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Republic of Korea

United Nations Environment Programme

Discussing The Implementation Of Cop 28 Agreement With Special

Emphasis On Countering Triple Planetary Crisis

The Republic of Korea acknowledges the urgency of addressing the triple planetary crisis –
climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution – and recognizes the importance of a strong
and comprehensive implementation of the COP 28 Agreement. While the Agreement
represents a significant step forward, it is crucial to translate aspirations into concrete actions.
South Korea stands committed to playing a leading role in this collective endeavor.

The gap between promised and delivered climate funds hinders developing nations. South
Korea champions innovative models like Green Bonds and urges developed nations to fulfill
pledges. Robust MRV frameworks are crucial for trust and effectiveness. South Korea
actively participates in discussions to strengthen them. Short-term economic interests and
national priorities can hinder progress. South Korea advocates for stronger international
cooperation and dialogue. Developed nations, including South Korea, must share knowledge
and transfer clean technologies to developing nations. South Korea contributes to the Green
Climate Fund and explores innovative financing solutions.We are committed to a 30%
renewable energy share by 2030 and phasing out coal-fired power plants. We actively
promote resource efficiency and waste minimization through initiatives like the Green
Growth Strategy. We are committed to protecting biodiversity through national parks, species
programs, and international agreements.South Korea pursues inclusive green growth
strategies that prioritize both environmental sustainability and economic
Development. Developed nations must deliver on their pledges to support developing
countries. Robust reporting and verification systems are essential for effective
implementation. International cooperation, knowledge sharing, and technology transfer are
crucial. Local communities play a vital role and must be empowered for environmental
action.The COP 28 Agreement offers a framework for collective action. However, its success
hinges on collective efforts, shared responsibility, and unwavering commitment from all
nations. South Korea calls upon the international community to: Developed nations must
fulfill their pledges to the Green Climate Fund and explore innovative financing mechanisms
to ensure adequate resources for developing nations. Robust and transparent reporting and
verification systems are essential for building trust, ensuring accountability, and promoting
effective implementation of the Agreement.Overcoming the triple planetary crisis requires
strong international cooperation, knowledge sharing, and technology transfer. We must
prioritize collaboration and dialogue over political divisions to achieve our shared
goals.Local communities play a vital role in environmental preservation and sustainable
development. We must empower them through capacity building, access to information, and
participation in decision-making processes.

South Korea remains steadfast in its commitment to tackling the triple planetary crisis. We
stand ready to collaborate with the international community, share our experiences, and
actively contribute to building a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for all.

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