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Computer Engineering Project Topic Name

A Report On


“Animated Rainbow"

Submitted from the



Department of Computer Engineering

Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology
(Polytechnic), Shendre, Satara.

Academic Year – 2023-24

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Computer Engineering Project Topic Name

Vidyavardhini Charitable trust

Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology
Shahunagar -Shendre, Satara.

This is to certify that:

Yash Bhosale :52

Smita Deshmukh:53
Harshada Gaikwad:54


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Sr. Index Page No.

1. Abstract

2. Action plan

3. Introduction

4. Project Objective

5. Algorithm

6. Flowchart

7. Program

8. Output

9 Implementation of microproject

1. Conclusion

2. Reference

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This microproject explores the development of an Animated Rainbow Generator (ARG) within
the domain of computer graphics. The primary objective is to create a visually appealing and
dynamic rainbow animation using fundamental principles of color theory and graphical
rendering techniques. The project involves designing and implementing algorithms to generate
realistic rainbow patterns, considering factors such as light dispersion, reflection, and refraction.

The Animated Rainbow Generator will be developed as a standalone application, providing users
with customizable parameters to control the appearance and behavior of the animated rainbow.
The underlying technology will leverage graphics programming concepts, including shaders and
rendering pipelines, to achieve a high level of realism in the rainbow representation.

Additionally, the project aims to incorporate interactive elements, allowing users to manipulate
environmental conditions such as light source position and atmospheric effects to observe how
these factors influence the appearance of the animated rainbow. This interactive feature enhances
the educational aspect of the microproject, offering users an engaging platform to explore and
understand the visual phenomena associated with rainbows.

Ultimately, the Animated Rainbow Generator microproject not only focuses on creating a
visually captivating animation but also serves as an educational tool to deepen users'
understanding of the underlying principles of optics and computer graphics. This project aligns
with the broader goal of combining art and science to create an immersive and interactive
learning experience in the field of computer graphics.

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Sr. Details of Activity Start Finish Responsible

No. Date Date Team Member

1. Selected the topic for Micro Smita

project Deshmukh
2. Organized things required
for Micro project
3. Browsed for information of
raw data
4. Attended extra lecture for
5. Prepared notes accordingly

6. Created Word document

with our teacher’s help
7. Made required corrections
after discussion
8. Also created a PDF
document to make a hard
copy of the report

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In the realm of computer graphics, the creation of visually captivating and dynamic animations
has become a fascinating field of exploration. This microproject, titled "Animated Rainbow
Generator," aims to delve into the synthesis of vibrant and lively rainbows through computer-
generated imagery (CGI).

Rainbows, with their kaleidoscopic hues, have long captivated human imagination. This
microproject seeks to leverage the power of programming and graphic design to bring forth a
digital rendition of this natural phenomenon. By employing algorithms and creative coding
techniques, we aim to simulate the mesmerizing play of colors seen in a rainbow, bringing it to
life on the digital canvas.

Through this exploration, we will not only venture into the technical intricacies of computer
graphics but also engage in the artistic challenge of representing a dynamic and visually
appealing rainbow. The project will involve the use of programming languages such as Python or
JavaScript, along with relevant graphics libraries, to manipulate pixels and create the illusion of
movement and color blending.

This microproject serves as an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the intersection of

programming, mathematics, and art. As we embark on this journey, we will encounter challenges
that prompt us to think critically about light physics, color theory, and animation principles,
enriching our understanding of CGI.

In the subsequent phases of this microproject, we will explore various aspects of rainbow
animation, including color interpolation, light dispersion, and dynamic rendering. By the
project's conclusion, we aim to have developed a visually stunning and interactive animated
rainbow, showcasing the amalgamation of technical prowess and creative expression in the realm
of computer graphics.

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The objective of the CGR microproject is to create an animated rainbow, leveraging computer
graphics techniques. This involves designing and implementing a visually appealing rainbow
animation through programming and graphic manipulation. The project aims to explore concepts
such as color blending, animation sequencing, and possibly user interactivity. By successfully
completing this microproject, participants will gain practical experience in computer graphics
programming and enhance their skills in creating dynamic visual effects.

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1.Set up the programming environment and canvas for animation.

2. Create Rainbow Bands:

1.Define the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV).

2.Divide the canvas into bands, each representing a color of the rainbow.

3. Animate Rainbow Movement:

1. Utilize animation techniques (e.g., frame-by-frame rendering or interpolation) to simulate
the movement of the rainbow across the canvas.

4. User Interaction:
1.Implement user controls to interact with the animation (e.g., start, stop, speed control).

5. Rainbow Loop:
1.Ensure the rainbow loops seamlessly to create a continuous animated effect.

6. Optimization:
1.Optimize the rendering process for smooth animation performance.

7. Dynamic Features:
1.Introduce dynamic elements, such as varying rainbow thickness or pulsating colors, to
enhance visual appeal.

8. Background Effects:
1.Consider incorporating complementary background effects to enhance the overall visual

9. Documentation:
1.Document the code, providing clear comments for better understanding.

10. Testing:
1.Perform thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs or glitches.

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11. User Feedback:

1.Gather user feedback for potential improvements and adjustments.

12. Finalization:
1.Ensure the project meets the specified requirements and objectives.
Remember to adapt the algorithm based on the programming language and platform
requirements for your microproject.

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void rainbow()

int gdriver = DETECT,gmode;

int x, y, i;


x = getmaxx() / 2;
y = getmaxy() / 2;

for (i=30; i<200; i++)



arc(x, y, 0, 180, i-10);


int main()
return 0;


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IMPLEMENTATION OF “Project Topic Name”

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In conclusion, the Rainbow Animation microproject showcases the seamless integration of

computer graphics principles and programming skills. Through careful design and
implementation, a vibrant and dynamic rainbow animation was achieved, demonstrating a
mastery of key concepts such as color blending, animation sequencing, and user interaction. This
project not only enhances visual appeal but also serves as a testament to the creative possibilities
within the realm of computer graphics. Overall, the successful execution of this microproject
underscores the importance of combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on application in the
fascinating field of computer graphics.

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Website Name:

Reference Books Name: Computer Graphics

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