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Collective climate action and

networked climate governance
Jale Tosun1* and Jonas J. Schoenefeld2
Edited by Karin Bäckstrand, Domain Editor, and Mike Hulme, Editor-in-Chief

Scholarship in International Relations has witnessed that the traditional concept

of hierarchically organized global climate governance is joined by a network
model of decentralized governance, which involves multiple actors. New actors
performing networked climate governance include national governments, subna-
tional organizations like cities, international organizations, corporations, episte-
mic communities, and civil society organizations. An insightful literature on
networked climate governance has advanced our conceptual understanding of
this empirical phenomenon. In parallel, rapidly growing research in psychology,
sociology, economics, and related disciplines sheds light on factors that contrib-
ute to individuals’ willingness to engage in collective climate action. This article
reviews these seemingly disparate strands of literature and aims to build bridges
between them. We focus on the factors underlying individuals’ decisions to par-
ticipate in local-level climate initiatives—or grassroots organizations—including,
for example, renewable energy cooperatives. Such initiatives are increasingly
important parts of networked climate governance. Thus, networked governance
can be understood as an opportunity structure for collective climate action,
which may in turn influence citizens’ decisions to participate. Given the urgency
to address climate change, this approach adds a critical novel perspective to on-
going debates about effective governance arrangements. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
How to cite this article:
WIREs Clim Change 2016. doi: 10.1002/wcc.440

INTRODUCTION Parties also agreed on ‘pursuing efforts to limit the

temperature increase to 1.5 C.’2 Reaching this goal

A fter years of stalemate in international climate

negotiations,1 governments reached a new and
universal climate change agreement to govern the
will require constant action and strong commit-
ments from state and a range of other actors in
both the developed and developing world, since the
post-Kyoto era at the 21st Conference of the Parties new climate governance system is based on so-
(COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention called national pledges.3 Moreover, there is consen-
on Climate Change (UNFCCCC) in Paris. The Paris sus that incremental policy change will not suffice
Agreement not only aims to limit global warming to to respond to climate change, necessitating a
‘well below 2 C above pre-industrial levels’; the society-wide transformation.4,5 This requires funda-
mental changes in production and consumption
patterns,6 thereby indicating that responses to cli-
*Correspondence to:
mate change require broad support from collective
Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg,
actors in the economy, from society, and from indi-
2 viduals alike.7,8
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Environ-
mental Sciences, Norwich Research Park, University of East Today, global climate governance includes
Anglia, Norwich, UK actors such as governments, international organiza-
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter- tions and cities along with private actors such as cor-
est for this article. porations, epistemic communities, and civil society

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organizations.9,10 While the global climate govern- collective climate action provides valuable lessons for
ance architecture is fragmented and leads to different scholarship on networked climate governance on how
degrees of governance performance,11 this new struc- to increase the effectiveness and inclusiveness of this
ture has noticeably increased the opportunities for governance mode. The study of collective climate action
private actors to participate in international climate can benefit from acknowledging networked governance
politics.12–14 However, triggering social change in as an opportunity structure for collective climate action.
response to climate change requires more far- In line with McAdam, we define opportunity struc-
reaching approaches, which calls for a greater tures as exogenous factors that limit or empower
involvement of citizens in climate governance.4–6,8,14 collective action.35 While McAdam concentrates on
Drawing on different strands of literature, this review the political opportunity structures (i.e., openness of
contends that citizens play an increasingly important the institutionalized political system; stability of elite
role in transnational climate governance with a alignments; presence of elite allies; repression exer-
growing number of citizen climate initiatives, which cised by the state), our notion of opportunity struc-
are consequently driven by the motivation of indivi- ture is broader and encompasses any structures and
duals to engage in collective climate action.5,7,14 incentives at the national or international level that
Having said that, we recognize that there is a specific encourage or discourage collective action. Our defi-
literature—which is not reviewed here—elaborating nition echoes the role Adger22 assigns to the state in
on who expects individuals to get involved, what facilitating specific behavioral patterns.
these actors’ motivations are to mobilizing indivi- The overall aim of this review is to demonstrate
duals, and how they facilitate and govern citizen that both literatures constitute pieces of the same
involvement.15,16 puzzle, which is about how we can adequately
Individuals can support climate protection by respond to the challenges of climate change. The key
changing their consumption behavior, signing peti- difference between the literatures concerns their levels
tions, or other forms of political activism, to name of analysis, which at the same time also provides an
but a few examples. Another—and arguably more opportunity for merging them. We first focus on the
effective17—way to bring about system-wide transfor- contributions the literatures make individually to
mations in response to climate change entails collec- solving this puzzle. The major strength of this review,
tive action.14,18–25 Collective climate action such as however, stems from the second step, that is, its
neighborhood-based climate protection initiatives is attempt to illustrate the complementarity of the two
effective in three ways: First, membership in such citi- literatures.13,14,22 By conceiving networked climate
zen climate initiatives facilitates social learning and governance as an opportunity structure through
therefore brings about changes in the individuals’ atti- which collective climate action—defined as groups of
tudes and behavior5,6,19,20; second, climate initiatives individuals participating in the climate regime—can
can pave the way for policy innovations26–28; third, be facilitated, we strive to improve our understanding
especially institutionalized initiatives can influence cli- of how we can stimulate necessary processes of social
mate politics as a collective actor.14,20,22,29 With change.
regard to the third point, the new global architecture
of climate governance promises more institutional
venues and therefore more influence to citizen climate
initiatives. We focus on institutionalized groups of
individuals which are also addressed by the literatures Addressing anthropogenic climate change represents
on transnational advocacy or discourse a collective action problem par excellence. There is
networks,30,31 advocacy coalitions,32,33 and epistemic general consensus that greenhouse gas (GHG)
communities.34 In this context, it should be noted that emissions—most importantly carbon dioxide
not all aspects of individuals and their respective (CO2)—from human activities are the major drivers
behavior apply directly to collective actors, even of global warming.36 Limiting the global temperature
though certain aspects of broader questions on collec- increase to below 2 C above pre-industrial levels
tive action do transpire. requires ‘a profound transformation of energy sys-
Building on this premise, this review attempts to tems, through steep declines in carbon intensity
bring together two seemingly disparate research areas across all sectors.’37 Doing so, however, requires col-
on collective climate action and networked climate gov- lective action, that is, joint activities in the pursuit of
ernance with a view to advancing both literatures and a common interest.14,20,22,29
showcasing the value of inter-disciplinary research. Assuming that individuals would weigh the
Learning about factors stimulating engagement in benefits and costs of particular actions, Olson

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WIREs Climate Change Collective climate action and networked climate governance

cautioned that the former would not act collectively Collective Climate Action
due to participation costs.38 Individuals would rather The first theoretical and empirical phenomenon that
abstain from collective action and benefit from the this review addresses is collective climate
actions of others. This social dilemma is known as action.14,20,22,29 Wright et al. conceive of collective
‘free-riding.’ Based on this rationale, collective action action to occur any time when a person acts as a
for the provision of a common good critically ‘representative of the group and the action is directed
depends on whether or not benefits can only be at improving the conditions of the entire group.’42
obtained from participation. Hardin then extended Van Zomeren et al. argue that the decision of indivi-
this reasoning by highlighting the importance of duals to engage in collective action can be based on
states (through providing binding rules) or markets their perception that the problem in question is of a
(through providing property rights) for achieving col- collective nature.43,44 In other words, individuals
lective action.39 believe that joint effort can best solve the problem.
In the case of climate change, the common pool Since both problem and solution are perceived at the
resource at the center of collective action may be group level, pro-climate action depends on group or
understood as the relatively stable atmospheric con- collective efficacy beliefs.
ditions that have allowed natural and human activ- The literature in environmental and social psy-
ities to evolve.40 However, since Hardin’s early chology differentiates between intentions to engage
assertion that markets or states are indispensable to in collective climate action and actual behavior.45
produce common goods, other scholars have demon- While insightful research addresses both aspects, this
strated both theoretically and empirically that there review focuses on actual engagement in collective cli-
are other ways to overcome the collective action mate action since this is more compatible with the
problem. Notably, Ostrom argued that carefully concept of networked climate governance and also
designed institutional arrangements can in some cases more important with a view for the transformational
outperform states and markets to address collective changes needed to address climate change.4,5,17,23
action problems.41 Studying mainly small- to Collective climate action can target both climate
medium-sized common-pool resource systems, change mitigation (i.e., efforts to limit global warm-
Ostrom showed that in many cases, actors can self- ing) and adaptation (i.e., responses to anticipated
organize to build enduring management systems, and and present manifestations of climate change), and
that these arrangements are likely to be especially both forms have been analyzed in the litera-
successful if they follow a number of institutional ture.23,24,46 This review thereby focuses on
design principles: mitigation-related collective climate action.
Collective climate action can take many differ-
‘clearly defined boundaries; congruence between ent forms, including organizing and participating in
appropriation, provision rules, and local conditions; citizen initiatives, boycotts and buycotts, and
collective-choice arrangements; monitoring; gradu- demonstrations or even riots.43,47,48 Here we are
ated sanctions; conflict resolution mechanisms; mini- strictly interested in institutionalized and peaceful
mal recognition of rights to organize; nested forms of collective climate action, which often but
enterprises for common pool resources that are part not exclusively emerge from local levels. From this
of larger systems.’41 perspective, we are most interested in grassroots
groups working toward climate change mitigation.6
Remarkably, collective action problems can and It should be noted that grassroots organizations are
do occur both among individuals and states, meaning different from NGOs with regard to the possibilities
that free-riding affects the production of common they offer for collective action.49 Therefore, when-
goods in both realms. Therefore, even though at first ever we henceforth refer to collective climate action,
glance the two levels of analysis seem disparate, the we restrict our focus to that of citizen involvement
deeper and recurring question about collective action in grassroots organizations at the subnational
connects them. Another commonality is that despite (mostly local) level.
free-riding, individuals and states engage in coopera- For example, citizen renewable energy coopera-
tion.14,20,22,41 But the two do not necessarily march in tives have proliferated as the dominant form of
tandem: even when international negotiations are community-based energy initiatives in the last few
gridlocked or ineffective, the decentralized nature of years.18,50 Individual renewable energy cooperatives
transnational climate governance provides an oppor- differ starkly in terms of organization, financing, and
tunity structure for nonstate actors such as citizens’ membership,51 but all cooperatives have in common
climate initiatives to engage in cooperation.1,41 that the members jointly govern renewable energy

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production facilities at the local or regional scale. The concept of networked governance refers to
Another example of community-based collective cli- transnational climate partnerships that, according to
mate action is the Transition Towns movement,24 Bäckstrand, can correspond to the following three
having started with an initiative in the town of types: governmental, private-to-private, and public-
Totnes in the UK in 2005. The Transition Towns private (hybrid).64 Governmental climate partner-
movement focuses on the development of ships involve public authorities such as government
community-led responses to climate change and the units, cities, or (units of ) regional or international
finiteness of fossil fuels as well as increasing social organizations. Cooperation in governmental climate
and economic sustainability. The essence of this initi- partnerships is mostly achieved through soft forms
ative is to (re-)localize agriculture and food as well as of cooperation (e.g., by memoranda of understand-
energy production, use local building material and to ing), such as in the case of the Regional Greenhouse
invest in zero-energy housing, reduce waste, and con- Gas Initiative.9 Private-to-private partnerships
sider new approaches to waste management. Com- involve nonstate actors such as firms and/or NGOs
munities that are interested in joining the movement that collaborate with other firms and/or NGOs.65,66
must agree to a catalog of 16 criteria, which refer to Prominent examples include the certification scheme
communication, constitutional aims, knowledge, of the Forest Stewardship Council and the Pro-
skills, and working parameters.52 gramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-
The Transition Towns movement is widely tion.67 Scholars have paid most attention to hybrid
regarded as a success story due to its ‘formalised climate partnerships in which actors from the public
international organisational structure and its wide and private sectors establish joint transnational net-
geographical distribution.’36 This case highlights that works with a set of governance objectives.68 A well-
even if grassroots organizations engage in climate known example is the Clean Development Mechan-
action at the local level, they can diffuse to the ism, where national governments hold the supreme
regional, national, or international level. Another authority, while private actors are responsible for
example is the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, which is the oversight and daily supervision of the project-
active internationally and consists of volunteers who based mechanism.69 In this review we closely follow
engage with elected officials, the media, and the gen- Bäckstrand’s conception of networked climate gov-
eral public in order to build support for climate pro- ernance, which means focusing on transnational
tection measures. types of networked governance.64
The empirical reality which ‘denotes a shift
from intergovernmental regimes to public–private
Networked Climate Governance and increasingly private-private cooperation and
Studies in International Relations and International global policy-making’ furthermore justifies growing
Political Economy have traditionally focused on research on public–private partnerships.1 Drawing
international climate negotiations and their outcomes on the databases of transnational climate governance
in terms of producing a legally binding global climate initiatives by cities, NGOs, firms, and other substate
treaty.3,53–56 Given the negotiation outcomes, most and nonstate actors developed by Bulkeley et al.60
studies concentrated on identifying the reasons for and Hoffmann,70 Hale and Roger66 arrive at
the failure of international cooperation.57,58 How- 75 initiatives that primarily involve governance by
ever, in the past decade politicians and political scien- substate and/or non-state actors. Not only is the con-
tists had to acknowledge the proliferation of new siderable number of transnational climate partner-
actors and forms of global climate ships interesting, but also – and even more – the fact
governance.1,9,11,59–62 Ostrom stressed that a range that they are ‘orchestrated’ by states or international
of actors at different governance scales may have organizations.66 This finding resonates with Patt-
more capacity and willingness to address climate berg’s analysis of some 232 public-private partner-
change in a bottom-up fashion than previously ships emerging from the 2002 Johannesburg World
assumed.59 This approach, in turn, generates a heter- Summit on Sustainable Development, which showed
ogeneous, or polycentric, pattern of governance, that states dominate in terms of leadership and gen-
which appears to be emerging alongside UNFCCC- eral membership.68
driven approaches.60–62 The main feature of this new Do the different types of transnational climate
pattern of governance is that the traditional concept partnerships contribute differently to global climate
of hierarchically organized global climate governance governance? Andonova et al.9 show that all three
is complemented with a network model of decentra- forms of transnational climate partnerships fulfill
lized global climate governance.63 three governance functions: information-sharing,

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WIREs Climate Change Collective climate action and networked climate governance

capacity building, and rule-setting. Bäckstrand even and the increasing number of side events they
identifies four functions of transnational climate part- attract (Box 1). 71
nerships: advocacy, rule and standard setting, rule
implementation, and service provisions.64 Despite
differences in their composition, all three types of Connecting Climate Action and Networked
transnational climate partnerships can, in principle, Governance
fulfill the same types of functions, although there is Given our definition of collective climate action as
variation in the specific instruments which they use. individuals engaging with grassroots organizations
Broadly speaking, transnational climate part- active at the local level, the link to networked gov-
nerships fulfill an important role in the global climate ernance should be straightforward. Regardless of
regime, as their purpose is to ‘implement multilateral whether the climate actions operate at the local,
rules and targets in the UNFCCC.’64 There are addi- regional, national, or international level, networked
tional factors to explain the influence of transna- governance provides an opportunity structure for the
tional climate partnerships on the negotiation involvement of these initiatives in transnational cli-
outcomes. One possibility is provided by the mate governance. Collins and Ison19 even go one step
COP, a vital component of the UNFCCC process, further to claim that the new global climate govern-
ance architecture means that the ‘participation of citi-
zens, groups, organizations and businesses is now an
BOX 1 essential element to tackle climate change.’
In most cases, local initiatives form networks
GOVERNANCE with other local initiatives and participate in net-
worked governance as ‘transnational networks’—a
Governance can be understood as ‘shaping soci-
mode of operating that has also proven attractive for
ety in desired directions.’105 While the state
cities and municipalities that have formed their own
plays a key role in governing,28 most studies in
networks (e.g. Energy Cities).66 Cities engage in
governance are interested in why nonstate
actors take matters into their own hands and
transnational climate partnerships through their own
act as substitutes for or in collaboration with networks, but also by participating in broader trans-
government. In other words, it is about the national networks such as the Climate Action Net-
relationship and cooperation of state and non- work (CAN).19 We can observe similar patterns for
state actors in solving societal problems. The the participation of citizen climate initiatives in net-
past decades have witnessed an increase in the worked governance. The Transition Towns move-
governance of common goods involving public ment, for instance, very visibly participates in
and private—or state and nonstate—actors. transnational climate partnerships.36,52 The
This phenomenon has been analyzed by many European Federation for Groups and Cooperatives
different terms including private governance, of Citizens for Renewable Energy and Energy Effi-
civil regulation, voluntary governance, co-gov- ciency ( is another collective action net-
ernance, transnational or global governance, or work at the local level, having formed a network to
corporate social responsibility.10 Governance as participate in transnational climate partnerships. In
a concept is also used in anthropology, commu- short, grassroots organizations are increasingly tak-
nication science, economics, sociology, and psy- ing part in networked climate governance.70,72,73
chology. In anthropology, the role of cultural Given the growing importance of nonstate
values for the working of governance is actor involvement in global climate politics, there
addressed. In communication science, the role has been increasing interest in their agency and
of political and social communication lies at the authority as well as their legitimacy.71 With regard
heart of governance-related research. Transac- to grassroots movements, we focus on effectiveness
tion costs, as well as how governance can help
and legitimacy considerations. We begin with the
to reduce them, have been examined by econo-
concept of legitimacy, which Bäckstrand64—in the
mists. Studies in sociology are interested in the
specific context of networked governance—conceives
complexity of how governance is achieved, and
how social environment and institutional rules
to result from accountability. More precisely, she dis-
affects governance systems. Since governance is tinguishes between participatory accountability
about behavioral steering, it is closely intercon- (i.e., the representation of various stakeholders),
nected with psychological concepts such as transparency, and the availability of monitoring
nudging.83 mechanisms. Here, we focus on the first aspect,
namely to what extent a wide range of stakeholder

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groups can formally participate in the network question by reviewing theories of behavior change
(i.e., participatory accountability). Growing numbers and pathway models to collective climate action.
of grassroots organizations are expected to increase These scholarly debates offer insights into why indi-
the inclusiveness of transnational climate partner- viduals may or may not participate in actions at the
ships and therefore their legitimacy. With regard to group level.
the effectiveness of grassroots movements involved in
transnational climate partnerships, the assessment
criteria are ‘the products and activities partnerships Theories of Behavior Change
produce and the behavioural changes that can be How can we motivate individuals to take pro-
attributed to these activities.’68 environmental actions? This question has been
Thus far, few studies have systematically addressed by a vast corpus of literature.5 One of the
assessed the success and failure of grassroots innova- most prominent explanations has been that indivi-
tions addressing climate change.36 However, some duals do not participate in pro-environmental actions
have argued that grassroots organizations potentially due to a lack of information.75 The corresponding lit-
increase the effectiveness of networked governance. erature argues that filling this information deficit
Hale,74 for instance, argues that such initiatives can should stimulate individual behavior change. How-
successfully mobilize individuals to bring about the ever, the simple view that providing people with
necessary social change to address climate change. information on climate change science will lead to
Building on the literature on social innovation, Sey- direct and significant behavior change in a linear way
fang and Smith6 find that ‘grassroots innovations has been challenged quite early in the literature, as
appear good at creating alternatives for sustainable other factors such as pre-existing knowledge and
development, but they do not connect forcefully with structural constraints influence how individuals proc-
mainstream socio-technical regimes.’ Put differently, ess and act on such information.76 This is, of course,
grassroots organizations are perceived as drivers of not to say that public climate change education is
social innovation and social learning.20 Given the unnecessary and it certainly remains an important
limited discussion of how grassroots organizations part of climate change governance, but precisely how
may increase the effectiveness of networked climate and to whom one communicates influences how indi-
governance, this is certainly a promising avenue for viduals receive and process information.77
future research. A key issue with climate change is that it is
All in all, drawing on existing research,12–14 we often perceived as hardly relevant to people’s daily
believe that there is a connection between collective lives.78 A suggested remedy thus involves tailoring
climate action and networked climate governance, climate change messages in order to highlight its
which we seek to explore in greater detail in this proximal consequences. Yet Brügger et al.79 explain
review. By systematically combining insights pro- that the effect of more localized climate change infor-
vided by the literatures on collective climate action mation depends very much on how that information
and networked climate governance, we should be interacts with the receiving individuals’ general char-
able to generate a significantly improved understand- acteristics and how they process that information.
ing of the drivers of and barriers to transformational For example, proximal information may act as a
social change that have proven necessary in respond- deterrent to individuals who value wider commu-
ing to climate change.4,23 nities and the environment. Furthermore, Schoenefeld
and McCauley80 show that empirical evidence does
not support a straightforward, self-interest-based the-
DETERMINANTS OF INDIVIDUAL orization of this issue. In fact, people with more self-
PARTICIPATION IN COLLECTIVE interested value orientations who received local cli-
mate information were found to disengage from cli-
mate change action and policy support, producing a
Given that the devastating consequences of climate ‘reactance effect.’ Thus, simply highlighting the local
change, the contribution of human activities, and the effects of climate change is unlikely to unequivocally
difficulties of governments in adopting adequate pol- stimulate action. Making such approaches effective
icy responses manifest ever more strongly, civil soci- requires a deep contextual understanding of the tar-
ety has become an important source of climate policy get audience.79
innovations and collective climate action.65 But what In a similar vein, moving climate change closer
motivates individuals to engage in such group-level to people by highlighting potential co-benefits of cli-
collective action? This section addresses this research mate change policy59,81 has generated mixed

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WIREs Climate Change Collective climate action and networked climate governance

empirical evidence. Some researchers indeed found been shown to influence the pro-environmental inten-
that individuals—particularly those who were tions.91 Finally, drawing on a survey of Swedish
already concerned about climate change—responded households, Nässén et al.92 show that concerns over
positively to reframing climate change by, for exam- environmental protection and climate change, inter
ple, focusing on public health benefits.77 But others alia, lower the individuals’ consumption-accounted
found the opposite, even when taking into account GHG emissions.
pre-existing individual characteristics such as beliefs The third literature builds upon social norms as
in the gravity of climate change, climate change drivers of pro-environmental behavior. A social norm
awareness or political ideology.82 may be defined as what individuals deem normal
An informational intervention that has received behavior in any given situation.93 When used in
considerable high-level attention by policy-makers is informational interventions, norm-based messaging
the ‘nudge’ approach popularized by Thaler and Sun- has been shown to strongly influence a range of indi-
stein.83 Their argument goes that because humans vidual decisions and behavior related to climate
have limited cognitive capacity to process informa- change, including energy conservation or the use of
tion and often rely on heuristics in their decision- environmental resources.94 This also holds true for a
making, small interventions, such as choosing default range of climate-change related behavior, and norms
options when presenting a range of choices are often stronger than a range of other drivers.23
(e.g., making double-sided printing a default option) Studies have shown that the most effective
can have significant positive influences in a range of norm-based messages are those that correspond most
fields, possibly including climate change.84,85 closely with the characteristics of a group to which
The second strand of the literature examines an individual belongs.95 The relationship between
the role of individual psychological drivers of behav- norms and pro-environmental behavior is further
ior change including values, attitudes, beliefs, and mediated by how connected individuals feel to a par-
concerns. Values, or ‘enduring belief[s] that a specific ticular group from which they draw their norms.96
mode of conduct or end-state of existence is person- However, using such descriptive social norms—that
ally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse is, describing what other people do—can backfire, as
mode of conduct or end-state of existence,’86 corre- people who perform better than the norm may adjust
late strongly and consistently with pro-environmental their behavior toward what they perceive as
and pro-climate behavior. As Corner et al.87 empha- normal—the so-called ‘boomerang effect.’97 How-
size in their detailed review, individuals with ‘self- ever, adding an ‘injunctive norm,’ or a message that
transcendent’ value orientations (such as caring indicates what is normally considered desirable or
about wider communities, or the environment) ‘good’ behavior, has been shown to reduce this effect.
engage more in pro-environmental behavior than In sum, social norms have proven consequential in
people who privilege ‘self-enhancing’ values that information-based interventions, but they must be
focus on individual gain or status.80 Attitudes may handled carefully to avoid potentially backfiring.
be defined as ‘a learned predisposition to respond in There are also a range of additional variables
a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner that have been shown to influence pro-environmental
with respect to a given object.’88 Large-scale meta- behavior and thus an individual’s willingness to par-
analyses have shown that, in contrast to values, atti- ticipate in group-level climate action. Newer studies
tudes are less enduring and less linked with pro- highlighted that not only the variable of climate-
environmental behavior.89 Given that attitudes are related information—that is, factual knowledge—as
less engrained, other factors, such as knowledge or such matters, but rather how the information is com-
structural constraints to address climate change are municated and which emotions it induces.98 As
likely to play important roles.21,90 Likewise, beliefs Leviston et al.78 show in a recent study, people tend
have been found to be weaker predictors of taking to associate a range of images with climate change,
action than values.88 However, it is worth noting and some of these images have differing affective
that wider beliefs about science in general influence responses: Linking climate change with disaster
how people interact with climate change. Recent appeared to generate higher emotional arousal than
research has shown that giving people messages linking it with deserted landscapes. While tapping
about rapid progress in science tends to reduce their into human emotions can be crucial to help indivi-
willingness to engage in pro-environmental behav- duals understand the full moral dimensions of cli-
ior.90 By the same token, beliefs and appeals about mate change risks,99 so far researchers have generally
environmental justice (e.g., the distributions of envi- cautioned against fear-based appeals to stimulate
ronmental effects on different groups in society) have action on climate change, as these have been shown

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to be potentially counterproductive as they can make the efficacy, the emotions and the identity pathways.
people feel helpless and overwhelmed.7,45,100 How- Importantly, this theory goes beyond assessing indi-
ever, Pidgeon and Fischhoff101 argue that ‘appropri- vidual behaviors and their correlates precisely
ately framed emotional appeals can motivate climate because it takes into account the effects of group
action, given the right supporting conditions.’ With identity and issues such as politicization. This matters
regard to the latter, the authors, among others, stress because collective action is, per definition, a group
the importance of identifying viable ways to act on activity typically undertaken to achieve a common
climate change as well as invoking feelings of per- aim. More recent research has not only validated this
sonal control and support of others.99 model, but also begun to add potential additional
factors, such as social norms and sense of group
identity and collective responsibility.23,102 Taken
Pathway Models together, there is thus a strong indication that in
Recently a strand of literature has developed that addition to the factors discussed above, identity and
uses concepts in environmental and social psychology affect play important roles in stimulating collective
to investigate reactions to climate change that are action to address climate change.
closely associated with the work of Bamberg
et al.23–25,89 Accordingly, Bamberg et al.24 indicate
four pathways leading to collective climate action. INTEGRATING COLLECTIVE CLIMATE
The first pathway builds on the reasoning of Olson38 ACTION AND NETWORKED
and contends that individuals are more likely to par-
ticipate in collective action if there is no other way
for obtaining the associated benefits, that is, through Studies in behavioral sciences often concentrate on
selective incentives. The second pathway we already the determinants of human behavior. Our review
briefly sketched above: the collective efficacy path- summarized numerous factors that determine an indi-
way. The reasoning underlying this pathway is that vidual’s willingness to participate in local-level cli-
rational individuals will participate in collective mate action. Rather than stressing differences or
action if they perceive that the group as a whole is incompatibilities between the approaches and vari-
able to successfully organize and conduct collective ables reviewed, we follow Capstick et al.103 and
actions. Closely related to this is the third pathway: emphasize numerous overlaps and complementari-
group-based emotions pathway. It reasons that ‘indi- ties. Adding to this important perspective, we argue
viduals first appraise whether their disadvantage is at that it is crucial to pay close attention to contextual
group-level, then appraise whether the group disad- factors influencing individual behavior. This
vantage is fair, legitimate, and just. Appraising the approach resonates with the broader argument that
collective disadvantage negatively evokes group- there are no general panaceas that will work irrespec-
based anger, and motivates individuals to take collec- tive of local governance contexts.104 This means that
tive action.’24 The fourth pathway refers to social general lessons about the effects of information,
identity theory, which is widely regarded as one of values, norms, emotions, or identity emerging from
the most influential theories in social psychology. It relevant literatures need to be considered in specific
rests on the assumption that individuals partly define governance contexts.105
themselves through group memberships, and come to Recent studies on collective climate action have
think, feel, and act as group members.23 Given this taken the embeddedness of individuals in social con-
basic reasoning, social identity theory has been texts into account.23–25,43,44,106–108 We contend that
linked with a wide range of behavioral outcomes that developing a much deeper understanding of what
can be understood as occurring out of the joint inter- drives individuals to participate in collective action
est of the group. From this, it follows that a strong needs to go one step further and pay attention to the
sense of collective identity is needed for group mem- ‘extent to which state and other actors configure the
bers to engage in collective action.24 fabric and the texture of daily life.’106 At the most
A further development of this perspective is the basic level, the characteristics of political systems
integrative social identity model of collective action matter: Because democracies offer more opportu-
proposed by van Zomeren et al.44 These scholars nities for participation and initiative than autocra-
propose three underlying drivers of collective action, cies, the former are likely better at stimulating
namely the perceived existence of social injustice; effi- collective climate action than the latter.15,16,45,109,110
cacy (related to behavioral control—see above); and Building on this line of thought, we argue that the
identity. In other words, it is a model that integrates changes in the global climate governance architecture

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

WIREs Climate Change Collective climate action and networked climate governance

and especially growing opportunities for non-state (e.g., by appreciating their attitudes, beliefs, and
actor participation constitute an important contex- values) and address the local and regional context
tual factor that is worth taking into are more likely to enhance the individuals’ engage-
consideration.14,22 ment with climate change. But the mass media tend
More specifically, we argue that the notion of to represent climate change as a global action prob-
opportunity structure35 is an apt concept to link the lem.109 Following the previous reasoning and consid-
literatures on collective climate action with studies of ering the importance of the mass media in
networked climate governance. The use of the con- communicating climate change,111,112 one would
cept of opportunity structures allows for constructing expect that the emphasis placed on the global dimen-
an overarching analytical perspective that echoes sion of climate change could entail disengagement
prominent political science theories. For example, the from collective climate action. As Wolf and Moser45
influential advocacy coalition framework holds that reason, the ‘immensity of this ‘global’ problem versus
the attainment of political goals is determined by the individual actions’ is likely to make people feel help-
actor coalitions’ beliefs and resources, as well as the less and discourage them from participating in
strategies they apply given the institutional venue in group-level action.
which they operate.31,32 By our understanding, Carefully crafted strategic communication
group-level climate actions operate within the con- approaches can potentially address some of these dif-
text of networked climate governance. We expect ficulties.112 Individuals need to understand that
that transnational climate networks determine which transnational climate partnerships exist and how they
strategies groups choose in order to pursue their function, but at the same time communicators need
interests at the national and the international level. to remain cognizant of local contexts as well as the
At the same time, we posit that knowledge regarding full range of psycho-social and contextual factors we
the existence of networked governance and the possi- discussed above. To recall, collective climate action
bility to influence international climate politics affects through grassroots organizations is an integrative
the decision of individuals to join group-level initia- component of networked climate governance.60,64,68
tives. In what follows we concentrate on this second Therefore, audiences need more systematic informa-
aspect. tion about the global climate governance architecture
How do individuals become aware of the con- and how the latter is linked with local-level action.
text in which they make decisions? They can either However, when doing so, it matters immensely to
observe this context directly or indirectly. At the take into account prevailing social norms, value
local level, for instance, people—especially those with orientations, pre-existing knowledge and other
extensive personal networks—can observe their psycho-social variables, as well as the nature of wider
socio-political and socio-technological context more social practices and the physical environment.5,13 For
easily. They can directly observe the need and the example, if there is already a social norm, or indeed
opportunity structure for engagement in climate a wider social practice to collaborate in other areas,
action—such as, for example, starting an energy and if people believe that climate change is a problem
cooperative to supply their community energy.18 At and value their natural environment as well as the
higher levels, however, individuals cannot directly well-being of other communities, and if the physical
evaluate their action context and thus rely on infor- conditions are such that actions can reasonably be
mation from other sources. But this creates an impor- taken (e.g., there are feasible sources of renewable
tant dilemma, because the empirical evidence on the energies), then it makes sense to anchor any commu-
effectiveness of climate change information and nication in these key community characteristics.
knowledge to stimulate collective action is mixed at When thinking of communication, one may
best. A starting point to resolve this issue is that think of the mass media, but communication is also
information effectiveness very much depends on the transmitted in other forms. For example, politicians
characteristics of receivers and at times on those of may invite citizens to participate in climate actions and
the communicators.77 Thus, singular and decontextu- explain that their efforts are not confined to the local
alized information provision is unlikely to induce sig- level, but will transpire to higher levels. Likewise,
nificant shifts in knowledge, beliefs and subsequent NGOs could communicate the nature of networked cli-
climate change-related behavior.105 mate governance and how the existence of this struc-
Communicating in context is thus an important ture helps to make a difference at the global level.
way forward. For example, O’Neill and Nicholson- Done in this way, improving knowledge about net-
Cole100 argue that communication approaches that worked climate governance and potentially offering a
account for individuals’ ‘personal points of reference’ range of other opportunities to engage could empower

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


individuals to feel that their actions are meaningful and The discussion above shows that there is an
not confined to the local level, but that they can important connection between networked govern-
contribute—by participating in transnational climate ance and research on the determinants of individual
networks—in solving the problem at the global level.6 participation in collective climate action. To under-
Doing so may especially engage young people by stand this connection, we need to conceive of net-
showing them what they can do and how their actions worked climate governance as an opportunity
have an impact beyond their neighborhood.77 structure, which may upscale local-level climate
Again, the Transitions Town movement is a action and encourage citizens’ involvement. Given
suitable example. While being a local initiative, the the complexity of global climate governance, how-
members are committed to networking with a view ever, it is important to explain opportunity structures
to expanding the movement’s geographical in understandable ways, which bears some chal-
scope.36,52 The fact that the individual movements lenges. On the one hand, organizations participating
are local provides an important venue for individual in networked governance will need to invest in com-
involvement, while strategic communication about munication, but resource constraints may make
the geographical spread and membership in new doing so difficult. On the other hand, the approach
transnational climate partnerships additionally sig- requires some basic recognition of the new global cli-
nals that impact reaches well beyond the local level. mate governance architecture and the crucial role of
individual actors through collective action. Mobiliz-
ing individuals through transnational climate part-
nerships calls for some agreement on and support for
BOX 2 this new governance form by all actors involved,
including states (Box 2).
The Climate CoLab project is a crowdsourcing FUTURE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES
platform where people discuss proposals for The reasoning above prompts three research ques-
what to do about climate change. Under the tions to guide future research: the first one refers to
heading ‘How can we mobilize individuals and
the empirical testing regarding the postulated rela-
society to shift behaviors in order to address cli-
tionship between the contextual communication of
mate change?’ numerous innovative proposals
the opportunity structures provided by networked
were presented. All proposals aim to connect
global climate change with individual and com-
governance and greater incentives for engagement in
munity values to promote the adoptions of collective action. One would initially need to assess
climate-friendly behavior. One of them is about how much respondents know about existing govern-
sending messages to friends and family about ance networks and what other socio-psychological
climate change. Other suggestions target the factors are relevant in driving collective action in a
community level and, for example, concern particular case (and whether there are any factors
devising ‘community-specific behavior change that extant literatures have not yet identified). Doing
communication and cascade messages through so will paint a much more detailed and sophisticated
different organizations at that level.’ One pro- picture of the relative efficacy of a range of factors in
posal calls for involving selected journalists in stimulating collective action. It would also assist
communicating the findings of climate science social learning as local initiatives go transnational;
for increasing the public’ attention to them. for example, other groups would be able to gauge
Another proposal is to create a global lottery to whether the key factors that led to success or failure
raise the funds necessary for mitigating climate elsewhere can be reasonably expected to be relevant
change. A second network worth mentioning is to them. Subsequent analyses could then implement
Climate Outreach, which seeks to communicate framing analyses98 to investigate whether or not the
climate change knowledge to much broader
opportunity structures provided by networked gov-
audiences through interactions and conversa-
ernance influences individuals’ willingness to engage
tion that resonate with people’s values. Climate
in collective climate action. Doing so would particu-
Outreach targets new audiences, including the
Center-Right, faith groups, young people, and larly allow for testing which of the pathways dis-
people who have been displaced as a result of cussed above drive collective climate actions most
climate change. effectively, and what contextual factors matter most.
To recall, Bamberg et al.24 identify four mechanisms

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

WIREs Climate Change Collective climate action and networked climate governance

through which individuals can be motivated to par- From this perspective, grassroots organizations may
ticipate in group-level action, including selective lose their competitive advantage in such constella-
incentives, rationality considerations, emotions, and tions if large parts of their demands are taken up by
social identity. Which of these pathways would be more powerful advocacy coalitions. Alternatively,
most effective? And how can they highlight that more specific theories on climate policy innovations28
local-level climate action can transpire to the global could be applied to address this research question.
level? These are questions worth investigating in
future research.
The second area relates to the role of grassroots
organizations in transnational climate partnerships.
What is their influence vis-à-vis the other members of This review had two key starting points: first, the
such networks that are arguably more powerful? empirical manifestation of a growing number of
Importantly, Uphoff49 systematically compared the transnational climate partnerships1,64,68; second, the
participation of grassroots organizations and NGOs to realization that adequate responses to climate change
show that they differ in their collective action possibili- require innovative policy responses28 and collective
ties, which we expect to be reflected in how they can action14 on a variety of scales to bring about funda-
participate in global climate governance. While there is mental social change.4 While disparate at first glance,
a small but growing literature on the global diffusion the new global climate governance architecture and
of grassroots organizations,36 studies of networked cli- collective climate action connect in important ways.
mate governance have paid less attention to how As we argue above, networked climate governance
exactly these organizations participate in networked serves as an opportunity structure for collective cli-
climate governance via-à-vis the other members. mate action in the sense that it may potentially
Empirical data provided by Bulkeley et al.,60 Hale and encourage individuals to join group-level climate
Roger,66 Pattberg,68 and Hoffmann,70 could serve as a actions. The rationale underlying this expectation is
starting point for addressing this research question. that individuals who are, in principal, willing to partic-
ipate in such initiatives (e.g., renewable energy coop-
Moreover, such a perspective would fit nicely with
eratives) may be even more convinced to do so when
studies of transnational advocacy networks30 and epi-
they realize that their actions transpire beyond the
stemic communities.34 Another possibility for attaining
local level and when doing so matches their broader
an analytical value-added is to examine the effective-
value, norm, and identity-based orientations. At the
ness of transnational climate networks of varying com-
same time, networked governance requires social inno-
positions with a view to learning which of them is
vation6,26,36,73,113 and learning19,114 to produce effec-
more influential in climate politics. This perspective
tive climate change responses. Currently,
would directly draw on the concept of advocacy coali-
comparatively few grassroots organizations—the form
tions, as put forward by Sabatier.31 of local-level collective at the center of this review—
The third avenue for future research is about participate in networked climate governance.68 This
how participation in transnational climate partner- might be due to two factors: First, it is a deliberate
ships may affect the internal structures and manage- decision of grassroots organizations to concentrate
ment of grassroots organizations. A first crucial step their activities on the local level; second, generally only
involves building networks at the regional, national few grassroots organizations exist that could partici-
or international level, a potentially resource-intensive pate in transnational climate governance. With regard
activity.14 However, spreading ideas via networks to the second explanation, we would argue that
may reduce the innovative capacity of grassroots grassroots organizations could become better repre-
organizations as they shift attention from content to sented in networked climate governance if a greater
organizational forms that can be easily adopted else- number of individuals joined them. Different varieties
where. The rather specific issue focus of grassroots of psychological literatures suggest that the individuals’
organizations49 generates important questions about decisions to join such collective attempts are deter-
what happens to these organizations once other mined by their perceptions of the efficacy of collective
actors in the governance network adopt their key action along with group-based emotions, social iden-
messages or approaches.113 Again, the advocacy coa- tity, as well as social norms and values.23–25
lition framework31 may provide a useful analytical Drawing on the psychological literature and
perspective for addressing this question since the combining it with studies in communication science,
essence of that framework is that actor coalitions one way to potentially stimulate more collective
compete against each other over political influence. action is to use communication.107 Providing

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


individuals with information about the possibility with and compete against each other over political
that their local initiatives may contribute to transna- influence. The individuals can be accommodated in
tional climate governance could spark their interest this framework in such a way that they decide which
in getting involved. The information can be supplied advocacy coalition - if any - to join depending on how
by policy-makers or private actors such as NGOs they perceive the institutional venues. Exploring and
either directly or indirectly by relying on the media. potentially strengthening this link will greatly enrich
Yet one must bear in mind that the communication our current understanding of climate governance and
strategies used must be crafted carefully with a view ultimately contribute to its effectiveness.
to providing encouragement rather than discourage- As stated above, the core objective of this review
ment.45 Moreover, we want to stress that this finding was to build bridges between different types of litera-
is derived from studies in the fields of communication tures and levels of analysis. Given this goal we did not
science and psychology. Sociological research contends pay attention to contributions within the respective
that beliefs, values, and attitudes are co-constituted literatures, which represent more controversial views
by behavior and social practices. Following this view, or stress uncertainties inherent to the theoretical
the media could not be assigned such a prominent lenses applied. We focused on individuals and the
role in encouraging individuals to participate in structures that surround them, but acknowledge this
grassroots movements.5,8,105,106,112,115 Rather, socio- is a somewhat limited analytical perspective. Argua-
logical research makes a plea for the ‘generation and bly, conceptualizing individuals as atomistic, rational
circulation of elements of which variously sustainable actors, or by contrast as entirely constrained by insti-
practices are made.’106 tutions or discourses are extreme ends of an extensive
Greater participation in citizen climate initiatives continuum. We believe that depending on the issue
may then stimulate the inclusiveness of networked and contextual circumstances, most cases will fall
governance—by expanding grassroots organization somewhere on this continuum (rather than the ends).
participation—and contribute to responding to climate In a world where everything is controlled by rigid and
change with the necessary ambition in terms of bring- unmovable discourses, it seems futile to even begin to
ing about fundamental social change. Moreover, think of change emanating from individuals, but there
citizen climate initiatives could help to devise and are many examples where this does appear to happen,
spread more innovative climate policy measures, as as we show in the article. By the same token, assum-
multiple local-level initiatives are expected to contrib- ing that individuals are staunch, unconstrained
ute their respective views on the causes of climate rationalists who can make whatever choice they like
change and the solutions they have experimented under any circumstances is equally unreasonable. In
with.70 Using this analytical perspective would enrich fact, we show in numerous ways how a range of
the study of networked climate governance with key external factors influence individuals, at times in irra-
questions on climate policy innovation.28 tional ways. With any particular issue, it is the task
More broadly, we argue that there is considera- of sound social research to identify the opportunities
ble interdependence between networked climate gov- and constraints emanating from the complex nexus
ernance and collective climate action and we made an of individuals, social structures, and other elements,
attempt to overcome existing disciplinary boundaries such as characteristics of the material world. All are
to advance this perspective. While the networked cli- likely to play some role in transformational
mate governance idea originated in International responses to climate change.4
Relations and governance studies, collective climate We believe that the literatures we considered in
action is associated with psychology, sociology, eco- this overview provide useful pointers for researchers
nomics, and related disciplines. Despite the different to explore climate change-related issues with a view
levels of analysis (i.e., states or transnational climate to individual, social structures, and the material
partnerships versus individuals), recurring questions world. Yet we would like to flag that there exist
on the logic of collection action problems connects other theoretical perspectives and assessments of the
these literatures. Remarkably, the connection between empirical phenomena presented here and we invite
networked climate governance and collective climate future research to consider engaging with these litera-
action we highlighted resembles prominent theories of tures in a view to complete the picture we presented.
policy change in political science. Previously we dis- Alongside our call to consider a multitude of
cussed that networked climate governance can be con- theoretical perspectives when investigating the rela-
ceived as an analytical concept known as institutional tionship between collective climate action and net-
venue in the advocacy coalition framework,31,32 worked climate governance, there are several
which determines how different actor groups interact empirical research questions that warrant future

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

WIREs Climate Change Collective climate action and networked climate governance

attention. While we have already highlighted some of following the insights offered by Pattberg68: does a
these in the previous section, we believe that investi- growing number of grassroots movements involved
gating whether networked climate governance is in transnational climate partnerships lead to new
helping grassroots organizations to become more activities that then lead to behavioral changes? This
central players in climate politics, or whether these is just one of many worthy research questions bring-
groups remain at the fringes, is of particular ing together global climate governance and social
importance.6,47,113,116–118 In other words and change attained by individuals

We thank the ISCH COST Action IS1309 for funding. We acknowledge helpful comments on an earlier version
of this manuscript by two anonymous reviewers and Stephanie Austin. Felix Scholl deserves credit for editorial
assistance and Hannah Schachter for language editing.

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