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Year 7 Home learning

Circle the correct answers. 4) Complete this sentence from the Ten
Commandments: "You shall have______
1) Where did Moses receive the Ten
Commandments from God? no rest for the weary.
Mount Ararat no other gods before me.
The Dead Sea manna from Heaven.
Mount Sinai a feast in my honour.
Mount of Olives

5) Which is NOT one of the Ten

2) In what form did God appear to Moses when
he delivered the Ten Commandments? You shall not murder.
A cloud of smoke and fire You shall not steal.
A burning bush You shall not eat meat on the Sabbath.
A very bright light You shall not give false testimony against your
A golden calf

3) Complete this sentence from the Ten 6) Fill in the blank: You shall not _____ your
Commandments: "I am the Lord, your God, neighbour’s house.
who delivered you from sin.
steal from
who created you.
burn down
the God of your forefathers.
who brought you out of the land of Egypt.

4) Complete this sentence from the Ten

Commandments: "You shall have______

no rest for the weary.

no other gods before me.

manna from Heaven. Stretch: Are these commandments still relevant today? Write your opinion and say why you think what you
a feast in my honour.

5) Which is NOT one of the Ten


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