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FLUID MEDIUM By: DR Irum shahid

The Nature of Fluids

Substance that flows when
subject to a shear stress.

Air and water are fluid that

exert forces on the human
A Fluid is any substance that tends to flow or continuously deform
when acted on by a shear force
Both gases and liquids are fluids with similar mechanical behaviors.
All liquid are fluid but not all fluid are liquid.
Liquid is the second state of matter, between solid and gas
The Nature of Fluids:

Relative Motion:
The velocity of a body relative to a fluid
influences the magnitude of the forces
exerted by the fluid on the body

Relative velocity:
Velocity of the body with respect to the
velocity something else, such as the
surrounding fluid.
The Nature of Fluids
Velocity of cyclist relative to wind (20 m/s)
Cyclist’s velocity (15 m/s)

Head wind
(5 m/s)

Velocity of cyclist relative to wind (10 m/s)

Cyclist’s velocity (15 m/s)

Tail wind
(5 m/s)

vc/w = vc- vw
The Nature of Fluids

Laminar flow:
Flow characterized by
the smooth ,parallel
layers of fluid.
For example:
Flow of viscous fluid
through pipe or tube i.e
honey and syrup.
The Nature of Fluids

Turbulent flow: Region of Motion of

Flow characterized by turbulence sphere

mixing of adjacent fluid

For example:
Blood flow in arteries,
ocean current, flow
through pumps and
When an object moves with sufficiently high velocity relative to
surrounding fluid, the layer near surface of the object mix and the
flow is termed turbulent.
Laminar flow and turbulent flow are distinct categories.
In the case of the human body during swimming ,flow is neither
completely laminar nor completely turbulent but transitional
between the two.
The Nature of Fluids

fluid properties:
ØFluid density
ØSpecific weight
Ø Fluid viscosity
ØDensity is defined as mass/volume
ØRatio of weight to volume is known as specific weight.
ØThe denser and heavier the fluid medium surrounding a body ,
the greater the magnitude of the forces the fluid exerts on body.
The property of fluid viscosity the internal resistance of fluid to
The greater the extent to which a fluid resists flow under an
applied force, the more viscous the fluid is .WATER vs Honey
Because of molecular motion in gases increase with temperature,
the viscosity of gases also increases. the viscosity of liquid decrease
with increased temperature because of a reduction in the cohesive
forces among the molecule.

Buoyancy is a fluid force that always acts vertically upward.

Archimedes’ principle that the magnitude of the buoyancy force
acting on a given body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced
by the body.
Buoyancy is calculated as the product of the displaced volume and
fluid specific weight:
Fb = Vd γ
•The more the surrounding fluid, the greater
the magnitude of the buoyant force.
•Since sea water is more dense than fresh
water, a given object buoyancy is greater in
sea water than in fresh water.
•People who cannot float in swimming pools
may in Utah's great salt lake, in which the
density of the water surpasses even that of
the density of the water surpasses even that
The magnitude of the buoyant force is directly related to the
volume of the submerged object, the point at which the buoyant
force acts is the object center of volume which is also known as
center of buoyancy
The center of volume is the point around which a body volume is
equally distributed.
The ability of a body to float in a fluid medium depends on the
relationship between the body buoyancy and its weight
When weight and the buoyant force are the only two forces acting
on a body and their magnitude are equal, the body floats in a
motionless state in accordance with the principles of static
If the magnitude of the weight is greater than that of the buoyant
force, the body sinks ,moving downward in the direction of the
net force.
Buoyancy is most commonly of interest relative to the floatation
of the human body in water.
Some individual cannot float in a motionless position and other
float with little effort.
This difference in floatability is a function of body density.
Density of bone and muscle is greater than the density of fat,
individuals who are extremely muscular and have little body fat
have higher average body densities than individuals with less
muscle .less dense bones or more body fat.
If two individuals have an identical body volume, the one with the
higher weight more.alternatively,if two people have the same body
weight the person with the higher body density has a smaller body
volume. For floatation to occur ,the body volume must be large
enough to create a buoyant force greater than or equal to the
body weight.
Many individuals can float only holding a large volume of inspired
The orientation of the human body as it floats in water is
determined by the relative position of the total body center of
gravity to the total body center of volume.
Typically ,COG is inferior to the COV due to relatively large
volume and relatively small weight of the lungs.
Becoz weight act COG and buoyancy acts at the COV, a torque is
created that rotates the body until it is positioned so that these
two forces are vertically aligned and the torque cease to exist.
In order for a body to float, the buoyant forces it generates must
equal or exceed its weight.
When beginning swimmers try to float on their back, they
typically assume a horizontal body positioned. Once the swimmer
relax ,the lower end of the body sinks, because of the acting torque.
Other strategies that a swimmer can use to reduce torque on the
body when entering a back float position include extending the
arms backward in the water above the head and flexing the knees ,
both tactics elevate the location of the COG, positioning it closer to
the COV.
During swimming with the front crawl stroke, the center of
buoyancy is shifted toward the feet when the recovery arm and
part of the head are above the surface of the water. At this point
in the cycle, the buoyant torque tends to elevate the feet, rather
than the reverse.
A drag is a resistance force: a force that slows the motion of a body moving through
a fluid.
Drag force acting on a body in relative motion with respect to a fluid is defined by the
following formula:
FD = ½ CD Apv2 Where:
• FD = drag,
•CD=Coefficient of drag,  is the fluid density, Ap is the projected area of the body or the surface area of the body
oriented perpendicular to the fluid flow, and v is the relative velocity of the body with respect to the fluid.
The coefficient of drag is a unit less number that serves as an
index of the amount of drag an object can generate.
Its size depends on the shape and orientation of a body relative to
the fluid flow, With long streamlined bodies generally having lower
coefficients of drag than blunt or irregularly shaped objects.
If the coefficient of drag, the fluid density and projected area of
the body remain constant, drag increases with the square of the
relative velocity of motion. This relationship is referred to as the
theoretical square law.
According to this law, if cyclists double their speed and other
factors remain constant,
The drag force opposing them increase fourfold.
1. surface drag
2. form drag
3. wave drag.
Known as skin friction, surface drag or viscous drag.
Skin surface is derived from the sliding contact between successive
layers of fluid close to the surface of a moving body.
The force the body exerts on the fluid in creating the boundary
layers result is an oppositely directed reaction force exerted by the
fluid on the body. This reaction force is known as skin friction.
Velocity of fluid flow
Surface area of the body over which the flow occurs
Roughness of the body surface
Viscosity of the fluid.
Also known as profile drag or pressure drag
Resistance created by a pressure differential between the lead and
rear side of body moving through a fluid.
Whenever a pressure differential exists, a force is directed from
the region of high pressure to the region of low pressure.
•Relative velocity of the body with respect to the fluid
•Magnitude of pressure gradient between the front and rear ends
of the body.
•Size of the surface area that is aligned perpendicular to the flow.
Resistance created by the generated of waves at the interface
between two different fluids, such as air and water.
The magnitude of wave drag increases with greater up-and-down
motion of the body and increased swimming speed.
The height of the wave generated in front of a swimmer increase
proportionally with the swimming velocity, although at given
velocity ,skilled swimmers produce smaller waves than less skilled
swimmers, presumably due to better technique.
Force acting on a body in a fluid in a direction perpendicular to the fluid
Can assume any direction ,depends upon.
Fluid flow
Orientation of the body
FL = ½CLApv2
FL represent lift force,cl is the coefficient of lift,  is fluid
density,ap is the surface area against which lift is generated, and v
is the relative velocity of a body with respect to a fluid. the factor.
Coefficient of lift:
Unit less number that is an index of a body's ability to generate lift
Lift force may be created is for shape of the
moving body to resemble of a foil.
Shape capable of generating lift in the presence
of a fluid flow.
An expression of the inverse relationship between relative velocity
and relative pressure in a fluid flow.
Regions of relative high-veocity fluid flow are associated with
regions of relative low pressure, and regions of relative low-
velocity are associated with regions of high pressure.
When these region of relative low and high pressure are created
an opposite side of the foil, the result is a lift force directed
perpendicular to the foil from the zone of high pressure toward
the low-pressure zone.
Greater the velocity of foil relative to the fluid, the greater the
pressure differential and lift force generated.
Other contributing factors are the fluid density and the surface
area of the flat side of the foil. as both of these variables increase,
lift increases.
An additional factor of influence is the coefficient of lift, which
indicates a body ability to generate lift based on its shape.
Human hand resemble foil shape.
Discus,javelin,and Frisbee.
Angle between the longitudinal axis of a body and the direction of
the fluid flow.
An important factor in launching a lift-prodcuing projectile for
maximum range.
A positive angle of attack is necessary to generate o lift force.
The magnitude of the lift force divided by the magnitude of the
total drag force acting on a body at a given time.
The largest lift/drag ratio for a discus traveling at a relative
velocity of 24 m/s is generated at an angle of attack of 10 degree.
Thank you   

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