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Ethonomedicinal practice at mustang

It is located in the trans-himalaya zone , in the mid western development
region of the north central Nepal. It is bounded by the south by myagdi, to the
west by the dolpa , east by the manang and the north by the tibetian autonomus
region of the people republic of the china .

The reason for choosing the mustang for the ethonomedicinal study are given as

 Mustang is rich in the diversity of the various medicinally important plant.

 The societies (communities ) posses rich traditional knowledge i.e
traditional diversity
 There is a culture of tradition in which healers or knowledgeable persons
(amchi) transmits their traditional knowledge generation to generation
usually through apprentices .

Some of the ethonomedicinal plants are noted as below

S.N Local name Scientific name Uses

1. Stout alpine onion Allium caroinianum  Helps in reduce the
blood cholesterol
 Acts as a tonic to
digestive system

2. Jimbur Allium wallichi  Used for the

economical and
benefit such as
dysentery ,cold,
cough, itching
 To remove the
maggots from
 Leech removers
3. Apricot Prunus aremeniaca  Usedto treat the
asthma ,
constipation ,
infertility .
4. Aconite Aconitum orochryseum  Pain relief
 Used to treat the
migraine .
5. yarshagumbha Cordyceps sinensis  Improves the
immunity by
stimulating the
immune system
 It also fight against
the cancer cells

6. Panchaule Dactylorhiza hatagirea  Helps in reducing

the stress level

7. kutki Neopicorhiza  Anti-

scrophulariifora atherosclerotic ,an
tidiabetic ,anti-
antimicrobial ,
antimalarial ,
and anti oxidative .

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