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House of death(hope)

Narator: "Dr Agasa and Haibara go to introduce doc's inveton but when on their back, Dr
Agasa car is broken and Dr Agasa lost his wallet so he can go home by a bus. Fortunately
they got a lift from a car but it car has some suspicious part so Ai call me"

(Opening, ganti aja jadi pengenalan karakter)

Narator:"Love is magic, attack is mystery"

Yamato:”so wai du wi go der is keus”

Uehara: “wi kent solv de red wal keis”

Uehara: der ar siks persen in dis pleis, bifor meni pipel ded dis pleis was called haus of
howp bet after meni pipel dead dis pleis is being kalld de haus of deth

Yamato: De keis bigins wen misis Aoi hus e waif of mister aka gat e hert etteck wen shi
bought mister Aka peinting but at de sem taim mister Akashi was lokd in his rum with a
peinting en der ar a white ceir in de rum with red peint in its woll, and mr Akashi was found
dead in de ceir where hi sit

Uehara: oh I forgot tu sey, Yamato en Morofushi weur klassmeits, Aoi was died in dis
werhaus thrii yirs eugo


Morofushi:"dat dey heppeund tu bi de memoryal deit of her deth. I pey rispek and i braught e
flawer wen I ebot tu go hom I notisd dat de window was sketterd, I reng the durbell bet ders
no enser so I wen tu dr fron dur dat wasn’t lockd”

Morofushi: hey konan, ai wan yu tu kam with me tu interviyu sam of de witneses of dis keis,
bet wil du it in de kar

Conan:"hummm, me? sure, i won't reject it”

Midorikawa:oh yur de inspektur dat ai met yu bifor. Aiv told yu everiting ai now ebout aoi
whus passd ewey

Morofushi: ai dont wana esk with dat bet ai wana esk ebout a polis was fawnd yur finjerprints
in e durnob dat mister akashi was lockd in

Midori: I don’t now an old finjerprints kem stil bi detectd bikaus it’six yirs eugo since aiv livd

Conan: yu seid six yir?

Morofushi: oh ai told yu, wai aren’t you get in de kar

Ran: yeh konan wai ar yu kam awt from de car, let’s get in de car


Yamabuki: oh may finjerprints was fawn in mr akashi rum?

Morofushi:"yes, we found it in mr akashi doorknob room" yes wi fawnd it in mister akashi

durknob rum

Conan:"mr, mr, mr yamabuki, can i ask you a question? That person called mrs aoi, what
kind of person was she?"

Yamabuki: she was everiwans madonna, after al she is biyutiful tu, that’s way wi fawnd aut
that she was going with mister akashi. So that’s way wir left de haus

Conan:"i see, thanks sir"

Momoiro: huh? May finjerprints wer fawn in de durknob of akas rum? Hey don’t tel mi that
you suspect me

Morofushi: wich mins dat yu never wen bek tu de haws after living it

Momoiro:"oh i forgot to mention that, i went there once about 4 years ago to deliver a game
software that i helped create" oh i forgat tu mensyen dat ai wen der wans ebout 4 yirs eugo
tu deuliver e softwer dat I create

Morofushi:"a simple game software?" e simple softwer geim?

Momoiro:"yeah it was just a simple chess game, aka and aoi both liked chess so.." yeah it
was jes e simpel cess geim

Shiro:"my fingerprints were found on the akashi room?"

Morofushi:"that's why i'm only confirming just in a case"

Shiro:"that can't be.... i mean i used to live there before too. Oh wait i dropped by the house
about six month ago, at that time i may touched akashi room too"

Conan:"why people call you white sir?"

Shiro:"cuz of my beginning name. Oh no, i've got to a meeting with my band members.
Then, see you laters"
Narator:"Among of them Mr Shiro Naoki acted quite suspiciously, so we following to their
appartement again the following day but found mr shiro was murdered with the wall painted
red but he's not sitting in the white chair and there's no black chair in his room"

Morofushi:"right, he didn't leave the culprit's name behind because it's most likely that the
culprit would be the first one. Red.....wall?wall?"

Yamato:"i got an email from morofushi 'morofushi dies' MOROFUSHI DIES?, Uehara, did
you find Morofushi?"

Uehara:"well i just arrived at the house now, but....It's on fire HOUSE OF DEATH!"

Yamato:"And Morofushi?"

Uehara:"I don't know, althrough his car was parked in front of the house, the house was
already flames when i got there"

Yamato:"Oh Morofushi, MOROFUSHI!, i think i shoul go in"

Conan:"don't do that"

Yamato:"i dob't care anything that'll happening"

Conan:"i said don't do that"

Yamato:"WHYY Morofushi was in that house"

Conan:"Look to your right"

Uehara:"he seems have been hit by someone"

Yamato:"what's happened?"

Uehara:"i went arround the backdoor cuz it wasn't on fire yet, and i found him in that room in
that question"

Kogoro:"why is someone hit Morofushi?"

Conan:"cuz i thought mr Morofushi was planning to inform inspector Yamato about it by

email but got attacked by the culprit, i think he tried to send it before he's passed out"

Uehara:"do you have any idea about Akashi?"

Midori:"i wonder he was in need money"

Yamabuki:"He was saying he was going on a trip soon"

Momoiro:"That's right to a place in Italy called Lecce"

Conan:"then maybe, he was going to walk over there, to the place called Lecce to hide
something important! Besides, it seems that he also said to look for him there after he's

Ran:"why would he walk over?"

Conan:"Because Italy shape like a shoe, isn't it?"

The culprit:"Damn, just as i thought, there are officer staked out even in back of Shiro's
apartment but they're gone cuz there is a crime in this area and there are people are
fighting, what i need is just a waiting. Huh? That's a thieve that thieve girl wallet but why he's
coming out from Shiro's room. I'll go get the stuff now while they're gone, then which shoe?
which one did he hide it"

Conan(as a unknown child):"could it be that, are you looking for this shoe uncle?, this shoe a
bit different isn't it? The heel comes off and the memory card of a cellphone is inside! Yes,
right where Lecce of Italy is located on the map by the heel of the shoe. Too bad if you
couldn't find it before i did.....Mr Naoki Midorikawa"

Uehara:"we can solve it with helped of Conan and mr Morofushi'"

Morofushi:"yeah, i can solve it cuz i sat in the white chair and look at the red wall for 5
minutes then i sat on the black chair and i look at the white wall.....i see the green color

Yamato:"And why is mr Shiro murderer is cuz, mr Midori thought that mr Shiro'll give the true
answer tomorrow, and why mr Shiro murderer like that it just cuz like the red wall case is just
still a mystery"

Conan:"and why the wall is painted red is cuz in the beginning mr Akashi write Naoki that mr
Midori name and mr Shiro family name and mr shiro look at it so he painted it with red color.
Mr Akashi know that see red color for som minutes is made we all can see green color
illusssion when look at white color, so that's why he write 'Naoki' name with red color"

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