A Country With Low Rate of Population Growth or Population Decline

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A country with low rate of population growth or population decline (Pro-Natalist): Japan

• Japan is located in East Asia it has the largest proportion of people who are over 65, 23% of its
population are over 64 and this is expected to rise to 30% by 2030. This causes problems as
number of working people keeps on declining
• It is very expensive to bring up a child in japan school, university fees are costly along the side
with daily life expenses

• Women focus on careers and get married later which causes a decline in the birth rate
• Good healthcare provision which lead to people living together so they don’t feel lonely
• There is not enough people to pay for pensions

• Provisions are becoming stressed because of the number of elderly’s

• Soon there will not be enough working population to fill all the job’s available
• Government is considering providing tax incentives to families and provide more child care

• Promotion on social and cultural changes to make motherhood more attractive

• Labour shortage can be soled by migrant workers and japan is currently focusing on the
production of robots to solve its labour shortage
An example of international migration: Mexico to the USA
• There is a 200km border between the USA and Mexico about 1million Mexicans migrate to the
USA every year as a result the US border patrol decided to guard the boards to try to stop illegal
immigration in 2006 about 850,000 migrants were caught and deported back to Mexico
Push factors:
• Low salary wages so people struggled to provide their families with support and feed them

• Poor healthcare few hospitals/doctors/nurses over 1,800 patient per doctor

• Adult literacy rate is about 55% so there is poor educational prospect
• Life expectancy is 72
A country with high dependent population(youthful pop): Uganda
• It is located in east Africa with a population of 44 million and land area of 197,000 km2 it has the
world’s youngest population with over 78% of its population are below the age of 30
• The birth rate in Uganda is very high as parents are having more children to help them with their
jobs mostly in the farm, agricultural jobs, and it might be sort of a tradition or religious beliefs to
have a family. Another reason for high birth rate is high infant mortality rate as poor healthcare
so parents have more children just incase one of their children dies, There is also lack of
contraception’s which helps against pregnancy and there is lack of family planning
• High death rate which increases the percentage of young dependents
• Children considered as economical assets

• The GDP will increase as there will be a larger workforce in the future and no law on child labour
• There will be few old dependents to take care of which means less stress on provisions
• Pressure on tax payers to support young dependents and finance development of necessary
• Overpopulation if growth is not regulated which leads to traffic congestion air pollution
increased crime rates as people don’t have money lower standard of life and development of
shanty towns and slums,
A densely populated country: Japan
• It is located in east Asia it has a population of 126 million and its population density is about 347
people per km2

• Sparsely populated rural areas: few people live on the mountainous slopes in the centre of
Honshu island and the south of shikoku island mainly because lack of flat land for cultivation,
thin infertile acidic soil, extreme climates long winter with heavy snow, few jobs are available,
remoteness and isolation communication and transport are hard
• Densely populated rural areas: many people live on the flat valleys and gentle slopes of the
Honshu island and Kyushu island because they have fertile land for cultivation thus have
attracted many farmers, mild winters, good service provision such as universities, schools,
healthcare facilities, shopping malls
• Densely populated urban areas: many people live in cities and towns along the oast especially in
Honshu island, contributary of Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka because: flat land with mild winters,
good transportation links such as the port of Tokyo which transfers goods, good service

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