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Use Case Diagram Of Student Result Management system

Actors: Student: Represents the primary user of the system who

interacts with it to view their results and manage their profile.

Admin: Represents the system administrator or staff member

responsible for managing student records, courses, and results within
the system.

Use Cases:

➢ View Results: This use case allows students to view their academic
results stored in the system. It involves retrieving and displaying
relevant result information based on the student's enrollment and
completed courses.

➢ View Student Details: Students can use this use case to access and
review their personal profile information stored in the system. They
may also have the option to update their contact details, academic
program, or other relevant information

➢ View Student Details By Admin: This use case enables admins to

manage student records within the system. It includes tasks such
as adding new students, updating existing records, or removing
students who are no longer enrolled.

➢ Manage Courses: Admins can use this use case to manage course-
related information within the system. Tasks may include adding
new courses, updating existing course details, or removing obsolete
courses from the database.

➢ Manage Results: Admins have the responsibility to manage

academic results within the system. Ts involves tasks such as
inputting grades, updating result records, or generating reports
based on student performance.

➢ System Boundary: The boundary of the use case diagram

encapsulates all the actors and use cases involved in the SRMS. It
represents the scope of the system and defines what is included
within it.

➢ Association: Arrows connecting actors to use cases represent the

interactions between them. For example, the arrow from the
"Student" actor to the "View Results" use case indicates that
students can initiate the action of viewing their results.

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