Activity - Malobago

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Name: Malobago, Hillary Shena A.

Section: 60050
S.N.: 202210709 Subject: TH121E

Listen to the reflection shared by Cardinal Tagle on the Greatest Commandment and the Golden
Rule featured in the YouTube with the link:

Based On the Greatest Commandment of Love, give your insights by answering the following
1. In what way do you express your love for self? Cite at least three instances or three most
important things you did to express your love for self.
My way of expressing love to myself is to take care of my body, treat me
right and love myself. One thing I do to express my love for myself is to take care
of myself, treat me the way I deserve to be treated. Second, surrounding myself
with people that are good for my mental health like good friends and finding
people to talk with that I can connect with. Third, treat myself and adopt a
positive mentality. When I achieve something or get stressed I always treat myself
such as buying what I want or eating what I want moreover, I always stay positive
in any kind of situations, adopting this kind of mindset helps me alot in stressful

2. In the condition of our world or society at present, who do you think are the ones who
need most of Love? Cite a particular group or sector and explain in what way would you
appropriate to them the commandment “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
In today's condition, I think the people that need love the most are the
children affected by wars or conflict between countries. I felt like they are the
ones’ who are growing without their childhood, they will grow up and probably
won’t look back at their childhood. I am a lucky child with a great childhood
where I can say that I want to go back to that time of my life but these children
won’t even think about it with those horrible events that happened to them, they
have been snatched of great childhood memories. They might come from a
chaotic country but I believe that these children are hoping for peace to come to
their hometown one day.

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