Warp+ Guide

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1. Go to https://cloudflarewarp.com/ and install it.

It will be shown in the icon tray

after you open it.

2. Unzip the warp-plus-cloudflare-master file.

3. Open warp from icon tray (Don’t connect yet). Go to settings, Preferences.

4. In Account section you will see the amount of data you can use with warp+ (should
be 0 in the beginning if you are a free user)
5. Copy your Device ID in the General section (double click and ctrl+c).

6. Now close warp from the icon tray by clicking on Exit.

7. Open the warp-plus-cloudflare-master folder and run the wp-plus python file (you
need to have python installed on your PC. If you don’t, download the latest version
from https://www.python.org/downloads/ )
8. After running the wp-plus file, this window will appear. Paste your device id and
hit enter.
9. The script will start running and will add 1 GB data to your account every 18
seconds or so. After acquiring enough data you can close the script.

10. Now if you want to check your remaining data you need to go to Preferences and
then in the Connection section click on Reset Encryption Keys.
11. After you do this, exit warp from icon try just like in step 6.
12. When you run it again you can check your updated remaining data in Account
13. Try connecting to Warp+ now. If it takes more than 4 seconds, disconnect it, wait
for 10-15 seconds and the try connecting again. Repeat it until you connect within 3-4

 You can leave the script running in background whenever your PC is not in use. I
never do any internet use during that time just to be safe.
 Don’t keep accumulating data more than 90 GB (just to be safe).
 Don’t keep the VPN running all the time. When Sophos asks for its daily login
thing close the VPN. And of course, don’t use it during mess registration, course
registration and stuff.

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