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EDT 211 Lab

Provocation Planning and Implementation

Name: Chloe Miller Date: 2/15/2024

Lab Instructor Katie Spencer Classroom: Explorers


1. Based on your observations and insight from your teacher, what schemas or
interests do you observe in the children’s play?

Connection, positioning, and transporting.

2. What evidence have you collected to inform your provocation idea/plan? (Upload
to Isidore with this form)
● Schema Checklist
● Reflection Journal or Notes
● Fast Fives Worksheets
● Exit Slips (I Wonder, What If, Let’s Try Sheets)
● Other: ________________

3. Describe your provocation. What materials will you use, and how will you set it

I will be using small containers with lids and larger containers/baskets without
lids, a ruler, mini cars, a shoe box, and balls/marbles. I will set this up on top of
the sensory table and place the items in piles based on their categories.

I hope to see the schema of trajectory and enveloping.

4. Are there materials you are requesting to borrow from the Bombeck or college
classroom? Who are you coordinating this with?

I will need to borrow marbles (if I cannot find them at home), I will be coordinating
this with Katie

5. What standards would this experience address?

Standard: Cognitive Development 2.a.4. - Uses objects and materials in new and
unconventional ways to represent something else.


1. Did the children respond to your provocation the way you expected?

The children did respond in the way I expected, they used the materials in a
variety of ways. They ended up playing and interacting with it for a lot longer than
I expected.

2. What went well?

I think what went well was how students used the materials to interact with each
other. They carried out group conversations about what they were doing with the
materials and bounced ideas off of each other. The kids also interacted with the
materials for a while, some played with them, then walked away and came back.
They used the materials in ways that I wouldn’t have thought of, like putting the
straws in the bucket making a spider, and using the blue ruler as a river for a

3. What would you change?

I would increase the amount of the materials, for example, have more cars and
rulers. I would also add in some paper or cardboard so that they could build even
more with in and turn it into new imaginary items.

4. What learning did you observe happening when the children were engaged in
your activity?

The children discovered that some of the containters fit the cars and some didn’t.
Some containers also fit certain cars and not others. I saw a lot of connection
and positioning of the materials, like putting the cars together, putting straws on
the cars, and putting the cars on the ruler. One of the schemas I was hoping to
see was enveloping or enclosing and I think having the containers there allowed
them to see how different cars fit in them.

5. Include any pictures you took of the set-up and implementation of your
provocation experience.

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