B for False
1.) Abfraction is a more severe form of abrasion due to loading of too much forces.
2.) Significance reduction in risk taking behavior and incidence of disease or mortality is
attributed to measurements of epidemiology.
3.) DMF Index is applied to all teeth specifically.
4.) One of the functions of saliva is the maintenance of pH Balance in your mouth.
5.) Supragingival plaque is found above the gingival margin.
6.) Smooth caries can also be categorized into proximal caries.
7.) Cavitated caries lesions do not progress.

8.) Bacterias in caries causes demineralization.

9.) A well-balanced diet is not so much necessary for prevention of dental caries.

10.) Dentin requires only minimal level of fluoride for remineralization.

11.) Dental plaque is a microbial biofilm.

12.) Saliva’s role in preventing caries are diluting and removing sugar and other chemicals.

13.) Fermentable carbohydrates, sugar, and sugary foods increases susceptibility to caries

14.) Dental caries is diet mediated disease.

15.) Normally, saliva’s daily production ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 liter.

16.) Pits and fissure caries are considered to be inverted triangular caries.

17.) Condition which is caused by acidic drinks or medicines are known as abfraction.

18.) Extrinsic and intrinsic sugars are harmful to teeth.

19.) Too much fluoride in body affects teeth colors.

20.) Dental caries may affect both sexes in population.

Match each numbered questions to the letter choices above.

A. DMF Index B. Supragingival Plaque C. Methamphetamine

D. Foods by Chemical in Origin E. Cariology AB. Saliva AC. Plaques

AD. Endemic AE. Pellicles BA. Acids BB. Proximal Caries BC. Fluorosis

BD. Smooth Surface Caries BE. Abfraction CA. Fluoride Supplements

21.) Spread of disease is limited only to a certain locality.

22.) Rich in calcium, phosphate and fluoride that helps in remineralization of tooth enamel.

23.) Causative agent for demineralization of teeth.

24.) Supplements given to children living in un-flouridated communities.

25.) Deals with the diagnosis, etiology, microbiology, classification, prevention and management
of dental caries in individuals and population.

26.) Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

27.) A tooth and gum condition where the damage is wedged shaped or V-shaped.

28.) Inverted triangular caries.

29.) Plaques found below the gingival margin between tooth and gingival pocket epithelium.

30.) Caries formed in between smooth surfaces of two adjacent teeth.

31.) Drug which causes extreme tooth decay in children.

32.) A sticky colorless film of bacteria that forms in teeth.

33.) Biofilm of free saliva that forms on tooth surfaces that are clean.

34.) Decayed, missing, and filled.

35.) Appearance of faint white lines on tooth surfaces.

Choose the best answer from the following choices to answer the following statements.

36.) Microorganisms in dental plaque.

A. Streptococci B. Lactobacilli C. Actinomysis D. a and b E. a, b and c

37.) Normal daily production of saliva in mouth.

A. 0.2-1.0 liter B. 0.5-1.0 liter C. 5.5-1.0 liter D. all of the above E. none of the above

38.) Cariogenic and high free sugar containing foods.

A. Cakes and biscuits B. Softdrinks C. Table sugar D. Extrinsic Sugar E. all of the above

39.) Caries forms on occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth.

A. Enamel caries B. Coronal Caries C. Pit and Fissure Caries D. Occlusal Caries E. c & d

40.) Rampant caries would be described as the following.

A. b, c, and d B. Baby bottle caries C. Meth-mouth caries D. Early childhood caries

E. In-active caries

41.) Mechanisms of dental caries.

A. Caries B. Diet C. a, b, d and e D. Host E. Bacteria

42.) Non-carious defects in tooth mistaken as caries.

A. all of the above B. Erosion C. Abrasion D. Abfraction

43.) Factors influencing epidemiology of dental caries.

A. Nutrition B. Socio-economic status C. Sex D. Stress E. all of the above

44.) Supragingival plaque is best described as the following.

A. Above the gingival margin B. Streps and Staphs are seen C. none of the above

D. a & b E. all of the above

45.) There are how many stages in biofilm formation and growth.

A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 4 E. 5

46.) Clinical sites of caries initiation in tooth.

A. b, c and e B. Pit and Fissures C. Root surfaces D. All of the above E. Smooth surfaces

47.) Location of triangular caries.

A. Cementum B. Interproximal C. Pit and fissures D. Coronal E. all of the above

48.) Root caries which is prevalent in geriatrics are also known as.
A. Active caries B. Residual caries C. Cavitated caries D. Cemental Caries

E. In-active caries

49.) It is classified as a hardened plaque on tooth surfaces.

A. Biotin B. Tartar C. Pellicles D. Plaques E. Fluorosis

50.) Saliva’s protective mechanisms are the following.

A. Oral Clearance B. Direct Antibacterial Activity C. Buffer Capacity D. Remineralization

E. All of the above

Prepared By:

Dr. June Remedios R. Ortiz

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