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Molecular Spectroscopy: A Physical Chemists’ perspective

Assignment 11
Choose the correct answer(s) for each question

1. NMR spectroscopy is used for determining structure in which of the following materials?
(a) Radioactive materials
(b) Insoluble chemical compounds
(c) Liquids
(d) Gases
2. NMR spectroscopy indicates the chemical nature of the ……… and spatial position of …… .
(a) Electrons, Protons
(b) Neutrons, Electrons
(c) Nuclei, Electrons
(d) Nuclei, Neighbouring group
3. The amount of energy available in radio frequency radiation is sufficient for which of the following?
(a) Excite an atom
(b) Vibrate an atom
(c) Vibrate a molecule
(d) Affect the nuclear spin of an atom
4. Which H of 1-chloropent-2-ene shows the largest chemical (downfield) shift in its NMR spectrum
(a) The H on C1
(b) The H on either C2 or C3
(c) The H on C4
(d) The H on C5
5. Which of the following statements regarding NMR spectroscopy is wrong?
(a) NMR signals towards the left of the spectral chart correspond to larger chemical shifts.
(b) Chemical shifts are larger when the frequencies of the radiation which induces the nuclear transitions are higher.
(c) Chemical shifts are larger when shielding effects are greater.
(d) A hydrogen signal splits into n+1 peaks by spin-spin coupling when the number of equivalent hydrogen atoms on
adjacent atom(s) is n, and no other neighbouring atoms are involved.
6. 180o--90o pulse sequence
(a) measures spin-lattice relaxation
(b) measures spin-spin relaxation
(c) is associated with inversion recovery
(d) is associated with spin-echo
7. In a FT NMR spectrometer,
(a)measurement is in frequency domain
(b)magnetic field is constant
(c)free induction decay is observed
(d)relaxation time can be measured
8. In formaldehyde, only one 1H NMR line is observed because
(a) two chemically equivalent protons do not couple with each other
(b) two chemically equivalent protons couple with each other, but it does not show up in the spectrum
(c) coupling is offset by shielding by electrons in the C=O double bond
(d) the protons are labile and exchange rapidly with solvents

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