UNIT-4 Physics Laser - 16798616 - 2024 - 04 - 09 - 07 - 34

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‘The word “LASER” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. and depends on the phenomena of “stimulated emission” first predicted by Einstein in 1916. Characteristic of Laser beam: 1. Highly monochromatic, highly intense, highly coherent and unidirectional. 2. A laser beam is very narrow and can travel to long distances without any spread 3, Laser beam is extremely bright. Applications and uses of laser radiation: 1. Laser beam is used for drilling welding and melting of hard materials. 2. Laser is used in holography and fiber optics 3. In medicine laser beam are used in treatment of kidney stone, cancer, eye surgery — LASIK laser. Laser is used for communication and measuring large distance. QDifferentiate between ordinary light and laser radiation ifference between ordinary light and laser radiation 1 Ordinary light is obtained from spontaneous emission while laser light is obtained from stimulated emission. 2. Ordinary light is incoherent while laser light is highly coherent. 3. In ordinary light source, photons are randomly emitted in all directions while in laser the direction of emitted and incident photons is same. Absorption of Radiation-If atom is initially in a lower stare 1, it can rise to a higher state 2 by absorbing a quantum of radiation of freq. v, given by v= (Ex-E:)/h Initial Conditions Process Final Conditions ——— ey _ ——.—§ i ® z a Elestron Incoming Photon, > at Frequency "2 5 E Fig. 1. Absorption Of Radiation Where E: and £2 are the energies of atom in the states 1 and 2 respectively. (fig.1) This is absorption of radiation. The absorption process depends on the energy density of the radiation of freq. v incident in the atom, Thus rate of probability of absorption Piz =Bizu(v) (1) The proportionality const. Bi is known as “Einstein's coefficient of absorption of radiation”. Spontaneous Emission- Let us now consider an atom initially in the higher state2 (fig.2) Observations show that its life in higher state is usually very small (10°%sec) and it, of its own accord, jumps to the lower energy state 1, emitting a photon of freq. v This is “spontaneous emission’ of radiation. Initial Conditions Process Final Conditions E Electron “A Outgoing Photon at Frequency "2 Etectron E ee 2 Spontaneous Emission ‘The probability of spontaneous emission 21 is P2; = Az: Einstein denoted this probability per unit time by Anis known as ‘ spontaneous emission of radiation’. Note: Difference between absorption and spontaneous emission Probability. Probability of absorption transition depends upon the energy density u(v) of the incident radiation, whereas the spontaneous emission are independent of it. Stimulated Emissio Initial Conditions Process Final Conditions eater ruined noe > i Incoming Photon Two Outgcing Photons. at Frequency I“ a Frequency yz Fig. 3. Stimulated Emission ‘According to Einstein, an atom in an excited energy state may, under the influence of the electromagnetic field of photon of freq. v incident upon it, jump to lower energy state, emitting an additional photon of same frequency v fig.3) .Thus now two photons, one original and the other emitted, move on. This is ‘stimulated’ emission of radiation. The probability Of stimulated emission transition 2 1 is Proportional to the energy density of Uv) the stimulating radiation and is written as Pi, = Bz;u(v) where Bas is the ‘Einstein's coefficient of stimulated emission of radiation’. Total Emission Probability The total prob. for an atom in state 2 to drop to the lower state 1 is therefore Pas Poy4Po Por=Aaa+Bau(v) (2) Relation between spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiati Let Nzand Nz be the number of atoms at any instant in the state 1 and 2 respectively, The probability of absorption transition for no. of atoms from state 1 to 2 per unit time is given by Ny Pha = Ny But W)eromoe(3) At thermal equilibrium, with temp. T, the absorption and emission probabilities are equal and thus, we can write Ns Pia = NoPor 1M Bru (¥) = NalAay + Bare (¥)] 80) aa) But acc. to Einstein Bu= Ba ‘Then from equation (4) and (5) we get uw) = Foy (6) According, To Boltzmann's law, the distribution of atoms among the energy states E: and E at the thermal equilibrium at temp. Tis given by ty, My AT g(E2—E,)/47. a her a My nv fT Bem eM (8) Here kis the Boltzmann constant Then from equation (6) we can write gt U0) = Be rere) Planck's radiation formula yields the energy density of radiation u(v) as 8 (y) = aye(10) ‘Comparing (9) and (10) we get (11) ma Equation (11) gives the relation between the probabilities of spontaneous and stimulated emissions. This is also known as relation between the Einstein's coefficient A and B. [civetheNECESSARY.CONDTIONTOACHIEVELASERACTION | NECESSARY CONDITION TO ACHIEVE LASER ACTION To achieve laser action following conditions must be satisfy 1. The rate of emission must_be greater than the rateof_absorption-under normal condition, the no. of atoms in the upper energy level is always smaller than that in lower energy level. If any some means, the number of atoms in higher energy state is made greater than that in lower energy state, the emission rate will become greater than the absorption rate. 2. The prob. of spontaneous emission must be negligible in comparison to the prob. of stimulated emission-This condition can be achieved by taking working substance(active medium) such that its atom have metastable states which have a life time 10? sec. or more instead of usual 10sec. if certain atoms are excited to metastable state the prob. of spontaneous emission will be quite negligible. 3. The coherant beam of light must be sufficientlyamplified-For this, active medium must be placed between two reflecting mirrors. The one of mirror is fully reflecting while the other is partially transmitting. The photons emitted by stimulating emission are reflected back and forth in the laser medium by these mirrors so that they are confined within the system long enough to allow them to stimulate further emission from other excited state. In this way reflected photons, traveling through the medium stimulate further emission as well as to produce amplified coherent and intense beam of light which is emitted by partially transmitting mirror. Few Important Terms Population Inversion: The situation in which the number of atoms in the higher energy state exceeds that in the lower state (Nz>N;) is known as “population inversion”. a} Nomal Population b) Population inversion [Themal Equllirum) nergy Pumping- The process by which we can raise the number of atoms from lower energy state to higher energy state is known as pumping, Two important types of pumping 1. Optical Pumping: in optical pumping the light energy in the form of short flash is supplied. The ground state atoms absorb this light energy and excite to higher energy state. 2. Electrical Pump difference. Strong electric field is applied to accelerate electrons emitted by cathode of the tube. During the motion towards the anode the accelerated electrons collide with the atoms of the medium and give up their energy to excite them to upper energy level. From this the atom jump to metastable state creating state of population inversion. In this method gas is ionized by means of suitable potential Optical pumping ® ® ® i ES ele eel nal = aide, Ddddooa 5, Sabeoe eee, & Population Principle of lasers-All lasers work on the principle of light amplification by stimulated ‘emission of radiation. The ground state atom absorbs energy from external source and raise to higher state. Due to short life (10° sec) of excited state, it spontaneously comes down to metastable state of long life (10° sec).Thus population inversion is achieved. A spontaneously emitted photon stimulates other atoms of metastable state initiating stimulated emission. The light beam is then amplified by the cavity resonator by multiple reflections between a pair of mirrors. This way, amplified laser beam is achieved. ‘Components of laser 1. Energy source. With the help of energy source the system can be raised to an excited state. With the help of this source the number of atoms in higher energy state may be increased and hence the population inversion is achieved 2. Active medium or working substance. This working substance must have a metastable state.Thus when excited by energy source it achieves population inversion. This medium may be solid,liquid or gas. 3. Resonant cavity.It is specially designed cylindrical tube the ends of which are silvered,one end being completely silvered while the other is partially silvered. Thus the light intensity can be increased by multiple reflections.The intense coherent beam can emerge out from partially silvered mirror. Metastable state ‘An excited state of longer life time (10° sec) than that of any ordinary excited state from where atom cannot come to ground state instantaneously, is called as metastable state. Ans. Energy Levels schemes of laser Toro level laser Three level laser For wed laser ‘Not Possible Ex Ruby Laser Ex-Helim Neon Laser (Not Practical) ‘Two Level Laser System:To achieve population inversion in two level lasers, the number of atoms in excited state E2 should be higher than ground state E: .The probability of stimulated absorption is equal to stimulated emission and therefore population cannot be achieved for laser action, Hence two level laser practically not possible. ‘Three Level Laser Three energy levels E:, E>, Es having populations Ns, Nz, Ns respectively, introduced for laser action as shown in figure. The higher energy level Esis known as pumping level, lower energy level E: is called lower lasing level and the intermediate state E2 is a metastable state with lifetime 10? second. The atoms are raised from E:to Esby pumping process where after 10 ® second atoms make a transition from E3 to E: state by non-radioactive spontaneous transition and then from Eto E: which is lasing transition. Example: Ruby Laser Disadvantage of three level laser:Difficult to produce population inversion because it requires very high pumping power. | oto : ne ies moe 1 sede transition “Figure These-level laser seme... Four Level Laser Four energy levels €:, &,£3 and Ex having population of atoms Na, Nz, Na andNe respectively for laser action as shown in figure. ‘The pumping process takes the atoms from ground state E: to excited state Es. The excited atom makes spontaneous transition from Es to lower metastable energy state Es. The lasing transition is from E3 to Ez energy state which is then followed by another spontaneous transition to ground state energy level Es. Example: Helium Neon Laser. Advantage: Four level laser systems is the wideness of exited band and narrowness of metastable band which is required for better lasing action: Disadvantage: More transitions lead to additional loss of energy. Ne (10200), 1 Rechadtate (807 s00) Pune cose be % Gout i! Figure. Four-level laser system. RUBY LASER- Construction This is the first laser developed by Maiman in 1960 and is the solid state laser. It consists of a pink ruby cylindrical rod whose ends are optically flat and parallel (fig.1) one end is fully silvered and the other is only partially silvered, Upon the rod is wound a coiled flash lamp filled with xenon gas. Xe Ruby rod An ne (ALOs+C1,09 / 2 LASER Beam SEZ output of 6943 4 (Red Colour Pulse Output) Cooling Power cookad ‘Supt Fully reflected end surface Partially reMected end surfice Fig 1, RUBY LASER APPARATUS, Short od (10°° sec) Excited State Radiationless 2 | Transition in form of heat ‘ Motostabie (19 ” con cae ee optical” Pumping Twonstion laser BOA Transition Ground 1 Ei Fig. 2 Energy Level Diagram of Ruby Laser Working-The ruby rod is a crystal of aluminum oxide (Alzos) doped with 0.05% chromium oxide (Cr203), so that some of the AI’ ions are replaced by Cr*** ions. ‘These “impurity” chromium ions give pink colors to the ruby and give rise to laser action. In fig.(2) is shows the energy- level diagram of chromium ion. Energy states It consists of an upper short-lived energy level Es above its ground energy level Bi, the energy difference Es-E1 corresponds to a wavelength of about SS00A There is an intermediate excited-state level E2 which is metastable having a life time of order 10° sec. ‘Transition 1, Most of the chromium ions are in the ground state E).When a flash of light falls upon the ruby rod, the 5500 A radiation photons are absorbed by the chromium ions which are pumped to the excited state Es. Transition 2. The excited ions give up, by collision, part of their energy to the crystal lattice and decay to the metastable state E2. The corresponding transition 2 is thus a radiation less transition. Since E2 has a much longer life-time, the no. of ions in this state goes on increasing while, due to pumping, the number in the ground state E) goes on decreasing. Thus, population inversion is established between the metastable state E2 and the ground state 1, ‘Transition 3. When an excited ion passes from the metastable state to the ground state, photon of wavelength 6943A. mn 4 6943A wavelength photon travels through the ruby rod and, if it is moving, parallel to the axis of crystal, is reflected back and forth by the silvered ends until it stimulates an excited ion and causes it to emit a fresh photon. In phase with stimulating photon. This “stimulated” transition 4 is the laser transition. Output. The process is repeated again and again because the photons repeatedly move along the crystal, being reflected from its ends. The photons thus multiply. When the photon beam becomes sufficiently intense, part of it emerges through the partially silvered end of the crystal The output is of RED colour having wavelength 6943A. And output is in Pulse form. Write drawback in the three level lasers such as ruby. Drawback in the three level lasers such as ruby. (1) Cooling is required. (2) Crystalline imperfection also presents in crystal. (3) The laser requires high pumping power because the laser transition terminates at the ground state and more than one half of the ground state atoms must be pumped up to the higher state to achieve population inversion (4) Ions which happen to be in their ground state absorb 6943 A photons from the beam as it builds up. HELIUM-NEON LASER-It is a four-level laser in which the population inversion is achieved by electric discharge. CONSTRUCTION: A mixture of 7 parts of helium and 1 part of neon is contained in a glass tube at a pressure of about 1 mm of mercury (fig.1). At both ends of the tube are fitted optically plane and parallel mirrors, one of them being only partially silvered. The spacing of the mirrors is equal to an integral number of half-wavelengths of the laser light. An electric discharge is produced in the gas mixture by electrodes connected to a high freq. source. 1 1 Fig. 1.Hetium Neon Laser setup WORKING: The electrons from the discharge collide with and pump the He and Ne atoms to the metastable states 20.61 eV and 20.66 eV respectively above their ground state (fig2).Some of ‘the excited He atoms transfer their energy to the ground state Ne atoms by collisions, with .0S eV of additional energy being provided by the K.E of atoms. Thus He atoms help in achieving a population inversion in the Ne atoms. __-sallision _ Metastable 20.61 20.66 eV state vv Metastable ~~ wont ‘State 2 _Tanation) 18.70 eV _—— Trastion Spontaneous Electron imeact 16Wev Radiation less Tronation Groune oev Site Oey ——___+_ He Ne A Four level Laser Fig. 2 Energy Level Diagram of Helium Neon Laser When an excited Ne atom passes spontaneously from the metastable state at 20.66eV to state at 18.70 eV, it emits 2 6328 A photon. This photon travels through the gas mixture and if tis moving parallel to the axis of the tube is reflected back and forth by the mirror-ends until it stimulates an excited neon atom and causes it to emit a fresh 6328 A photon in phase with ‘the stimulating photon. This stimulated transition from 20.66 eV level to 18.70 eV level is the laser transition. This process is continued and a beam of coherent radiation builds up in the tube. When ‘this beam become sufficiently intense a portion of it escapes through the partially silvered end. From the 18.70 eV level the Ne atoms passes down spontaneously to a lower metastable state emitting incoherent light and finally to the ground state through collision with the tube walls. The final transition is thus radiationless. He-Ne Laser superiority over Ruby laser (1) No Cooling required. (2) No crystalline imperfections in He-Ne laser. {3) The Ne atom in its ground state cannot absorb the 6328A photons from the laser beam, as happens in three level ruby laser. Also, because the electron impacts that, excite the He and Ne atoms occur all the time, unlike the pulsed excitation from the xenon flash lamp in the ruby laser, the He-Ne laser operates continuously. (4) the laser transition does not terminate at the ground state, the power needed for excitation is less than that in a three-level laser. 10 Differences between ruby and He-Ne lasers Ruby laser He-Ne laser Iisa solid state x. tsactive medium isa ruby — Itisa gaseous laser. Its active medium isa rod. of helium and neon, It produces pulsed output. Itproduces output inthe form of a continuous w: Itis.a three-level laser, Itis a four-level Ia Its output is red in colour and its wavelengths are Its output wavelengths are 632.8 nm. 694.3 nm ‘The atomsare pumped into the higher energy levels The atoms.are exeited into the higher energy levels by optical pumping. by atom-atom inelastic collision. Question. In a Ruby laser, total number of Cr* ions is 2.8 x 102°. If the laser emits radiation of wavelength 7000 A°. Calculate the energy of laser pulse. Sol.Energy of laser pulse (E) = total no. of ions (n) x energy of one photon B= nhy=™ = 2.8 x 1019 x GEO 3519 Jone =7.94 Joule The CO, laser is one of the most powerful lasers. The energy difference betwes the two laser levels is 0.117 el: Determine the frequency and wavelength of the radiation. 100 _ 12400 E@V) 0117 Solution : RIA) = or 2. = 105983. A = 10. Question.Calculate the population ratio of two states in He-Ne laser that produce light of wavelength 6000 A at 27 °C. (Dec 2018) Solution. ul ‘The Ruby laser has two states at 300 K and $00 K. If it emits light 7000 A, then calculate relative population. (Given K = 8.6 x 10 eV/K) Solution ‘The population ratio, At300 K, 2|= " g eipf —— OL Ph x6xi05 | 9x10 At S00 K, Nae on ee M 8.6% 107 x500K Ms 1ax 108 12

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